I'm told that I view closure unrealistically. However, Especially when I've had to sacrifice or invested a lot in myself or gotten to a point of victory in a situation where I made it through but not easily or pleasantly, I'd like to know that the matter is finished or over! I deeply crave the sense of know " That is now ALLendured it, gotten beyond it IN THE PAST!!! and I've overcome it, and so NOW!!!!!! I'm noving on."
It is clear that the idea of a repeat or a return of this struggle or battle is, as far as I am concerned, most unwelcomed and highly undesirable. I've been counseled that something may be though of as running its' course, when in fact it hasn't. It is even possible that the situation was overall thought to be over and just is not!
So, Perhaps, While I'd like to say " Done" many times when I think something has dragged on far too long or when I seem to be at an end of my ability to endure, be patient and long suffering with a person, place, thing, siyuation or circumstance, My desire to have things done- does not clearly mean that they are done!! Wishes and facts are not always the same and facts are more likely to win out and just prove to be the way of things.
I guess I need to take the words of one of My New York Yankee Heroes MORE seriously!!!. Yogi Berra did once say , " It isn't over 'til it's over."
- Johnny-
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