The idea of seeking to gain as a condition to get can be a very limited strategy! Another way to consider it is " I will do something for you, once you convince and assure me that you will do something for me." This is a cynical way of living that mocks any idea of generosity,genuinely self-generated kindness or doing because you are morally convinced that it is the RIGHT thing to do.
In these early days of my self- discovery and learning who I truly am versus who I've allowed myself to be convinced that I am and who I've become due to my own self-sabotage and lack of effort, courage, determination and resolve, I'm discovering that it is not good to decide that my behavior will be governed by how you decide to treat me and respond to me.
This makes me a cipher, someone who exists as a result of the actions of others! I must decide what I believe, what I know matters and then behave. I am seeing the value of becoming an ACTOR as opposed to a reactor! I can be a cause and I can have a positive effect on others.
In just under 4 complete days, I'm seeing that I am quite able to be a positive influence and have a positive and ennobling impact upon others!
I'm smiling more and each day I'm challenging myself, no matter what, to think, behave, respond and act positively! I've had some stumbles but I've seen some " New Birth of Johnny" outcomes as well. Life is not as I'd like it, ideally, to be today but today has been a good and positive day for me! This is true because I decided to invest in it turning out, so far, to be so!
- Johnny-
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