All Illegals are Criminals. Any Foreign national who is present in the United States without permission is in violation of the Immigration Laws of the United States.
Many Americans feel that these are racist concepts, an exercise in hatred and bigotry, First of all, Hispanics are not a separate race, not withstanding that Columbus Day is often called " La Dia De La Raza". This is not reality. If anything , It was the start of the mixing of 2 or 3 different races, over time, in The Caribbean and in Central and South America.
Beyond this, Do any of us feel that we discriminate against thieves when we disapprove of their stealing and continuing to steal ? Are we hateful when we act against murderers who have killed and are still actively killing? People who are in this country without permission and who continue to remain here have violated the law and are presently violating the law.
The people here without any right to be here can argue that they need to be here due to unbearably harsh and difficult conditions in their home land! Yet, While we may sympathize with the action of law breakers, We hold them accountable for their actions and do not free them from the consequences of their actions.
It may be rather unsympathetic but it is not immoral or illegal to expect people who are not present in the US WITHOUT OFFICIAL PERMISSION to leave our country. I believe that American Citizens should travel to the countries that these illegals come from and work to improve conditions in these nations. This will make these lands increasingly better places to live.
I also think that it is morally unacceptable to permit these nations to , in fact, actively encourage these unfortunate men and women to leave the lands of their birth, I am bothered by the idea of nations striving to export their citizens. We should put pressure on the leaders of these nations to care for the needs of their own citizens. Some of these nations need to use their wealth to provide for their neediest men, women and children. They also can decide to do what America does, We do not exempt our wealthiest citizens from paying taxes to benefit those in severe need,
The Citizens of The United States have no obligation to do anything for people exploiting our country for their own benefit. It is never wrong to ask that people obey just., proper and rational laws!
- Johnny-
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