I saw a nearly 3 year writer's block break on Saturday- a block that had kept me from doing one of my favorite things- writing devotionals for highly creative and intellectually curious children and youth!
I also tutored today- for the first time in a long while. This seems to be asign that something new and fascinating may be beginning to occur in my life!
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Monday, April 25, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
It makes a difference!!!!
When you feel trapped and lost, abandoned, hopeless, optionless and limited, You need something to believe in, something to keep you energized.
You need to know that giving up, stopping and letting yourself be crushed are not options you can submit to- are never, N!E!V!E!R! options that you can live by or in !
I'm glad that I have a friend who won History's greatest victory at a time when all seemed totally dire and hopeless.
Walking out of a tomb makes Him the Ultimatele simple of hope, possibility and victory!
You need to know that giving up, stopping and letting yourself be crushed are not options you can submit to- are never, N!E!V!E!R! options that you can live by or in !
I'm glad that I have a friend who won History's greatest victory at a time when all seemed totally dire and hopeless.
Walking out of a tomb makes Him the Ultimatele simple of hope, possibility and victory!
Saturday, April 23, 2011
The Dark Saturday !
If you are a Born- Again Christian - as I am !- You believe absolutely that Jesus Christ is alive today and forever more. You believe that He is Fully God and Fully Man.
You live by the belief that He was born of a virgin and lived a perfect and sinless life! You stand by a belief that He healed and preached of people's need to get into a right and proper relationship with God The Father. The only way for that to happen was to accept Jesus and accept His as Your Lord and Savior. Jesus worked amazing miracles and He often spoke of the people's need to be freed and absolved of their sins. He taught that He was the only way that this was possible, He also taught that He came to die on the Cross and that His own shed blood would provide the forgiveness that all of us HAD to be accorded. It was only be accepting Him and by trusting in His sacrifice that we can be granted forgiveness and have access to God's healing and restoring grace.
A study of the Gospels show that people got excited about Jesus because of the wonders and the miracles! They saw Him as the one who would free them from the oppression of the Romans Even those closest to Him, His 12 Hand Picked Apostles and those and sit and listened to Him teach often either did not know or knew and decided to dismiss His preachings and teachings concerning The Cross of Calvary. They were excited by what they saw and had vision of being with Jesus and seeing Him amaze them for long years to come. A 3 year ministry and seeing Jesus die the humiliating death of a criminal on The Cross seemed like a horrible nightmare that they did NOT wish to think about and dismissed regularly.
As often as Jesus spoke about His death, He spoke as much about how The Cross would not be the end of Him and His ministry. He spoke of His Resurrection, His total and absolute conquest of The Grave and emcouraged those who sincerely listened to yearn for what God would start to do after His resurrection.
Jesus was arrested on The First Holy Thursday Night after initiating the practice of Communion.He was beaten, tortured, tormented and brutalized EVEN before He was affixed by nails to The Cross! He spent 3 hours on The Cross and died at 3 PM on that First Good Friday. He was also run through with a spear before He was taken down from the Cross.
He was laid in a borrowed tomb. The Very Next Day, Saturday, Some of the Religious Leaders who had harangued The Roman Governor, Pilate, for His Execution. Now insisted that there was a chance that His followers would steal the body and claim that He'd risen from the dead! A large rock was rolled in front of the enterance to His tom and it was sealed with armed Roman soldiers guarding it.
On This Saturday, The Apostles and Disciples walked around dispirited, defeated, abandoned and depressed, They'd fled away from Jesus as He was arrested. Everything He now had spoken if seemed to be meaningless and utterly and impractically worthless. Some were in hiding, Thinking that they would soon be arrested for being connected to Him.
The reason for this gloom and defeatism was thinking- On THIS Saturday, That all the promise and hope that Jesus represented died and was buried and forever gone- just as they now totally believed that He was!
The Believers know the rest of the Story- He Conquered Death and defeated the grave at The First light of Sunday morning. Yet, These same apostles and disciples knew that He had died and been dead for OVER 30 hours. If you read the accounts of The First Easter with these long hours of Saturday in mind, This serves to energize and ignite the energy, passion and stunning power of their response to The Risen Jesus!
Praise God for His triumph! He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! Let us rejoice in this. However, Please keep in mind that between The First Good Friday and The First Easter, wedged inbetween these two days, There WAS a DARK! SATURDAY!
- Johnny-
You live by the belief that He was born of a virgin and lived a perfect and sinless life! You stand by a belief that He healed and preached of people's need to get into a right and proper relationship with God The Father. The only way for that to happen was to accept Jesus and accept His as Your Lord and Savior. Jesus worked amazing miracles and He often spoke of the people's need to be freed and absolved of their sins. He taught that He was the only way that this was possible, He also taught that He came to die on the Cross and that His own shed blood would provide the forgiveness that all of us HAD to be accorded. It was only be accepting Him and by trusting in His sacrifice that we can be granted forgiveness and have access to God's healing and restoring grace.
A study of the Gospels show that people got excited about Jesus because of the wonders and the miracles! They saw Him as the one who would free them from the oppression of the Romans Even those closest to Him, His 12 Hand Picked Apostles and those and sit and listened to Him teach often either did not know or knew and decided to dismiss His preachings and teachings concerning The Cross of Calvary. They were excited by what they saw and had vision of being with Jesus and seeing Him amaze them for long years to come. A 3 year ministry and seeing Jesus die the humiliating death of a criminal on The Cross seemed like a horrible nightmare that they did NOT wish to think about and dismissed regularly.
As often as Jesus spoke about His death, He spoke as much about how The Cross would not be the end of Him and His ministry. He spoke of His Resurrection, His total and absolute conquest of The Grave and emcouraged those who sincerely listened to yearn for what God would start to do after His resurrection.
Jesus was arrested on The First Holy Thursday Night after initiating the practice of Communion.He was beaten, tortured, tormented and brutalized EVEN before He was affixed by nails to The Cross! He spent 3 hours on The Cross and died at 3 PM on that First Good Friday. He was also run through with a spear before He was taken down from the Cross.
He was laid in a borrowed tomb. The Very Next Day, Saturday, Some of the Religious Leaders who had harangued The Roman Governor, Pilate, for His Execution. Now insisted that there was a chance that His followers would steal the body and claim that He'd risen from the dead! A large rock was rolled in front of the enterance to His tom and it was sealed with armed Roman soldiers guarding it.
On This Saturday, The Apostles and Disciples walked around dispirited, defeated, abandoned and depressed, They'd fled away from Jesus as He was arrested. Everything He now had spoken if seemed to be meaningless and utterly and impractically worthless. Some were in hiding, Thinking that they would soon be arrested for being connected to Him.
The reason for this gloom and defeatism was thinking- On THIS Saturday, That all the promise and hope that Jesus represented died and was buried and forever gone- just as they now totally believed that He was!
The Believers know the rest of the Story- He Conquered Death and defeated the grave at The First light of Sunday morning. Yet, These same apostles and disciples knew that He had died and been dead for OVER 30 hours. If you read the accounts of The First Easter with these long hours of Saturday in mind, This serves to energize and ignite the energy, passion and stunning power of their response to The Risen Jesus!
Praise God for His triumph! He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! Let us rejoice in this. However, Please keep in mind that between The First Good Friday and The First Easter, wedged inbetween these two days, There WAS a DARK! SATURDAY!
- Johnny-
The ! Washington ! Capitals ! - VENCEREMOS! !
Venceremos- A Spanish expression meaning "We Shall Win !" or "We shall prevail !' would seem to be an odd one to apply to a Professional Sports Franchise located in the Greater Washington DC Area! Washington sports have been rather moribund and lack luster for a NUMBER of years.
A year ago, The Capitals seemed like an exciting, daring and ON PAPER a serious contender to win The Stanley Cup. We know the Capitals broke the hearts of their fans by losing a First Round series to the Montreal Canadiens. Perhaps, This is a bit of karma- We have their Former Baseball Team and The Capitals were certainly had by them a depressing year ago!
This year, The Capital spend most of this recently concluded regular season looking lost and frustrated and frustrating. The style of last year- when the way they scored made them look like a version of The Old San Diego Chargers or The Show Time Lakers- was drastically altered by their Coach , Bruce Boudreau. He asked them to crash the net more, go for second and third chance shots and drove them to play a more workmanlike, grittier and more consciously defensive style of hockey.
By the end of The Regular Season, The Caps were looking sharp and formidable once again! The Caps have looked strong so far, dispatching The Broadway Blueshirts- The New York Rangers- earlier today in FIVE! games.
In a town where The Redskins are ofter odious. where the Wizards are just beginning to be rebuilt and where the Nationals are still seasons away from being a possible contender, The Capitals are fun, exciting, compelling and charismatic!
So, Today, I'm willing to loudly and proudly declare- The Capitals- Venceremos!
A year ago, The Capitals seemed like an exciting, daring and ON PAPER a serious contender to win The Stanley Cup. We know the Capitals broke the hearts of their fans by losing a First Round series to the Montreal Canadiens. Perhaps, This is a bit of karma- We have their Former Baseball Team and The Capitals were certainly had by them a depressing year ago!
This year, The Capital spend most of this recently concluded regular season looking lost and frustrated and frustrating. The style of last year- when the way they scored made them look like a version of The Old San Diego Chargers or The Show Time Lakers- was drastically altered by their Coach , Bruce Boudreau. He asked them to crash the net more, go for second and third chance shots and drove them to play a more workmanlike, grittier and more consciously defensive style of hockey.
By the end of The Regular Season, The Caps were looking sharp and formidable once again! The Caps have looked strong so far, dispatching The Broadway Blueshirts- The New York Rangers- earlier today in FIVE! games.
In a town where The Redskins are ofter odious. where the Wizards are just beginning to be rebuilt and where the Nationals are still seasons away from being a possible contender, The Capitals are fun, exciting, compelling and charismatic!
So, Today, I'm willing to loudly and proudly declare- The Capitals- Venceremos!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
When the design is exceeded, Then????
I find it interesting when it comes to human beings, We insist on finding natural reasons for what people can do that exceeds the natural that we already know of! Most of these searches seem to be focused upon areas that are known as either the spiritual or the intangible.
Mind, intuition, kindness, altruism, generosity are among the aspects of our humanity that seem to fluster some who try to explain hopw these atributes could have just come to be without any outside agency or without any additional outside of humanity imput.
Yet, Often these explnations try to trace to genes or areas of the brain we do not yet KNOW much about as the source of these attributes that are of us but yet not of us- not a reflexive or chemically or internally bio-electrically triggered response!
Yet, These same people do not wish to factor in that reality could be a created construct. They readily reject the POSSIBILITY that we are intelligently designed and through the imput of Someone greater than ousrselves we are far more than the adding up of our biologically traceable posasibilities.
I can't prove my supposition, I admit this. Can they show me, however, why this is an invalid explanation?
Mind, intuition, kindness, altruism, generosity are among the aspects of our humanity that seem to fluster some who try to explain hopw these atributes could have just come to be without any outside agency or without any additional outside of humanity imput.
Yet, Often these explnations try to trace to genes or areas of the brain we do not yet KNOW much about as the source of these attributes that are of us but yet not of us- not a reflexive or chemically or internally bio-electrically triggered response!
Yet, These same people do not wish to factor in that reality could be a created construct. They readily reject the POSSIBILITY that we are intelligently designed and through the imput of Someone greater than ousrselves we are far more than the adding up of our biologically traceable posasibilities.
I can't prove my supposition, I admit this. Can they show me, however, why this is an invalid explanation?
In these days, It seems that we want things to be low in cost because price is ,often ,our primary concern.
We want the best we can purchase at the very lowest possible price.
This is the opposite of what happened nearly 2,000 years ago when someone paid the Highest imaginable price to pay a debt that no one else could possibly pay!
We want the best we can purchase at the very lowest possible price.
This is the opposite of what happened nearly 2,000 years ago when someone paid the Highest imaginable price to pay a debt that no one else could possibly pay!
Monday, April 18, 2011
How important is promptness?
I see promptness as being a vital way to you or I or anyone to demonstrate that I am dependable and trustworthy. Seeking to be where I will be when I said that I would be these simply shows that the person, place, event or circumstance is considered vital to me, that he.,she or it matters to me.
When you are first getting to know someone, All they can do to determine your quality as a person is - Will you do as they say you will do?. How much effort will you put into what you say you will do? They also can learn Are you willing to apologize if you are not able to keep your commitment?
All of this indicates, to me, why promptness is important and highly valuable!
When you are first getting to know someone, All they can do to determine your quality as a person is - Will you do as they say you will do?. How much effort will you put into what you say you will do? They also can learn Are you willing to apologize if you are not able to keep your commitment?
All of this indicates, to me, why promptness is important and highly valuable!
When they step forward...
We train and teach the children of our society. We encourage them, we place before them noble and motivating examples.We want them to step forward, to take these encouragements and inspirations seriously and take up the challenges set before them. We look for our youth to achieve. So, When they step forward, How do we respond?
When our society's children and youth do noble things, when they make sacrifices, when they show not only promise but actually accomplish well today, How do we honor them? What do we do to show them that they have done well. How do we show that we are amazed and impressed?
We are quick to wring our hands when young people perform atrociously and disappoint us! We also need to be quick to salute, to cheer, to celebrate and honor them for being willing to be active and improving a world they are still relatively new to!
When our society's children and youth do noble things, when they make sacrifices, when they show not only promise but actually accomplish well today, How do we honor them? What do we do to show them that they have done well. How do we show that we are amazed and impressed?
We are quick to wring our hands when young people perform atrociously and disappoint us! We also need to be quick to salute, to cheer, to celebrate and honor them for being willing to be active and improving a world they are still relatively new to!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Two simple thoughts on belief
If it is true, It doesn't matter if a billion people argue against it, It doesn't make what is true any less valid!
If it is not true, It doesn't matter if a billion people argue for it, It doesn't make it any more valid!
If it is not true, It doesn't matter if a billion people argue for it, It doesn't make it any more valid!
I believe it is best for JOHNNY not to be alone!
I'm going to be bold here- I believe that it is very bad, damaging and corrosive for me to be alone and for me to spend too much time with I sharing with myself and me!
I know that I have been told the value of " Liking Myself, Loving Myself and Being My Own Best Friend"!!!! I know the strong truths in those concepts. I value them and practice them with great vigor, intensity and commitment.
I also pray, meditate, I am in counseling and participate in a strong church. Yet, I also hear spiritual truths that I feel that I do not take seriously enough, "It is not good for man to be alone, For Lack of Vision, A people perish and deferred make the heart sick."
I am not profiting by eating too many meals alone. I'd like to go to a movie or or on a long walk with an individual who I care about and feel relaxed and at ease with, not as a pat of a group, a herd or a crowd. I know spontaneous interactions as a concept/ idea/ theory not as something I regularly practice.
I know that things do not happen instantaneously, that wishing things were different and wanting that to happen now does not , THIS INSTANT, make them so! Yet, Moving towards, making progress towards being able to believe that you are heading towards an outcome you desire is motivating, empowering and makes Johnny or anyone a more pleasant, positive, enjoyable and lovable person to be in the presence of!
Codependency author Claudia Black teachers that relationship issues are impossible to work out in theory or in practice exercises. She strongly advocates that- Relationship Issues can ONLY be worked out in relationships.You can only progress in relationship matters by interactions with others!!!! The Founder of Toastmasters, Doctor Ralph Smedley ,believed that, "Learning occurs best in times of Enjoyment." I'd like to experience much greater enjoyment throughout the rest of 2011 and beyond!
I know that I have been told the value of " Liking Myself, Loving Myself and Being My Own Best Friend"!!!! I know the strong truths in those concepts. I value them and practice them with great vigor, intensity and commitment.
I also pray, meditate, I am in counseling and participate in a strong church. Yet, I also hear spiritual truths that I feel that I do not take seriously enough, "It is not good for man to be alone, For Lack of Vision, A people perish and deferred make the heart sick."
I am not profiting by eating too many meals alone. I'd like to go to a movie or or on a long walk with an individual who I care about and feel relaxed and at ease with, not as a pat of a group, a herd or a crowd. I know spontaneous interactions as a concept/ idea/ theory not as something I regularly practice.
I know that things do not happen instantaneously, that wishing things were different and wanting that to happen now does not , THIS INSTANT, make them so! Yet, Moving towards, making progress towards being able to believe that you are heading towards an outcome you desire is motivating, empowering and makes Johnny or anyone a more pleasant, positive, enjoyable and lovable person to be in the presence of!
Codependency author Claudia Black teachers that relationship issues are impossible to work out in theory or in practice exercises. She strongly advocates that- Relationship Issues can ONLY be worked out in relationships.You can only progress in relationship matters by interactions with others!!!! The Founder of Toastmasters, Doctor Ralph Smedley ,believed that, "Learning occurs best in times of Enjoyment." I'd like to experience much greater enjoyment throughout the rest of 2011 and beyond!
Mood Tuning
I spent too many years just telling people that "I am in a mood". This simply meant that I wanted to find an excuse to be morose, nasty, unpleasant, thin- skinned and difficult. Some cliches are really not very smart to embrace and buy into, The one I bought into, too readily and too easily is that, " Misery loves company".
One of the Best things I've ever done is to learn a life-enhancing program called DBT - Dialectical Behavior Therapy. One of the features of this therapy is to stop thinking in terms of absolutes. It is also allows people to be able to work well with opposites.
One idea that I enjoy is using a deliberate choice of using a shift in facial expressions to alter your mood. Putting a smile on your face and working to keep it there can help you to actually feel much happier and more contented.
It does work!
One of the Best things I've ever done is to learn a life-enhancing program called DBT - Dialectical Behavior Therapy. One of the features of this therapy is to stop thinking in terms of absolutes. It is also allows people to be able to work well with opposites.
One idea that I enjoy is using a deliberate choice of using a shift in facial expressions to alter your mood. Putting a smile on your face and working to keep it there can help you to actually feel much happier and more contented.
It does work!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
We chpose, We think, We live by Our Principles and we advocate that which believe to be right to others. This is how we practically celebrate our Freedoms.
That which brings a smile to your face, That which cause you to feel exhilarated and delighted. That which appeals to and alerts your sense and cause them to celebrate and rejoice.
Self- care is important for us to know that we matter to ourselves! Practicing savoring who we are and what we are all about is a way for us to acknowledge that we are glad to be alive!
Self- care is important for us to know that we matter to ourselves! Practicing savoring who we are and what we are all about is a way for us to acknowledge that we are glad to be alive!
The Peace
We are to be peacemakers. The Bible reminds us that, " As far as it depends upon you, Be at peace with all men!"
A smile, a kind word, being willing to turn the other cheek! We can be healers and most Christlike if we simply seek, in every way we can imagine to serve as active and creative peacemakers!
A smile, a kind word, being willing to turn the other cheek! We can be healers and most Christlike if we simply seek, in every way we can imagine to serve as active and creative peacemakers!
I'm learning that my desire to always control the timing of events and have my desires to control the timing of everything and anything does not work and makes my life even more difficult to live.
Letting go and being co-operative does not always feel comfortable oir comforting but it does make it Much easier to live with others.
Letting go and being co-operative does not always feel comfortable oir comforting but it does make it Much easier to live with others.
Friday, April 15, 2011
I'm so prone to condemn myself!
I am blessed, then,to serve a God who does not condemn me and who frees me from condemnation, " There is, therefore, NO condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus!"
Some Things just are...
One connected with Superman was the phrase " Truth, Justice and The American Way". Two of those are values that we believe are critical to maintain. Not everyone, certainly, believes that The American way is The Right way to do things.
We do believe that people matter and that wanting the best possible future for every person is the best way to consider the future. We believe that Freedom gives people the best chance to learn and to decide what is truly best for him or herself. We also are confident that great teachers are vital at helping each one of us to learn how to, over time, make the best choices as we learn, over time, to make better and better choices!
I do believe that it is good for us to crave the best and to yearn to develop the skill to see as clearly as possible what works well for us and others.
We do believe that people matter and that wanting the best possible future for every person is the best way to consider the future. We believe that Freedom gives people the best chance to learn and to decide what is truly best for him or herself. We also are confident that great teachers are vital at helping each one of us to learn how to, over time, make the best choices as we learn, over time, to make better and better choices!
I do believe that it is good for us to crave the best and to yearn to develop the skill to see as clearly as possible what works well for us and others.
The Battle
As long as I push on for those things that I know to be right and good, even in the stormiest of times, I am in the battle and I am fighting a battle worth winning.
History reminds us that people can advance all of us by being willing to sacrifice.
Originality is the concept that you can make today great by taking a risk and adding audacious newness to it.
Natural is your gift to people , places and circumstance. No one else is you and sees the world as you do!
Openness is revitalizing. People who are unafraid to be known inspire others to take risks that will make a superb difference.
Resourceful is the practice of looking for all you are able to do to achieve everything you are capable of getting done.
Originality is the concept that you can make today great by taking a risk and adding audacious newness to it.
Natural is your gift to people , places and circumstance. No one else is you and sees the world as you do!
Openness is revitalizing. People who are unafraid to be known inspire others to take risks that will make a superb difference.
Resourceful is the practice of looking for all you are able to do to achieve everything you are capable of getting done.
Have Your Own Way!
Some people speak of a SAID faith, In the case of Christianity, This can be used to refer to people saying that they love and serve Jesus. However, It can be true that their words are all that indicate that they are Christians. Nothing to little of what they do would show that Jesus is significant or important to them.
To numerous Christians , Sunday starts what is referred to as "Holy Week". The week that starts with Palm Sunday and Concludes with Easter Sunday/ Resurrection Sunday/ Resurrection Day remember the passion, torments, death and victory of Jesus Christ,
This is a week which can be used to sharply remind those who follow Jesus of what He did for those who call upon Him as Lord and Savior. This can be a week that makes it clear to MANY the difference between what they say they believe compared to what they live out in practice.
Many subscribe to the concept that peaking of what you believe accomplishes rather little but practicing what you believe continually and dependably is an action of authority and power.
To numerous Christians , Sunday starts what is referred to as "Holy Week". The week that starts with Palm Sunday and Concludes with Easter Sunday/ Resurrection Sunday/ Resurrection Day remember the passion, torments, death and victory of Jesus Christ,
This is a week which can be used to sharply remind those who follow Jesus of what He did for those who call upon Him as Lord and Savior. This can be a week that makes it clear to MANY the difference between what they say they believe compared to what they live out in practice.
Many subscribe to the concept that peaking of what you believe accomplishes rather little but practicing what you believe continually and dependably is an action of authority and power.
A Day of Gentleness
For weeks, I've felt overwhelmed by circumstances and events. I've felt that too much is being asked of me and that what is being asked of me is emotionally draining and torturous. I've also thought that the matters that I'm being asked to address have not been well-thought out and is not being done wisely and intelligently. This, of course, is MY opinion.
There is a mixture of important thngs that I agreed to do and some things that I'm being required to do that are VERY time sensitive.Some of the things I'd like not to be doing have actually tainted and spoiled the things that, in better times, I'd greatly enjoy doing.
Today, I decided I needed a break, a bit of peace and I want a good weekend to reassess. I think that some people break at such times because they keep going at a breakneck peace NO MATTER WHAT! Perhaps the very tough and resolute can manage this, For many reasons, It does not seem to work for me.
There is a mixture of important thngs that I agreed to do and some things that I'm being required to do that are VERY time sensitive.Some of the things I'd like not to be doing have actually tainted and spoiled the things that, in better times, I'd greatly enjoy doing.
Today, I decided I needed a break, a bit of peace and I want a good weekend to reassess. I think that some people break at such times because they keep going at a breakneck peace NO MATTER WHAT! Perhaps the very tough and resolute can manage this, For many reasons, It does not seem to work for me.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
The Weird Road Of Release.
There is something to be said for having two friends get into a tiff with you getting the worst of it. Having one of your friends taking their ire out on you.
I guess if you can tell the attacking friend that " That's ok" and wish them a "good night " then a star has just been placed , in your honor on some cosmic bulletin board.
I guess if you can tell the attacking friend that " That's ok" and wish them a "good night " then a star has just been placed , in your honor on some cosmic bulletin board.
" And Names will never harm Me" is NOT a 21St Century Paradigm
The Fining of Kobe Bryant 100,000 Dollars for dropiing a gay slur on a game referee is proof of this. We really do not want to have people free to verbalize hatred freely and insult people simply to insult people in Our Contemporary American Society.
We have decided, by and large, that words CAN be used as weapons. We are also, as a society, deciding to make it clear to everyone that it is NOT at all acceptable to unleash words as weapons of targeted cruelty and disdain in in 2011,
We have decided, by and large, that words CAN be used as weapons. We are also, as a society, deciding to make it clear to everyone that it is NOT at all acceptable to unleash words as weapons of targeted cruelty and disdain in in 2011,
Being Kind
Thinking Clearly
Caring about how my neighbors are doing
Serving as My Neighbor's Neighbor
Doing the Next Right Thing.
No matter how tough my day is, These are still important things to practice today and every day.
Thinking Clearly
Caring about how my neighbors are doing
Serving as My Neighbor's Neighbor
Doing the Next Right Thing.
No matter how tough my day is, These are still important things to practice today and every day.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Public Prayers
On The Day that John Kennedy died, People were seen praying in the open. As the Crippled Apollo 13 limped home from The Moon, People were seen praying in public. On September 11th, People prayed publically and quite visibly on the sidewalks of communities all over the US.
Was this a solidarity of grief? An release of tension? or Was that an outpouring of Spirituality? Or SOMETHING Quite Else? What do you think was going on at those times?
Was this a solidarity of grief? An release of tension? or Was that an outpouring of Spirituality? Or SOMETHING Quite Else? What do you think was going on at those times?
It is ever right on line to say, in on line venues"- I don't like you, I want nothing at all to do with you. Anything I post you are NOT AT ALL welcomed or invited to post on and I will show you that self same respect and dignity."!!!!
I so like Facebook for letting us keep out people who we do not care to hear from. To people who are likely to SLIME- to be blunt- our walls with negativity or smarminess, They should be prevented from doing so.
Most Forums seem to allow Forums to be polluted in such a manner- a practice I intensely object to!
I so like Facebook for letting us keep out people who we do not care to hear from. To people who are likely to SLIME- to be blunt- our walls with negativity or smarminess, They should be prevented from doing so.
Most Forums seem to allow Forums to be polluted in such a manner- a practice I intensely object to!
The Rain is Gone
At least for the moment, It has turned into a bright afternoon on this Wednesday. I need some blue skies and clearer weather on this Mid week hump day!
Closure is important to me both when I'm working on projects on my own and with others. I like to work hard factor in the opinions of others and then discuss and then decide. The implement what has been decided. Once,We've arrived at whaty we/ I agreed to once, everything AGREED UPON and settled is over , then, It needs to be done, finished concluded. Those involved in that project then need to move on.
If you are going to work with me, You need to know that having closure is V!I!T!A!L! I keep my promises, I expect you to keep yours. I honor my word- you NEED to honor yours.Part of my sense of outrage is preparing an apartment for inspection for four days for a 4 PM Monday inspection. I was told by people from County Mental Health, The Building Managers and My Housing Provider that this is how things needed to be done and that I needed to have the apartment ready.
I worked hard and well and the apartment was ready. At 4 PM, I was the only one here. At 4:40, Someone came by to inspect the apartment. I was told, the next day that the wrong person was sent, I was told that inspection would not due and so now, The APARTMENT will be expected again today, Wednesday, sometime between 9:45 and 11.
I'm so tempted to say that I'm not impressed with their competence. You set a deadline, keep it. Unless you can explain to me WHY you didn't show up to my satisfaction, You have NOTHING to say that is worth listening to!
If you are going to work with me, You need to know that having closure is V!I!T!A!L! I keep my promises, I expect you to keep yours. I honor my word- you NEED to honor yours.Part of my sense of outrage is preparing an apartment for inspection for four days for a 4 PM Monday inspection. I was told by people from County Mental Health, The Building Managers and My Housing Provider that this is how things needed to be done and that I needed to have the apartment ready.
I worked hard and well and the apartment was ready. At 4 PM, I was the only one here. At 4:40, Someone came by to inspect the apartment. I was told, the next day that the wrong person was sent, I was told that inspection would not due and so now, The APARTMENT will be expected again today, Wednesday, sometime between 9:45 and 11.
I'm so tempted to say that I'm not impressed with their competence. You set a deadline, keep it. Unless you can explain to me WHY you didn't show up to my satisfaction, You have NOTHING to say that is worth listening to!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Manned Space Flight started on this Day in 1961
Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin orbited the Earth on April 12th, 1961. He declared as he orbited the Earth that, " He saw no evidence of God" as he made this one orbit.
Today, April 12Th, is the 150th Anniversary of the Start of The Civil War.
The beginning of The Siege of Fort Sumter. No one knew as that bombardment started where this would lead to. Some describe the Civil War as the 2nd Revolution.
Steven Covey teaches about the importance of " Beginning with the end in Mind." I wonder if on April 12th, 1861 either Jefferson Davis or Abraham Lincoln gave much thought to what the final result of their actions on THIS day would be.
Steven Covey teaches about the importance of " Beginning with the end in Mind." I wonder if on April 12th, 1861 either Jefferson Davis or Abraham Lincoln gave much thought to what the final result of their actions on THIS day would be.
Great Teachers ...
* pave the roads to the future one lesson at a time.
* demonstrate to children the value of an intelligent, thoughtful and well-expressed opinion!
* get children to view great books as being great friends.
* help children to learn that working as teammates to support each other is a marvelous thing to do.
* help children to develop strong, practical and true self-esteem and self respect.
* are true and valuable mentors
* demonstrate to children the value of an intelligent, thoughtful and well-expressed opinion!
* get children to view great books as being great friends.
* help children to learn that working as teammates to support each other is a marvelous thing to do.
* help children to develop strong, practical and true self-esteem and self respect.
* are true and valuable mentors
Thank You , Lord
In the Darkest Day and in the Brightest night, You still love me and are there for me!
Blizzards in April
Trying to keep going this month feels like dealing with a 5 Foot blizzard on this April 12th. I guess drudging on until this all stops and life becomes "warmer" is my only recourse at the present!
How much can I take and endure?
What continually amazes me is the answer is " A Lot more!!!!!!!!!! than I believe I can take and endure!" I may whine, I may scream, I may loudly, intensely and persistantly protest". However, It does seem that I push myself long beyond what I think i'm able to, This is often a surprise to me and it is true that I often gain and grow due to the process of pushing myse;f.
Yet, In 2003, I diid have a nrevous breakdown, I know opushing too long and too hard can create severe emotional and phusical and even spiritual damage.
So, Then, How do you or I or ANYONE actually dertmine whenwe have reached the point that it is clearly unwise, safe and most certainly damaging to push beyond?
Yet, In 2003, I diid have a nrevous breakdown, I know opushing too long and too hard can create severe emotional and phusical and even spiritual damage.
So, Then, How do you or I or ANYONE actually dertmine whenwe have reached the point that it is clearly unwise, safe and most certainly damaging to push beyond?
" This is what I want, This is what I expect
I will settle for nothing less". Are their times when dealing with businesses, companies, stores and government agencies when you can make this your position and stubbornly refuse to compromise on maintaining this stance!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Singing Along
I sang along to a couple of songs while waiting to order a sandwich at a Subway.I was actually in pretty good voice this evening and it felt relaxing and very anxiety releasing.
Becoming your own best friend...
can simply be understood as looking at yourself fully, realistically, kindly, graciously, generously, positively, forgivingly! Work to search for and seek out the best possibilities and options for who you can become!
Giving Myself a Break
I really have not liked myself very well since the First of February, I've sought for a peaceful, quick and misery- imposing answer.
Since Thursday night, March 7th, All has seemed ridiculous, befuddling and nerve-wracking but I've done what I've need to do and gotten a great deal done! I need to remind myself " Good Job" for how I've fared since then!
Since Thursday night, March 7th, All has seemed ridiculous, befuddling and nerve-wracking but I've done what I've need to do and gotten a great deal done! I need to remind myself " Good Job" for how I've fared since then!
The Insurance of Having a Great God
On a tough day, He is there to remind me that He is the Lord of all.
On a day when I can't seem to ask anything more of myself, He is there to let me know that He is my strength and my security!
On a day when I feel empty, He is my fullness.
On a day when I feel I can't get beyond today, He reminds me that I HAVE Eternal life.
On a day when I feel bereft and hopeless, He reminds me that " If I am for you, Who can be against you!"
On day where I feel that I can't be forgiven my mistakes and past bad choices, He reminds me that His Death and Resurrection and my acceptance of that for me, frees me from any and all condemnation!
On a day when I can't seem to ask anything more of myself, He is there to let me know that He is my strength and my security!
On a day when I feel empty, He is my fullness.
On a day when I feel I can't get beyond today, He reminds me that I HAVE Eternal life.
On a day when I feel bereft and hopeless, He reminds me that " If I am for you, Who can be against you!"
On day where I feel that I can't be forgiven my mistakes and past bad choices, He reminds me that His Death and Resurrection and my acceptance of that for me, frees me from any and all condemnation!
The Price of Education.
One of my favorite sayings is, " If you think Education is expensive, try ignorance." In 2011, The cost of education and the recent increases in tuition for colleges over the last few years has risen far greater than anyone anticipated.
Prepaid college tuition programs are now seen as more and more likely to default or not keep the promises that people were offered when they first joined, " Pay into our plans and this plan will pay for your child's college years at a state college or university when the time arrives for he or she to attend college."
So, What is to be done to resolve this dilemma?
Prepaid college tuition programs are now seen as more and more likely to default or not keep the promises that people were offered when they first joined, " Pay into our plans and this plan will pay for your child's college years at a state college or university when the time arrives for he or she to attend college."
So, What is to be done to resolve this dilemma?
Here is my question. I believe in private answers far more than public answers. When I am in a crisis and feel/ believe that I am trapped or stuck- don't know what do to do next, I'd rather have individuals who I know and trust, people who are service minded- people who I'd be willing and eager to serve should they be a in a crippling crisis- to work with.
I'm starting to believe that the public options work best with people who have no resources and who just are not equipped to self- motivate and grasp the ideas of sacrifice, commitment and deferred gratification. Some people simply have nothing, no resources and are just- through no fault of their own severely limited. I am most glad that public resources are available to them.
I will admit that right now, I could not make it without public resources. As I look at things, That is the way I will need to function for the future as I view it as I type this! I don't like it and I want this to change. I will admit that ober the last 6 or so months, My morale, self-confidence, sense of initiative and ability to imagine and dream have been severely crippled due to numerous hard to deal with circumstances and events.
So, Now I wonder what do you do to re-inspire yourself. I need a renewal of inspirtation, confidence, self initiative and just a yearn to live better and become much better.
I'm floundering at this moment due to a severe dearth of inspiration and audaciousness. At the moment, I despair because I do not know how to become audacious and able to risk failing on the road to success at this juncture!
I'm starting to believe that the public options work best with people who have no resources and who just are not equipped to self- motivate and grasp the ideas of sacrifice, commitment and deferred gratification. Some people simply have nothing, no resources and are just- through no fault of their own severely limited. I am most glad that public resources are available to them.
I will admit that right now, I could not make it without public resources. As I look at things, That is the way I will need to function for the future as I view it as I type this! I don't like it and I want this to change. I will admit that ober the last 6 or so months, My morale, self-confidence, sense of initiative and ability to imagine and dream have been severely crippled due to numerous hard to deal with circumstances and events.
So, Now I wonder what do you do to re-inspire yourself. I need a renewal of inspirtation, confidence, self initiative and just a yearn to live better and become much better.
I'm floundering at this moment due to a severe dearth of inspiration and audaciousness. At the moment, I despair because I do not know how to become audacious and able to risk failing on the road to success at this juncture!
The Month of Bizarre and Nettlesome Dis-Ease and Comfort
That is what I am now naming April of 2011!
At all costs???
What you do when you are in a situation where you feel strongly about something and really!!! want your way, There are times when you can take your "marbles" and go home. Say, " If you won't agree, Then there is no deal and I'm on my way out."
Yet, There are times when you need to the support and the help, EVEN IF that help seems onerous, demeaning and to be BLUNT- offensive. However if not getting what ever needs to be done will leave you in a dire condition, Then you might need,.as distasteful and disagreeable as it is to you AT THAT MOMENT, decide to bend enough and shift enough to make whatever needs to be accomplished. Having to do something by yourself that will be punishingly difficult might be a victory BECAUSE you are doing what needs to be done YOUR way may be an ugly and torturous Pyrrhic victory.
Today, I will be cooperative and accept what I need to accept, I will have a meeting with some people next month to express my strong dissatisfaction and how things could have been dealt with in a far wiser and more intelligent manner . However, Today, Monday, April 11th,2011, I will be cooperative and do what needs to be done with assistance!
Yet, There are times when you need to the support and the help, EVEN IF that help seems onerous, demeaning and to be BLUNT- offensive. However if not getting what ever needs to be done will leave you in a dire condition, Then you might need,.as distasteful and disagreeable as it is to you AT THAT MOMENT, decide to bend enough and shift enough to make whatever needs to be accomplished. Having to do something by yourself that will be punishingly difficult might be a victory BECAUSE you are doing what needs to be done YOUR way may be an ugly and torturous Pyrrhic victory.
Today, I will be cooperative and accept what I need to accept, I will have a meeting with some people next month to express my strong dissatisfaction and how things could have been dealt with in a far wiser and more intelligent manner . However, Today, Monday, April 11th,2011, I will be cooperative and do what needs to be done with assistance!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Stubbornly Positive
Sometimes the best way to push on until the end happens when you simply stubbornly refuse to yield or stop!
A Promise to Myself !
Part of getting to where you want to get is to learn to be tough, more determined and more resilient in a crisis. that you want no part of!!!! Trust in God and seek to be your best and show yourself at your best tomorrow and you will be able to claim a great victory later on this Monday!
Johnny, Don't Give UP!
I know you feel stuck and limited and confined! This is now a 3rd Consecutive Dark Month but there will be a dawn! You are too bright, stubborn and creative to stay invincibly crushed and broken of spirit!
Pressing on Regardless
When a move is forced upon you with zero notice and with an inspection on the next working day, The temptension to succumb to anxiety and drown in depression is powerfully present.
Yet, With the help of a lot of prayer and supportive prayers, I finally decided this cannot be my response. I've done a lot of cleaning since Friday. I've also got some people from Fairfax County Mental Health coming to help me at 10 Am tomorrow- Monday, April 11TH. The inspection is scheduled for 4 PM . I really have not had time to pack- so they will be expecting an apartment still being lived in for nearly another 3 weeks this is bizarre in and of itself.
I have many severe trust and confidence issues with Fairfax County and Pathway Homes. They have told many contradictory stories, been unreliable and frankly, untrustworthy. These are the last people I want to work with but I will take deep breaths through the day because I must work with them!
Tomorrow will be a "No Good, Horrible, Very Bad Day"- Yet, I will get through it as best as I am able to do so!
Yet, With the help of a lot of prayer and supportive prayers, I finally decided this cannot be my response. I've done a lot of cleaning since Friday. I've also got some people from Fairfax County Mental Health coming to help me at 10 Am tomorrow- Monday, April 11TH. The inspection is scheduled for 4 PM . I really have not had time to pack- so they will be expecting an apartment still being lived in for nearly another 3 weeks this is bizarre in and of itself.
I have many severe trust and confidence issues with Fairfax County and Pathway Homes. They have told many contradictory stories, been unreliable and frankly, untrustworthy. These are the last people I want to work with but I will take deep breaths through the day because I must work with them!
Tomorrow will be a "No Good, Horrible, Very Bad Day"- Yet, I will get through it as best as I am able to do so!
Saturday, April 9, 2011
His Day!
After a rough, rugged and trying week such as the last one has been for moi, I need to unite with, care about and care about others, I need a period of escape, refreshment, a better and clearer focus and re-commitment and re dedication.
I also need to know that this life is not all there is for me, There are principles and ideals that are far greater than myself that are vital that I cherish and follow. I also honor The Creator and Designer of those very principles that I am reminded of each and EVERY Sunday.
I love My Church, I love Sunday and , far beyond all of that, I love and pay homage to My Lord and God!
I also need to know that this life is not all there is for me, There are principles and ideals that are far greater than myself that are vital that I cherish and follow. I also honor The Creator and Designer of those very principles that I am reminded of each and EVERY Sunday.
I love My Church, I love Sunday and , far beyond all of that, I love and pay homage to My Lord and God!
What is the best way to define it? Is there a conflict if someone seeks to pursue personal peace while being indifferent to general peace?
Whenever Any Form of Government...
From 1765 and The First Stamp Act Congress- initiated by the 13 British Atlantic Coast of North America Colonies in order to object to British Taxation and Representational Policies through the rising discontent in the 1770's, AS New Way of organizing and governing was being established. The old ways, The ways of serving His Majesty, King George The Third and His Majesty's Government began to change.
At first, The British Colonists were determined , by protest to have England change their policies and their interactions towards them. After April of 1775 and The Battle of Lexington and Concord, That protest intensified and become more severe as it became armed and combative resistance towards the Crown.
14 months later, July of 1776, The no longer colonists declared their independence from England and now fought to establish and enforce that independence.7 Years later, England and The US signed a Peace Treaty and the independence of the United States was an established reality.
From 1783 until 1787, The United States was governed under The Articles of Confederation. It set up The 13 States as Co-Equal and having to agree with each other in order to get ANYTHING done. There was onev notable governmental success during this period - The 1785 Passage of The Northwest Ordinance which established how territories would be organized and how new states would be established.
Overall, It did little to help the country be governed well and it actually brought us to the brink of Civil War near the end of the 1780's. Congress voted to meet to amend The Articles of Confederation, They quickly decided that this task was hopeless and voted to try something else. That something else is Our National Constitution,
The pattern here is to create a more perfect Union, a Government as good as its' people, a government of, by and for the people, Not a government just for the rich and blessed, but also not a government that shields you from cause and effect, not a government that says " No matter what you do, We've got your back!" It was a Government that was never perfect , flawed then and most certainly flawed in April of 2011.
People started off look for new lands to pursue new opportunities. They came to live as they believed Englishmen should. From 1607 until 1763, They wanted to serve the King and Crown with very little hesitation. After the war, Things were asked of them that they found unreasonable and burdensome and they refused to cooperate and submit any longer. They fought as Free English subjects and then to become Free Americans!
There were 2 separate governments established in 7 years.The Constitution has been amended 27 times.Right now, We are a critical period. Due to Financial limitations and growing questions is what we are doing wise and well thought out, People are asking can we justify continuing what we are doing now indefinitely into the future? People are asking questions and are demanding direct and full answers. These question include but by no means are limited to - Does the money we spend actually and truly provide significant and empowering help the people who we allocate it to or does it simply maintain them where they are currently more or less? What accountability do we demand of those we support? Can we speak of " ways of escape" and significant progress for our most trouble-plagued citizens?
People are also wondering- What will it take to convince people to care about each other? How do we get beyond thinking that benefit checks are the only dependable help that America's neediest people are provided? Can we honor, promote and encourage more social volunteerism in Our US?
Good things have been done throughout our history! We need to understand that the good and prudent answers of 1800 may not be the best way to operate in 1870. The Brilliant legislation passed in 1970 may be an albatross around the necks of the Americans of 2011! We are a Nation of laws and not men. It is ok to consider Franklin Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton as heroes.It does not need mean that there might not be great wisdom in setting aside some of the things they fought due to their not being acceptable to maintain at present!
" And whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, It is the right of the people to alter and abolish it." What do we, as a nation need to do now? What do we need to do to provide for a healthy and vigorous America that is still worthy of being proud of 30, 50, 80 or125 years from now?
Truly, We live in interesting times and we need to learn to more effectively role up our sleeves, express what we believe, listen intelligently and respectfully to what others believe and then decide to get done what must be done to promote the general welfare and well being as all of our Citizens as soverign individuals in these early years of the 21ST Century.
At first, The British Colonists were determined , by protest to have England change their policies and their interactions towards them. After April of 1775 and The Battle of Lexington and Concord, That protest intensified and become more severe as it became armed and combative resistance towards the Crown.
14 months later, July of 1776, The no longer colonists declared their independence from England and now fought to establish and enforce that independence.7 Years later, England and The US signed a Peace Treaty and the independence of the United States was an established reality.
From 1783 until 1787, The United States was governed under The Articles of Confederation. It set up The 13 States as Co-Equal and having to agree with each other in order to get ANYTHING done. There was onev notable governmental success during this period - The 1785 Passage of The Northwest Ordinance which established how territories would be organized and how new states would be established.
Overall, It did little to help the country be governed well and it actually brought us to the brink of Civil War near the end of the 1780's. Congress voted to meet to amend The Articles of Confederation, They quickly decided that this task was hopeless and voted to try something else. That something else is Our National Constitution,
The pattern here is to create a more perfect Union, a Government as good as its' people, a government of, by and for the people, Not a government just for the rich and blessed, but also not a government that shields you from cause and effect, not a government that says " No matter what you do, We've got your back!" It was a Government that was never perfect , flawed then and most certainly flawed in April of 2011.
People started off look for new lands to pursue new opportunities. They came to live as they believed Englishmen should. From 1607 until 1763, They wanted to serve the King and Crown with very little hesitation. After the war, Things were asked of them that they found unreasonable and burdensome and they refused to cooperate and submit any longer. They fought as Free English subjects and then to become Free Americans!
There were 2 separate governments established in 7 years.The Constitution has been amended 27 times.Right now, We are a critical period. Due to Financial limitations and growing questions is what we are doing wise and well thought out, People are asking can we justify continuing what we are doing now indefinitely into the future? People are asking questions and are demanding direct and full answers. These question include but by no means are limited to - Does the money we spend actually and truly provide significant and empowering help the people who we allocate it to or does it simply maintain them where they are currently more or less? What accountability do we demand of those we support? Can we speak of " ways of escape" and significant progress for our most trouble-plagued citizens?
People are also wondering- What will it take to convince people to care about each other? How do we get beyond thinking that benefit checks are the only dependable help that America's neediest people are provided? Can we honor, promote and encourage more social volunteerism in Our US?
Good things have been done throughout our history! We need to understand that the good and prudent answers of 1800 may not be the best way to operate in 1870. The Brilliant legislation passed in 1970 may be an albatross around the necks of the Americans of 2011! We are a Nation of laws and not men. It is ok to consider Franklin Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton as heroes.It does not need mean that there might not be great wisdom in setting aside some of the things they fought due to their not being acceptable to maintain at present!
" And whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, It is the right of the people to alter and abolish it." What do we, as a nation need to do now? What do we need to do to provide for a healthy and vigorous America that is still worthy of being proud of 30, 50, 80 or125 years from now?
Truly, We live in interesting times and we need to learn to more effectively role up our sleeves, express what we believe, listen intelligently and respectfully to what others believe and then decide to get done what must be done to promote the general welfare and well being as all of our Citizens as soverign individuals in these early years of the 21ST Century.
The Distinctive
What will you do today that will add your flavor and your touch to this day?
Will you say something that will have people think differently?
Will you take an action that will turn something stale and mundane into something fresh and intriguing ?
Will you write something that will inspire pages and pages of positive and creative commentary as people flock to respond to it?
If you are responsible for the care of a child, Will you CREATE a game that will have him or her giggling in delight today and fondly telling others about it 25 years from now?
Will you help give someone a reason to enjoy and cherish this day because you have been involved in their day?
What will you CHOOSE today that will make today marvelously distinctive ?
Will you say something that will have people think differently?
Will you take an action that will turn something stale and mundane into something fresh and intriguing ?
Will you write something that will inspire pages and pages of positive and creative commentary as people flock to respond to it?
If you are responsible for the care of a child, Will you CREATE a game that will have him or her giggling in delight today and fondly telling others about it 25 years from now?
Will you help give someone a reason to enjoy and cherish this day because you have been involved in their day?
What will you CHOOSE today that will make today marvelously distinctive ?
Friday, April 8, 2011
If the Government can't do it....
Do you view this as a positive or a negative? Who do you trust in? Who do you believe is best able to respond to the genuine needs, wants, desires and hopes of the citizens of our communities, of our state or commonwealth or our nation?
If it is up to those who are parts of agencies and who government employees, Then whatever the Government does decides how many of our fellow citizens can live and we agree that there decisions MUST be THE RIGHT way to proceed ? Is it a matter of simply "Use our tax money as you see best- we will pay what you tell us to pay and you will decide who is worthy and how much they will get?" So, Does this mean that just paying our taxes is the only act of caring that anyone has any right to expect from anyone else in the spring of 2011?
Just short of 2,000 years ago, A great leader and teacher was asked, " And who is my neighbor". Was this leader's response " Whoever Rome or Jerusalem decides to assist using the tax money that you pay! ? Maybe we today need to ask today, " Who is my neighbor?" ," How willing am I to be available to them?" and " How willing am I to make available my time talents and resources to them?"
If it is up to those who are parts of agencies and who government employees, Then whatever the Government does decides how many of our fellow citizens can live and we agree that there decisions MUST be THE RIGHT way to proceed ? Is it a matter of simply "Use our tax money as you see best- we will pay what you tell us to pay and you will decide who is worthy and how much they will get?" So, Does this mean that just paying our taxes is the only act of caring that anyone has any right to expect from anyone else in the spring of 2011?
Just short of 2,000 years ago, A great leader and teacher was asked, " And who is my neighbor". Was this leader's response " Whoever Rome or Jerusalem decides to assist using the tax money that you pay! ? Maybe we today need to ask today, " Who is my neighbor?" ," How willing am I to be available to them?" and " How willing am I to make available my time talents and resources to them?"
How trusting is it wise to be? Is it necessary to give a person a second chance even if you believe that your trust will be played, abused and used as a weapon against you.
It is dangerous but sometimes the only way to bring about peace is to be brave enough to "stop a war" for a moment to see if the Peace you are providing an opening for will act to take advantage of that opening.
It is dangerous but sometimes the only way to bring about peace is to be brave enough to "stop a war" for a moment to see if the Peace you are providing an opening for will act to take advantage of that opening.
Some Days are a loss!
Some days are without charm, troubling, troublesome and wrong right from the outset. Part of acceptance and being healthy may simply be recognizing that.
So, Friday, April 8th, 2011 is such a day!
So, Friday, April 8th, 2011 is such a day!
Groups for socializing??
Some people enjoy being a part of groups, They can easily become one of the gang, the mob or the throng. They do not need to know well, have a good connection to or even like or enjoy EVERY person within the group.Even if someone is not a person they happen to like or enjoy being with, That person is ok and fine to be with because this he or she is a MEMBER of the group.
Sometimes I'm reminded of George Costanza or Cosmo Kramer from the old Seinfeld show- Quirky, draining oboxiouisly difficult and calculatingly bizarre! George and Kramer required a lot of forbearance and oceans of tolerance at times from Jerry and Elaine and anyone and EVERYONE else on the show!. Works on a Thursday night TV show but in real life- I don't think so- at least NOT for me! No, no, no!
However bowling teams, The crowd at a bar, the 25 people who go to a sporting event often exist because large numbers of people are able to- somehow- work with, operate in and are comfortable in being a part of such clusterings of people.Just very hard for me to relax, enjoy, enter into and not be self-conscious in such settings and circumstances.
I admit that I have trust issues, I like to have long conversations with people on numerous subject. I love energetic conversations about favorite things , activities and passions, I'm well ware that you don't get " heavy deep and real" with people. Yet, over time- weeks and months- by having numbers of such conversations with people is how I like to build friendships.Those friendships , I find are true and nurturing. Conversely, People who I find vexing, stressful, annoying and difficult - people who seem to be " not at ALL my cup of tea"- are people I'd rather not get to know, spend a lot of time with or spend any more time around or with this is absolutely and unavoidably necessary!! It is, therefore, safe to believe, that I WOULD NOT!!! want to be around such a person regularly in social situations.
So, Is there away for me to adjust and learn to embrace this method that isn't me. As the way I want to proceed does not seem readily available it looks like I will need to learn how to adjust.
Sometimes I'm reminded of George Costanza or Cosmo Kramer from the old Seinfeld show- Quirky, draining oboxiouisly difficult and calculatingly bizarre! George and Kramer required a lot of forbearance and oceans of tolerance at times from Jerry and Elaine and anyone and EVERYONE else on the show!. Works on a Thursday night TV show but in real life- I don't think so- at least NOT for me! No, no, no!
However bowling teams, The crowd at a bar, the 25 people who go to a sporting event often exist because large numbers of people are able to- somehow- work with, operate in and are comfortable in being a part of such clusterings of people.Just very hard for me to relax, enjoy, enter into and not be self-conscious in such settings and circumstances.
I admit that I have trust issues, I like to have long conversations with people on numerous subject. I love energetic conversations about favorite things , activities and passions, I'm well ware that you don't get " heavy deep and real" with people. Yet, over time- weeks and months- by having numbers of such conversations with people is how I like to build friendships.Those friendships , I find are true and nurturing. Conversely, People who I find vexing, stressful, annoying and difficult - people who seem to be " not at ALL my cup of tea"- are people I'd rather not get to know, spend a lot of time with or spend any more time around or with this is absolutely and unavoidably necessary!! It is, therefore, safe to believe, that I WOULD NOT!!! want to be around such a person regularly in social situations.
So, Is there away for me to adjust and learn to embrace this method that isn't me. As the way I want to proceed does not seem readily available it looks like I will need to learn how to adjust.
Window Dressing Advocacy and Consumerism
I am on SSI and SSDI and I live in subsidized housing. I'm tired of the role with the punches and take any way that you are treated as acceptable because ULTIMATELY what other choice do you have, What other option do you have?
Today, I feel that I've had games played with me, I've been manipulated . I've dealt with inconsistent and contradictory policies and with stories that are changed on a dime! If I am a consumer and an advocate, Why are decisions made that I'm told that I must accept or do without services. My behavior and actions give thenm no reason to treat me this way!
There is supposed to be a saying , " Nothing about us with out us.", That seems to be as pleasantry that can be easily dismissed and set aside. Today is A Friday however it is ANYTHING but good!
Today, I feel that I've had games played with me, I've been manipulated . I've dealt with inconsistent and contradictory policies and with stories that are changed on a dime! If I am a consumer and an advocate, Why are decisions made that I'm told that I must accept or do without services. My behavior and actions give thenm no reason to treat me this way!
There is supposed to be a saying , " Nothing about us with out us.", That seems to be as pleasantry that can be easily dismissed and set aside. Today is A Friday however it is ANYTHING but good!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
This Thursday as I have over the last few Thursday, I 've crossed paths with a very lovely, intelligent and really appealing young woman. She has a very distinctive manner about her and this makes her rather compelling and most difficult for me to ignore.
This isn't a flirtation, She is the Textbook definition of " OUT! OF MY!LEAGUE!". I don't believe I'm flirting I know it would be oh so futile.She is someone who causes me to smile easily and feel less streeesed out and overwhelmed.
She may be my Version of The Girl from Ipanema when everything is boiled away, simply someone who inspires me to sigh " Ahhhhhhh".
This isn't a flirtation, She is the Textbook definition of " OUT! OF MY!LEAGUE!". I don't believe I'm flirting I know it would be oh so futile.She is someone who causes me to smile easily and feel less streeesed out and overwhelmed.
She may be my Version of The Girl from Ipanema when everything is boiled away, simply someone who inspires me to sigh " Ahhhhhhh".
Today became....
Today became a day of wonder when I let myself focus upon a fascinating and captivating individual.
Today became a dasy of consequence when I participated ion a conversation of historical consequence!
The longer Today lasted the better it became!
Today became a dasy of consequence when I participated ion a conversation of historical consequence!
The longer Today lasted the better it became!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
The Consequences of Not Being On Time
We all know that speeding is bad, this is true for drivers but this can also be true for transit users as well. Bus and Train Riders are often told to be prepared to arrive at their scheduled destination up to an hour before they need to be there.Transit Riders are often advised to take an earlier bus or train than the one that the schedule would indicate it would be reasonable to catch.
Drivers also know this to be true as well. People have been known to leave for work when it is still dark and arrive at work sometimes hours before their office opens. We know that Starbucks profits by people who spend time there before work, perhaps getting the cup of coffee they really did not have time to drink at home.
Perhaps, We push ourselves because- People are fired for being late, job interviews are cancelled when people are tardy and sometimes are not rescheduled. There are numerous negative consequences that befall someone who is not where he or she NEEDS to be. So, We often speed or get to places hyper -early!
Are there any other choices possible? Is there a way that we can learn to be more flexible and cooperative to remove some of the stress and anxiety of every day living?
Drivers also know this to be true as well. People have been known to leave for work when it is still dark and arrive at work sometimes hours before their office opens. We know that Starbucks profits by people who spend time there before work, perhaps getting the cup of coffee they really did not have time to drink at home.
Perhaps, We push ourselves because- People are fired for being late, job interviews are cancelled when people are tardy and sometimes are not rescheduled. There are numerous negative consequences that befall someone who is not where he or she NEEDS to be. So, We often speed or get to places hyper -early!
Are there any other choices possible? Is there a way that we can learn to be more flexible and cooperative to remove some of the stress and anxiety of every day living?
Deferring Consequences
I am a consumer of Mental Health Services. The services that I use are provided by the Fairfax County Mental Health System. I note that I, in part, need these services due to bad decisions I've made in my life. Part of what I live with is that I MUST live with, even now, the consequences of those past choices. I also must discipline myself to make better choices today even if they are difficult , painful and, even, at present, choices that I do not want to make, in order to gain the option of a better today and tomorrow!
It sorely irks me that some individuals are shielded mightily from the consequences of their actions. They are allowed to use Their illness, the Mental Health system and The Americans with Disability Act itself to say, " No matter what I do, Suck it up because you have no choice to accept it."
There are, as I see it, 3 categories of people in the Public Mental Health System. The first are those who have no ability to make choices and those who are just unable to control their actions. It would be criminal and brutal to expect them to be accountable and it is just and commendable that such people be shielded to the extent that it is possible to do so. There are those who have had struggles some due biochemistry, some due to trauma and others due to a combination of both. While it may be VERY difficult for them to make tough decisions that may be connected to unpleasant consequences, They are able and capable of doing so and are capable of doing so. The third category consists of those who are able to argue successfully that, " My actions are me. You need to accept them as you accept me.". People in this grouping are given support that allows them to sustain this position.
What I find interesting is that you hear people in Category 3 use what I call the" Excuses of The Militantly Anti- Social" such as " You don't know me, You don't know my life" or " If you choose to follow rules, That's on you" or other ways of telling us that " That DOES! NOT! apply to me!". I've brought this us before and I'm obviously returning to it NOW. I do so because those who are allowed to escape the responsibility for their poor choices diminish the choices and life quality of others and are allowed to get away with it when they do not need to be allowed to get away with their actions.
Years ago, I was beaten by someone who told me that he was going to kill me. This person had once been a close friend of mine. I tried to help him deal with some tough issues- but he seemed to want to avoid the tough choices. I had him prosecuted and watched in horror as he was given a sentence of merely a few days that was immediately suspended. I wanted to protest but was warned not to do so.
He and I both wound up in The Mental Health System, One reason I entered it was to deal with my responses to the beating that I received from this person. He and I wound up in some of the same places as I did and I stated that I was not comfortable with that. I was told that I was free to "stay or go", that I could do as I saw fit but I was not to interfere with his services or ask that the providers treat him any way other than how they saw fit. It was even suggested that if I found that an unacceptable explanation then this showed that I needed very severe help and they suggested that this is something I need to work on.
Good Mental Health practices require that clients/ patients consumers feel as secure as possible where they are and feel safe and secure in the settings where they are receiving serious- If some are absolved from responsibility and told that they will be guarded against the consequences of their actions, Then this denies the qualities of safe places to be treated to the ones they decide to prey upon.
This also puts these consumers in a position where they may decide to not access services and resources due to not wanting to subject themselves to bullies and predators who are choosing to treat other poorly and to be blunt mean spiritedly. We know that budgets are tight and that people are asked to be as understanding, kind, fore bearing and as bighearted as possible, This work well for those who cannot control their behavior and do not behave in ways that are intensely disruptive,, troubling and place others at risk. This also works well for those who can control their behaviors and do so well and appropriately. There is something heroic about a man or a woman, a youth or even a child who struggles hard to do what is appropriate and proper and does so any way.
Those who cannot control their behaviors and behave in offensive, out-of -control highly disruptive and endangering ways wind up in either institutions or prisons or in a setting which allows them a restricted access to the general society. This is sad but necessary. I believe that for those with mental health issues, this placement should Never be in a prison. Those who can control their behavior and serve as societal nuisances, problem causes or public menaces need to be told that they will find themselves losing their freedom. It is wrong for them to be allowed to run amok while others are held tightly accountable for what they decided to do and do not do.
To bring this home, A few years ago, after having been homeless for 6 months, I became a part of a 3 person apartment in Reston, Va. This was not a good setting but it was an improvement over where I had been and I needed to make due with it at that time. I heard a young man tell the bus driver, who he was friendly with that he'd be in court soon answering a charge of assaulting his girlfiend, He was not worriedeabout it- He said that he'd siomply tell the judge of his mental health issues and they'd go lightly on him. He seemed to be remembering how he'd been treated in past times. He even told the driver, " Sure, I knew not to hit my girlfriend, but why should I care, They won't punish me for it."
It is peopler such as this young man and my assaiailant who need to be held FULLY accountable for how they behave and need to be told that they can't get away with any and every behavior they choose to execute at and given moment. People pay prices for bad choices and so must they!
It sorely irks me that some individuals are shielded mightily from the consequences of their actions. They are allowed to use Their illness, the Mental Health system and The Americans with Disability Act itself to say, " No matter what I do, Suck it up because you have no choice to accept it."
There are, as I see it, 3 categories of people in the Public Mental Health System. The first are those who have no ability to make choices and those who are just unable to control their actions. It would be criminal and brutal to expect them to be accountable and it is just and commendable that such people be shielded to the extent that it is possible to do so. There are those who have had struggles some due biochemistry, some due to trauma and others due to a combination of both. While it may be VERY difficult for them to make tough decisions that may be connected to unpleasant consequences, They are able and capable of doing so and are capable of doing so. The third category consists of those who are able to argue successfully that, " My actions are me. You need to accept them as you accept me.". People in this grouping are given support that allows them to sustain this position.
What I find interesting is that you hear people in Category 3 use what I call the" Excuses of The Militantly Anti- Social" such as " You don't know me, You don't know my life" or " If you choose to follow rules, That's on you" or other ways of telling us that " That DOES! NOT! apply to me!". I've brought this us before and I'm obviously returning to it NOW. I do so because those who are allowed to escape the responsibility for their poor choices diminish the choices and life quality of others and are allowed to get away with it when they do not need to be allowed to get away with their actions.
Years ago, I was beaten by someone who told me that he was going to kill me. This person had once been a close friend of mine. I tried to help him deal with some tough issues- but he seemed to want to avoid the tough choices. I had him prosecuted and watched in horror as he was given a sentence of merely a few days that was immediately suspended. I wanted to protest but was warned not to do so.
He and I both wound up in The Mental Health System, One reason I entered it was to deal with my responses to the beating that I received from this person. He and I wound up in some of the same places as I did and I stated that I was not comfortable with that. I was told that I was free to "stay or go", that I could do as I saw fit but I was not to interfere with his services or ask that the providers treat him any way other than how they saw fit. It was even suggested that if I found that an unacceptable explanation then this showed that I needed very severe help and they suggested that this is something I need to work on.
Good Mental Health practices require that clients/ patients consumers feel as secure as possible where they are and feel safe and secure in the settings where they are receiving serious- If some are absolved from responsibility and told that they will be guarded against the consequences of their actions, Then this denies the qualities of safe places to be treated to the ones they decide to prey upon.
This also puts these consumers in a position where they may decide to not access services and resources due to not wanting to subject themselves to bullies and predators who are choosing to treat other poorly and to be blunt mean spiritedly. We know that budgets are tight and that people are asked to be as understanding, kind, fore bearing and as bighearted as possible, This work well for those who cannot control their behavior and do not behave in ways that are intensely disruptive,, troubling and place others at risk. This also works well for those who can control their behaviors and do so well and appropriately. There is something heroic about a man or a woman, a youth or even a child who struggles hard to do what is appropriate and proper and does so any way.
Those who cannot control their behaviors and behave in offensive, out-of -control highly disruptive and endangering ways wind up in either institutions or prisons or in a setting which allows them a restricted access to the general society. This is sad but necessary. I believe that for those with mental health issues, this placement should Never be in a prison. Those who can control their behavior and serve as societal nuisances, problem causes or public menaces need to be told that they will find themselves losing their freedom. It is wrong for them to be allowed to run amok while others are held tightly accountable for what they decided to do and do not do.
To bring this home, A few years ago, after having been homeless for 6 months, I became a part of a 3 person apartment in Reston, Va. This was not a good setting but it was an improvement over where I had been and I needed to make due with it at that time. I heard a young man tell the bus driver, who he was friendly with that he'd be in court soon answering a charge of assaulting his girlfiend, He was not worriedeabout it- He said that he'd siomply tell the judge of his mental health issues and they'd go lightly on him. He seemed to be remembering how he'd been treated in past times. He even told the driver, " Sure, I knew not to hit my girlfriend, but why should I care, They won't punish me for it."
It is peopler such as this young man and my assaiailant who need to be held FULLY accountable for how they behave and need to be told that they can't get away with any and every behavior they choose to execute at and given moment. People pay prices for bad choices and so must they!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
You for You!
I used to be one of those people- the ones who believed that the last person I ever wanted to be with is me. Such people are rather sad and worth mourning for because that is a position that you cannot profit from.
The person you best know us yourself. The best way to understand how to relate and connect to others is by starting to see how you relate to and connect with yourself.
So, You become your own stargate showing you how to develop insights into everyone else!
The person you best know us yourself. The best way to understand how to relate and connect to others is by starting to see how you relate to and connect with yourself.
So, You become your own stargate showing you how to develop insights into everyone else!
A Return to Then! Really?
We all have them, I know that I do. A time of struggle and harshness, a time when it seems I'm battling far to hard to get through any given day. Or, A Day when I feel that I'm not being treated kindly and gently ENOUGH, when people are no where near as co-operative as I wish them to be.
At such a time,I way want to. ardently desire to vacate the presnrt, have today simply and totally vanish and I may want to return to a happier a time- a time when the world seemed to be more disposed to treating me as I wish to be treated. So, I'd want to trade today for a day that is in the past. I do, every once in a while think of going into the future. Howeverm As I do not know whwen I'm going to die that can be risky. Also, I will not, reliably, know what has happened between now and then and thus who knows what I will enter into.
So, I might decide to retreat, Let's Say to December 25th, 1974, a Christmas I remember as particularly great. And Yet, Would I want to rely upon the computers of 1974. Would I want PONG to be my sole video game option? Would my life be emptier without the people who would not be a part of my life then? Would knowing what was going to happen that day make reliving it a bit stale?
I've learned that each day is what I make it. Tghe things that occur to me are all classroom, in effect and providfe lessons upon things I want to keep[ doing, things I want to do more of and things that I may wish to avoid and or discontinue!
So, While I may not like today, actually today has been a pretty good day, this day is the best of all possible worlds for me to be within right now! Continuums work well and the person who wants to avoid today and live in the "best Of" times of their life has lost the abiklity to hope and dream and build. As I think about it, That,, in and of itself would be choosing to live nightmarishly and that would be a poor choice to make today or any other day.
At such a time,I way want to. ardently desire to vacate the presnrt, have today simply and totally vanish and I may want to return to a happier a time- a time when the world seemed to be more disposed to treating me as I wish to be treated. So, I'd want to trade today for a day that is in the past. I do, every once in a while think of going into the future. Howeverm As I do not know whwen I'm going to die that can be risky. Also, I will not, reliably, know what has happened between now and then and thus who knows what I will enter into.
So, I might decide to retreat, Let's Say to December 25th, 1974, a Christmas I remember as particularly great. And Yet, Would I want to rely upon the computers of 1974. Would I want PONG to be my sole video game option? Would my life be emptier without the people who would not be a part of my life then? Would knowing what was going to happen that day make reliving it a bit stale?
I've learned that each day is what I make it. Tghe things that occur to me are all classroom, in effect and providfe lessons upon things I want to keep[ doing, things I want to do more of and things that I may wish to avoid and or discontinue!
So, While I may not like today, actually today has been a pretty good day, this day is the best of all possible worlds for me to be within right now! Continuums work well and the person who wants to avoid today and live in the "best Of" times of their life has lost the abiklity to hope and dream and build. As I think about it, That,, in and of itself would be choosing to live nightmarishly and that would be a poor choice to make today or any other day.
I am now working on A Fund Raising letter to gain enough money to go with my church on a Missions Trip to Tecate, Mexico in July.
During This Trip, The Team will work on placing a new roof on a school. We will also be providing, as we have been asked to do so by the residents of a hillside community high above the City Of Tecate, lessons on health, sanitation and nutrition. We will also be teaching Bible lessons to the children.
I truly believe that both Mexicans and Americans benefit when private American citizens invest in making lasting and meaningful contributions to communities in Mexico. If people truly believe that there are good and sustainable ways to improve their lives in communities that they already reside in,This solves the need to enter illegally into a foreign nation and coping with and adjusting to living in a not always welcoming , unfamiliar and, at times, hostile setting.
During This Trip, The Team will work on placing a new roof on a school. We will also be providing, as we have been asked to do so by the residents of a hillside community high above the City Of Tecate, lessons on health, sanitation and nutrition. We will also be teaching Bible lessons to the children.
I truly believe that both Mexicans and Americans benefit when private American citizens invest in making lasting and meaningful contributions to communities in Mexico. If people truly believe that there are good and sustainable ways to improve their lives in communities that they already reside in,This solves the need to enter illegally into a foreign nation and coping with and adjusting to living in a not always welcoming , unfamiliar and, at times, hostile setting.
Peer group pressure is not just for 13 year olds any longer. Nor is it just limited to political leaders who are tied to polls- the ones who will take no and run at full speed from ANY position that will cause his or her poll numbers to drop.
Many of us, I know that I am one, want to be seen as likable and popular. One of the great weaknesses that I am seeking to get beyond and conquer is my too strong tendency to people please. Too many of us consider the reactions of those around us before we say and do NEARLY ANYTHING. Yes, It can be said that this can keep you, me or anyone from saying and doing the EXACTLY wrong thing. It keep us from speaking before we think! It can also keep us from being mean, cruel, vicious and hurtful. All of this certainly COULD be true!Do we really wish to maintain and teach that blandness, hiding and fearfulness is wisdom and intelligence?
Actually, It isn't just chameleon -like artificially maintained " kindness" that is projected by the go-along to get alongers ! People can also be mean, harsh and vicious in order to blend in with the mean, harsh , nasty and hurtful! People scowl and create an aura of offensiveness in 2011 and then simply justify it by saying that is just how I see many people behave in public these days.
A man who called himself "A Drum Major for Justice" someone who strongly and boldly proclaimed what he believed and why he proclaimed it,and CHOSE to live by it. Even in the midst of daily death threats and having his home bombed on several occasions, He still spoke out, clearly and unwaveringly, The Truth as he knew it! 43 years ago last night,April 4th 1968, This man was assassinated, cruelly shot to death, as he stood on the second floor balcony of a Memphis, Tennessee motel. That man is properly regarded as an honored American Hero, Doctor Martin Luther King, Junior.
Most of us revere and celebrate this martyr for truth and justice. Yet, I AND so many others will too often save proclaiming the truth and speaking boldly either when we are with like-minded soul or just when I and myself are the only ones present to hear me!
I'm learning that part of the process of learning to love and value myself more and more is to truly be me! To learn to be comfortable and discuss and PRACTICE out in the open what I indeed think and believe is a part of my healing and renewal process. I was not born to serve as a pale copy of anyone else, My life will work best when I enter into it and fully and unreservedly live it as me.The world is changed by those who will be as they are - chameleons are too busy matching color schemes to ever have the time to make any kind of worthwhile difference.
Many of us, I know that I am one, want to be seen as likable and popular. One of the great weaknesses that I am seeking to get beyond and conquer is my too strong tendency to people please. Too many of us consider the reactions of those around us before we say and do NEARLY ANYTHING. Yes, It can be said that this can keep you, me or anyone from saying and doing the EXACTLY wrong thing. It keep us from speaking before we think! It can also keep us from being mean, cruel, vicious and hurtful. All of this certainly COULD be true!Do we really wish to maintain and teach that blandness, hiding and fearfulness is wisdom and intelligence?
Actually, It isn't just chameleon -like artificially maintained " kindness" that is projected by the go-along to get alongers ! People can also be mean, harsh and vicious in order to blend in with the mean, harsh , nasty and hurtful! People scowl and create an aura of offensiveness in 2011 and then simply justify it by saying that is just how I see many people behave in public these days.
A man who called himself "A Drum Major for Justice" someone who strongly and boldly proclaimed what he believed and why he proclaimed it,and CHOSE to live by it. Even in the midst of daily death threats and having his home bombed on several occasions, He still spoke out, clearly and unwaveringly, The Truth as he knew it! 43 years ago last night,April 4th 1968, This man was assassinated, cruelly shot to death, as he stood on the second floor balcony of a Memphis, Tennessee motel. That man is properly regarded as an honored American Hero, Doctor Martin Luther King, Junior.
Most of us revere and celebrate this martyr for truth and justice. Yet, I AND so many others will too often save proclaiming the truth and speaking boldly either when we are with like-minded soul or just when I and myself are the only ones present to hear me!
I'm learning that part of the process of learning to love and value myself more and more is to truly be me! To learn to be comfortable and discuss and PRACTICE out in the open what I indeed think and believe is a part of my healing and renewal process. I was not born to serve as a pale copy of anyone else, My life will work best when I enter into it and fully and unreservedly live it as me.The world is changed by those who will be as they are - chameleons are too busy matching color schemes to ever have the time to make any kind of worthwhile difference.
Monday, April 4, 2011
The Best Teachers
The best teachers are the one who invest in you with dedication and persistence. The ones who can have you develop as strong a passion for the subject as they now possess are the very best ones.
One reason that I am now enjoying my 21st year as a Toastmaster is because if the dedication and commitment that Toastmasters bless each other with. I have learned, over time, to internalize a good many public speaking skills.I have gained because Toastmasters are passionate exemplars and teachers of how to develop strong communication and leadership skills
One reason that I am now enjoying my 21st year as a Toastmaster is because if the dedication and commitment that Toastmasters bless each other with. I have learned, over time, to internalize a good many public speaking skills.I have gained because Toastmasters are passionate exemplars and teachers of how to develop strong communication and leadership skills
The Bright Morning
80 and Sunny today. This will feel great. The weather has been rather inconsistent of late.Varying greatly from one day to the next quite often.
I guess that is just like I am.I , too often , am inconsistent from one day to the next.. I guess I should be more alarmed by my own consistency
I guess that is just like I am.I , too often , am inconsistent from one day to the next.. I guess I should be more alarmed by my own consistency
Sunday, April 3, 2011
We all do need each other. My life is meaningless unless it is involved and invested in others. I also need to be willing to not be afraid of who I am and be involved with others as I am willing to be fully and engagingly me!
Grace and Truth!
Jesus ministry had Grace and Truth as two of its' hallmark! When Jesus taught, All of His messages were richly imbued with BOTH Grace and Truth!
Truth is clarifying and magnifying . It lets us know what is valid and what we can depend upon and support and fearlessly advocate. Grace is gentle, supportive and nurturing. It protects and looks for the best that others can achieve. It comes along side and walks with a person as he or she heals and grows stronger and more confident.
Grace can be too soft and overprotective! It can rate not hurting people over giving them boldness and strength. Truth can be merciless. It can batter people and it can, too easily, be used as a weapon..
Jesus spoke and taught with Grace and Truth. It seems there is a good and strong reason for this order!
Truth is clarifying and magnifying . It lets us know what is valid and what we can depend upon and support and fearlessly advocate. Grace is gentle, supportive and nurturing. It protects and looks for the best that others can achieve. It comes along side and walks with a person as he or she heals and grows stronger and more confident.
Grace can be too soft and overprotective! It can rate not hurting people over giving them boldness and strength. Truth can be merciless. It can batter people and it can, too easily, be used as a weapon..
Jesus spoke and taught with Grace and Truth. It seems there is a good and strong reason for this order!
Johnny is....
Lovable and a
Tomorrow, Monday, April 4th, I need to boldly be willing to live in and demonstrate these truths !
Lovable and a
Tomorrow, Monday, April 4th, I need to boldly be willing to live in and demonstrate these truths !
My First Script
So often, I know what to do what I should do, what I need to do! I know why I should do it and what I will gain from being active and being brave enough to act.
Yet, So often I choose simply not to act. I decide, " I think its' good but it won't be good enough." I fear people's reactions and I fear being seen as an obvious fool - as someone whose obvious failed asnd been proven a loser yet again.
This past Monday Night, March 27th, at Grace Community Church in Arlington an interest and organizational meeting was held for a New Drama Group. 10 people attended and their was a lot of energy, enthusiasm and desire to establish a Drama Group an an integral Church ministry.
At one point, The talk turned to what kind of scripts we might perform. I had an idea for am easter script and I said that I could have a script e-mailed to the associate pastor within a week. I e-mailed that script to my friend and my pastor 20 minutes ago.
There are absolutely no guarantees that this script will ever be approved or used at my church. Sometimes even a great idea is not guaranteed being adapted. Yet, Doing nothing permits is a guarantee that advancement will not occur. Trembling in fear and hiding only allows me to become only better practiced in and more likely to just further practice and perfect trembling and being fear-obsessed.
Today ,I gained! Today, I wrote a brief script and e-mailed it just as I promised I would!
Yet, So often I choose simply not to act. I decide, " I think its' good but it won't be good enough." I fear people's reactions and I fear being seen as an obvious fool - as someone whose obvious failed asnd been proven a loser yet again.
This past Monday Night, March 27th, at Grace Community Church in Arlington an interest and organizational meeting was held for a New Drama Group. 10 people attended and their was a lot of energy, enthusiasm and desire to establish a Drama Group an an integral Church ministry.
At one point, The talk turned to what kind of scripts we might perform. I had an idea for am easter script and I said that I could have a script e-mailed to the associate pastor within a week. I e-mailed that script to my friend and my pastor 20 minutes ago.
There are absolutely no guarantees that this script will ever be approved or used at my church. Sometimes even a great idea is not guaranteed being adapted. Yet, Doing nothing permits is a guarantee that advancement will not occur. Trembling in fear and hiding only allows me to become only better practiced in and more likely to just further practice and perfect trembling and being fear-obsessed.
Today ,I gained! Today, I wrote a brief script and e-mailed it just as I promised I would!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
What I cherish!
People firmly committed to keeping their promises.
Believing that children are the future and treating them as if I absolutely believe those words to be true.
Knowing that pushing yourself to improve is always a worthwhile act.
Knowing that God is God and I am not!
Believing that learning is a priceless form of investment.
Knowing that smiling is a great way to calm and steel yourself.
Holding myself to a standard that maintains that those things that I most ardently believe I must also practice!
Believing that children are the future and treating them as if I absolutely believe those words to be true.
Knowing that pushing yourself to improve is always a worthwhile act.
Knowing that God is God and I am not!
Believing that learning is a priceless form of investment.
Knowing that smiling is a great way to calm and steel yourself.
Holding myself to a standard that maintains that those things that I most ardently believe I must also practice!
Have you given someone INSPIRATION as a gift TODAY?
What have you deliberately chosen to do that you think just might inspire someone else. Have you given a speech or sent someone a thought-provoking and fascinatng e-mail? Have you suggested a book that is likely to suggest new ideas and stimulating fresh approaches to him or her?
All of us become teachers when we dare to give someone the gift of knowledge and insight! We also become more willing to associate and befriend others who are original, creative and daring thinkers. These very people will be likely to offer to us the gift of effectively refreshing thinking!
All of us become teachers when we dare to give someone the gift of knowledge and insight! We also become more willing to associate and befriend others who are original, creative and daring thinkers. These very people will be likely to offer to us the gift of effectively refreshing thinking!
Friday, April 1, 2011
A Good Day!
Not the day I planned to originally have but a good one.I enjoyed getting a lot done and being ready, thrhrough what I did today to be of maximum possible service to those I enjoy being with both tomorrow and SUNDAY!
My Laugh
Today is April First, April Fools Day, It may not be good to mock and make sport of others but it is healthy and empowering to smile at those things that are genuinely enjoyable, purely fun and entertaining. I, today, will smile in reaction to that which is pleasing and uplifting.
Today, I need to see myself as others see me. I need to engage in perspective as I see myself. If I can do that, I will gain in wisdom today. When you do not take yourself obsessively and morbidly seriously, Life become lighter and more delightful!
Today, I need to see myself as others see me. I need to engage in perspective as I see myself. If I can do that, I will gain in wisdom today. When you do not take yourself obsessively and morbidly seriously, Life become lighter and more delightful!
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