Mike Shanahan was fired earlier today by The Washington Redskins. Among the reasons for this seem to be his deteriorating relationship with Robert Griffin the Third, The Redskins Season ending losing streak and that the Redskins are still not an elite NFL time ready to play year after year with impressive verve.
Coach Mike's greatest failing then- He FAILED!!! to Return The Redskins to glory.
It seems to be that there are businesses that were once the models of their industry who have tumbled from the heights they once attained and have functioned in a lackluster and unimpressive/ disaapointing way over a long interval of time.
I am sure these companies HAVE HIRED CEO's, /COO's who have been expected to return the enterprise that they are hired to run back to its ' former glory?
How do such business leaders get measured in terms of whether they have failed or succeeded ? Does the business need to again, be the CHAMPION amongst its' peers? If the business does not improve, Is that CEO /COO branded as an unsuccessful failure ?
- Johnny -
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Monday, December 30, 2013
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Are these gross and unseemly encounters REALLY ....
I , as I have noted, lived in really desolate area of the Bronx throughout my boyhood . In many ways, New York City is a marvel of a city to reside it. Having typed this, All I really miss of the city is My Yankees. Dirty streets, High Crime Area, too many people who liked to stir up drama, crisis and malevolence made the City of My birth a place that I rejoiced to be free of.
I will soon no longer be a residence of The Greater DC Region. I'd like to recount a story of what I encountered in DC on October 23RD. I was on my way to a Favorite Toastmaster Club of Mine in The Foggy Bottom Area.
I stopped off at The Cafeteria at The George Washington University Hospital. I wanted a cup of coffe and I severely needed to relieve myself.
I set my things down on a table and raced to the men's room. The urinal was out -of order. I noticed that the stall door was opened and I noticed a man standing in there- not using the stall but standing there.
" Sir, I've got to relieve myself now, please let me use the stall." " No!" " I can't wait!" " your problem not mine.
I then told the person he need to step out of that stall - to go. I was then told " You wouldn't talk to me this way if I were white."
This went on for a bit and finally he stepped out of the stall. I barely avoided flooding my clothes with liquid wastes. This should never be allowed to occur ever.
I will admit that Ronald Reagan was wrong, We need to have places to place people who can't care for themselves and who will be nothing more than a difficulty for themselves and others. I know that there are many reasons why people are homeless. I have learned that and I feel for such unfortunates- I was homeless during the last half of 2003. However, It is vile to take out your misfortune on others.
There are also people who are predators, trouble makers and bad actors who gain pleasure out of inflicting as much misery as they possibly can on others. they take pride in their ability to do this well!
I do not know exactly what this man was dealing with. I know that I did nothing that would warrant my being placed in this embarrassing and self-contaminating position.
My Good Friend And Love, Born and Raised in Rural Kentucky told me when I told her this tale that, " People do not get to impose themselves on people that way. People will not accept disruptive behavior there.
She further explained that The man would have been told to behave himself NOW and leave and not return. If he objected and raised up a fuss , he likely would wind up in jail - at least until he could be evaluated.
I think people, more people than we usually admit, are tired of dealing with these circumstances and these behaviors.
I wish I could say the George Washington U encounter was rare for me. Sadly, It is just not. There have been far too many of them , especially on Metro! I love my nation and I do like many things about Our Capital City. It is just I'm tired of dealing with the vile attitudes and the wretched behaviors that I , too often, am confronted by.
I've been a member of AA for 22 plus years. I guess I think of one of AA's sayings, " I do NOT HAVE TO ACCEPT unacceptable behaviors." That is why I'm glad that I have not lived in The Bronx since 1977 and why, while I will miss much about it, I'm pleased that I will be hundreds of miles away from Washington DC by this time next month.
- Johnny -
I , as I have noted, lived in really desolate area of the Bronx throughout my boyhood . In many ways, New York City is a marvel of a city to reside it. Having typed this, All I really miss of the city is My Yankees. Dirty streets, High Crime Area, too many people who liked to stir up drama, crisis and malevolence made the City of My birth a place that I rejoiced to be free of.
I will soon no longer be a residence of The Greater DC Region. I'd like to recount a story of what I encountered in DC on October 23RD. I was on my way to a Favorite Toastmaster Club of Mine in The Foggy Bottom Area.
I stopped off at The Cafeteria at The George Washington University Hospital. I wanted a cup of coffe and I severely needed to relieve myself.
I set my things down on a table and raced to the men's room. The urinal was out -of order. I noticed that the stall door was opened and I noticed a man standing in there- not using the stall but standing there.
" Sir, I've got to relieve myself now, please let me use the stall." " No!" " I can't wait!" " your problem not mine.
I then told the person he need to step out of that stall - to go. I was then told " You wouldn't talk to me this way if I were white."
This went on for a bit and finally he stepped out of the stall. I barely avoided flooding my clothes with liquid wastes. This should never be allowed to occur ever.
I will admit that Ronald Reagan was wrong, We need to have places to place people who can't care for themselves and who will be nothing more than a difficulty for themselves and others. I know that there are many reasons why people are homeless. I have learned that and I feel for such unfortunates- I was homeless during the last half of 2003. However, It is vile to take out your misfortune on others.
There are also people who are predators, trouble makers and bad actors who gain pleasure out of inflicting as much misery as they possibly can on others. they take pride in their ability to do this well!
I do not know exactly what this man was dealing with. I know that I did nothing that would warrant my being placed in this embarrassing and self-contaminating position.
My Good Friend And Love, Born and Raised in Rural Kentucky told me when I told her this tale that, " People do not get to impose themselves on people that way. People will not accept disruptive behavior there.
She further explained that The man would have been told to behave himself NOW and leave and not return. If he objected and raised up a fuss , he likely would wind up in jail - at least until he could be evaluated.
I think people, more people than we usually admit, are tired of dealing with these circumstances and these behaviors.
I wish I could say the George Washington U encounter was rare for me. Sadly, It is just not. There have been far too many of them , especially on Metro! I love my nation and I do like many things about Our Capital City. It is just I'm tired of dealing with the vile attitudes and the wretched behaviors that I , too often, am confronted by.
I've been a member of AA for 22 plus years. I guess I think of one of AA's sayings, " I do NOT HAVE TO ACCEPT unacceptable behaviors." That is why I'm glad that I have not lived in The Bronx since 1977 and why, while I will miss much about it, I'm pleased that I will be hundreds of miles away from Washington DC by this time next month.
- Johnny -
A Year Away ?
After going through an 18 month Prime Directive and now heading towards 18 months in my relationship with my angel, I'm struck by how I'm focused in the feature and often building towards a year from now.
It seems to minimize how much I get out now and the near future, I'm inclined to think that I'm just not always served very well by this.
- Johnny -
It seems to minimize how much I get out now and the near future, I'm inclined to think that I'm just not always served very well by this.
- Johnny -
Saturday, December 28, 2013
When I talk , connect and think things out thoroughly ...
I do so much better as I go through my day!
Lst night, I responded badly, I needed to remember that ...
To every thing there IS a purpose and a time under Heaven.
Friday, December 27, 2013
I seldom sleep well or productively when I'm Very Lonely ,
Very Isolated or Very Cold.
It is , then, HIGHLY UNLIKELY that I will sleep well tonight as all THREE of These Conditions are presently true of me!
- Johnny -
It is , then, HIGHLY UNLIKELY that I will sleep well tonight as all THREE of These Conditions are presently true of me!
- Johnny -
Thursday, December 26, 2013
A Dreamer's Departure
I have always been a dreamer and an idealist. I am, heart and soul, a romantic. I am always and perpetually a wonderer and a questioner. I ask " Why ?" constantly, I have done so my entire life. I love exploring and history, The History of anything and everything, actually
I have been a servant of Jesus Christ since October 25TH, 1972. I see Him as My Lord and Savior. I am the least of His Followers when it comes to serving Him perfectly. I am so glad to be able to be secure in the reality that I am saved by Grace and not works. My righteousness, AT BEST, is as The Filthiest Rags.
I survived child abuse, physical and emotional trauma and being raised in an Urban Crisis Zone, The South Western Bronx - Tremont Avenue, Near Fordham Road, Off The Grand Concourse and just up from Jerome Avenue. My High School often graduated students who read as well as Nine Year Olds typically do.
My dream as a boy was to be someone who would change the world- make a difference that would change , better and empower numerous lives. By the age of 8, I started thinking that HAD to mean either being a Nationally Serving Elected Official or someone who worked closely and highly influenced those elected to such positions.
I decided to become and be a Conservative and was attracted early to the idea of doing all that could be done to remove any and all obstacles and hindrances to allowing individuals to energetically and devotedly Pursue Their Happiness.
I saw my dream begin to find its' expression when I served as a writer for My High School News Paper. I had the opportunity to write a column on politics entitled The Voice of Reason.
In 1972, I had my first chance to get beyond the Southwestern Bronx. I became a First Year Student, in August of 1972, at Western Maryland's Frostburg State College- now University. I want from New York City to a College Town that THEN had a population of 6,000 people. As I understand , That population- L O L - has swelled to 10,000.
I got involved in Student Government during my 5 Years at FSC. I did some acting. I majored in Political Science and History and I started to take public speaking seriously- I was a Member Of Frostburg's Individual Events and Debate Teams. That is where I really began to see that I had a powerful gift for public speaking.
After graduating Frostburg, I nearly decided to stay there, I'd deeply fallen in love with the town. Yet, I felt a need to achieve a sense of destiny and promise- to live out my dream. So, I came to The DC Area.
I am not a typist, I still do not like nor am I really comfortable with typing. Yet, To secure a position on Capital Hill, as I desired to do, YOU HAD TO BE ABLE TO TYPE VERY WELL and make FEW mistakes as you type. I, then decided to work on Campaigns one for a Gubernatorial candidate and another for a Congressional Candidate- both candidates were resoundingly defeated so by November of 1980, My " career" in Politics had come to an end.
This is just MY opinion but there are certain cities which are Dream Magnets- DC For Politics, New York For Finances and Acting. Los Angeles For Acting , Nashville For Country Music and New Orleans for Jazz to name a few. If your heart and soul 's desire and yearning is to LIVE THE DREAM, Those can be very difficult cities to reside in if you know/ once you know that, in terms of DREAM FULFILLMENT , that you cannot and will not MAKE IT THERE!
I worked as a restaurant busboy, as a Church maintenance woker several times, as A Teacher Full Time In Private Schools, as a Substitute In Fairfax and Arlington County, VA. I've been a daily employee at a 12 Step Recovery Club and a co-ordinator for A Home School Co-Operative In Gaithersburg, Maryland.
I've worked at a Seven - Eleven like store in The Navy Annex , starting that job 2 months after 9/11. I became , bluntly, a jobs vagabond in the years after 1980.
I see, now, that Washington began to chafe and become more and more, over time in the years after 1980. I did have some good times in parts of those years but I never really got over the Dream that would never be.
I also discovered that I'd been very traumatized by my upbringing and that choosing to run at full speed from it and when I had to deal with it, chose to blame others- after all, It was as a Result of " What Was Done To Me" This was a foolish and self-sabotaging choice, a recipe that had to produce disaster- which over time- it did.
It took a while to wreak comprehensive ruin upon my life. This came about in The Summer of 2003. Over time, I became increasingly self-negating and caustic. I became a social isolationist and was prone to become painfully moody. At one point, I spent 7 years living miserably and unhappily in a cubby hole sized room. I was nearly beaten to death on a Falls Church Street during this 7 year interval.
During the Summer of 2003, I spent my money down to nothing. I had a nervous break down- yes I KNOW that I should type "Psychotic Episode" but I'm very uncomfortable with that term. And Spent The Late Summer, Fall and Early Winter homeless. I spent nights just wondering for miles up and down the streets from Vienna, VA to Downtown Falls Church City.
In March of 2004, I became a Client of The Fairfax County Mental Health System and have lived in various subsidized hosing since then. The last 6 years, I've had my housing provided through Pathways Homes and have been blessed, in many ways, to have this !
I will say that it has dawned on me that I've slowly been living a life that is more threapy centered rather than life enhancing. Therapy should enhance life. Life should NEVER be reduced to being an adjunct to therapy.
I am both scared- - very!!!!!- and Happy - -EVEN MORE VERY !!!!! to have found love in my late 50's. Amanda Lynn Asher Dudley lives in Rockcastle County, Kentucky and she is the prime reason why I am leaving The Greater DC Area . My fear is about how well and soon I will adjust well and effectively to my new life and surrounding. My exultation is that Mandy is beautiful, brilliant, gifted, artistic and soulful. It is such a continuing and increasing gift to have her in my life.
I will say that, in part, I'm also leaving because I'm beyond tired of the continually increasing coarseness, nastiness and vulgarity of the area where I reside. The Vulgar Language, The Glares, The Patent Hostility and quite visible and impossible to ignore contentious, the Whole idea of " If you are offended by my actions and attitude, then it is YOUR PROBLEM and not mine." has long bothered me and increasingly caused my stomach to turn.
I know that the politics of confrontation, never ending war and UNRELENTING demandingness as in " What Do We WANT - FILL IN THE BLANK- When Do We WANT IT - N!!!!!! O!!!!!! W!!!!!!" is pathetic and unworthy of being promulgated and being supported and maintain. This is the blight left to us by The Late Saul Alinsky and His Tome Of Hatred and Eternal DISCONTENT - Rules for Radicals.
I would love to have our ELECTED leaders state and persistently stay on point with the following unswerving message , " Unless you are willing to be polite, civil and appropriate, I will not listen to you and I will refuse to support anything that you are advocating." I would support totally and sacrifice a year of my life to work on The Presidential Campaign of any woman or man willing to take on this stance.
I still believe that empowering INDIVIDUALS to reach their fullest potential should be the heart and soul of our politics and governance here in Our US. Dr. King moved a Nation by saying , " I HAVE A DREAM". He did not utter the words , " We HAVE A DREAM". People do not work well as segments or a fraction of a larger entity , group or cohort!
I am looking SO MUCH forward to 2014. I do believe I will enjoy what is to come during the next 12 months!
- Johnny -
I have been a servant of Jesus Christ since October 25TH, 1972. I see Him as My Lord and Savior. I am the least of His Followers when it comes to serving Him perfectly. I am so glad to be able to be secure in the reality that I am saved by Grace and not works. My righteousness, AT BEST, is as The Filthiest Rags.
I survived child abuse, physical and emotional trauma and being raised in an Urban Crisis Zone, The South Western Bronx - Tremont Avenue, Near Fordham Road, Off The Grand Concourse and just up from Jerome Avenue. My High School often graduated students who read as well as Nine Year Olds typically do.
My dream as a boy was to be someone who would change the world- make a difference that would change , better and empower numerous lives. By the age of 8, I started thinking that HAD to mean either being a Nationally Serving Elected Official or someone who worked closely and highly influenced those elected to such positions.
I decided to become and be a Conservative and was attracted early to the idea of doing all that could be done to remove any and all obstacles and hindrances to allowing individuals to energetically and devotedly Pursue Their Happiness.
I saw my dream begin to find its' expression when I served as a writer for My High School News Paper. I had the opportunity to write a column on politics entitled The Voice of Reason.
In 1972, I had my first chance to get beyond the Southwestern Bronx. I became a First Year Student, in August of 1972, at Western Maryland's Frostburg State College- now University. I want from New York City to a College Town that THEN had a population of 6,000 people. As I understand , That population- L O L - has swelled to 10,000.
I got involved in Student Government during my 5 Years at FSC. I did some acting. I majored in Political Science and History and I started to take public speaking seriously- I was a Member Of Frostburg's Individual Events and Debate Teams. That is where I really began to see that I had a powerful gift for public speaking.
After graduating Frostburg, I nearly decided to stay there, I'd deeply fallen in love with the town. Yet, I felt a need to achieve a sense of destiny and promise- to live out my dream. So, I came to The DC Area.
I am not a typist, I still do not like nor am I really comfortable with typing. Yet, To secure a position on Capital Hill, as I desired to do, YOU HAD TO BE ABLE TO TYPE VERY WELL and make FEW mistakes as you type. I, then decided to work on Campaigns one for a Gubernatorial candidate and another for a Congressional Candidate- both candidates were resoundingly defeated so by November of 1980, My " career" in Politics had come to an end.
This is just MY opinion but there are certain cities which are Dream Magnets- DC For Politics, New York For Finances and Acting. Los Angeles For Acting , Nashville For Country Music and New Orleans for Jazz to name a few. If your heart and soul 's desire and yearning is to LIVE THE DREAM, Those can be very difficult cities to reside in if you know/ once you know that, in terms of DREAM FULFILLMENT , that you cannot and will not MAKE IT THERE!
I worked as a restaurant busboy, as a Church maintenance woker several times, as A Teacher Full Time In Private Schools, as a Substitute In Fairfax and Arlington County, VA. I've been a daily employee at a 12 Step Recovery Club and a co-ordinator for A Home School Co-Operative In Gaithersburg, Maryland.
I've worked at a Seven - Eleven like store in The Navy Annex , starting that job 2 months after 9/11. I became , bluntly, a jobs vagabond in the years after 1980.
I see, now, that Washington began to chafe and become more and more, over time in the years after 1980. I did have some good times in parts of those years but I never really got over the Dream that would never be.
I also discovered that I'd been very traumatized by my upbringing and that choosing to run at full speed from it and when I had to deal with it, chose to blame others- after all, It was as a Result of " What Was Done To Me" This was a foolish and self-sabotaging choice, a recipe that had to produce disaster- which over time- it did.
It took a while to wreak comprehensive ruin upon my life. This came about in The Summer of 2003. Over time, I became increasingly self-negating and caustic. I became a social isolationist and was prone to become painfully moody. At one point, I spent 7 years living miserably and unhappily in a cubby hole sized room. I was nearly beaten to death on a Falls Church Street during this 7 year interval.
During the Summer of 2003, I spent my money down to nothing. I had a nervous break down- yes I KNOW that I should type "Psychotic Episode" but I'm very uncomfortable with that term. And Spent The Late Summer, Fall and Early Winter homeless. I spent nights just wondering for miles up and down the streets from Vienna, VA to Downtown Falls Church City.
In March of 2004, I became a Client of The Fairfax County Mental Health System and have lived in various subsidized hosing since then. The last 6 years, I've had my housing provided through Pathways Homes and have been blessed, in many ways, to have this !
I will say that it has dawned on me that I've slowly been living a life that is more threapy centered rather than life enhancing. Therapy should enhance life. Life should NEVER be reduced to being an adjunct to therapy.
I am both scared- - very!!!!!- and Happy - -EVEN MORE VERY !!!!! to have found love in my late 50's. Amanda Lynn Asher Dudley lives in Rockcastle County, Kentucky and she is the prime reason why I am leaving The Greater DC Area . My fear is about how well and soon I will adjust well and effectively to my new life and surrounding. My exultation is that Mandy is beautiful, brilliant, gifted, artistic and soulful. It is such a continuing and increasing gift to have her in my life.
I will say that, in part, I'm also leaving because I'm beyond tired of the continually increasing coarseness, nastiness and vulgarity of the area where I reside. The Vulgar Language, The Glares, The Patent Hostility and quite visible and impossible to ignore contentious, the Whole idea of " If you are offended by my actions and attitude, then it is YOUR PROBLEM and not mine." has long bothered me and increasingly caused my stomach to turn.
I know that the politics of confrontation, never ending war and UNRELENTING demandingness as in " What Do We WANT - FILL IN THE BLANK- When Do We WANT IT - N!!!!!! O!!!!!! W!!!!!!" is pathetic and unworthy of being promulgated and being supported and maintain. This is the blight left to us by The Late Saul Alinsky and His Tome Of Hatred and Eternal DISCONTENT - Rules for Radicals.
I would love to have our ELECTED leaders state and persistently stay on point with the following unswerving message , " Unless you are willing to be polite, civil and appropriate, I will not listen to you and I will refuse to support anything that you are advocating." I would support totally and sacrifice a year of my life to work on The Presidential Campaign of any woman or man willing to take on this stance.
I still believe that empowering INDIVIDUALS to reach their fullest potential should be the heart and soul of our politics and governance here in Our US. Dr. King moved a Nation by saying , " I HAVE A DREAM". He did not utter the words , " We HAVE A DREAM". People do not work well as segments or a fraction of a larger entity , group or cohort!
I am looking SO MUCH forward to 2014. I do believe I will enjoy what is to come during the next 12 months!
- Johnny -
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Find the Good in Every Day
This Christmas day was not ideal nor was it easy to navigate through but still much good occurred on This Last Wednesday of 2013.
This Year 2013 , I survived NOW I believe I will thrive!
has been a test- A test of love, endurance, patience and commitment. A test of doing without the company of my 600 mile away love far too often.
We made a commitment to take a full year to see if a life together is possible- One Full Calendar year was the time we set to discover that. It has been long, hard, gritty, painful- I was run over by a car 16 days into this year.
I and My Mandy have 6 days now left to go. I'll be moving to Kentucky within weeks. That was the prize I've kept before me especially during this year's roughest days and longest months.
There will a be a lot to learn and after 35 Years, I will miss Greater Washington DC i9n Many Ways.
However, I have yearned for a new life and now I shall enter into it starting a week from today!
- Johnny -
We made a commitment to take a full year to see if a life together is possible- One Full Calendar year was the time we set to discover that. It has been long, hard, gritty, painful- I was run over by a car 16 days into this year.
I and My Mandy have 6 days now left to go. I'll be moving to Kentucky within weeks. That was the prize I've kept before me especially during this year's roughest days and longest months.
There will a be a lot to learn and after 35 Years, I will miss Greater Washington DC i9n Many Ways.
However, I have yearned for a new life and now I shall enter into it starting a week from today!
- Johnny -
There is never any baseball played ...
on december 25 TH in the US of A! My Birthday, November 16Th, is also VERY MUCH of a Non Baseball Day in The US .
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Generosity -
I have been blessed by generosity often through out the years. As I have Humbly been moved By My Lord and King to bless and add to the lives of others.
Do you have stories of being blessed and blessing others ? Why not share them with this e-community of ours ?
- Johnny -
Do you have stories of being blessed and blessing others ? Why not share them with this e-community of ours ?
- Johnny -
Let not your heart and spirit be callous and corrupted
You were taken out of The Southwestern Bronx to live FAR !!! BETTER than that
Did you here the Christmas Song about The Inconsistent . . .
Monarch ?
Good King when He wasn't a Louse.
- Johnny -
Good King when He wasn't a Louse.
- Johnny -
Giving .
the Gifts that matter the most - the gifts that truly proceed from The Spirit and The Heart !
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
The VERY! First Christmas Day .
The Shepherds that were summoned to the manger on a chilly night while they were attend to and maintaining their sheep went back to that pasture.
They were alone the next day and fulfilling their obligations. There were no decorations, celebrations, present and festive meals that they were participating in during that day, that VERY FIRST Christmas.
I have had bright and glorious Christmases. I have had dismal, dangerous and unsafe December 25TH. This one is not among the MOST dismal but it is a solitary one, a Me, Myself and I Christmas Day!
I am healthy and warm and have been provided gifts. I'd just love some company today - sigh.
One year from today, Thursday, December 25TH, 2014, I expect to spend My First Christmas with My Amanda and her children but I am NOT there yet.
I will get through this day. I am provided for. It is not all I wish it to be but I know that IT! IS! SUFFICIENT !
- Johnny -
They were alone the next day and fulfilling their obligations. There were no decorations, celebrations, present and festive meals that they were participating in during that day, that VERY FIRST Christmas.
I have had bright and glorious Christmases. I have had dismal, dangerous and unsafe December 25TH. This one is not among the MOST dismal but it is a solitary one, a Me, Myself and I Christmas Day!
I am healthy and warm and have been provided gifts. I'd just love some company today - sigh.
One year from today, Thursday, December 25TH, 2014, I expect to spend My First Christmas with My Amanda and her children but I am NOT there yet.
I will get through this day. I am provided for. It is not all I wish it to be but I know that IT! IS! SUFFICIENT !
- Johnny -
Monday, December 23, 2013
The Last Lone Christmas . . .
will soon be here. The new life that I will enter into so soon will change so much!
Jesus started off as a New Born
This makes me tremble at the thought that Birth is a choice that many people think they have a right to fully allow or disallow.
Struggling and Failing at This Moment....
does not mean failing. I learned that as I was struggling after being hit with a car on January 16TH. I learned that as I struggled and - after great effort- emailed out A Christmas Devotional just a few minutes ago.
The lesson of 2013- rough and tough- does NOT mean that it can't be done or that it will not get done!
- Johnny -
The lesson of 2013- rough and tough- does NOT mean that it can't be done or that it will not get done!
- Johnny -
Saturday, December 21, 2013
My Proposed Christmas Serenade
Is this love or proof that I am brainless/ insane ?
I am truly and deeply saddened that My Girl Friend Mandy- Amanda Lynn Asher- Dudley - and I will be 6oo miles away from each other On Wednesday- Christmas Day.
She Loves it, devours it- when I serenade her.
I am CURRENTLY thinking of singing Karen Carpenter's Merry Christmas , Darling to her when I call her on Wednesday !
My singing voice is NOT elite and can be most hit and miss.
Should I choose to stay with THIS CURRENT PLAN, Does anyone have any SINGING advice for me ?
HELP !!!!!
Merry Christmas to one and all who read this!
- Johnny-
I am truly and deeply saddened that My Girl Friend Mandy- Amanda Lynn Asher- Dudley - and I will be 6oo miles away from each other On Wednesday- Christmas Day.
She Loves it, devours it- when I serenade her.
I am CURRENTLY thinking of singing Karen Carpenter's Merry Christmas , Darling to her when I call her on Wednesday !
My singing voice is NOT elite and can be most hit and miss.
Should I choose to stay with THIS CURRENT PLAN, Does anyone have any SINGING advice for me ?
HELP !!!!!
Merry Christmas to one and all who read this!
- Johnny-
I know that this week will be a struggle
but the FINISH LINE is more and more BOLDLY in sight every day now!
Childhood must be great !
This is where the only one who CHOSE to be born started His life !! That is where JESUS started/ began His life.
NOT too bad so far ...
On this First Day of Winter it is just under SEVENTY Degrees here in the Greater DC Area.
Saturday, December 14, 2013
The Current Value of RG III ?
I attended a small auction today. The auction was held to raise money for an organization that I'm very fond of and have long been involved in and connected to.
The auction was intended to be both fun and entertaining and, most certainly, a fund raiser!
One of the items offered was a signed Robert Griffin The Third Rookie Card- Autographed.
Unfortunately, The set up was delivered and it was too hard to resist it.
When The Auctioneer , after describing the item, asked, " Who wants to offer a bid to start us?"
I quickly shouted out " 4 Draft Picks" - deciding I had to , after all , top the last bid on RG III -The one made by one Daniel Snyder of Montgomery County, Maryland.
Yes, I am evil and will pay for that. The pay off today - A room full of Loud Laughter!
- Johnny -
The auction was intended to be both fun and entertaining and, most certainly, a fund raiser!
One of the items offered was a signed Robert Griffin The Third Rookie Card- Autographed.
Unfortunately, The set up was delivered and it was too hard to resist it.
When The Auctioneer , after describing the item, asked, " Who wants to offer a bid to start us?"
I quickly shouted out " 4 Draft Picks" - deciding I had to , after all , top the last bid on RG III -The one made by one Daniel Snyder of Montgomery County, Maryland.
Yes, I am evil and will pay for that. The pay off today - A room full of Loud Laughter!
- Johnny -
Friday, December 13, 2013
The Washington Redskins - Are they really the 2013 - 2014 ....
Team or actually and truly the 2012- 2013 Team ?
During The 2012 - 2013, The Redskins righted their season and wowed and amazed many Football Experts. During The Current Season, They have fallen into total disarray and collapsed, stunning and confusing some of these very same experts!
What, thusly, are the Redskins in December of 2013?
If the third time is the charm, Do we ALL need to wait until the 2014- 2015 NFL Season to rightly answer solve this puzzling mystery ?
One thing to note - Over The Last Two Decades, No Redskin quarterback has played to consecutive Excellent Seasons.
- Johnny -
During The 2012 - 2013, The Redskins righted their season and wowed and amazed many Football Experts. During The Current Season, They have fallen into total disarray and collapsed, stunning and confusing some of these very same experts!
What, thusly, are the Redskins in December of 2013?
If the third time is the charm, Do we ALL need to wait until the 2014- 2015 NFL Season to rightly answer solve this puzzling mystery ?
One thing to note - Over The Last Two Decades, No Redskin quarterback has played to consecutive Excellent Seasons.
- Johnny -
Thursday, December 12, 2013
I am not going to worry about how my actions affect others ....
as long as they work well for me, This attitude is one reason why I 'm involved in "Exit Stage Right- DC.". I did learn some lessons from watching Snagglepuss Cartoons. LOL!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Controlling Outrage
I am struggling mightily after a long night and day of riding Greyhound ------ My return to Washington DC wound up being 4 hours later than planned.
I intended to rest yesterday and all day today ---- That plan was thrown aside by plumbing problems in my apartment. I came home yesterday to over two inches of water in my bathroom/ wash room .
This was dealt with yesterday I was left to believe. This same problem revisited me just before noon today. The work men have now been in my apartment for over 2 hours. They believed the problem, yesterday, was, an overflowing shower. They learned today that the problem IS a broken pipe.
I'm angry, annoyed and put out. What is the best way to get over and beyond the tiredness, frustration and bother?
Oh, I just learned that the workmen will need to be in my apartment AGAIN tomorrow!
I keep telling myself that it is GOOD THAT a month and a day from today that I will be leaving The DC area!
- Johnny -
I intended to rest yesterday and all day today ---- That plan was thrown aside by plumbing problems in my apartment. I came home yesterday to over two inches of water in my bathroom/ wash room .
This was dealt with yesterday I was left to believe. This same problem revisited me just before noon today. The work men have now been in my apartment for over 2 hours. They believed the problem, yesterday, was, an overflowing shower. They learned today that the problem IS a broken pipe.
I'm angry, annoyed and put out. What is the best way to get over and beyond the tiredness, frustration and bother?
Oh, I just learned that the workmen will need to be in my apartment AGAIN tomorrow!
I keep telling myself that it is GOOD THAT a month and a day from today that I will be leaving The DC area!
- Johnny -
Thursday, December 5, 2013
I am seeing that you can never gain if you are unwilling to lose, begin anew ...
separate from and depart, Yet, The only way to gain the sweet, the inviting and the new is to be willing to and take action to accomplish the goals of both moving on as well as moving beyond!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I want to be a New Song
Please , Lord, set my soul on fire with fresh, inspiring and life- changing lyrics!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I know I can be more
and I know that I will more and more, in days yet to arrive, act to make this more of a proven truth .
Learning to see what can be ...
keeps you from saying can't often and prevents the making of constant and most feeble excuses.
Do you believe that progress, achieving potiential and true personal and individual satisfaction ...
benefit all?
I think, I truly believe that all of us see this as an ideal that we WISH could be made true for all.
What can you and I do to make this more true today of more people than it was in times past, even very, very recent times past!?
- Johnny-
I think, I truly believe that all of us see this as an ideal that we WISH could be made true for all.
What can you and I do to make this more true today of more people than it was in times past, even very, very recent times past!?
- Johnny-
Being candid may be unsettling to some
However, Candidness can be practiced with a mind towards not being caustic and uncaring.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Believe in The Best and Act to be Your Best . . .
and progress and satisfaction are likely to occur!
A God Willing to Become a Baby !
I know the value and invincible triumph of The First Easter/ Resurrection Sunday. Jesus, who died for our sins, now opens the way for us to know Eternity in a triumphant and glorious way, as an experience that we shall partake in now and continuously without end!
Yet, In many ways, God shows His amazing character by entering the world as a helpless, needy and dependent new born infant.God, who from The Unending Past until His incarnation within Mary, knew no limits and who can do all as He pleases, is bound by the same limitations as any newborn.
This demonstrates how deeply He trusts The wisdom and provision of The Father and the constant workings of the Holy Spirit.The Holy Spirit and The Angels are the Honor Guard for This Baby Boy , For This Now in Flesh Revealed Messiah and Lord!
One of the delicious decorations to me of THIS Season, is the great emphasis and focus that it places on children . We delight in children, their sense of awe and wonder and their willingness to express what they are thinking and feeling. We go out of our ways to please, delight and satisfy the desires and yearnings of children during This Season of Wonder and Majesty!
I think we all do well that Jesus started as a new born, was a toddler and grew into being a child long before He launched the 3 Years of ministry that are detailed throughout The New Testament.
When we honor and serve Children This month, we remember more fully all that Jesus took on, experienced and endured to free us by becoming both the ransom for many as well as The Expression of Life Abundant and the Conqueror of Decay and Decay.
A Merry Christmas to ALL who read This Blog Entry!
- Johnny -
Yet, In many ways, God shows His amazing character by entering the world as a helpless, needy and dependent new born infant.God, who from The Unending Past until His incarnation within Mary, knew no limits and who can do all as He pleases, is bound by the same limitations as any newborn.
This demonstrates how deeply He trusts The wisdom and provision of The Father and the constant workings of the Holy Spirit.The Holy Spirit and The Angels are the Honor Guard for This Baby Boy , For This Now in Flesh Revealed Messiah and Lord!
One of the delicious decorations to me of THIS Season, is the great emphasis and focus that it places on children . We delight in children, their sense of awe and wonder and their willingness to express what they are thinking and feeling. We go out of our ways to please, delight and satisfy the desires and yearnings of children during This Season of Wonder and Majesty!
I think we all do well that Jesus started as a new born, was a toddler and grew into being a child long before He launched the 3 Years of ministry that are detailed throughout The New Testament.
When we honor and serve Children This month, we remember more fully all that Jesus took on, experienced and endured to free us by becoming both the ransom for many as well as The Expression of Life Abundant and the Conqueror of Decay and Decay.
A Merry Christmas to ALL who read This Blog Entry!
- Johnny -
Worshipping God will always
give the worshiper greater freedom and a new and empowering song to sing!
Your attitude ...
can and SHALL allow you, if you will permit it to do so, easily master and overcome any and all of your circumstances!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Saving The Best For Last Every Year !
I am a Christian and I love Christmas and believe that the Uber- Narrative of Christmas is true. I do think that God became man and dwelt among us!
However, Today, I wish to take a more panoramic view of the last two months of the year. In Our USA, We celebrate Gratitude and Generosity during the last 1/6TH of EVERY YEAR. Yes, I know with some people that this is veneer, the most patently hollow and highly superficial lip service.
However, I note that people do see more grateful and thankful and willing to acknowledge that they are blessed, across the board and throughout every level and segment of our population, in November!
I also note that people are willing to honor others with their kindness and generosity during this present month of December! I also believe that people care more, across the board, about the well-being and general welfare of everyone during THIS MONTH. This is, of course and certainly, NOT!!! true of EVERY American but it tends to be far more true this month than we expect it to be during the rest of this or ANY year.
November also adds to this festival of gratitude and generosity/ caring it's own extra touches. The Celebration of Freedom known to us as Election Day as well as The Honoring and Valuing of those who served sacrificially to the greater gain of all of us on Veterans' Day.
These are reasons why, in My Opinion, that many among us look forward to the last 61 days of EACH AND EVERY Year!
- Johnny -
However, Today, I wish to take a more panoramic view of the last two months of the year. In Our USA, We celebrate Gratitude and Generosity during the last 1/6TH of EVERY YEAR. Yes, I know with some people that this is veneer, the most patently hollow and highly superficial lip service.
However, I note that people do see more grateful and thankful and willing to acknowledge that they are blessed, across the board and throughout every level and segment of our population, in November!
I also note that people are willing to honor others with their kindness and generosity during this present month of December! I also believe that people care more, across the board, about the well-being and general welfare of everyone during THIS MONTH. This is, of course and certainly, NOT!!! true of EVERY American but it tends to be far more true this month than we expect it to be during the rest of this or ANY year.
November also adds to this festival of gratitude and generosity/ caring it's own extra touches. The Celebration of Freedom known to us as Election Day as well as The Honoring and Valuing of those who served sacrificially to the greater gain of all of us on Veterans' Day.
These are reasons why, in My Opinion, that many among us look forward to the last 61 days of EACH AND EVERY Year!
- Johnny -
' Tis The Season
It is good to get a chance to feel more comfortable smiling and seeing others smile more often and genuinely as well!
Merry Christmas !
- Johnny -
Merry Christmas !
- Johnny -
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