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Friday, July 29, 2011
It will be demanding.
However, I will celebrate WHEN the vold effective Johnny starts to be erased. I will have much to celebrate on an on-going basis as a a Johnny that I can respect, like and be fond of comes into being as his replacement!
Manana Thinking
This is another Mexican focused blog entry. This truly is not about El Florido perse, but it is about MANANA thinking. The idea is that what needs to be done can be done LATER- I don't have to get it done now and it isn't all that important WHEN it is done, but it will get done eventually. The unspoken idea that seems to be at the root of ALL of this is---- It's not REALLY THAT important that it get done, it really isn't going to change much of ANYTHING and things are really not likely to get better- things will be just about what thy were like both yesterday and today!
According to Jorge G. Casteneda - The Author of a Well- Written, Excellent and Thought Provoking Book - Manana Forever? - Mexico and The Mexicans, Mexicans are very individually oriented and really do not do well and are not attracted to communal and team efforts! It is NOT that they are not capable of doing so- team and communal efforts are not appealing and attractive to them,-as a rule- They do not interest them and simply leave them frostily cold!
The leader of our Grace Missions Team stewed over the lack of the men coming forward to work along side of us as we built a cafeteria for the school of the Colonias. He told us over and over that men raised their hands and promised him that they would be on site and working besides us. It was brought up that work commitments might keep them away. Our team leader insistently told us that he knew that there were retired men who are quite able to work with and help us. Our team leader is our Church's missions leader. He has worked long and hard for the betterment of the people of El Florido. He often emphasizes that we want to work with you to get good things done here. Again, A message to the community, as I'm now seeing, might not mean much of anything, It could be, in effect, a matter of thinking, " "We" made promises and made commitments, I did not promise anything." Yes, As an American that comes across TO ME as obnoxious, treacherous and cynical. However, I will also concede that I and my beloved Church teammates were being exposed to a lesson on Mexican Cultural truths and realities. Only the foolish or the ineffectively stubborn man or woman or boy or girl, wishes that someone behaved differently or worse wants a way to compel someone to behave as they demand that they behave! It is wisest to deal with someone as he or she is. Otherwise, You are an out-of-control control freak!
The men did come out On Sunday July 10th and worked amazingly well and rapidly, Their skill impressed each member of the team. Our Team Leader wondered what made the difference. He did finally tell us that he told the women who had been coming out in support of our Children's program as to how frustrated and disappointed he was with the men. He thinks that they went home and told the men to" show up and get to work ". Knowing how chauvanistic these men can be, That surprised me a bit, but then perhaps I'm wrong in my suppositions! Yet, If what he believes happened did happen, The men came because they decided, as individuals to do so!
My frustration with the Manana way of living is what does it do to the "mananas of the children and youth" of locales such as El Florido! Those who, Thank You, are followers of My Blog, know that I wrote about a young and engaging girl named Perla. I devoted a blog entry to her entitled " Perla's Vision!" My uneasy thought as I end this blog thinking how does The Manana Lifestyle affect the bright manana that a talented girl like Perla could possibly have!
According to Jorge G. Casteneda - The Author of a Well- Written, Excellent and Thought Provoking Book - Manana Forever? - Mexico and The Mexicans, Mexicans are very individually oriented and really do not do well and are not attracted to communal and team efforts! It is NOT that they are not capable of doing so- team and communal efforts are not appealing and attractive to them,-as a rule- They do not interest them and simply leave them frostily cold!
The leader of our Grace Missions Team stewed over the lack of the men coming forward to work along side of us as we built a cafeteria for the school of the Colonias. He told us over and over that men raised their hands and promised him that they would be on site and working besides us. It was brought up that work commitments might keep them away. Our team leader insistently told us that he knew that there were retired men who are quite able to work with and help us. Our team leader is our Church's missions leader. He has worked long and hard for the betterment of the people of El Florido. He often emphasizes that we want to work with you to get good things done here. Again, A message to the community, as I'm now seeing, might not mean much of anything, It could be, in effect, a matter of thinking, " "We" made promises and made commitments, I did not promise anything." Yes, As an American that comes across TO ME as obnoxious, treacherous and cynical. However, I will also concede that I and my beloved Church teammates were being exposed to a lesson on Mexican Cultural truths and realities. Only the foolish or the ineffectively stubborn man or woman or boy or girl, wishes that someone behaved differently or worse wants a way to compel someone to behave as they demand that they behave! It is wisest to deal with someone as he or she is. Otherwise, You are an out-of-control control freak!
The men did come out On Sunday July 10th and worked amazingly well and rapidly, Their skill impressed each member of the team. Our Team Leader wondered what made the difference. He did finally tell us that he told the women who had been coming out in support of our Children's program as to how frustrated and disappointed he was with the men. He thinks that they went home and told the men to" show up and get to work ". Knowing how chauvanistic these men can be, That surprised me a bit, but then perhaps I'm wrong in my suppositions! Yet, If what he believes happened did happen, The men came because they decided, as individuals to do so!
My frustration with the Manana way of living is what does it do to the "mananas of the children and youth" of locales such as El Florido! Those who, Thank You, are followers of My Blog, know that I wrote about a young and engaging girl named Perla. I devoted a blog entry to her entitled " Perla's Vision!" My uneasy thought as I end this blog thinking how does The Manana Lifestyle affect the bright manana that a talented girl like Perla could possibly have!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Are boys more of a challenge to teach?
" They don't focus, They are too restless and they are too hard to capture the attention and interest of", Boys seem to suffer in their comparison to girls, at nearly any age throughout their educational careers.
The solution seems often to assign a boy to Special Education and /or medicate him. Yet, You are wondering just what at times you are medicating- Being Strong -Willed? Being High- Spirited? Not focusing on what doesn't interest them?
At my Church, I have been blessed by being adopted by an amazing family. They have a talented and very bright son "Marky". Marky is very stubborn and head strong. He is very imaginative and he gets very involved in his play. He does his work quickly at school and is bored by waiting. His teacher last year, His Kindergarten teacher wanted Marky tested for autism. His parents want him to be evaluated for Gifted and Talented programs- That, they were told cannot be done until the Third Grade.
His parents have enrolled Marky in a Martial Arts class where he is doing well. They also are working with him on understanding the need to be patient. They wonder if the teachers are more determined to categorize and medicate than to do what they can to meet the need of anyone else than a co-operative boy and girls.
Do they have a point?
The solution seems often to assign a boy to Special Education and /or medicate him. Yet, You are wondering just what at times you are medicating- Being Strong -Willed? Being High- Spirited? Not focusing on what doesn't interest them?
At my Church, I have been blessed by being adopted by an amazing family. They have a talented and very bright son "Marky". Marky is very stubborn and head strong. He is very imaginative and he gets very involved in his play. He does his work quickly at school and is bored by waiting. His teacher last year, His Kindergarten teacher wanted Marky tested for autism. His parents want him to be evaluated for Gifted and Talented programs- That, they were told cannot be done until the Third Grade.
His parents have enrolled Marky in a Martial Arts class where he is doing well. They also are working with him on understanding the need to be patient. They wonder if the teachers are more determined to categorize and medicate than to do what they can to meet the need of anyone else than a co-operative boy and girls.
Do they have a point?
Sunday, July 24, 2011
The 18 Month Prime Directive
" I don't really know who I am and what I want. I find myself confusing and frustrating . I truly do not get why people like me and find me appealing", These are scary things for a person to admit. How does one live for 56 years and have this be true about him. Yet, Over the course of 2011, All of these things have become most self-evident to me!
I know that this is, in many ways, the tale of my life. I've known for years that be beatings, intimidation, bullying, blustering and insult my parents decided to erase my personality and re-shape me into someone they could , effortlessly, control, dominate and manipulate, I'm an extrovert, yet I often behave, especially under stress as if I am an intimidated introvert. I'm a gifted public speaker and I was told that speaking was a stupid and useless skill that only foolish women would think to be of any value. I'm very curious and an explorer and I was taught that this was proof that I had no grounding and was incapable of being serious!
I find that , as an adult, that I'm far too easily frustrated, too easily " thrown off my game". I've dealt with far more than my share of bullies. I think I've allowed myself to be constrained and confined for far too long rather than pushing myself to be confidently, daringly and- simply- just fully me!
Therefore, I'm now in the planning stages for something that I'm Now calling " The 18 Month Prime Directive". the idea is to rip out the wiring of false programming and the far too numerous false adaptations that I chose to create, establish and maintain to keep myself being a person who just should have never been! My plan, because I was told this will take time, attention to detail , imagination, vision, determination and stubbornness to pull this off, is to work on re-engineering myself properly, wisely and thoughtfully over a period of 18 month from 1 October,2011 to 1 April 2013!
I am working on designing the program through my Church, Grace Community Church of Arlington, Va. I will have a mentor and a 3 person Board to supervise this program. I will have input, of course, and serve as a designer but I dare not totally dictate all that I need to do and all that I need to add as well as subtract for my life. I know that I need to say no seldomly during this process and- perhaps- not at all!
The beginning months of this program will be the most critical. The themes for the First 4 months are- October - Being more Positive and Enthusiastic, November - Discovering Why people like me- What specifically is it about me that they find appealing. December - Generosity and Giving and January - Newness and transitions. There will be goals that I must accomplish each month. I will have homework and assignments that I need to do. There are currently 2 months before the launch date- my prime work - right now is to decide as to who I'd like to serve as The Mentor and The 3 Directors. One Director has been identified and he has already agreed. to help me by serving - Thank You, Derek! I need to find people who will be willing to deal with me toughly because they are genuinely fond of me and want their friend to live and function at his optimum best or a reliable and dependable basis.
If you have any great ideas on how I should best proceed- some ideas on things that I should pursue on this quest- Please let me know. Know, however, that the one idea that I will reject is - " Don't do this!!!"- LOL!
- Johnny -
I know that this is, in many ways, the tale of my life. I've known for years that be beatings, intimidation, bullying, blustering and insult my parents decided to erase my personality and re-shape me into someone they could , effortlessly, control, dominate and manipulate, I'm an extrovert, yet I often behave, especially under stress as if I am an intimidated introvert. I'm a gifted public speaker and I was told that speaking was a stupid and useless skill that only foolish women would think to be of any value. I'm very curious and an explorer and I was taught that this was proof that I had no grounding and was incapable of being serious!
I find that , as an adult, that I'm far too easily frustrated, too easily " thrown off my game". I've dealt with far more than my share of bullies. I think I've allowed myself to be constrained and confined for far too long rather than pushing myself to be confidently, daringly and- simply- just fully me!
Therefore, I'm now in the planning stages for something that I'm Now calling " The 18 Month Prime Directive". the idea is to rip out the wiring of false programming and the far too numerous false adaptations that I chose to create, establish and maintain to keep myself being a person who just should have never been! My plan, because I was told this will take time, attention to detail , imagination, vision, determination and stubbornness to pull this off, is to work on re-engineering myself properly, wisely and thoughtfully over a period of 18 month from 1 October,2011 to 1 April 2013!
I am working on designing the program through my Church, Grace Community Church of Arlington, Va. I will have a mentor and a 3 person Board to supervise this program. I will have input, of course, and serve as a designer but I dare not totally dictate all that I need to do and all that I need to add as well as subtract for my life. I know that I need to say no seldomly during this process and- perhaps- not at all!
The beginning months of this program will be the most critical. The themes for the First 4 months are- October - Being more Positive and Enthusiastic, November - Discovering Why people like me- What specifically is it about me that they find appealing. December - Generosity and Giving and January - Newness and transitions. There will be goals that I must accomplish each month. I will have homework and assignments that I need to do. There are currently 2 months before the launch date- my prime work - right now is to decide as to who I'd like to serve as The Mentor and The 3 Directors. One Director has been identified and he has already agreed. to help me by serving - Thank You, Derek! I need to find people who will be willing to deal with me toughly because they are genuinely fond of me and want their friend to live and function at his optimum best or a reliable and dependable basis.
If you have any great ideas on how I should best proceed- some ideas on things that I should pursue on this quest- Please let me know. Know, however, that the one idea that I will reject is - " Don't do this!!!"- LOL!
- Johnny -
Saturday, July 23, 2011
The Mountain Mafia Message
I've long dabbled in writing devotions and Bible Studies for children and youth both. Those efforts on my part, have been carried on in an on and off fashion for nearly 30 years! I've had some good results with some of these writings. Yet, Due to my shortsightedness and stubbornness, They've proven to be more of a labor and a struggle rather than a joy!
I like to use contemporary themes and I try to be clever and witty. Yet, I try to provide too much depth and and analysis- to be blunt- I've been guilty of drowning my readers in depth and analysis. I've tended to operate in a style of trying to make sure that I cover every detail, answer every possible question or observation as well as provide 20 Scripture Verses when 2 or 3 would have been most effective.
When I was in Mexico earlier this month, I challenged and dared myself to think over many things that I am involved in that just don't seem to be working either smoothly or well. I decided that I need to at least experiment with writing more succinctly and to the point.
I learned a game- a card game while I was in Mexico- from the fellow members of my team. The Game is called "Mafia" The idea is that one card is doled out to each player. If you are handed a King- You are a Mafia Member. If you are doled out a King, Then you are a police officer. A Jack and You are a body guard. The game has a narrator who tells the story of the events of the following night. Everyone, aside from the narrator, put their head down and has their heads down. The narrator ask The Body Guard to lift his or her head and choose someone to save. Then The Mafia Members are asked to raise their heads and agree to kill someone. There are four Mafia Members. There are 2 Kings passed out- whoever holds them are the police- they seek to identify the Mafia Members. The narrator- with a thumbs up or down lets the police know if they have "gotten" a Mafia Member
After all that, Everyone lifts their heads. The narrator indicates if anyone has died that night- has the Body Guard done their job well. Then, The townspeople try to figure out who the Mafia members are, If someone is fingered as a mobster, A vote is taken. If the townspeople are shrewd the reduce the criminal element of their town- if they do not do well they may execute as towns person, the body guard or a policeman. The object is to get the 4 Mobsters- or 4 the Mafia Members to eliminate the bodyguard and the police force!
I do not- I must confess- do well in the game. However, This game did help me to develop the name for my
new devotional series- a Bi- Weekly more focused and to the point devotional. El Florido, The community where we of the Grace Church Team worked is- as I have noted- near the top of a small mountain So, That gave the name to the series- The Mountain Mafia Message.
If you are curious and would like me to send you one of them, Please let me know.
- Johnny -
I like to use contemporary themes and I try to be clever and witty. Yet, I try to provide too much depth and and analysis- to be blunt- I've been guilty of drowning my readers in depth and analysis. I've tended to operate in a style of trying to make sure that I cover every detail, answer every possible question or observation as well as provide 20 Scripture Verses when 2 or 3 would have been most effective.
When I was in Mexico earlier this month, I challenged and dared myself to think over many things that I am involved in that just don't seem to be working either smoothly or well. I decided that I need to at least experiment with writing more succinctly and to the point.
I learned a game- a card game while I was in Mexico- from the fellow members of my team. The Game is called "Mafia" The idea is that one card is doled out to each player. If you are handed a King- You are a Mafia Member. If you are doled out a King, Then you are a police officer. A Jack and You are a body guard. The game has a narrator who tells the story of the events of the following night. Everyone, aside from the narrator, put their head down and has their heads down. The narrator ask The Body Guard to lift his or her head and choose someone to save. Then The Mafia Members are asked to raise their heads and agree to kill someone. There are four Mafia Members. There are 2 Kings passed out- whoever holds them are the police- they seek to identify the Mafia Members. The narrator- with a thumbs up or down lets the police know if they have "gotten" a Mafia Member
After all that, Everyone lifts their heads. The narrator indicates if anyone has died that night- has the Body Guard done their job well. Then, The townspeople try to figure out who the Mafia members are, If someone is fingered as a mobster, A vote is taken. If the townspeople are shrewd the reduce the criminal element of their town- if they do not do well they may execute as towns person, the body guard or a policeman. The object is to get the 4 Mobsters- or 4 the Mafia Members to eliminate the bodyguard and the police force!
I do not- I must confess- do well in the game. However, This game did help me to develop the name for my
new devotional series- a Bi- Weekly more focused and to the point devotional. El Florido, The community where we of the Grace Church Team worked is- as I have noted- near the top of a small mountain So, That gave the name to the series- The Mountain Mafia Message.
If you are curious and would like me to send you one of them, Please let me know.
- Johnny -
Friday, July 22, 2011
Perla's Vision
Perla is a 7 year old girl who has lived with poverty and lack for all the days of her short life. She has never known a flushing toilet. She has traveled on dangerous roads, none that are straight, many are dominated by ruts, sharp twists and many, many large, sharp and very rugged rocks embedded in those very meager roads. When it rains heavily, Her very modest mountainside home faces the real risk of flash flooding. She and her neighbors know of people who have been washed away to their deaths in flash floods.
She attends school in a sparse well-equipped school at the top of the mountain she lives on. She is getting what is available to the people of her highly destitute community --- an elementary school education. Yes, We have some extremely poor fellow countryman - but they do have more- as a rule- than 5 or 6 years of education readily provided to them!
Perla is a very intelligent and engaging child. She is one of the children of El Florido She is a proud older sister- she has a 5 year old brother named Julian. One of The Grace Community Missions team lent her camera- a digital camera- to Perla on our second work day in El Florido - Saturday, July 9th. Perla enjoyed having this tool and ran around- beaming- with a look of excited delight on her face as she took pictures on that day.
What took all of the adults, Americans and Mexicans alike- were the talent- the high-level talent that Perla demonstrated. She chose interesting angles, she caught facial expressions, she captured and framed action skillfully and deftly. She proudly showed her photographs to many people and the reaction that they got was the reaction of celebrating a talented and gifted child gaining notice. I'm very certain that Perla saw herself far differently than she had ever seen herself before on that marvelous July Saturday. The heavily blowing wings and the ruggedness of El Florido on that morning and afternoon were set aside by the blossoming of this young girl's ability and spirit!
I saw Perla's vision on that day through her amazing and incredible photography. Yet, I also pray that what she experienced on that Saturday can open the door to a vision of a tremendous future full of possibilities for young Perla!
- Johnny -
She attends school in a sparse well-equipped school at the top of the mountain she lives on. She is getting what is available to the people of her highly destitute community --- an elementary school education. Yes, We have some extremely poor fellow countryman - but they do have more- as a rule- than 5 or 6 years of education readily provided to them!
Perla is a very intelligent and engaging child. She is one of the children of El Florido She is a proud older sister- she has a 5 year old brother named Julian. One of The Grace Community Missions team lent her camera- a digital camera- to Perla on our second work day in El Florido - Saturday, July 9th. Perla enjoyed having this tool and ran around- beaming- with a look of excited delight on her face as she took pictures on that day.
What took all of the adults, Americans and Mexicans alike- were the talent- the high-level talent that Perla demonstrated. She chose interesting angles, she caught facial expressions, she captured and framed action skillfully and deftly. She proudly showed her photographs to many people and the reaction that they got was the reaction of celebrating a talented and gifted child gaining notice. I'm very certain that Perla saw herself far differently than she had ever seen herself before on that marvelous July Saturday. The heavily blowing wings and the ruggedness of El Florido on that morning and afternoon were set aside by the blossoming of this young girl's ability and spirit!
I saw Perla's vision on that day through her amazing and incredible photography. Yet, I also pray that what she experienced on that Saturday can open the door to a vision of a tremendous future full of possibilities for young Perla!
- Johnny -
Thursday, July 21, 2011
When you need to travel another way!
Tomorrow begins an effort to live differently and better. The future will become more interesting in October!
A Further LOOK at the " YOU ARE NOT THE BOSS OF ME" way of living and thinking!
One major difference that I have noticed about the way people live in the Mexican Community of El Florido and the way that many people live in The United States of America. I believe it is due to, in part , to how attractive to both children and adults alike the pop slogan " You are NOT THE BOSS OF ME!!!" is.
Many American like to see themselves as individuals and free thinkers. They do not like taking orders and being led by others.They are rankled by the thought that anyone would consider themselves to be their "superior" or their better.
So, They are the one who think Mondays are a horror, They are the one who just may start a countdown to Friday at 9:06 AM on Monday. - LOL! These people will tell you that they will follow, serve under and work with The Brightest and The best- Those who are able to prove that they are - The Wisest, The Cleverest, the Most Able, the Most Talented, The Most Skillful Financially. you demonstrate, to MY satisfaction that you are worth my following and I will follow you! Show me that I will gain by Following You and I will!
I did not see this attitude among the people of El Florido. They seemed willing to follow, accept direction and guidance and seemed highly willing to co-operate. It is an eye-opener indeed!
Many American like to see themselves as individuals and free thinkers. They do not like taking orders and being led by others.They are rankled by the thought that anyone would consider themselves to be their "superior" or their better.
So, They are the one who think Mondays are a horror, They are the one who just may start a countdown to Friday at 9:06 AM on Monday. - LOL! These people will tell you that they will follow, serve under and work with The Brightest and The best- Those who are able to prove that they are - The Wisest, The Cleverest, the Most Able, the Most Talented, The Most Skillful Financially. you demonstrate, to MY satisfaction that you are worth my following and I will follow you! Show me that I will gain by Following You and I will!
I did not see this attitude among the people of El Florido. They seemed willing to follow, accept direction and guidance and seemed highly willing to co-operate. It is an eye-opener indeed!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
I need to COME TO BELIEVE that I can fly!
I know that R. Kelly has major problems! I also know that Micheal Jordan is not "The Micheal" that he was thought to be at the height of his sports career!
Yet, I need to keep the song they have in common before me on THIS July Wednesday. I have decided that my life as it is RIGHT NOW is not worth, truly , maintaining. I cannot live with years and years of a future that, as it is TODAY and at this second can best and most appropriately be described with a four letter word- a Latin One- Ibid- " In the same place"
I'm too easily defeated, I'm too easily thrown off my game and thrown off my game by negative circumstances ! I'm too far whiny and too easily willing to sit in it. My life is too dominated by my bast. I live in dread of failure. looking badly and being laughed at, scorned and mocked. I'm too easily intimidated and bullied! I spend too much time either alone or with people I have no great desire to be with. I spend too little time with empowering people, inspiring people and people who thrill to motivate others. I spend a lot of time, far too much, with me, myself and I.
I'm in the Public Mental Health System. That helps me from getting worse and seems to be moving me forward on a slow snail's pace. I will be living a wonderful life by August 18th, 19,654 AD at 2:10 PM EDT at this rate.
So, I'm working on an 18 Month Program- Working Title- The 18 Month Prime Directive- to start on October 1st! That has been my prime work through out this month. That will be focused on erasing who I've been and creating someone who I can get excited about, someone who can have a future that I can smile over.. I will be meeting with a good friend - The Associate Pastor of My Church, Derek Adye, on Friday at 2 PM to begin to flesh it out and turn it from great concept into an instrument of effective personal transformation!
I have now reached a point where I must change or just NOT continue! I know it will take time- but I'm doomed unless that clock starts moving forward!
Yet, I need to keep the song they have in common before me on THIS July Wednesday. I have decided that my life as it is RIGHT NOW is not worth, truly , maintaining. I cannot live with years and years of a future that, as it is TODAY and at this second can best and most appropriately be described with a four letter word- a Latin One- Ibid- " In the same place"
I'm too easily defeated, I'm too easily thrown off my game and thrown off my game by negative circumstances ! I'm too far whiny and too easily willing to sit in it. My life is too dominated by my bast. I live in dread of failure. looking badly and being laughed at, scorned and mocked. I'm too easily intimidated and bullied! I spend too much time either alone or with people I have no great desire to be with. I spend too little time with empowering people, inspiring people and people who thrill to motivate others. I spend a lot of time, far too much, with me, myself and I.
I'm in the Public Mental Health System. That helps me from getting worse and seems to be moving me forward on a slow snail's pace. I will be living a wonderful life by August 18th, 19,654 AD at 2:10 PM EDT at this rate.
So, I'm working on an 18 Month Program- Working Title- The 18 Month Prime Directive- to start on October 1st! That has been my prime work through out this month. That will be focused on erasing who I've been and creating someone who I can get excited about, someone who can have a future that I can smile over.. I will be meeting with a good friend - The Associate Pastor of My Church, Derek Adye, on Friday at 2 PM to begin to flesh it out and turn it from great concept into an instrument of effective personal transformation!
I have now reached a point where I must change or just NOT continue! I know it will take time- but I'm doomed unless that clock starts moving forward!
Monday, July 18, 2011
Who merits being helped?
During my recent time in The Mexican Community of El Florido, An interesting discussion occurred among the members of The Grace Church Mission team. The issue analyzed was one that is often brought up? Who should you help?
The issue revolved more around who is worthy to be helped - who will accept help with a willingly, open heart and with a clean and non-combative , non contentious attitude. In Another words, People who are humble and who show a marvelous and heartening attitude when they accept help. People from the community came to assist us as we worked to build the cafeteria for the school. This seemed to increase the fondness for our efforts to improve the lives of the community.
This was contrasted with the way the neediest Americans seem to expect to be helped. People felt that there was a lack of thankfulness and humbleness. That help needed to be provided mot according the observable need but what is demanded by those in need. The comment was made about the lack of patience as the well- Everything seemed to need to be accomplished now.
It also seemed to sit badly that the American Poor seem to still own many luxury items that could be seen as tokens of prosperity, while the poor of El Florido seemed to have little that could not be justified on the basis of necessity.
I will say that a few people, a bare handful, seemed to have cell phones. We also did ask the people , prior to the team's arrival , what they saw they needed. Yet, There requests seemed modest and quite-doable and they were willing to labor besides us.
So, Do we have a right to decide a priority list as to who we should help? Do people need to demonstrate that they merit being assisted ? Is it offensive and off-putting for the people being helped to make ANY demands of those who are willing to assist them?
The issue revolved more around who is worthy to be helped - who will accept help with a willingly, open heart and with a clean and non-combative , non contentious attitude. In Another words, People who are humble and who show a marvelous and heartening attitude when they accept help. People from the community came to assist us as we worked to build the cafeteria for the school. This seemed to increase the fondness for our efforts to improve the lives of the community.
This was contrasted with the way the neediest Americans seem to expect to be helped. People felt that there was a lack of thankfulness and humbleness. That help needed to be provided mot according the observable need but what is demanded by those in need. The comment was made about the lack of patience as the well- Everything seemed to need to be accomplished now.
It also seemed to sit badly that the American Poor seem to still own many luxury items that could be seen as tokens of prosperity, while the poor of El Florido seemed to have little that could not be justified on the basis of necessity.
I will say that a few people, a bare handful, seemed to have cell phones. We also did ask the people , prior to the team's arrival , what they saw they needed. Yet, There requests seemed modest and quite-doable and they were willing to labor besides us.
So, Do we have a right to decide a priority list as to who we should help? Do people need to demonstrate that they merit being assisted ? Is it offensive and off-putting for the people being helped to make ANY demands of those who are willing to assist them?
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Is it possible?
I am now designing an 18 month program that will be overseen by my church, Grace Community Church, to help me to live, on an on-going basis up to who I am and to what I am capable of. The working titleof this embryonic project is " The 18 Month Prime Directive"
The idea is to not see myself as a type of Eeyore any longer. I want to live more spontaneously with elan and poise. I want to be less lonely an obsessively self-protective. I've long been haunted by a phrase from my childhood that " I am too easily defeated", I want this to be rarely true of me.
I'm going to meet with a devoted and trusted friend, Derek Adye, The Associate Pastor, of My Church on Wednesday Afternoon, The 20th. I'm a major fan of Manned Space Exploration- This date is the 42nd Anniversary of The Landing of Apollo 11 on The Sea of Tranquility
I know that I know that I know that Johnny as he largely has been and far too often is is unsustainable and untenable! I need to realize that this will be a time- consuming investment process.
I know what I must do- I 'd be foolish to sustain what is- it is a path to nowhere that is worth going to!
The idea is to not see myself as a type of Eeyore any longer. I want to live more spontaneously with elan and poise. I want to be less lonely an obsessively self-protective. I've long been haunted by a phrase from my childhood that " I am too easily defeated", I want this to be rarely true of me.
I'm going to meet with a devoted and trusted friend, Derek Adye, The Associate Pastor, of My Church on Wednesday Afternoon, The 20th. I'm a major fan of Manned Space Exploration- This date is the 42nd Anniversary of The Landing of Apollo 11 on The Sea of Tranquility
I know that I know that I know that Johnny as he largely has been and far too often is is unsustainable and untenable! I need to realize that this will be a time- consuming investment process.
I know what I must do- I 'd be foolish to sustain what is- it is a path to nowhere that is worth going to!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Do I R!E!A!L!LY! !!!! believe that individuals matter? - Some Thoughts Post- Mexico!
Borders matter! The United States has every right to stringently enforce its' borders! Violating the immigration laws of The United States is clearly a crime. So, Anyone who comes into this nation illegally, ergo, I!!!S!! a law- breaker- a criminal!
I will admit that I've made these statements or ones VERY much like them. Yet, After spending time working to build a cafeteria for a school in a rugged and bare community in Mexico, It is hard to be as self-righteous when these ideas occur to me. It is hard to state my ideas as a James Carville might, " We're right and they're wrong!"
The people who live in El Florido have, generally not lived there all of their lives. A large majority are from other parts of Mexico. Some started off in nations other than Mexico and entered Mexico and began working their way continuously northward.
They are attracted to our way of life. They want what we have , to live as we do. Some will argue that- " They don't understand that not ALL Americans live well." I can assure you that there are very FEW people in our beloved homeland that do not live better than the 300 men, women an children of El Florido do! These are people who want to work hard and earn more money than they do They want to also be able to offer a much better future to their children and grandchildren.
Yet, I know that US Laws must be upheld. I know that our borders must be respected, properly patrolled maintained and fully and well-defended. I also know that a country in financial turmoil, one that is considering reducing social benefits to its' neediest Citizens will be hard-pressed to justify providing large amounts of social support to people who are not citizens and who have no legal right to be present in our nation.
Yet, As Mr. Obama's predecessor said, on more than one occasion, " Compassion does not end at our borders!" We need to review our immigration policies and make sure that people who want to live among us can have a reasonable opportunity to come here and have a chance to become American Citizens.
I also still believe that Mexico does have a solemn obligation to provide for its' own citizen. Mexico needs to stop exempting its' wealthiest citizens from feeling that they have no obligations at all to the poorest Mexicans Mexico also must acknowledge its' natural resources- Gold, Silver, Petroleum and a Strong Tourism Industry which means it has resources to expend on its' neediest sons and daughters.
Some people claim that our antipathy to Illegal Immigrants from Mexico, Panama, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Honduras is due to the language they speak and the color of their skins. I think that this is overblown as an issue. Yet, It certainly cannot be fully dismissed as a cause for why some people take such a negative and hstile stance when it comes to illegal immigrants.
So, We all need to ask ourselves what is best- How do we deal with the issue and not the personalities and prejudices?
I'm not sure how to deal with these issue humanely, appropriately and honorably. I am much less certain of what I believe should be done concerning these issues than I was just as few weeks ago!
- Johnny -
I will admit that I've made these statements or ones VERY much like them. Yet, After spending time working to build a cafeteria for a school in a rugged and bare community in Mexico, It is hard to be as self-righteous when these ideas occur to me. It is hard to state my ideas as a James Carville might, " We're right and they're wrong!"
The people who live in El Florido have, generally not lived there all of their lives. A large majority are from other parts of Mexico. Some started off in nations other than Mexico and entered Mexico and began working their way continuously northward.
They are attracted to our way of life. They want what we have , to live as we do. Some will argue that- " They don't understand that not ALL Americans live well." I can assure you that there are very FEW people in our beloved homeland that do not live better than the 300 men, women an children of El Florido do! These are people who want to work hard and earn more money than they do They want to also be able to offer a much better future to their children and grandchildren.
Yet, I know that US Laws must be upheld. I know that our borders must be respected, properly patrolled maintained and fully and well-defended. I also know that a country in financial turmoil, one that is considering reducing social benefits to its' neediest Citizens will be hard-pressed to justify providing large amounts of social support to people who are not citizens and who have no legal right to be present in our nation.
Yet, As Mr. Obama's predecessor said, on more than one occasion, " Compassion does not end at our borders!" We need to review our immigration policies and make sure that people who want to live among us can have a reasonable opportunity to come here and have a chance to become American Citizens.
I also still believe that Mexico does have a solemn obligation to provide for its' own citizen. Mexico needs to stop exempting its' wealthiest citizens from feeling that they have no obligations at all to the poorest Mexicans Mexico also must acknowledge its' natural resources- Gold, Silver, Petroleum and a Strong Tourism Industry which means it has resources to expend on its' neediest sons and daughters.
Some people claim that our antipathy to Illegal Immigrants from Mexico, Panama, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Honduras is due to the language they speak and the color of their skins. I think that this is overblown as an issue. Yet, It certainly cannot be fully dismissed as a cause for why some people take such a negative and hstile stance when it comes to illegal immigrants.
So, We all need to ask ourselves what is best- How do we deal with the issue and not the personalities and prejudices?
I'm not sure how to deal with these issue humanely, appropriately and honorably. I am much less certain of what I believe should be done concerning these issues than I was just as few weeks ago!
- Johnny -
Friday, July 15, 2011
Johnny is having a Party!
Even as I type these words, I can scarcely believe that is true. I think I've overwhelmed my apartment's capacity to hold well the number of guests who will be here and it is making it really difficult to sleep this AM! I think that is one part worry but, more thankfully also due to the fact that after a number of tries over the years - since 2007 really- that I'm going to host a fun, interesting and lively par-tay!!!! One that will cause me to smile for QUITE a while when I think back upon it.
This is a Housewarming party. I moved here, not really of my own volition at the end of April My former apartment is being majorly renovated and one - This PAST 02/01 a 120 Day notice was slipped through my mail slot.
This new apartment is a noticeable upgrade - so that is quite excellent! I guess I am going to get beyond my old, tired and too self-limiting canards of - "No body likes me", " People treat me well only because they wish to be basically civil" and the other now proven absurd notion that, " No one finds me any fun"
So, Life is good on this July Saturday and most pleasing! Who woulda thunk this- For a longgggg time in the past- L!!O!!L!! - not me!
- Johnny -
This is a Housewarming party. I moved here, not really of my own volition at the end of April My former apartment is being majorly renovated and one - This PAST 02/01 a 120 Day notice was slipped through my mail slot.
This new apartment is a noticeable upgrade - so that is quite excellent! I guess I am going to get beyond my old, tired and too self-limiting canards of - "No body likes me", " People treat me well only because they wish to be basically civil" and the other now proven absurd notion that, " No one finds me any fun"
So, Life is good on this July Saturday and most pleasing! Who woulda thunk this- For a longgggg time in the past- L!!O!!L!! - not me!
- Johnny -
Pastor Hector - A Man of Joy and Accomplishment!
Imagine a man who is a brilliant strategist and motivator. A gifted speaker who knows how to smile and knows how to get the most reluctant workers to step up and work ardently and excellently!
What if this man were also a gifted engineer and a skilled craftsman as well. As much as this boggles, He is also a renaissance artisan with a construction tool in his hands. On top of all this, He is ALSO a brilliant theologian and intellect, Able to teach the word superbly and be equally as skillful in applying it
How many people would like to hire this man as their Pastor? How many construction firms would bid for the services of such a man? How many businesses would like this individual as their CEO? If any man could do what ever he chose to do and be paid anything that he wishes to be paid.
Pastor Hector is a quiet, humble and very confident man. If you wanted a textbook definition of a "Man of God" in the most positive,unimpeachable,undeniable and irresistibly appealing sense, That definition could be summed up in THIS ONE MAN - Pastor Hector!
Pastor Hector left the Church that he pastored years ago to be a devoted friend and a fully available servant to every man, woman and child in the destitute community of El Florido. . He runs a local construction community and does well- but everyone who knows him and know what he is able to do knows he could be an INCREDIBLY WEALTHY MAN.
He is amazing. This is the man who served as a mentor and advisor to the Grace Mission Team during our time in El Florido
This is a man you listen to and very much desire to be like. Hector is the dedicated and sold out servant of God who reminds you of what Paul once wrote, " Follow me as I follow Jesus!" I want Jesus to be as alive and powerful in my life as He is in the life of The Godly and Devoted Pastor Hector!!!!!
What if this man were also a gifted engineer and a skilled craftsman as well. As much as this boggles, He is also a renaissance artisan with a construction tool in his hands. On top of all this, He is ALSO a brilliant theologian and intellect, Able to teach the word superbly and be equally as skillful in applying it
How many people would like to hire this man as their Pastor? How many construction firms would bid for the services of such a man? How many businesses would like this individual as their CEO? If any man could do what ever he chose to do and be paid anything that he wishes to be paid.
Pastor Hector is a quiet, humble and very confident man. If you wanted a textbook definition of a "Man of God" in the most positive,unimpeachable,undeniable and irresistibly appealing sense, That definition could be summed up in THIS ONE MAN - Pastor Hector!
Pastor Hector left the Church that he pastored years ago to be a devoted friend and a fully available servant to every man, woman and child in the destitute community of El Florido. . He runs a local construction community and does well- but everyone who knows him and know what he is able to do knows he could be an INCREDIBLY WEALTHY MAN.
He is amazing. This is the man who served as a mentor and advisor to the Grace Mission Team during our time in El Florido
This is a man you listen to and very much desire to be like. Hector is the dedicated and sold out servant of God who reminds you of what Paul once wrote, " Follow me as I follow Jesus!" I want Jesus to be as alive and powerful in my life as He is in the life of The Godly and Devoted Pastor Hector!!!!!
The Singing Painter
While I was serving with The Grace Church Team in El Florido- a community of 300 or so people located near the TOP of a mountain above Tecate , Mexico
You might call El Florido - The Barren and Rejected Land. They live there because it is the land that no one really is interested in- the land that SEEMINGLY no one else wants to live on, Although, As we discovered last week, There are argument as to who actually owns the land of El Florido !!!!!. Many of the people there have deeds for the extremely modest land they live on. Yet, There is now a debate whether whoever sold them the land had the right to do so. Thus, These people, in addition to being concerned vis- a-vis their many already rugged struggles must also if they will one day face a rapid and rude eviction.
The land is extremely rocky, with crevasses and very broken up and and unfriendly to navigate terrain. Our van, on the first full day of our mission, stalled and began to slide DANGEROUSLY backwards at one point as we headed towards the work site. This humbled and shook up the 19 of us to the very core!
The people of El Florido live in bare shacks that are made of any scraps that they are able to salvage. They lack any source of drinkable water and all of their drinkable water is trucked in. A few people, very few who live in that General Area have toilets but the plumbing is unable to handle the flushing of solid wastes or any other solid materials. Thus even relatively fancy bathrooms will have literal " WASTE PAPER" baskets right next to the commode. People place any paper they use into those wastebaskets- no matter how stained they are. Individuals, thus, have to throw that paper away separately. They also ,of course, need to thoroughly and most hygienically clean that same WASTE paper basket.
Those who know me know that I can be VERY MUCH of both a Lambert and An Eeyore. I can be easily intimidated and very moody and inclined to get down and stay that way for a good period of time. All of the members of the team had been briefed as to how vital it was that we be upbeat and positive as we worked. I knew, well in advance, that my sub-team would be The Construction Team.
We started , on Friday July 8th with a bare concrete slab. We would be using the design of a very simple home and doubling it. We'd be working under thirsty conditions- very dry and extremely windy. Most of what I did was paint!
I decided that I would be a person of good morale and cheer as I worked. 3 years ago, I felt led to begin to pray and sing, boldly and out loud, when I first exited out to launch into my day. This was a hard discipline to maintain but I came across a verse that really told me that I really needed to stay with this- " If you are ashamed of Me before men, I will be ashamed of you before My Father.". That was very convicting.
Before we began our work, A delightful and inspirational Mexican Pastor spoke to us and prayed for us! One thing he said further empowered me in what I KNEW!!! that I had to do, " God really celebrates when we enjoy our work and when we smile as we work!",- " Ok, Lord", I THEN thought, I can't avoid what You are expecting me to do!"
So, I sang. I sang when I struggled not to trip over rocks as I painted. I sang when wind-blown. I am glad now that the discipline I first practiced in March of 2008 in Alexandria ,Virginia acted to bless me richly and, seemingly others as well as I sang while I worked as someone helping to build a cafeteria for elementary school children on top of a mountain looming over Tecate. Mexico!
You might call El Florido - The Barren and Rejected Land. They live there because it is the land that no one really is interested in- the land that SEEMINGLY no one else wants to live on, Although, As we discovered last week, There are argument as to who actually owns the land of El Florido !!!!!. Many of the people there have deeds for the extremely modest land they live on. Yet, There is now a debate whether whoever sold them the land had the right to do so. Thus, These people, in addition to being concerned vis- a-vis their many already rugged struggles must also if they will one day face a rapid and rude eviction.
The land is extremely rocky, with crevasses and very broken up and and unfriendly to navigate terrain. Our van, on the first full day of our mission, stalled and began to slide DANGEROUSLY backwards at one point as we headed towards the work site. This humbled and shook up the 19 of us to the very core!
The people of El Florido live in bare shacks that are made of any scraps that they are able to salvage. They lack any source of drinkable water and all of their drinkable water is trucked in. A few people, very few who live in that General Area have toilets but the plumbing is unable to handle the flushing of solid wastes or any other solid materials. Thus even relatively fancy bathrooms will have literal " WASTE PAPER" baskets right next to the commode. People place any paper they use into those wastebaskets- no matter how stained they are. Individuals, thus, have to throw that paper away separately. They also ,of course, need to thoroughly and most hygienically clean that same WASTE paper basket.
Those who know me know that I can be VERY MUCH of both a Lambert and An Eeyore. I can be easily intimidated and very moody and inclined to get down and stay that way for a good period of time. All of the members of the team had been briefed as to how vital it was that we be upbeat and positive as we worked. I knew, well in advance, that my sub-team would be The Construction Team.
We started , on Friday July 8th with a bare concrete slab. We would be using the design of a very simple home and doubling it. We'd be working under thirsty conditions- very dry and extremely windy. Most of what I did was paint!
I decided that I would be a person of good morale and cheer as I worked. 3 years ago, I felt led to begin to pray and sing, boldly and out loud, when I first exited out to launch into my day. This was a hard discipline to maintain but I came across a verse that really told me that I really needed to stay with this- " If you are ashamed of Me before men, I will be ashamed of you before My Father.". That was very convicting.
Before we began our work, A delightful and inspirational Mexican Pastor spoke to us and prayed for us! One thing he said further empowered me in what I KNEW!!! that I had to do, " God really celebrates when we enjoy our work and when we smile as we work!",- " Ok, Lord", I THEN thought, I can't avoid what You are expecting me to do!"
So, I sang. I sang when I struggled not to trip over rocks as I painted. I sang when wind-blown. I am glad now that the discipline I first practiced in March of 2008 in Alexandria ,Virginia acted to bless me richly and, seemingly others as well as I sang while I worked as someone helping to build a cafeteria for elementary school children on top of a mountain looming over Tecate. Mexico!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
He was an angry and very bitter 9 year old boy. Just a few days earlier, He had attended the funeral and burial of his father.His father was murdered, killed during a drug deal that went horribly awry.
This boy wanted his father's killer and all the men there that night dead- He wanted very much to be their killer and executioner. This was the story I was told by this boy's mother when she brought him to his first Alateen meeting. This meeting was held 20 years ago at the Unity Club in Down town falls Church, Virginia. The name of that Saturday group was Superkid and I was its founder and sponsor.
Ben attended a number of meetings, but seldom said anything. I worried about him, but his mother assured me that he was getting a lot out of the meetings.
I know that Ben became a Christian around the age of 13. That seemed to calm down some of his fiery intensity. I lost track of him shortly after than, but I did hear a few years later that he joined The Marine Corps.
Earlier today, I ran across Ben's mother on a Bus. She told me that Ben left the Corps after serving for 4 years. He settled in Los Angeles and is now serving as a member of The LAPD.
I'm so proud of his courage and progress. His mother believes that I had SOMETHING to do with that- I', inclined to not take that too serious. She did tell me he wants to get in contact with me and gave me his number.
Ben- A tragic boy turned Guardian, Protector and Hero.
This boy wanted his father's killer and all the men there that night dead- He wanted very much to be their killer and executioner. This was the story I was told by this boy's mother when she brought him to his first Alateen meeting. This meeting was held 20 years ago at the Unity Club in Down town falls Church, Virginia. The name of that Saturday group was Superkid and I was its founder and sponsor.
Ben attended a number of meetings, but seldom said anything. I worried about him, but his mother assured me that he was getting a lot out of the meetings.
I know that Ben became a Christian around the age of 13. That seemed to calm down some of his fiery intensity. I lost track of him shortly after than, but I did hear a few years later that he joined The Marine Corps.
Earlier today, I ran across Ben's mother on a Bus. She told me that Ben left the Corps after serving for 4 years. He settled in Los Angeles and is now serving as a member of The LAPD.
I'm so proud of his courage and progress. His mother believes that I had SOMETHING to do with that- I', inclined to not take that too serious. She did tell me he wants to get in contact with me and gave me his number.
Ben- A tragic boy turned Guardian, Protector and Hero.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Lambert - The Sheepish Lion- 2011 Version
This is a Disney Tale! In a 1951 Cartoon, The Stork mistakenly delivers a lion as part of a bundle of lambs. Lambert is taken in by a lonely sheep bereft of lambs. The stork tries to correct his mistake. However, The fierce reaction of the mother lamb who takes the baby lion in causes the stork to flee without him.
She names the young lion/lamb Lambert. Lambert is not able to bleat. He tries to fit in and it doesn't work. He has no idea that he is a lion. The other lambs but him and intimidate him. He becomes extremely timid and intimidated.
Until one night ,after he is an adult ,A savage wolf attack the flock and centers his attack on Lambert's mother.The young lion cowers and cringes until he sees that that the wolf has chased his mother to the end of a cliff and is advancing towards her.. With all nearly lost, He realizes that he is a lion. He unleashes an ear-piercing raw that terrifies the wolf. He then head butts the the wolf off the cliff where he is at the end of the cartoon hanging on by a small branch. Lambert, then, becomes the hero of the flock.
I was raised quite opposite of who I actually am. My personality is not what my parents desired. They worked hard to break me of it. Thus, I have been a Lambert for most of my life.
The rugged mountain side community of El Florido is not an inviting pace to be. It is on a 35 Degree incline, it is rocky and contains many sharp cactus. Running is out and moving quickly can be an adventure.Helping with a construction project there did not really work when I tried to be a Lambert! I had to be bolder and learned to say "yes" no matter what I was asked.
I navigated slowly and carefully rather than- Lambert- style- deciding to stay put because it was just too hard to do otherwise! I learned a lot about myself working with and being mentored mightily by the fellow members of the Grace Mission Team. Their boldly asserting that I had the ability to accomplish what I was asked to do and their absolute determination to accept not ONE!!! excuse or rationalization, made it impossible for me to be a Lambert as I labored near the top of the rugged and harsh mountain.
You will hear much more of The Mountain Adventures over the next weeks. I am a wiser and more resourceful than I was a weak ago!This lion is learning that I am able to roar rather than bleat or baaaaaaa!- WINK!!!!!!!!
- Johnny -
She names the young lion/lamb Lambert. Lambert is not able to bleat. He tries to fit in and it doesn't work. He has no idea that he is a lion. The other lambs but him and intimidate him. He becomes extremely timid and intimidated.
Until one night ,after he is an adult ,A savage wolf attack the flock and centers his attack on Lambert's mother.The young lion cowers and cringes until he sees that that the wolf has chased his mother to the end of a cliff and is advancing towards her.. With all nearly lost, He realizes that he is a lion. He unleashes an ear-piercing raw that terrifies the wolf. He then head butts the the wolf off the cliff where he is at the end of the cartoon hanging on by a small branch. Lambert, then, becomes the hero of the flock.
I was raised quite opposite of who I actually am. My personality is not what my parents desired. They worked hard to break me of it. Thus, I have been a Lambert for most of my life.
The rugged mountain side community of El Florido is not an inviting pace to be. It is on a 35 Degree incline, it is rocky and contains many sharp cactus. Running is out and moving quickly can be an adventure.Helping with a construction project there did not really work when I tried to be a Lambert! I had to be bolder and learned to say "yes" no matter what I was asked.
I navigated slowly and carefully rather than- Lambert- style- deciding to stay put because it was just too hard to do otherwise! I learned a lot about myself working with and being mentored mightily by the fellow members of the Grace Mission Team. Their boldly asserting that I had the ability to accomplish what I was asked to do and their absolute determination to accept not ONE!!! excuse or rationalization, made it impossible for me to be a Lambert as I labored near the top of the rugged and harsh mountain.
You will hear much more of The Mountain Adventures over the next weeks. I am a wiser and more resourceful than I was a weak ago!This lion is learning that I am able to roar rather than bleat or baaaaaaa!- WINK!!!!!!!!
- Johnny -
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Please Pray for The Grace Community Church Mission Team.
Please ask The God keep us faithful, available and teachable. Help us to make the needs of the people of The El Florido Colonias our priority to meet!
Let the people of the Colonias be better next week because we have been there. Praise God for this opportunity !
Let the people of the Colonias be better next week because we have been there. Praise God for this opportunity !
I want it so but I know I do not need it!
Earlier today, I went to a Game Spot 2 blocks away to put down a few ,ore dollars down on the Madden'12 Game that I've ordered for my PS2 system. No, That is not my mis-typing, I devoutly wish that it was, but sadly my prime gaming system is -YIKES - a PS 2! Yuck.
Two days ago, I was shown how minimally I live and how I'm really hopelessly not current. I tried to add an update to My Hopelessly outdated and humble computer. I wanted to update my Firefox and I was told " You have the most advanced version that your system CAN work with."
I thought about this as I looked at a USED XBOX 360 available at the price of 139.00. I considered that I do have a little money- no great sum in my checking account. I also reminded myself of how frugal/ stingy I often am. I also tried to convince myself that- " You really do need to spoil yourself. You really deserve this". I had the card in my hand and really tried to convince myself that this is " what I must do- right now!"
Yet, I don't have a lot of money and an unexpected emergency would quickly leave me destitute and in a difficult position to financially regain my footing.. The clerk reminded me, at that point, how much more impressive and life-like games like Madden appear on an XBox 360 or a PS3. I still decided, barely, that the best thing to do was to live with a less impressive Madden 12 for THE PS 2 and I do not, tonight, have a better gaming system.
At 3:30 , Northern Virginia Time, I will be leaving my apartment and heading to a rendezvous with the good people of the El Florido Colonias. They live near the top of a small, bleak and rugged mountain high above the city of Tecate, Mexico. By American Standards, I am most financially, electronically and perhaps socially insignificant! I'm very well off and very blessed when compared to how the people live in That Colonias! I'm wealthy and indeed prosperous compared to those earnest,resourceful and impoversihed men and women and youth and children.
I will be part of a team of 21 people representing the Grace Community Church. I am slotted to work on helping to renovate the school- which is at the very top of the mountain. On this trip , The assignment that I will be involved in is building a school cafeteria. Others from our team will be involved in teaching health, sanitation and nutrition. Another group will conduct a Vacation Bible School. They will also teach crafts to both the children and the adults. They will also be providing recreation activities!
What I am proud of is this- What we are doing is not an agenda that we concocted. We are serving the people of El Florido as they have asked us to serve them! They are also invested- literally- in this project. After they submitted their desires list to Joshua Hadder- Our Missions Director- He asked them if they would be willing to raise a Thousand Dollars. The people there who work make 80 Dollars a week and less. There is a Toyota Factory in Tecate! They promiseed Josh the One Thousand Dollars and they came through.
The people El Florido have little and they know that they must spend and invest it wisely. I'd DEARLY love an XBOX 360 or a PS3- Yet, It is not important enough or valuable enough to have it now. Being wise, knowing the value of practicing delayed gratification- investing in the future of THEIR children-.The people of El Florido humble me and show me that I must fix myself on greater and more vital values.
The PS 2 and my limited computer capacity are good enough for today! Thank you ,God, for showing me that this is the way things NEED to be for ME for the nonce!
- Johnny -
Two days ago, I was shown how minimally I live and how I'm really hopelessly not current. I tried to add an update to My Hopelessly outdated and humble computer. I wanted to update my Firefox and I was told " You have the most advanced version that your system CAN work with."
I thought about this as I looked at a USED XBOX 360 available at the price of 139.00. I considered that I do have a little money- no great sum in my checking account. I also reminded myself of how frugal/ stingy I often am. I also tried to convince myself that- " You really do need to spoil yourself. You really deserve this". I had the card in my hand and really tried to convince myself that this is " what I must do- right now!"
Yet, I don't have a lot of money and an unexpected emergency would quickly leave me destitute and in a difficult position to financially regain my footing.. The clerk reminded me, at that point, how much more impressive and life-like games like Madden appear on an XBox 360 or a PS3. I still decided, barely, that the best thing to do was to live with a less impressive Madden 12 for THE PS 2 and I do not, tonight, have a better gaming system.
At 3:30 , Northern Virginia Time, I will be leaving my apartment and heading to a rendezvous with the good people of the El Florido Colonias. They live near the top of a small, bleak and rugged mountain high above the city of Tecate, Mexico. By American Standards, I am most financially, electronically and perhaps socially insignificant! I'm very well off and very blessed when compared to how the people live in That Colonias! I'm wealthy and indeed prosperous compared to those earnest,resourceful and impoversihed men and women and youth and children.
I will be part of a team of 21 people representing the Grace Community Church. I am slotted to work on helping to renovate the school- which is at the very top of the mountain. On this trip , The assignment that I will be involved in is building a school cafeteria. Others from our team will be involved in teaching health, sanitation and nutrition. Another group will conduct a Vacation Bible School. They will also teach crafts to both the children and the adults. They will also be providing recreation activities!
What I am proud of is this- What we are doing is not an agenda that we concocted. We are serving the people of El Florido as they have asked us to serve them! They are also invested- literally- in this project. After they submitted their desires list to Joshua Hadder- Our Missions Director- He asked them if they would be willing to raise a Thousand Dollars. The people there who work make 80 Dollars a week and less. There is a Toyota Factory in Tecate! They promiseed Josh the One Thousand Dollars and they came through.
The people El Florido have little and they know that they must spend and invest it wisely. I'd DEARLY love an XBOX 360 or a PS3- Yet, It is not important enough or valuable enough to have it now. Being wise, knowing the value of practicing delayed gratification- investing in the future of THEIR children-.The people of El Florido humble me and show me that I must fix myself on greater and more vital values.
The PS 2 and my limited computer capacity are good enough for today! Thank you ,God, for showing me that this is the way things NEED to be for ME for the nonce!
- Johnny -
2 Tragedies - 15 Year old Lawrence King and 2 year Old Cailee Anthony!
Many were heartbroken by the not guilty verdict that came in yesterday as the resolution of the Casey Anthony trial. The legal system has declared Casey Anthony to be not guilty and that is something that we must all abide by.
Many of us are grieved by the the short life of a two year old who seems to have not been properly cared for at any point of her life. The decayed state of her body when she was found seems to speak to this. It seems that not one but many adults failed Cailee- Who was there to see that her best interests were taken care of. I do believe that children should be valued- I believe this to be true BOTH before and after they are born- if this principle had been applied to Cailee, it is likely she'd still be alive today.
Lawrence King was a 15 year old student at a Middle School in California. He was shot twice before a horrified group of students and died some time later. Some of described his murder as an " execution -style killing". the 14 year old who is now on trial for King's murder is from a family that has been involved in white supremest activities.
Larry ( as he was better known) is gay. He was often bullied for this as was his younger brother. The school authorities say that Larry was defiant- That he'd come to school dressed in high heels and women's clothes. This was not wise on his part. The school admitted that they were uncomfortable with his doing so, but felt constrained to do anything more/ or further about that.
I have no harsh wishes against Casey Anthony- I just wish that she had placed her daughter up for adoption or found people to care for her that would provide her the needed and proper care that she merited as an innocent, vulnerable and needful child..
As far, Larry King. I think he acted unwisely and imprudently. I wish some adult had provided him beneficial mentor ship to help him not make himself a more enticing target for bullies. He should have kept his younger brother in mind when he dressed and behaved at school as he did.
I do not condone nor am I an advocate for homosexuality. I do not have to approve of someone's behavior. I am a Christian an I believe that the best way to spread my faith is by living as Jesus directs me to do so and by being loving and welcoming of others. I believe that Jesus is the perfect judge who will always do right for everyone and by everyone. I am involved, with others, in gathering and Jesus decides the rest. I also know that as I am NOT sinless I do not dare say that I am willing and/or eager to cast either the first or the 26th Billionth stone!
Children need to be mentored, raised, cherished, cared for cared about and provided for. Sadly, No one took on these roles for either Cailee or Larry, This is why ,in part, both or now in their graves! One is known world wide and is a household name one is still not at all well- known- Few have considered, so far, his life and death!
Cailee Anthony and Larry King- Mourn for both, They are worth morning for!
Many of us are grieved by the the short life of a two year old who seems to have not been properly cared for at any point of her life. The decayed state of her body when she was found seems to speak to this. It seems that not one but many adults failed Cailee- Who was there to see that her best interests were taken care of. I do believe that children should be valued- I believe this to be true BOTH before and after they are born- if this principle had been applied to Cailee, it is likely she'd still be alive today.
Lawrence King was a 15 year old student at a Middle School in California. He was shot twice before a horrified group of students and died some time later. Some of described his murder as an " execution -style killing". the 14 year old who is now on trial for King's murder is from a family that has been involved in white supremest activities.
Larry ( as he was better known) is gay. He was often bullied for this as was his younger brother. The school authorities say that Larry was defiant- That he'd come to school dressed in high heels and women's clothes. This was not wise on his part. The school admitted that they were uncomfortable with his doing so, but felt constrained to do anything more/ or further about that.
I have no harsh wishes against Casey Anthony- I just wish that she had placed her daughter up for adoption or found people to care for her that would provide her the needed and proper care that she merited as an innocent, vulnerable and needful child..
As far, Larry King. I think he acted unwisely and imprudently. I wish some adult had provided him beneficial mentor ship to help him not make himself a more enticing target for bullies. He should have kept his younger brother in mind when he dressed and behaved at school as he did.
I do not condone nor am I an advocate for homosexuality. I do not have to approve of someone's behavior. I am a Christian an I believe that the best way to spread my faith is by living as Jesus directs me to do so and by being loving and welcoming of others. I believe that Jesus is the perfect judge who will always do right for everyone and by everyone. I am involved, with others, in gathering and Jesus decides the rest. I also know that as I am NOT sinless I do not dare say that I am willing and/or eager to cast either the first or the 26th Billionth stone!
Children need to be mentored, raised, cherished, cared for cared about and provided for. Sadly, No one took on these roles for either Cailee or Larry, This is why ,in part, both or now in their graves! One is known world wide and is a household name one is still not at all well- known- Few have considered, so far, his life and death!
Cailee Anthony and Larry King- Mourn for both, They are worth morning for!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
A Special Land
In many countries, The leaders are very aloof from their people. The Head of State of far too many nations do not mingle with but a rarified few members of their nation's citizenry.
I smiled when I ran across a young miltary wife who I cross paths with from time to time. She is from Columbus, Ohio originally and is present in the DC Area because he husband is stationed here. They live in Northern Virginia.
She and her husband- among many others to be sure- were at a special dinner for military families held at The White House last night. Perhaps I'm easily impressed but W!O!W> This is a great land to be a citizen of. Kudos to President and Mrs. Obama for hosting these worthy and weell-deserving guests at the White House Last Night!
This is, indeed, a splendid land!
I smiled when I ran across a young miltary wife who I cross paths with from time to time. She is from Columbus, Ohio originally and is present in the DC Area because he husband is stationed here. They live in Northern Virginia.
She and her husband- among many others to be sure- were at a special dinner for military families held at The White House last night. Perhaps I'm easily impressed but W!O!W> This is a great land to be a citizen of. Kudos to President and Mrs. Obama for hosting these worthy and weell-deserving guests at the White House Last Night!
This is, indeed, a splendid land!
Involvement in The Campaign Structure beyond voting !
I've been involved, in years past, as a campaign volunteer and, at one point, as a campaign staffer. This is great way to offer support and, believe it or not, advice and recommendations to either the candidate or to those who have influence, those who hold sway with the man or woman seeking to gain or retain elected office.
I've handed out campaign buttons and pamphlets, I've answered the telephones. I've stuffed envelopes. I actually once got to write a position paper. My one experience as a campaign staffer was as The Assistant Director for The Youth effort for a Candidate running to be The Governor of Maryland.
I believe very strongly that our leaders are elected to represent us - to listen to us and to govern in a way that clearly demonstrates that their actions are able to be traced back to the spoken, written and the electrically transmitted will of the people.
There are some people who take the view that-" If you elect me, You are saying that you trust my wisdom and opinions. You are trusting that I will do what I think best for you, your neighbors and what is in the best interest of everyone residing in our community. Sometimes, People don't think through what they are asking for, it is up to me to decide not to do what is not, in my judgement wise or prudent. If enough people agree with how I've conducted myself as your representative, I'll be re-elected! If not, Then someone else will hold this office after the next election!"
Sometimes, You do need to think independently and use wisdom and common sense- not every expression of the people's will is created either equal or worthy of support. However, Sometimes when people run for office, They are not willing to listen to or take seriously ideas that they personally oppose. A few years ago, I heard a woman, Penny Gross, who was running for re-election to a position on the Fairfax County, Va Board of Supervisors. Some voters expressed to her concerns over dealing with illegal immigrants in their neighborhood. They had two specific concerns- Too many cars and trucks parked in tin the garage and on the lawn of neighboring homes and finding the trash thrown on their lawns. They were asking Supervisor Gross to assure them that she work to have Fairfax County Zoning Laws and criminal codes would be enforced.
Her response was, " Change can be unsettling." Those voters were looking for a commitment to action, not a lecture or a philosophy discourse. There are good reasons to be alert and aware and involved when political campaigns are occurring!
I've handed out campaign buttons and pamphlets, I've answered the telephones. I've stuffed envelopes. I actually once got to write a position paper. My one experience as a campaign staffer was as The Assistant Director for The Youth effort for a Candidate running to be The Governor of Maryland.
I believe very strongly that our leaders are elected to represent us - to listen to us and to govern in a way that clearly demonstrates that their actions are able to be traced back to the spoken, written and the electrically transmitted will of the people.
There are some people who take the view that-" If you elect me, You are saying that you trust my wisdom and opinions. You are trusting that I will do what I think best for you, your neighbors and what is in the best interest of everyone residing in our community. Sometimes, People don't think through what they are asking for, it is up to me to decide not to do what is not, in my judgement wise or prudent. If enough people agree with how I've conducted myself as your representative, I'll be re-elected! If not, Then someone else will hold this office after the next election!"
Sometimes, You do need to think independently and use wisdom and common sense- not every expression of the people's will is created either equal or worthy of support. However, Sometimes when people run for office, They are not willing to listen to or take seriously ideas that they personally oppose. A few years ago, I heard a woman, Penny Gross, who was running for re-election to a position on the Fairfax County, Va Board of Supervisors. Some voters expressed to her concerns over dealing with illegal immigrants in their neighborhood. They had two specific concerns- Too many cars and trucks parked in tin the garage and on the lawn of neighboring homes and finding the trash thrown on their lawns. They were asking Supervisor Gross to assure them that she work to have Fairfax County Zoning Laws and criminal codes would be enforced.
Her response was, " Change can be unsettling." Those voters were looking for a commitment to action, not a lecture or a philosophy discourse. There are good reasons to be alert and aware and involved when political campaigns are occurring!
Monday, July 4, 2011
Today , Thank a Friend for being a gift.
Your closest friends are gifts that keep becoming more valuable to you over time. Remind a close friend today that it is a joy to know them!
Near The Street where I live...
I have long promised to be candid and disclosive here. I have a pleasant apartment- it is a great improvement over where I lived preciously.
The problem is the neighborhood that I live in- as I moved literally from one side of the street to the other last April 30th, That has not changed. I live on SSI and SSDI and I am a mental health consumer availing myself of the services of the Fairfax County,Virginia Mental Health System.
I live on a very busy street, as I noted yesterday- a street just off a major interstate, I- 395. On the opposite side of a street, That block is a mixed commercial and residential street- Half the Block is a series of drive in business and people use the connected drive ways as a type of road. People zip in and zip out often without much regard for any pedestrian awareness.
I've also noticed that a local homeless man frequents the local Mc Donald's and the 7-11, both which are within that complex of business I just alluded to! He seldom washes and seems to be rather stained by his own wastes, rather unpleasant and certainly a health risk. I know that he has a right to function as best he can and to live in the least restrictive way possible. Yet, I will admit that I find him unsavory and stomach turning. I wonder if there aren't health laws that govern such!
I do really want a way of escape. The Mental Health System really only works to get people to get to a point of stabilization. If we want more, We are expected to figure out how to gain it! Churches are not set up to help people in that regard either. One friend suggests that I need to figure out what it will cost me to gain the support I need, write up a business proposal and get people to fund me- convince them that I'm worth the risk.
My apartment is great - The setting I walk into each day simply---- is------ not. I know that I can't control others and that I have to accept what I cannot change. However, I'd love to make dealing with people who can't control their behavior, moderate themselves to be appropriate or who serve as a continual health and sanitation problem a very!!!!! RARE!!!! event!
The problem is the neighborhood that I live in- as I moved literally from one side of the street to the other last April 30th, That has not changed. I live on SSI and SSDI and I am a mental health consumer availing myself of the services of the Fairfax County,Virginia Mental Health System.
I live on a very busy street, as I noted yesterday- a street just off a major interstate, I- 395. On the opposite side of a street, That block is a mixed commercial and residential street- Half the Block is a series of drive in business and people use the connected drive ways as a type of road. People zip in and zip out often without much regard for any pedestrian awareness.
I've also noticed that a local homeless man frequents the local Mc Donald's and the 7-11, both which are within that complex of business I just alluded to! He seldom washes and seems to be rather stained by his own wastes, rather unpleasant and certainly a health risk. I know that he has a right to function as best he can and to live in the least restrictive way possible. Yet, I will admit that I find him unsavory and stomach turning. I wonder if there aren't health laws that govern such!
I do really want a way of escape. The Mental Health System really only works to get people to get to a point of stabilization. If we want more, We are expected to figure out how to gain it! Churches are not set up to help people in that regard either. One friend suggests that I need to figure out what it will cost me to gain the support I need, write up a business proposal and get people to fund me- convince them that I'm worth the risk.
My apartment is great - The setting I walk into each day simply---- is------ not. I know that I can't control others and that I have to accept what I cannot change. However, I'd love to make dealing with people who can't control their behavior, moderate themselves to be appropriate or who serve as a continual health and sanitation problem a very!!!!! RARE!!!! event!
When in the Course of Human Events ....Blog Number 450!
There were 56 MEN who signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4Th 1776. The document was signed on a steamy and humid Thursday afternoon. The Delegates of The 2nd Continental Congress were locked in a room that had very poor ventilation in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania. By Today's standards, The First July 4th in the History of The United States of America would have qualified as the start of a FOUR Day Weekend.
The men in that room were all born and had lived every day of their life as British Citizens, as subjects of The British Kingdom. They viewed George the Third as their rightful and proper king. These men , and of course, many others, believed that the Government in London had been abusing their lawful and proper authority. They decried improper searches of homes, of seizing of property, of blockading and the shutting down of port cities. They bitterly objected to British soldier being forcibly provided lodging within their homes. They wanted to be granted the right to elect their own representatives to Parliament.
Some of the Men had wanted to remain loyal to England. They had long hoped that England would heed their pleas and allow them to resume their lives as loyal Englishmen.I am not seeking to be blind to human foibles and the fact that I do not believe that any human being is an angel. Some men had started off as smugglers who simply had for years tied to avoid proper and acceptable British taxes and custom duties for years.Duties that had been generally acknowledge by most to be fitting! Some were people who would have been malcontents seeking trouble in any society.
In The Still Early Summer of 1776,1/3 of The Citizens of the 13 Colonies wanted Independence, others wanted to stay tied to Britain and some of those fought along side the British against their fellow colonists. The other third were simply useful. The shooting war had started outside of Boston in April of 1775. Over the next 15 months, Bitterness had set in on both sides. The King and his advisers had , by July of 1776, really had no desire of creating a peaceful and agreeable to both sides reconciliation. They wanted the rebellion crushed and the American Congress forced to surrender and yield. They wanted the leaders of the Rebellion arrested, tortured, tried- with the result of the trials absolutely certain.
The men who signed the Declaration knew that losing the war would doom them! These men were all prominent in the colonies, they were viewed as the leaders- men to be followed! They were not ready to return to the old ways- They would not be willing to give up on this now WAR for Independence.
The Declaration of Independence is not a governing plan- it is proper to not see it as being one! The Second Continental Congress ran the war and led the nation as a co-operative effort between the 13 Colonies. All depended on the others and - For The Revolution to succeed Rhode Island mattered as much as Massachusetts and Delaware was needed as much as Pennsylvania!
Over the next 7 years from July 4th, 1776 to the signing of The Treaty Of Paris which recognized the Independence of The US, This country lived by a grim but vital truth, " We must all hang together or we will, most assuredly hang separately !"
The men in that room were all born and had lived every day of their life as British Citizens, as subjects of The British Kingdom. They viewed George the Third as their rightful and proper king. These men , and of course, many others, believed that the Government in London had been abusing their lawful and proper authority. They decried improper searches of homes, of seizing of property, of blockading and the shutting down of port cities. They bitterly objected to British soldier being forcibly provided lodging within their homes. They wanted to be granted the right to elect their own representatives to Parliament.
Some of the Men had wanted to remain loyal to England. They had long hoped that England would heed their pleas and allow them to resume their lives as loyal Englishmen.I am not seeking to be blind to human foibles and the fact that I do not believe that any human being is an angel. Some men had started off as smugglers who simply had for years tied to avoid proper and acceptable British taxes and custom duties for years.Duties that had been generally acknowledge by most to be fitting! Some were people who would have been malcontents seeking trouble in any society.
In The Still Early Summer of 1776,1/3 of The Citizens of the 13 Colonies wanted Independence, others wanted to stay tied to Britain and some of those fought along side the British against their fellow colonists. The other third were simply useful. The shooting war had started outside of Boston in April of 1775. Over the next 15 months, Bitterness had set in on both sides. The King and his advisers had , by July of 1776, really had no desire of creating a peaceful and agreeable to both sides reconciliation. They wanted the rebellion crushed and the American Congress forced to surrender and yield. They wanted the leaders of the Rebellion arrested, tortured, tried- with the result of the trials absolutely certain.
The men who signed the Declaration knew that losing the war would doom them! These men were all prominent in the colonies, they were viewed as the leaders- men to be followed! They were not ready to return to the old ways- They would not be willing to give up on this now WAR for Independence.
The Declaration of Independence is not a governing plan- it is proper to not see it as being one! The Second Continental Congress ran the war and led the nation as a co-operative effort between the 13 Colonies. All depended on the others and - For The Revolution to succeed Rhode Island mattered as much as Massachusetts and Delaware was needed as much as Pennsylvania!
Over the next 7 years from July 4th, 1776 to the signing of The Treaty Of Paris which recognized the Independence of The US, This country lived by a grim but vital truth, " We must all hang together or we will, most assuredly hang separately !"
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Freedom - A Gift That Must be passed on !
Freedom is most valued and cherished when it is something that we want young people who will not be born for hundreds of years to come to revel in and gain from EVERY BIT AS MUCH as we do on this late Sunday, July 3rd, 2011!
Gritty Grace
I , too often. decide to not do what I believe will be too tough and demanding. I hen compound this weakness by saying that this is proof that people do not care by saying, " I should not be in THIS situation"
Earlier today, I was drowning in the frustration of " This is not" what I want. I didn't want to walk over small sections of I - 395, in The Western Part of Alexandria Virginia to get to a shell of a shopping mall to take a Bus, Two Trains and and then ride in a van to get to church. What I had wanted was to get to ride to Church, to be picked up where I live.I'd rather have a pleasant ride and a pleasant conversation on a Sunday Morning. I have often noted that I dislike being single because, especially on weekends, I spend too many hours without and direct, face to face communication. I know I can meditate and I do. I know I can give of myself and I'm very willing to volunteer- I'll be traveling to Mexico on Thursday morning to serve as a volunteer on a Church project- this will be occurring from July 7th through the 12th. Yet, I want more face to face conversation with interesting, likable and desirable people.
So, I trudge out, unwillingly but knowing that I really needed to. At Church, I heard the story of a woman who was born and raised in Iran. She had decided to become a Christian. She knew that doing so placed under great peril! She came to the Washington Area in 2008 to attend the wedding of a relative. She found that the police had been seeking her out and her not being present at home kept her from being arrested. She believes that she will face arrest, torture and execution should she return to The Islamic Republic of Iran!
This showed me why I needed, in part , to be at Church earlier today. God, in His sovereign will, has allowed me to be effective around children and young people. I bring a bag with some 50 or 60 Sports Cards- Baseball, Football, Hockey and Basketball. I give some of these cards away at Church each Sunday. A number of the young people at Grace seem to look forward to those cards. I learned long ago that it is easy to say that you want to serve young people. However, When you are willing to spend money and put yourself out, Your commitment is taken far more seriously!
One Boy who I offered the chance to reach into the bag and grab a back of cards was a remarkable 8 year old! He is an extraordinarily intelligent, creative and most gifted child. He is very intuitive and, loves to question and to seek- his intellectual hunger is a wonder to absorb. He gave me a bear hug today after choosing some baseball cards. He held on tight and said " Thank you" in a clearly appreciative way. I suddenly found myself saying, " You like me, Don't you"" He solemnly and touchingly nodded his head " Yes". Someone was showing me that I matter very much to him and that he values and appreciates me.This is a boy that I often pray for.
I celebrate the fact that he has truly Godly, loving, devoted and lovable parents." Toby" reminds me a lot of myself as a boy, personality wise and nature wise, He is just about an identical twin to what I was like as a boy. I serve as a model of what abusive monsters can do " Toby: is a model of what loving, caring and devoted can bring about in their children.
I'm glad for this Sunday. It was a day of blessing by way of " Gritty Grace"!
Earlier today, I was drowning in the frustration of " This is not" what I want. I didn't want to walk over small sections of I - 395, in The Western Part of Alexandria Virginia to get to a shell of a shopping mall to take a Bus, Two Trains and and then ride in a van to get to church. What I had wanted was to get to ride to Church, to be picked up where I live.I'd rather have a pleasant ride and a pleasant conversation on a Sunday Morning. I have often noted that I dislike being single because, especially on weekends, I spend too many hours without and direct, face to face communication. I know I can meditate and I do. I know I can give of myself and I'm very willing to volunteer- I'll be traveling to Mexico on Thursday morning to serve as a volunteer on a Church project- this will be occurring from July 7th through the 12th. Yet, I want more face to face conversation with interesting, likable and desirable people.
So, I trudge out, unwillingly but knowing that I really needed to. At Church, I heard the story of a woman who was born and raised in Iran. She had decided to become a Christian. She knew that doing so placed under great peril! She came to the Washington Area in 2008 to attend the wedding of a relative. She found that the police had been seeking her out and her not being present at home kept her from being arrested. She believes that she will face arrest, torture and execution should she return to The Islamic Republic of Iran!
This showed me why I needed, in part , to be at Church earlier today. God, in His sovereign will, has allowed me to be effective around children and young people. I bring a bag with some 50 or 60 Sports Cards- Baseball, Football, Hockey and Basketball. I give some of these cards away at Church each Sunday. A number of the young people at Grace seem to look forward to those cards. I learned long ago that it is easy to say that you want to serve young people. However, When you are willing to spend money and put yourself out, Your commitment is taken far more seriously!
One Boy who I offered the chance to reach into the bag and grab a back of cards was a remarkable 8 year old! He is an extraordinarily intelligent, creative and most gifted child. He is very intuitive and, loves to question and to seek- his intellectual hunger is a wonder to absorb. He gave me a bear hug today after choosing some baseball cards. He held on tight and said " Thank you" in a clearly appreciative way. I suddenly found myself saying, " You like me, Don't you"" He solemnly and touchingly nodded his head " Yes". Someone was showing me that I matter very much to him and that he values and appreciates me.This is a boy that I often pray for.
I celebrate the fact that he has truly Godly, loving, devoted and lovable parents." Toby" reminds me a lot of myself as a boy, personality wise and nature wise, He is just about an identical twin to what I was like as a boy. I serve as a model of what abusive monsters can do " Toby: is a model of what loving, caring and devoted can bring about in their children.
I'm glad for this Sunday. It was a day of blessing by way of " Gritty Grace"!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
A Hotel Maid From Ghana and A Former Candidate for The US Vice- Presidency!
We are moved when we hear of poor people leaving their homelands- doing so legally is considered even MORE desirable- who leave what they have known and everyone they've known to come to Our Land to build a viable future for themselves.
One of these women gets a job as a hotel maid. She works hard for what is- by US Standards- minimal pay! She works long days but she is steady and reliable. We American tend to be kind people and we want to see people treated fairly and justly. We do think that it is wrong to abuse, cheat, manipulate and abuse people.
We then hear a story of this same woman being attacked in a hotel room- we hear accusations that she was sexually molested by a prominent , influential and well-regarding European political and financial leader! he is arrested and taken away in handcuffs. This is right, we believe, wealth and status to not allow one to get away with unacceptable and criminal behavior!
In the last few days, We have heard that this woman is unreliable woman with a questionable past, Therefore, She seems not to be someone who can have a case prosecuted on behalf of! Thus, The question becomes- If you have done wrong in the past, Does this mean that it does not matter how you treated or dealt with any time after you behaved badly? If you become a victim of a crime, Is that then an acceptable fate for you to go through? Has your past NOW made you unworthy of having someone prosecuted for wronging you?
In 2008, the THEN Governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin ran for the Vice-Presidency of the United States. She seemed to irritate, anger and frustrate many Americans! They found good reasons, in their opinions, to strongly dislike her. This is fair. People have the right to choose to disagree with and dislike other people.
However , Does disapproving of someone and not seeing them as either credible or trustworthy give you a reason to physically harm them or people who agree with and like that particular person. In December of 2008, The Church That Sarah Palin was a member of, The Wasailla Bible Church, was fire bombed. The Front of The Church was set on fire. Ms. Palin was not present at the time but there were women and children in the church at that time working on crafts projects. Does thinking that someone is unlikable or not intelligent give you the right to set on fire the church that they attend? Is death by arson the penalty for not being seen as pleasing?
There are just certain things that you cannot justify, explain or find to be acceptable!
One of these women gets a job as a hotel maid. She works hard for what is- by US Standards- minimal pay! She works long days but she is steady and reliable. We American tend to be kind people and we want to see people treated fairly and justly. We do think that it is wrong to abuse, cheat, manipulate and abuse people.
We then hear a story of this same woman being attacked in a hotel room- we hear accusations that she was sexually molested by a prominent , influential and well-regarding European political and financial leader! he is arrested and taken away in handcuffs. This is right, we believe, wealth and status to not allow one to get away with unacceptable and criminal behavior!
In the last few days, We have heard that this woman is unreliable woman with a questionable past, Therefore, She seems not to be someone who can have a case prosecuted on behalf of! Thus, The question becomes- If you have done wrong in the past, Does this mean that it does not matter how you treated or dealt with any time after you behaved badly? If you become a victim of a crime, Is that then an acceptable fate for you to go through? Has your past NOW made you unworthy of having someone prosecuted for wronging you?
In 2008, the THEN Governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin ran for the Vice-Presidency of the United States. She seemed to irritate, anger and frustrate many Americans! They found good reasons, in their opinions, to strongly dislike her. This is fair. People have the right to choose to disagree with and dislike other people.
However , Does disapproving of someone and not seeing them as either credible or trustworthy give you a reason to physically harm them or people who agree with and like that particular person. In December of 2008, The Church That Sarah Palin was a member of, The Wasailla Bible Church, was fire bombed. The Front of The Church was set on fire. Ms. Palin was not present at the time but there were women and children in the church at that time working on crafts projects. Does thinking that someone is unlikable or not intelligent give you the right to set on fire the church that they attend? Is death by arson the penalty for not being seen as pleasing?
There are just certain things that you cannot justify, explain or find to be acceptable!
Generosity and Blessing on A Saturday!
How we live at home indeed affects how we will approach our lives in general.
Pursuit Of Happiness
Happiness----- Is it a reflexive reaction to being overwhelmed by circumstances that are impressive, wonderful, delightful and incredibly to your liking? This would mean that people , then, would only be Happy and in great spirits ONLY when every ting in their lives is optimal- only when everything in their lives could be viewing as being as well as it could possibly be. This is rarely likely to happen on an on-going and predictable way! This, We'd only expect people to be happy when they can honestly is " as good as they can possibly imagine it being".
Our lives, of course, are subject to ups and downs, pain as well as bliss and incredible success as well as disheartening failures. So, This means that we are wiser to look for the best possibilities in all situations, to find good and positives no matter what the outcome Happiness can also come by seeing life as a continual classroom- we are learning, we are gaining experiences, we are learning more about ourselves and we are learning what we do well and learning what we are needing to improve about ourselves and what I can try to bring about greater success and fulfillment.
Needing things to be a set way to be happy is a recipe for sadness and displeasure. Learning to be happy by celebrating the best elements each day and in each moment is , indeed ,f great value and gain!
Our lives, of course, are subject to ups and downs, pain as well as bliss and incredible success as well as disheartening failures. So, This means that we are wiser to look for the best possibilities in all situations, to find good and positives no matter what the outcome Happiness can also come by seeing life as a continual classroom- we are learning, we are gaining experiences, we are learning more about ourselves and we are learning what we do well and learning what we are needing to improve about ourselves and what I can try to bring about greater success and fulfillment.
Needing things to be a set way to be happy is a recipe for sadness and displeasure. Learning to be happy by celebrating the best elements each day and in each moment is , indeed ,f great value and gain!
Friday, July 1, 2011
Lonliness is often a matter of Isolation
The more you focus on what you do not have and about who is not in your life- The lonelier you are likely to feel. Shutting yourself off and bemoaning your fate in being lonely is nothing more than a passionate act of energized self torment.
So, Rejoice in who you are, and in what you able to do and accomplish. Seek to make things better for those who you do connect with, all of us can be gifts to others as we positively use our gift.
So, Rejoice in who you are, and in what you able to do and accomplish. Seek to make things better for those who you do connect with, all of us can be gifts to others as we positively use our gift.
Free Speech
Liberty is enjoying our lawful and proper options. License is seeking to get way with what we believe that no one will be willing our able to hold us to account for!
I have spoken here of why I find the concept of As ----- as I wanna be". This is a life based on what usually will benefit the actor to the detriment or suffering of someone else. It is the way of life of thieves, exploiters and bullies- those who think that conscience, ethics and morality are simply weak and fancy words that do not apply to them.
Tomorrow morning, Saturday, July 2nd 2011, at 8:15 in the morning, I will be attending a meeting of Toastmasters International. This particular Club- GUTS - Get Up To Speak- meets in Annandale, Virginia, each and every Saturday Morning!
I think it is truly great to be practicing American- Style of Freedom of Speech at a Toastmaster meeting on this weekend. Toastmasters asks its members to speak positively with style, grace, positiveness and with a point. The best Toastmaster speeches encourage people to respond to the message they gave just listened to. Each speech is evaluated- therefore each presenter knows that is valuable to be accountable and responsible as he or she prepares their next speech.
Toastmasters and Freedom of Speech- As Mightily American as HotDogs and Baseball!
I have spoken here of why I find the concept of As ----- as I wanna be". This is a life based on what usually will benefit the actor to the detriment or suffering of someone else. It is the way of life of thieves, exploiters and bullies- those who think that conscience, ethics and morality are simply weak and fancy words that do not apply to them.
Tomorrow morning, Saturday, July 2nd 2011, at 8:15 in the morning, I will be attending a meeting of Toastmasters International. This particular Club- GUTS - Get Up To Speak- meets in Annandale, Virginia, each and every Saturday Morning!
I think it is truly great to be practicing American- Style of Freedom of Speech at a Toastmaster meeting on this weekend. Toastmasters asks its members to speak positively with style, grace, positiveness and with a point. The best Toastmaster speeches encourage people to respond to the message they gave just listened to. Each speech is evaluated- therefore each presenter knows that is valuable to be accountable and responsible as he or she prepares their next speech.
Toastmasters and Freedom of Speech- As Mightily American as HotDogs and Baseball!
Mexican Metamorpohis
I am usually feeling dread at the start of a long weekend. I feel that this will be more time to be alone- disconnected and without positive contact and stimulation by being in contact with stimulating people who routinely act to make a positive, truly trans formative and pervasively empowering difference. I shrink at the prospect of taking public transportation to church.
I also be moan not having the gift of being in a fun and nurturing relationship. Most of the above certainly was true of the Memorial Day Weekend!
Yet, I am more hopeful of how I will get to and through the 4th of July Holiday Weekend. I will spend a good bit of time alone and there will be times when the only conversation that I will not have with myself will be those when I am praying or meditating- I want to thank The Astounding " Downtown" Julie Brown- who is beginning Her Term as THE Lieutenant Governor of Marketing for The BRAND NEW Toastmaster District 29- for re-enforcing the idea of meditating in my thinking just yesterday!
I do have a kind person who has invited me to a desert party on Monday- yet public transportation on the 4th might make that a " no go".
This year, The Fourth of July is being combined in MY mind with the fact that I will be spending a very LONG weekend in Mexico on the VERY next weekend- From July 7th through the Early Morning of July 12th. I will be a part of a missions team being sent out by The Grace Community Church of Arlington, Virginia. We will be going to serve the residents of the El Florido Colonias , which is located near the top of a small mountain that looms above Tecate, Mexico.
The people of El Florido do not have pure drinking water in their "town" Their water is trucked in by The Government. They do not have reliable Electricity and are prone to being devastated by flash floods. Most of their homes are tiny and are built using scraps- left over wood, plastic,- what ever they are able to scavenge, In the context of Mexican society, living near the top of the mountain means that you are likely to be viewed as "basura"- trash by the people living down below- you are an outcast!
Our Church first started to get involved with El Florido in 2006. Then, We were a part of a Ministry called Club Rust. They built homes for the people there. They are similar, in many ways to Habitat For Humanity. This is an amazing organization. Our Church decided that we wanted to make a greater commitment to the people of The Colonias- Not everyone was getting a home built for themselves and we decided that we needed to work to bless everyone with in the community.
As of about a year ago, We decided that we would no longer tell them what we were willing to do For them. We started asking them, " What would you like us to do?" This trip We will be improving a small school on the top of the mountain. We will also be teaching classes on health and sanitation. We will also be operating a Vacation Bible School type class - with recreation and crafts as a part of that.
I know that no matter how the 4th of July weekend proceeds that 3 days later, I will be with a great group of 20 people as a part of an action that will well-serve the idea of " Doing The Most Good!" I will act to build, invest and improve. I will be less focused on what I lack, it will be difficult for me to call myself woe between the 7th and 12th of July. I will also learn to apply the skills that Toastmasters has invested in me since early 1991 to show people of another culture that they can make life better for themselves!
I don't know how this 3 Day Weekend will turn out. I know that I've been preparing myself for Mexico for a while. I know that I will be stretched to make a difference for myself this week end! I know that I will be blessed to make a difference that will last in the lives of others from July 7th through July 12th!
I also be moan not having the gift of being in a fun and nurturing relationship. Most of the above certainly was true of the Memorial Day Weekend!
Yet, I am more hopeful of how I will get to and through the 4th of July Holiday Weekend. I will spend a good bit of time alone and there will be times when the only conversation that I will not have with myself will be those when I am praying or meditating- I want to thank The Astounding " Downtown" Julie Brown- who is beginning Her Term as THE Lieutenant Governor of Marketing for The BRAND NEW Toastmaster District 29- for re-enforcing the idea of meditating in my thinking just yesterday!
I do have a kind person who has invited me to a desert party on Monday- yet public transportation on the 4th might make that a " no go".
This year, The Fourth of July is being combined in MY mind with the fact that I will be spending a very LONG weekend in Mexico on the VERY next weekend- From July 7th through the Early Morning of July 12th. I will be a part of a missions team being sent out by The Grace Community Church of Arlington, Virginia. We will be going to serve the residents of the El Florido Colonias , which is located near the top of a small mountain that looms above Tecate, Mexico.
The people of El Florido do not have pure drinking water in their "town" Their water is trucked in by The Government. They do not have reliable Electricity and are prone to being devastated by flash floods. Most of their homes are tiny and are built using scraps- left over wood, plastic,- what ever they are able to scavenge, In the context of Mexican society, living near the top of the mountain means that you are likely to be viewed as "basura"- trash by the people living down below- you are an outcast!
Our Church first started to get involved with El Florido in 2006. Then, We were a part of a Ministry called Club Rust. They built homes for the people there. They are similar, in many ways to Habitat For Humanity. This is an amazing organization. Our Church decided that we wanted to make a greater commitment to the people of The Colonias- Not everyone was getting a home built for themselves and we decided that we needed to work to bless everyone with in the community.
As of about a year ago, We decided that we would no longer tell them what we were willing to do For them. We started asking them, " What would you like us to do?" This trip We will be improving a small school on the top of the mountain. We will also be teaching classes on health and sanitation. We will also be operating a Vacation Bible School type class - with recreation and crafts as a part of that.
I know that no matter how the 4th of July weekend proceeds that 3 days later, I will be with a great group of 20 people as a part of an action that will well-serve the idea of " Doing The Most Good!" I will act to build, invest and improve. I will be less focused on what I lack, it will be difficult for me to call myself woe between the 7th and 12th of July. I will also learn to apply the skills that Toastmasters has invested in me since early 1991 to show people of another culture that they can make life better for themselves!
I don't know how this 3 Day Weekend will turn out. I know that I've been preparing myself for Mexico for a while. I know that I will be stretched to make a difference for myself this week end! I know that I will be blessed to make a difference that will last in the lives of others from July 7th through July 12th!
Was Janis Joplin Right?
Is Freedom just another word for " Nothin' left to lose"? I ardently disagree- Our Freedoms are a pledge , in MY opinion, to work to bring about what our hearts desire and what are willing to work to bring about!
The Rough Road to Escape Wimpdom.
Hello, My Name is Johnny, And I am a wimp. I am , too easily cowed, overwhelmed and give up too easily. While it is painful to admit I can be labeled as one who is the textbook definition of being "Too easily defeated!". This is much, much too much of a burden for me to continue to joke about, find acceptable, tolerate and just sigh and say, " This is just the way it is!"
What is most irking is that it is an easy option to succumb to and to fall back into! It is a way of escape- this is true!!!!- However, It is a cowardly , dishonorable and churlish way of living!
I know that as a Christian, I have Christ's strength and empowerment to rely upon- " I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me!". Yet, That does still require me to be willing, to step forward and to get into action. As a popular book title says, "If you want to walk on Water, First, You have to get OUT of THE Boat." I am also someone who has been a member of Toastmasters for over 20 years, I know that people are constantly being encouraged to move confidently, boldly and decisively out of their Comfort Zone. I have done a lot of this over the last 20 years and yet---- I cringe when I think of how much further along I could be were I only MORE WILLING to be L!E!S!S! affected by embarrassment, fumbling, miscues, goofs, mistakes or simply not doing as well as I planned to do. I will often, FAR TOO OFTEN let such fears and anxieties allow me to surrender, to not attempt to move forward, turn down opportunities, quit in the middle of doing something or decide simply to not begin, to not even make the effort,
I am shrinking myself and draining quality, happiness and discovery from my life by deciding to live this way. I need to over come this living as a wimp!
What is most irking is that it is an easy option to succumb to and to fall back into! It is a way of escape- this is true!!!!- However, It is a cowardly , dishonorable and churlish way of living!
I know that as a Christian, I have Christ's strength and empowerment to rely upon- " I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me!". Yet, That does still require me to be willing, to step forward and to get into action. As a popular book title says, "If you want to walk on Water, First, You have to get OUT of THE Boat." I am also someone who has been a member of Toastmasters for over 20 years, I know that people are constantly being encouraged to move confidently, boldly and decisively out of their Comfort Zone. I have done a lot of this over the last 20 years and yet---- I cringe when I think of how much further along I could be were I only MORE WILLING to be L!E!S!S! affected by embarrassment, fumbling, miscues, goofs, mistakes or simply not doing as well as I planned to do. I will often, FAR TOO OFTEN let such fears and anxieties allow me to surrender, to not attempt to move forward, turn down opportunities, quit in the middle of doing something or decide simply to not begin, to not even make the effort,
I am shrinking myself and draining quality, happiness and discovery from my life by deciding to live this way. I need to over come this living as a wimp!
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