During my recent time in The Mexican Community of El Florido, An interesting discussion occurred among the members of The Grace Church Mission team. The issue analyzed was one that is often brought up? Who should you help?
The issue revolved more around who is worthy to be helped - who will accept help with a willingly, open heart and with a clean and non-combative , non contentious attitude. In Another words, People who are humble and who show a marvelous and heartening attitude when they accept help. People from the community came to assist us as we worked to build the cafeteria for the school. This seemed to increase the fondness for our efforts to improve the lives of the community.
This was contrasted with the way the neediest Americans seem to expect to be helped. People felt that there was a lack of thankfulness and humbleness. That help needed to be provided mot according the observable need but what is demanded by those in need. The comment was made about the lack of patience as the well- Everything seemed to need to be accomplished now.
It also seemed to sit badly that the American Poor seem to still own many luxury items that could be seen as tokens of prosperity, while the poor of El Florido seemed to have little that could not be justified on the basis of necessity.
I will say that a few people, a bare handful, seemed to have cell phones. We also did ask the people , prior to the team's arrival , what they saw they needed. Yet, There requests seemed modest and quite-doable and they were willing to labor besides us.
So, Do we have a right to decide a priority list as to who we should help? Do people need to demonstrate that they merit being assisted ? Is it offensive and off-putting for the people being helped to make ANY demands of those who are willing to assist them?
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