I have been a Toastmaster for just over 20 and a half years. I also have had a great deal of experience as a story teller. One principle of both of these communication meediums is to embrace your audience and to take them on a journey that they desire to be taken on. The plot must be advance, their must be progress, you must advance and grow more interesting and compelling-spellbinging, if possible- from the start to the finish.
I am a major fan of Talk Radio. I find the interactions between pundits and experts and the General Public to be educationbal perse.
Yet, I, of late, here the hosts not advancing the conversation, They are spending a lot of time ask people to repeat what they have already said or reexplain themselves and their position again and again. To me, This is " Grass Growing " On Radio, it is tedious, dull and irritating, It make for unlistenable to radio.
I do get that some people are not articulate , They perhaps have not well-thought out what they are saying. They may also be stating an absurd perspective that is not worth listening to. They may also have a phone that is torturous to listen to due to how poorly it transmits their voice.
So, I can see some valid reasons for asking for restatement and clarification. Yet, Some points made on the phone are distinctly made. precise, basic and actually simple. A tired 4 year old would understand what was being said at that moment. When a talk show host then asks for repetition or redefinition, I'm led to wonder " What is wrong with him or her?"
I know sometimes a host stridently disagrees with the points being made by the caller to his or her show, They may then try to control the caller by deflecting and confusing them. To me, That is poor radio, Be up front,!Acknowledge your disagreement, then have a intelligent back and forth conversation with your caller AND audience member. To me, That approach embodies more integrity!
The more popular hosts have a staff connected to the show, I am sure that someone on staff can help to provide briefings on the fly to the host as the call proceeds. This can help the host to be aware and ready to advance the show, the moment and the conversation.
I think that " Huh, What did you say?" radio is Talk Radio at its' worst!
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