I am now designing an 18 month program that will be overseen by my church, Grace Community Church, to help me to live, on an on-going basis up to who I am and to what I am capable of. The working titleof this embryonic project is " The 18 Month Prime Directive"
The idea is to not see myself as a type of Eeyore any longer. I want to live more spontaneously with elan and poise. I want to be less lonely an obsessively self-protective. I've long been haunted by a phrase from my childhood that " I am too easily defeated", I want this to be rarely true of me.
I'm going to meet with a devoted and trusted friend, Derek Adye, The Associate Pastor, of My Church on Wednesday Afternoon, The 20th. I'm a major fan of Manned Space Exploration- This date is the 42nd Anniversary of The Landing of Apollo 11 on The Sea of Tranquility
I know that I know that I know that Johnny as he largely has been and far too often is is unsustainable and untenable! I need to realize that this will be a time- consuming investment process.
I know what I must do- I 'd be foolish to sustain what is- it is a path to nowhere that is worth going to!
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