Myself included ! One of my Parents died and another was dying during the second half of this yea. My Mom died on July 11Th, 2001- My Dad suffering in agony from Rectal Cancer died on January 6TH, 2002.
The consequences of an abusive and scarring child hodd afflicted me during those 6 months. I had not been in contact with my parents for years- It was a part of my healing this this be so. I did have contact with my sister Jean, but this was infrequent.
On July 15TH, I learned of my mothers death. I was in Hendersonville, NC, working at a Four Square Scopel Camp- Camp Courtney at that time. God did a lot of healing during that next week.
My sister Jean stood as a barrier to contacting my father and he died without my having a last conversation with him.
9/11 / 01 affected everyone and I grived for my country as did many in the days to come after the events in New York, Pennsylvania and Virginia.
I also grieved for my childhood stiil hurting me as a 46 year old adult. God, Thank you for getting me through and beyond those so dark and melancoly days!
- Johnny -
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Monday, May 20, 2013
In LESS than 5 hours,
The Big Quest Begins. After 35 years, Will I discover greater happiness and contentment 554 miles SW of where I have lived - THE GREATER WASHINGTON DC AREA - since March of 1978.
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
Sunday, May 19, 2013
There are time where every step and urging
that you heed that is worthy of working with help you to ghet ahead.
I'm so glad, these days, that I give up far less often than I once did!
I'm so glad, these days, that I give up far less often than I once did!
I am here- I started this project on October Fourth 2010 and so far , I have averaged over a Thousand Blogs a Year.
I am learning to be poetic, insightful and daring. I'm learning to become continually more bold and daring in letting you know what I think and why I think it. I am learning to become skilled at telling you just and continually more precisely ust , simply and bluntly,who I am !
Those who read this, I hope and pray that you sare beneffiting from reading these. I am honored by your interest and most grateful for you.
Now, The Path to 4K!!!! begins !!!
- Johnny -
I am learning to be poetic, insightful and daring. I'm learning to become continually more bold and daring in letting you know what I think and why I think it. I am learning to become skilled at telling you just and continually more precisely ust , simply and bluntly,who I am !
Those who read this, I hope and pray that you sare beneffiting from reading these. I am honored by your interest and most grateful for you.
Now, The Path to 4K!!!! begins !!!
- Johnny -
God, This is an amazing time for me.
Thank you for letting me be happy and vigorous so that I can revel in it. Thank you for having kept me Going through many dark and nasty days !!! You indeed had a way where there SEEMED to not at all BE ! A! WAY!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
One of The Biggest Shocks of 2013 For Me...
has been the FACT that a number of gifted, talented and creative people enjoy seeking out my company and are very fond of me.
I am also shocked that young people really relate well to me and also seek me out.
I have not OFTEN thought this way but today, so overall and pervasively, LIFE!!!!!! IS GOOD !!!!!!!
- Johnny -
I am also shocked that young people really relate well to me and also seek me out.
I have not OFTEN thought this way but today, so overall and pervasively, LIFE!!!!!! IS GOOD !!!!!!!
- Johnny -
Kentucky Eve !
I leave in a little over 25 hours from Downtown DC. I am excited. terrified, joyful and dazed and overwhelmed all at the same time!
Visiting a location is one thing. Using a lengthy trip to decide whether you will leave where you have lived for over 35 years is a more daunting and daring exercise!
Visiting a location is one thing. Using a lengthy trip to decide whether you will leave where you have lived for over 35 years is a more daunting and daring exercise!
Saturday, May 18, 2013
You smile and get through .
Avoiding because you do not want to put out effort or struggle is LAME! You just decide to do and get though.
Friday, May 17, 2013
Wow, I've now had over 20000 Hits on My Blog
Not the very best- but still a delightful accomplishment.
I am writing better...
As is true in so many things, It is far BETTER to be persistent and work to improve than fear failing or producing " unimpressive results." !
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Anyone who thinks Peace is easy is indeed . . .
clueless. Peace requires intention, effort and an unyielding commitment !!!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I do wish I could blink this weekend out of existance .
It will likely be good but I want to get to THIS UPCOMING TUESDAY so much!
Relational Riskiness ....
Being willing to do what you can to do YOUR BEST for another even if it creates problems and difficulties for yourself in the process!
I know ...
that love means asking yourself and others to not pretend to be far less than they truly are!
I know that the efforts I make
today are setting me up to do well in the days and weeks to come.
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
I am MOST glad . . .
that I will get to give a last Speech before leaving Greater DC for Five Weeks!
Chaos does not always send you an RSVP
Yet, There are ways to navigate through it well and effectively!
My Wide Ranging Mail Situation.
I have discovered that my mail can come as early as 11 AM or as late as 6:30 PM on any given Monday through Friday!
Partying With Mandy
Mandy and I will host Two Parties - One in Kentucky later this Month and the other here, in Alexandria, Virginia, in July!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I DO, indeed, stress myself ou FAR too much and FAR TOO OFTEN .
I must learn to live with and accept that just BECAUSE I a feel stressed -out, too put upon and no being " fairly treated!" does not mean that my evaluation is realistic, valid and " gospel truth."
Thinking " This is SO THE WORST THING to endure" or " Why is life so cruel to me" does little to help me deal well with my life at that given moment.
- Johnny -
Thinking " This is SO THE WORST THING to endure" or " Why is life so cruel to me" does little to help me deal well with my life at that given moment.
- Johnny -
My Hobbled Yankees team ...
is " doing me proud" SO FAR during The PRESENT course of THIS Baseball Season .
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I soon shall find out . . .
whether a slower and less event driven life style shall be the way I live on a DAY to Day, On- Going manner starting in January of 2014!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
The Stress of a SEEMINGLY Unending To Do List
I will be away on a trip for five weeks starting on May 20TH. It seems no matter how much time or energy I devote on being productive that list DOES NOT seem to be getting any smaller! - Arraggh!
True Teammates
A winning team is not merely a collection of people or names on a roster. It is people who are committed to each other and want each to succeed through the process of becoming stronger by investing in each other. Teams that are effective worthwhile and positive truly care about the person or persons that they have agreed to be bonded to.
Teams can be as small as TWO people. In my opinion, Romantic and Significant Other Relationships need to be developed in stages. It is wise to discover that you like the OTHER person. Then, Work to see if you can become friends. The next step is to become a well- functioning teammate of the other person. To me, This is the way to start a lasting a mutually nurturing relationship.
I allude to often a process of self- improvement that I entered into on the First of October, 2011. I called it The 18 Month Prime Directive. Each Month, I chose critical goals to work on and self-sabotaging behaviors to eliminate, I agreed to put myself under the authority of a 5 member Board of Directive. I also told myself, " I can NO LONGER ALLOW myself to permit --- too hard, it will overwhelm me or I just can't" be the reasons why I choose to NOT make a change or do what, in the long run, is in my best interest to do."
This process which transpired from October First, 2011 up to April 30Th, 2013 has made me a person that I far more like and enjoy- depending upon THE DAY! - LOL!!!!!
- Johnny -
Teams can be as small as TWO people. In my opinion, Romantic and Significant Other Relationships need to be developed in stages. It is wise to discover that you like the OTHER person. Then, Work to see if you can become friends. The next step is to become a well- functioning teammate of the other person. To me, This is the way to start a lasting a mutually nurturing relationship.
I allude to often a process of self- improvement that I entered into on the First of October, 2011. I called it The 18 Month Prime Directive. Each Month, I chose critical goals to work on and self-sabotaging behaviors to eliminate, I agreed to put myself under the authority of a 5 member Board of Directive. I also told myself, " I can NO LONGER ALLOW myself to permit --- too hard, it will overwhelm me or I just can't" be the reasons why I choose to NOT make a change or do what, in the long run, is in my best interest to do."
This process which transpired from October First, 2011 up to April 30Th, 2013 has made me a person that I far more like and enjoy- depending upon THE DAY! - LOL!!!!!
- Johnny -
Saturday, May 11, 2013
A Conundrum
I know that mentality and emotionally healthy adults are supposed to enjoy and delight in their own company. Today was a very productive day- I participated well in a Great Toastmaster meeting from 8 to 10 AM today. I mailed off a bill and prepared 4 other bills that will be mailed off by a good friend while I'm away. at the end of this month and almost all of next month!
I spent a good bit of time working on a presentation that will debut in EARLY July for a project that is very close to my heart. I've added multiple posting to this site.
Yet, I am now aching with loneliness !. I am not at all happy that this has been, predominantly, Another " Me, Myself and I" Saturday.
What I find is, too often true, is that most friendships are connected to organizations and activities. If that activity is not going on, Then, Those friends are OFTEN " just NOT available!!!!"
Am I bizarre to see life this way and simply NOT like living this way? Isn't there a MUCH better way to have friends and have much better and more consistent social connections ?
- Johnny -
I spent a good bit of time working on a presentation that will debut in EARLY July for a project that is very close to my heart. I've added multiple posting to this site.
Yet, I am now aching with loneliness !. I am not at all happy that this has been, predominantly, Another " Me, Myself and I" Saturday.
What I find is, too often true, is that most friendships are connected to organizations and activities. If that activity is not going on, Then, Those friends are OFTEN " just NOT available!!!!"
Am I bizarre to see life this way and simply NOT like living this way? Isn't there a MUCH better way to have friends and have much better and more consistent social connections ?
- Johnny -
An Anxious Saturday
I got a lot of good things done TODAY! Took care of Bills and worked on as Project Near and Dear to my Heart. Yet, I do not like that this Day, for the most part, was a YET ANOTHER, Me, Myself and I Saturday!
The Continuing Story of the Comic Book Library
I picked up 11 New Comic Books at the Beatley Library this past Thursday. I will journey to that Library Again this upcoming Wednesday.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Can Husbands and Wives have ...
secrets from each otheR?
I think so as EVERY person is entitle4d to their privacy.
I think so as EVERY person is entitle4d to their privacy.
The Biggest Prisoners of The Past...
are sports fans. When a team has stumbled in the past, We Sports Fan, at the first sign of trouble, come to believe that they will fail again.
My Fourth Step
I hope that doing that with my sponsor, Paul Parry, will leave me feeling freer and cleaner.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
This has been a basically cool Spring
this year in Greater Dc. The temps during this First Week of May are in the 50's and 60's.
Superman - The New Movie!
I do truly hope that this one gets critical acclaim. Critics do not seem to warm up to Superman overall.
I am slowly getting ready to make a Difference
Getting Past The Official 18 of My 18 Month Prime Directive a week ago now sets me up to tell the story of this adventure and how it helped to re-create who I am. I am far more me than I was in the Summer of 2011.
I am a Nationals Fan
I did say that I'd root for any baseball team that played in Washington DC. Yes, I still plan to root for them when I am living in Kentucky.
Hockey Patterns
For some Odd Reason, The Capitals can never manage to win Game 3 Of ANY playoff series.
Breathe and just
enjoy this moment and all that this moment is. That is what I need to think tonight.
My trip to Kentucky shall be ...
a great adventure. My life now is stagnant- I need newness and refreshing. I shall learn more of what I may well be my future in 13 and a fraction days.
I'm getting better at Playing My PSP
Sometimes, A Lack of Success is simply due to a lack of practice.
DC has not worked well for me for quite awhile.
It is a blessing to know that new and different is before me.
Today and My Overall Life is not
all that I have, This Existence is not my home and not my only option.
Whining just encourages pathetic behavior
Acceptance and doing the next right thing adds to a much better quality life.
Early May has been a not wonderful time for me.
So far, It has proven to be a laborious grind! I need to show some grit, no matter what and continue to move forward and progress!
Derrick Rose Versus Blue Color Hostility
" I work hard and I work when I am hurt. I'm always on the job, sometimes while in a lot of pain but I never make excuses and I never let my coworkers or my bosses down."
There are men who respond this way when they hear that Derrick Rose of The Chicago Bulls is " Fully Over" his ACL injury and that he looks " amazing in practices." and " should be ready to play". They wonder if Rose is soft, a coward or not " dedicated to the game." when they hear that he is not suiting up and playing alongside his Bulls Teammates as they take on The Miami Heat in The Playoffs..
There does seem to be a matter of a player recovering from a serious injury needing to be Mentally ready to play before they are truly able to play. That seems to be not yet where Derrick Rose is. Is it time for Rose to say " Whether I think I'm fully ready or not, I need to play NOW."
Is ir reasonable to ask this of This Basketball Superstar ?
- Johnny-
There are men who respond this way when they hear that Derrick Rose of The Chicago Bulls is " Fully Over" his ACL injury and that he looks " amazing in practices." and " should be ready to play". They wonder if Rose is soft, a coward or not " dedicated to the game." when they hear that he is not suiting up and playing alongside his Bulls Teammates as they take on The Miami Heat in The Playoffs..
There does seem to be a matter of a player recovering from a serious injury needing to be Mentally ready to play before they are truly able to play. That seems to be not yet where Derrick Rose is. Is it time for Rose to say " Whether I think I'm fully ready or not, I need to play NOW."
Is ir reasonable to ask this of This Basketball Superstar ?
- Johnny-
Monday, May 6, 2013
God, Grant Me the Senenity TODAY . . .
To accept the things I cannot change . The Courage to Change the things I can and YOUR WISDOM to enable me to tell the difference.
I am not deserving
I truly am owed nothing. So much of my life is really lived best when I see myself as a committed teammate.
I am a little tense today
I do believe that once I get into the flow of the day and look towards getting done well the next thing before me, All with then, likely, go well.
If You Miss nothing at all after living somewhere...
for 35 years, Then, You do need to question whether you'd actually LIVED over those 35 years.
I'm not overly fond of Greater Washington DC, But I will miss somethings clearly about living here!
I'm not overly fond of Greater Washington DC, But I will miss somethings clearly about living here!
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Is it really cute and hip to support nonsense?
A great deal of the public conversation that we tell people we, as a society support and stand behind we actually have strong doubts about,
This being true, Why do we DISINGENUOUSLY tell people that we support and stand behind these very same notions.?
- Johnny -
This being true, Why do we DISINGENUOUSLY tell people that we support and stand behind these very same notions.?
- Johnny -
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Sometimes, The Greatest Miracles Actually Sneak up on You!
I am amazed today, when I realize that there are things that ARE now true in my life that I never, ever believed, once upon a time, would ever come to pass for me!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
God's Response
Some people declare that, " I believe in God. He does not need me to act, He is all powerful. So, I shall just wait to see Him act."
God is not OUR servant nor our entertainment. He boldly responds to such presumption by reminding us that, " Faith WITHOUT WORKS is DEAD ! "
God is not OUR servant nor our entertainment. He boldly responds to such presumption by reminding us that, " Faith WITHOUT WORKS is DEAD ! "
A Boy's Victory
A Boy in the South Western Bronx pleads that the screaming will stop and that his parents will stop confusing punishing him with acting out viciously and uncontrollably! This boy often speaks of a dream of his, " One Day, I will be in California."
The Woeful and decaying neighborhoods of his childhood never afford him much security and peace. He grows up and childhood whispered promises and intentions seem to be foolishl and easily dismissed, set-aside and forgotten as the years pass by.
Summer 2006, A 51 Year Old Man stands outside Lindburg Airport in san Diego. He is in The state Of California. He postrateshimself and kisses the sidewalk.
" I was right, I did get here!" he says with tears in his eyes. 5 Days later, After working with Friends From Arlington Virginia's Grace Community Church to build 2 homes outside and above Tecate, Mexico, He is startled to be spending an afternoon at The Posh La Joya Beach. " wow, You have now lived in The Bronx and seen This Beach and the Pacific OPcean.
He does not yet know the song- but if he had, at that point, He would have worshiped His God by singing , " There can be miracles, WHEN YOU BELIEVE..."
You simply just NEVER KNOW !
- Johnny -
The Woeful and decaying neighborhoods of his childhood never afford him much security and peace. He grows up and childhood whispered promises and intentions seem to be foolishl and easily dismissed, set-aside and forgotten as the years pass by.
Summer 2006, A 51 Year Old Man stands outside Lindburg Airport in san Diego. He is in The state Of California. He postrateshimself and kisses the sidewalk.
" I was right, I did get here!" he says with tears in his eyes. 5 Days later, After working with Friends From Arlington Virginia's Grace Community Church to build 2 homes outside and above Tecate, Mexico, He is startled to be spending an afternoon at The Posh La Joya Beach. " wow, You have now lived in The Bronx and seen This Beach and the Pacific OPcean.
He does not yet know the song- but if he had, at that point, He would have worshiped His God by singing , " There can be miracles, WHEN YOU BELIEVE..."
You simply just NEVER KNOW !
- Johnny -
Is Second Place truly The First Loser or
is finishing second in a close competition still worth honoring ? I honestly do not know how to answer this question.
Friday, May 3, 2013
Exercise, Prayer and Worship
I am competing for a CHAMPIONSHIP in a few Hours. I am greedy enough and vain enough, unless , I am cautious, realistic and wise , to become absurdly self- centered at such moment. I have, to my severe regret, done just THIS too often in the past!
That is why, On This Friday Afternoon, May Third , I am grateful to report that I have prayed and worshiped My God, Lord and Messiah. I know that He created me and what I have is of Him and nothing that I chose for myself!
I also exercised vigorously. This shows that I must work to attain what I desire. I have also been mentored and invested in. It is now up to me to demonstrate how WELL I have been mentore.
I do wish to excel and do well tonight! God, Please keep me sane and right - thinking in my speech, attitude, actions and thinking through out THIS Friday!
- Johnny -
That is why, On This Friday Afternoon, May Third , I am grateful to report that I have prayed and worshiped My God, Lord and Messiah. I know that He created me and what I have is of Him and nothing that I chose for myself!
I also exercised vigorously. This shows that I must work to attain what I desire. I have also been mentored and invested in. It is now up to me to demonstrate how WELL I have been mentore.
I do wish to excel and do well tonight! God, Please keep me sane and right - thinking in my speech, attitude, actions and thinking through out THIS Friday!
- Johnny -
Leading means setting an example - Serving as a Profitable Model !
Today, My Goal. as I compete in The Toastmaster Division 29 Evaluation Finale, is to set an example of excellence as an Evaluator that will motivate others to desire to improve as speech evaluators.
is not something that I should expect to be provided to me. It is an individual matter and a personal responsibility.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Thursday, May 2, 2013
I know that I am an Elite Toastmaster.
I need to keep in mind that this does not need to make me wealthy and/ or famous in order for this to be a good thing.
I don't know whether I wiill win the District 29 Evaluation ...
Contest tomorrow night However, I am rather confident that I shall excel.
Wanting to do better
and acting to make this so has added much luster and quality to my life over the blast year and a major fraction.
Mothers Day
will soon arrive. I honor all mothers who have acted to do their utmost for their children.
2013- Now 1/3rd History
This year of waiting and preparing is chugging along. It has not been easy but it has served as a great year of training and discipline.
2900 Posts now achieved
I do believe that writing more is the best way to improve as a writer. It is also just a matter, too, of not thinking that everything you write most be vital and historically worth preserving!
A Model For Government Responsiveness.
Why is it reasonable that we demand far less from those who we pay taxes to fund them we do from businesses that we also provide funding- as in purchasing to?
Would it be better if we know that we could DEMAND of Government Agency quality service at prices that we think are reasonable? It might be good if we could sunset them as they are now and reconstitute them on a " We must please those who are paying the bills" mindset.
Midas gained a lot through a paradigm commercial with a stern and unyielding customer insisting that " I am NOT going to pay a LOT for this muffler." Wouldn't discontent with Government programs and agencies be reduced IF this same concept- "You must please us in order to get our money" became the paradigm for all local and state governments as well as THE Federal Government.
- Johnny -
Would it be better if we know that we could DEMAND of Government Agency quality service at prices that we think are reasonable? It might be good if we could sunset them as they are now and reconstitute them on a " We must please those who are paying the bills" mindset.
Midas gained a lot through a paradigm commercial with a stern and unyielding customer insisting that " I am NOT going to pay a LOT for this muffler." Wouldn't discontent with Government programs and agencies be reduced IF this same concept- "You must please us in order to get our money" became the paradigm for all local and state governments as well as THE Federal Government.
- Johnny -
Stronger, Swifter, Higher
This is the Olympic Model. Is it wise for us to try to live this way on a daily basis. It is clear that some of we Type As try to live this way.
This would seem to be a set up for both frustration and burn-out!
This would seem to be a set up for both frustration and burn-out!
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
My New Kentucky Home!
I look forward to learning more about Mount Vernon and other locales in The Blue Grass State over The Next 2 Months.
Bryce Harper and Mickey Mantle
I rooted for The Mick- I now root for Bryce- Mickey Mantle- The Next Generation is He!
I am fortunate
I still have some lingering small affects- being more headache prone and still a tender-slightly left shoulder after being hit by a car back on January 16TH.
I could have been injured far worse- I am indeed blessed!
I could have been injured far worse- I am indeed blessed!
My Parents thought that Public Speaking
was a useless skill. Thank you Frostburg, Toastmasters and Annandale HS for giving me the opportunity to thrice prove to them that they were MOST INCORRECT in maintaining this opinion and belief.!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
On Friday, I compete in a Toastmaster
District Contest for the 17TH time . I really am glad to have this new opportunity to challenge myself and to strive to excel.
While today was tiring,
I did prove I'm in better physical shape than I usually think of myself as being!
The Whitey Ford Posting
Number 16 of the Month! I am being silly but I like the feeling of lightness I'm gaining as this 121ST Day of 2013 ebbs away!
I love having a PSP again
It has helped me soothe myself during Three days when nothing seemed at all to go either right or well!
Momentum is healing
Doing the next righ thing makes it more likely that you will do the next right thing after that and so on!
My Whole New World!
In two in a half weeks , I will take the next Major Step towards building a newer, fresher, more hopeful and far more prosperous life!
Don't allow a few stumbles today ...
allow you to think that your future is not worth continuing to head towards.
God wants my character to ...
shaped. Being willing to have my character changed is a sign that God is active in my life.
I'm starting May off boldly
This 05/01 has been rocky, but I've blogged, done what had to be done and in spite of panic attacks, being overwhelmed and tired , I did not stop until all that need to be done and that I committed myself to do was fully accomplished!
Remember, Superman makes it look easy !
If I am a hero, as some say I am, Then, . I am more like Ralph Hinckley - The Greatest American Hero!
I know I am better than this!
I hate that I am so whiny and feeling so beaten down on this May First.
When a " Great Team" flounders
The Nationals seem to be "Lost in Space" as I type this. I do believe truly that all will work out for them, during this season and that they will, in the fullest sense, find their way home!
My Three Root Canal Days
3 Buses - One that ran late, one that broke down and one that was delayed by a passenger trying to perpetrate a fraud!
Then, I had a medical intern turn an opthomology exam into an ordeal. I also had an occassion to cross over sections of 395 twice today.
These last 3 days have been a plunge into overwhelming!
Then, I had a medical intern turn an opthomology exam into an ordeal. I also had an occassion to cross over sections of 395 twice today.
These last 3 days have been a plunge into overwhelming!
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