Even as I type these words, I can scarcely believe that is true. I think I've overwhelmed my apartment's capacity to hold well the number of guests who will be here and it is making it really difficult to sleep this AM! I think that is one part worry but, more thankfully also due to the fact that after a number of tries over the years - since 2007 really- that I'm going to host a fun, interesting and lively par-tay!!!! One that will cause me to smile for QUITE a while when I think back upon it.
This is a Housewarming party. I moved here, not really of my own volition at the end of April My former apartment is being majorly renovated and one - This PAST 02/01 a 120 Day notice was slipped through my mail slot.
This new apartment is a noticeable upgrade - so that is quite excellent! I guess I am going to get beyond my old, tired and too self-limiting canards of - "No body likes me", " People treat me well only because they wish to be basically civil" and the other now proven absurd notion that, " No one finds me any fun"
So, Life is good on this July Saturday and most pleasing! Who woulda thunk this- For a longgggg time in the past- L!!O!!L!! - not me!
- Johnny -
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Johnny, you way underestimate yourself.. Those of us that know you, knew you could do it.. and overcoming things is one way of moving forward.. and to shine even brighter. Many hugs, my dear friend.