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Monday, May 20, 2013

2001- A Year of Compulsive and Pervasive Change for Most Americans!

 Myself included ! One of my Parents died and another was dying during the second half of this yea. My Mom died on July 11Th, 2001- My Dad suffering in agony from Rectal Cancer died on January 6TH, 2002.

 The consequences of an abusive and scarring child hodd afflicted me during those 6 months.  I had not been in contact with my parents for years- It was a part of my healing this this be so. I did have contact with my sister Jean, but this was infrequent.

On July 15TH, I learned of my mothers death. I was in Hendersonville, NC, working at a Four Square Scopel Camp- Camp Courtney at that time. God did a lot of healing during that next week.

My sister Jean stood as a barrier to contacting my father and he died without my having a last conversation with him.

9/11 / 01 affected everyone and I grived for my country as did many in the days to come after the events in New York, Pennsylvania and Virginia.

I also grieved for my childhood stiil  hurting me as a 46 year old adult. God, Thank you for getting me through and beyond those so dark and melancoly days!

- Johnny -

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