One major difference that I have noticed about the way people live in the Mexican Community of El Florido and the way that many people live in The United States of America. I believe it is due to, in part , to how attractive to both children and adults alike the pop slogan " You are NOT THE BOSS OF ME!!!" is.
Many American like to see themselves as individuals and free thinkers. They do not like taking orders and being led by others.They are rankled by the thought that anyone would consider themselves to be their "superior" or their better.
So, They are the one who think Mondays are a horror, They are the one who just may start a countdown to Friday at 9:06 AM on Monday. - LOL! These people will tell you that they will follow, serve under and work with The Brightest and The best- Those who are able to prove that they are - The Wisest, The Cleverest, the Most Able, the Most Talented, The Most Skillful Financially. you demonstrate, to MY satisfaction that you are worth my following and I will follow you! Show me that I will gain by Following You and I will!
I did not see this attitude among the people of El Florido. They seemed willing to follow, accept direction and guidance and seemed highly willing to co-operate. It is an eye-opener indeed!
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