No victim of child abuse can ever go back and undue the harm done to him or her. While this is a fond wish of many who were mistreated, some with malice and fore thought, can't insure that the people who abused them are held accountable, tried, conviocted and have to pay a pwenalty for what he or she has done!
No one really ever adddresses this adequately, in my humble opinion, that this unmet desire is the cause for depression, defeatist living, torment and turmoil for the one who has been sinned against. The family argument- "They are just living out what they know" or " They were too damaged from what they endured" to be able to keep themselves from acting like a bully or a predator towards you, allows the victim to understand the why and how - but it is still not very healing, soothing, acceptable or satisfying.
Yet, Lines of Abuse do need to be broken. When we choose to live well and do well by others, We do get the victory of , " I will not be a menace and a threat to others." and " I will not teach and train anyone else to become a bully, an abuser or a predator,"
Perhaps not still staisfying enough, this choice that we make to not carry oon the wrongs done to us does not excuse of justify any wrongs done to us. However, Perhaps it makes us Great Heroes in a reality where the concept of "Paying it Forward" is considered to be an ideal to cherish, uphold and practice 24/ 7 without ceasing!
This is also a great way to be/ become a Champion of Peace, Morality and Healing!
- Johnny-
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