We all know that it can be quite common to be very demanding and short of patience with others. It should not surprise anyone since the Baby Boomers and all those born after them seem to be living personification of the words "instant gratification". I am a baby boomer and I must admit, with a measure of regret that I do resemble the above comments.
Yet, Life is a laboratory. Each day offers us a classroom to build upon and either enrich or impoverish our life's choices. I stated , in the previous blog, the idea of a friend feeling that people must be competent and that we have a RIGHT to expect and demand that others live and ESPECIALLY intersect with us in a competent fashion.
Yet, Is the quality of our lives just the sum of getting the reactions we optimally desire? Will the sun refuse to arise if we have a difficult day or if people exceed the annoyance, nuisance and bumbling quotient that we generously assign to them each day.
It seems to me that kind, generous, understanding and flexible people tend to be the best people to associate with!I know I have better days when I strive to be such a person. I, however, tend to be far too moody and "fair weather" and I pay a price for this!!!
Excellence and very high standards are great, I truly believe this. This is something that , I believe is perfectly fair for anyone of us to make these the standards we hold ourselves to! Yet, We become dictatorial, harsh, cruel, uncaring and dismissive when we set standards that we expect others to meet IF they are to be considered worth of our approval, pleasure and acceptance!
Grace and Leniency is a great mindset to maintain as we deal with others. It reminds us that ALL people have flaws and personal foibles. We all make mistakes. We do not get the full story and we are not privy to every detail of any other person's FULL and DETAILED personal stories. Not even siblings or husbands and wives/ significant others know ONE!!!! HUNDRED !!!! PERCENT of anyone else's life history!
Most of us would willing to admit that we wish to learn how to do well when we seek to win friend's and POSITIVELY!!! and EFFECTIVELY!!! influencing people. Two words/ two concepts that can help us in pursuit of doing such are, indeed , GRACE! and LENIENCY!
- Johnny -
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