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Friday, February 3, 2012

I am often mystified- Why do people snarkily engage in activities that they

ardently and energetically attack others for DARING to foster and engage in?

Those who are labeled as being Far- Right Conservatives are often seen as being haters when it comes to how the deal with individuals who say that they are - Gay, Lesbian, Bi-Sexual, Transgendered and Queer. We are accused of discriminating against them, mocking  them, slandering and defaming them. This is also consider to be clear proof that these Far- Right Conservatives are haters and promoters of hatred.

 We are told that people are as they are born. and, as Lad Gaga sings, Gays, Lesbians, Bi- Sexuals. Transgenerders and Queers ARE BORN THAT WAY. It is said that any belief that a person can be indoctrinated, trained, influence, programmed or coerced into their sexual identity. Only the truly ignorant we are told would ever think in those terms or would ever say or write anything that could be used to convince others that this is indeed possible.

 I had 40 minutes to waste as I embedded in a check out line that was slow EVEN for a Shopper 's Food Warehouse! I noticed that one of the papers we all verbally dismiss as rags had a picture of Angelina Jolie  holding the hand of as young child. The child was her daughter, Shiloh. The picture was accompanied by some commentary on how boyish her hair cut was and how boyish what she was wearing was. The cover also had a picture of a younger Ms. Jolie- Pitt being held by her father, Brad. In that picture, It was noted that she is wearing a dress, has a girlish hair cut and is holding a doll. It is obvious that they were sending a message that this little girl is being steered and directed , by her mother, towards her future sexual identity,

 I also note that Shiloh Pitt- Julie is often compared to Suri Holmes-Cruise, The young daughter of Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise. Tom is often negatively depicted as the adherent of a " bizarre religion" - Scientology- and for being a stern and domineering control freak! Yet, Suri is often compared to Shiloh. Suri is often " noted" to be far more feminine than Shiloh!

" So What" You say! I note that Journalism, per se, is not really an occupation that has many  Hard Core Right-Wing Conservatives among their ranks. I note that this story or versions of it show up in numerous news papers and magazines. It seems, in fact, I've read subtler versions of this story in MAIN STREAM newspapers and magazines.

 If your beliefs and politics and wear you work would seem to indicate that you are a proud liberal/ progressive and if you are convinced that people are simply BORN into their sexual identity, Why promote a story or a series of stories that seem to indicate that a mother is " training her daughter to become a lesbian"? If it is hateful and proving that you are a hater to deny that people are ABSOLUTELY born that way, Then Aren't you a hater to, in effect, argue against that cannon truth?

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