The Name William Paul Young may not IMMEDIATELY mean much to you.he is not a criminal nor anyone we should fear or loathe . He is the Author of The Best Seller " The Shack"
Paul Young spoke at Arlington's Grace Community Church on Sunday, November the Sixth. He told us that The Shack is intended to be a metaphor for The Human Soul. It is the place where we hide who we really are so that we can be publicly pleasing to people. He told us that he was physically abused by a father who was too harsh a disciplinarian. He also told us that he was sexually abused by older students at the boarding school that he was sent to. This limited him for years concerning how he saw God and others. His deep woundedness and his inability to trust other became the core of his " shack".
He wrote the book because his wife wanted him to tell his children how he viewed God. He said that, years later after first writing the book, his wife had told him that " I just expected you to write 3 or 4 pages"
One of Young's overviews of his current Faith in God is that," Religion teaches us to say the right things, Christianity teaches us to live as God wants us to live."
To be continued....
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