Hello, My Name is Johnny, And I am a wimp. I am , too easily cowed, overwhelmed and give up too easily. While it is painful to admit I can be labeled as one who is the textbook definition of being "Too easily defeated!". This is much, much too much of a burden for me to continue to joke about, find acceptable, tolerate and just sigh and say, " This is just the way it is!"
What is most irking is that it is an easy option to succumb to and to fall back into! It is a way of escape- this is true!!!!- However, It is a cowardly , dishonorable and churlish way of living!
I know that as a Christian, I have Christ's strength and empowerment to rely upon- " I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me!". Yet, That does still require me to be willing, to step forward and to get into action. As a popular book title says, "If you want to walk on Water, First, You have to get OUT of THE Boat." I am also someone who has been a member of Toastmasters for over 20 years, I know that people are constantly being encouraged to move confidently, boldly and decisively out of their Comfort Zone. I have done a lot of this over the last 20 years and yet---- I cringe when I think of how much further along I could be were I only MORE WILLING to be L!E!S!S! affected by embarrassment, fumbling, miscues, goofs, mistakes or simply not doing as well as I planned to do. I will often, FAR TOO OFTEN let such fears and anxieties allow me to surrender, to not attempt to move forward, turn down opportunities, quit in the middle of doing something or decide simply to not begin, to not even make the effort,
I am shrinking myself and draining quality, happiness and discovery from my life by deciding to live this way. I need to over come this living as a wimp!
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