" You won but it was NOT close to being even slightly good enough! Your play is just not acceptable. I need for you to play a whole lot better!"
Are these the comments of a College Football Coach? An NFL Coach? An NFL Team Owner?. No, These are the comments that you can often EXPECT to hear and read from the fans of an NFL team that is "winning ugly" in the opinion of the fans. This perfectionistic and unsparingly unmerciful analysis is often fueled by the print, on the air and e- expert analysts who are paid to microscopically study every one and everything connected to THAT team.
I am NOT at all a Redskin Fan but I am a resident of the GREATER Washington DC area and I am a football fan- The Dallas Cowboys and the Miami Dolphin- and I heard the Redskins shredded on the radio yesterday after a WIN. The Fans of 106.7 FM - The Fan- were enthusiastically decrying the flaws, failures and foibles of their QB- Donovan McNabb . It is as if they have no memories of the team's Quarterbacks of the last decade!
Here is what I find to be the most fascinating about all of this. How many of these fans could easily and vehemently justify the mediocre and barely sufficient work they render to their employer at work? How many are willing to accept the value of the word "sufficient"? Why do we treat many of the athletes we root for as employees or entertaining servants rather than player who play for our favorite team?
People who demand a supreme amount of others but ask very little, relatively speaking, little of themselves tend to be rather empty and easily frustrated people. The only person that we can control, after all, is ourselves! Maybe if a number of us, and I HAVE been there too often and easily, asked more of ourselves and held ourselves to a higher standard, then what the players fail to accomplish on a football field will become less likely to offend us , disturb us and anger us!
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