With apologies to Art Linkletter! we often kick ourselves for the " dumb , trouble-causing, hurtful or just plain awkward and clumsy things that we say." some of those things, most certainly, are said QUITE unintentionally!
Yet, Do you ever praise and complement yourself when you "accidentally and witthout any thought, intention or planning" actually say something inspiring, clever, helpful, kind, supportive, clever weise or perhaps EVEN brillliant!?
About an hour ago, while I was standing in line at my bank got into a fun and diverting mid-week "rainy day"conversation with a DELIGHTFUL woman. As I was getting ready to exit the bank I turned to her and INTENDED to say, " I hope you enjoy the Rest of your day". What actually came out was, " I hope the rest of your day is prosperous! "
It was clear that this remark delighted, buoyed and tickled that woman. The smile and entusiastic nod she gave me told me that!!!
It is not, at all, what I planned to say but it was, BEYOND ANY DOUBT, a clever and effective thing to say!!!
- Johnny -
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