Ron Jaworski, The Former Star QB for The Philadelphia Eagles and Monday Football Commentator is The Author of a Book entitled The Games That changed The Game.
This book looks at 7 critical games that helped to turn The NFL into the League it is today! One of the things he mentions in his 2010 authored tome is the " All 22" Tape. This is filmed from high above the field and it allows the coaches and the players to see the position of every player on the field during every play of the game. This allows the coaches to see who is playing well and executing their assignments well and---- which players are NOT doing so!
I wonder if we'd live better and those who we associate live better if we had an " All 22 tape" to review of each day of our lives. Would that spur us to make the next day more successful?
One of the reasons I like Debate is because it trains you to look at each idea from many different perspectives! Most of us seem just very comfortable sitting upon the "over-stuffed couch" that represents the ideas that we promote, live by and embrace!
- Johnny-
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