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Let me serve You well throughout the day.
I know of Your empowering and assurance!
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I found this saying in a devotional that I was given for Christmas- Letting God. I do believe that this is a grand way to view these early ...
Monday, December 31, 2012
This is my last Blog Entry for 2012!
It has been a year of unexpected progress . That has been the most defining quality of 2012. Now on to 2013!
When human being, of Earth ancestry, have....
lived on other worlds for hundreds and thousand of years, What stories will they tell of Old Earth.
The Best measure of the future is
The number of children who are confident that they can boldly and audaciously live their fondest hopes and dreams.
I know that My God is Trustworthy and Dependable! That is why I can be luxuriant in my worship of Him.
Miracles occur all the time.
I know that something I dismissed would ever be possible now so illuminates my life- Mandy, You are indeed My Miracle Angel.
You can be lost easily when
you never focus in and allow your life to be anchored, grounded and real.
Pushing towards a Goal.
I want to be more free to share honestly and not where whether it is profound or mundane. Tonight, I am also working to end 2012 advancing my blog to 2650 Total Entries!
Scholarship is of little
value if it doesn't touch, expand and empower lives. God, Help me to learn to be more of a teacher that will please you.
My Amanda!
She is pretty, classy, bright and feisty. I want to learn to please her, fulfill her and let her know that I want her to become all that she is capable of becoming.
My Fear of Being Hurt and Making A Mistake ...
often makes my life , too often, little more than a confining straight jacket!
The Washington Sports Moment of 2012
To Me a Tie- The Emergence of Both Bryce Harper and Robert Griffin the Third.
If I can't appreciate or find a way ...
to appreciate who I am and where I am, Will I be likely to find satisfaction somewhere else. I know my future is brighter and It will be much better than I have ever known. I will live better if I can learn to live better on the Road to 2014!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
The Redskins win
I am not a fan but I admire the fighting spirit that got them a final outcome that no one believed, really, that they could achieve.
I am a Creation of The Great Creator
I must remind myself more often that He does not create anything worthless.
Great AA Meeting
There is power when you turnn your back on what diminishes you and decide to trust God to help you live more fruitfully.
When you challenge a sense of gloom,
You force yourself to see that we create , in a sense our own Heaven and Our Own Hell. God, You are the way, Show me how to proceed right now as you desire that I do so.
I need to value ...
each moment more. I want to learn to be more alive this year, I need to value the moments and not over think them!
Sunday, December 30, 2012
In early 2013,
I need to Think Barry Manilow,. Here In Greater Washington, I must try to " Get the Feeling Again" !
Johnny - There is no reason to panic
As Early 2013 arrives , Take a lot of deep breaths, remember one day at a time and deal as best as you can with the next option/ possibility before you.
Depression does wear you out.
I need to be refreshed , refocused and repositioned. I need to think many thing out over the next two or three days.
The Dallas Cowboys NEED a Derek ...
Jeter. Where have all the Cowboys gone? Will anyone ever sing odes to the Current Cowboys ?
I used to think it would be weird to serenade some one that I am in love with, until I met Mandy!
My Dad died on January 6Th, 2002. I feel very " haunted" of late by thoughts of he and my brother and those dread years in the Bronx!
Lord, I feel a bit adrift
Please help me to be focus and directed in this year of 2013. Help me to make the most and get the best out of this New Year!
This is a rough patch of days and ...
times to navigate through, As I remind myself often of late . Today is not the rest of my life!
It is the Best of Times
How long has it been since I ended any year with this much hope? It has been quite!!!!! a while.
Waiting for someone you love
has been the tale of 2012! I started the year wondering if she would ever be in my life. On this last Sunday of 2012, She is!
I'm too worried about being happy. I need to be more consistently contended and willing to be able to celebrate my personal- at- the- moment- Status Quo!
They do hope troubled children to get through perilous times. I owe a lot to Mickey Mantle, John Robinson and Superman/
I love My Yankees
Yankee Stadium was my most enjoyable safe place during my teen years in The Bronx!
The Power Of Music
The Songs that always buoy my spirits - The Theme From Rocky, I Believe I Can Fly and The Quest
Public Speaking Education
I believe the Schools need to take this on. To be able to speak clearly, to convey your idea winningly and to present yourself as impressively as possible!
Schools, to best prepare young people to prosper in their futures , need to make this a priority.
Schools, to best prepare young people to prosper in their futures , need to make this a priority.
We all believe in Something !
We all live accord to our beliefs. It is best then to believe in something that matters, that is significant, is positive and true.
Our beliefs tell the world who we truly are!
Our beliefs tell the world who we truly are!
Perfection is never possible! Improvement and growth our. Sometimes just doing what is clearly possible is the best way to live rather than obsessing on reaching perfection.
I wish I could wish My Mandy ...
A Happy New Year face to face. That will not occur. Sometimes the " Not Yets" motivate you to keep working to make them the way that things are.
America is A Nation, A Dream and ...
an ideal. When you insist that the The United States of America be considered as just one of many nations, You lose sight of the value of dreams and ideals.
I left The Bronx permanently in ....
1977. One key for a Great 2013 is to help purge The South Western Bronx from inside my spirit, soul and mind!
I am exercising more.
I know that will make a difference It always will !. It has, in part, brought back my PERSONAL SUNSHINE after being mired in a very oppressive depressive battle from December 26Th through yesterday December 29TH.
What helps the Future charm us ?
Knowing that more is possible, Seeing a vision, getting a glimpse, being tantalized for a strategic instance.
We seem , as a society, to be severely stuck and trapped. I simply believe that we will not and CAN NOT stay as we are!
We seem , as a society, to be severely stuck and trapped. I simply believe that we will not and CAN NOT stay as we are!
The Healing Power of Interruptions
I need to be shaken out of my world. That is one of the lessons I learned from my most recent bout with severe depression and anxiety.
I see the world from my view point and I see someone who, right now, is not living in a place that he enjoys and who sees hope in a year but precious little right before him.
I know that I serve a loving and living God. He will not let me stay in my place of sulking and distance indefinitely.
I see the world from my view point and I see someone who, right now, is not living in a place that he enjoys and who sees hope in a year but precious little right before him.
I know that I serve a loving and living God. He will not let me stay in my place of sulking and distance indefinitely.
Peace in 2013
I need to be less worried about being understood and improve as someone who understands. A much better listener than a speaker.
Peace requires an individual investment. We have to want Peace and practice peace to start a trend of living more peacefully overall!
The old song lyric- Let There be Peace on Earth and Let it begin with Me!
Peace requires an individual investment. We have to want Peace and practice peace to start a trend of living more peacefully overall!
The old song lyric- Let There be Peace on Earth and Let it begin with Me!
RG 3 - The Continuing Story!
I'm not at all a Redskin fan. Yet, He is one of the bright and hopeful lights that made this 2012- 2013 NFL Season.
No One Can Leap Frog Time
This is a desire that we all have, Yet We all know that it is quite impossible, Therefore, We have each day to enter into, navigate through and exit, of course, one day at a time.
Many start to mourn at this time of the Year because they love and revel in the specialness of the Holiday Seasons, Tomorrow night, This present one will end. Some may allow it to linger until the last Second of January 6TH.
Yet, We are clearly in a Season soon to end. Many people loath early January as a dark, leaden and dull time, quite the opposite of The Season that it follows.
However, As time can NOT be leap-frogged , It also never stands still, We are , all of the time both exiting and once again heading toward each day of the Yea all at once.
Farewell, Christmas 2012, We will get To Christmas 2013! We will also, if we are wise, make the most we can of each day between now and then. If you really like Christmas- Wink - Mark November First, 2013, The effective beginning of the 2013 Christmas Season!
- Johnny -
Many start to mourn at this time of the Year because they love and revel in the specialness of the Holiday Seasons, Tomorrow night, This present one will end. Some may allow it to linger until the last Second of January 6TH.
Yet, We are clearly in a Season soon to end. Many people loath early January as a dark, leaden and dull time, quite the opposite of The Season that it follows.
However, As time can NOT be leap-frogged , It also never stands still, We are , all of the time both exiting and once again heading toward each day of the Yea all at once.
Farewell, Christmas 2012, We will get To Christmas 2013! We will also, if we are wise, make the most we can of each day between now and then. If you really like Christmas- Wink - Mark November First, 2013, The effective beginning of the 2013 Christmas Season!
- Johnny -
Greater Washington DC on TV
Greg Garcia, The Creator of My Name is Earl and Raising Hope, was born and raised in Arlington, Va. If you watch the show, You will see many DC reference.
Pimmit Hills is the Name of The Trailer Park near where Earl Hickey and His brother, Randy live is a lower middle class area near the Tysons Corner Shopping Center. Earl lives in Camden County, The Actual Camden County is in Maryland. One episode has Earl visiting Frostburg State University which is in Western Maryland.
The Father in Raising Hope often wears a Washington Capitals Jersey. We see what Greg Garcia has lived with, encountered and experienced again and again in those two series.
- Johnny
Pimmit Hills is the Name of The Trailer Park near where Earl Hickey and His brother, Randy live is a lower middle class area near the Tysons Corner Shopping Center. Earl lives in Camden County, The Actual Camden County is in Maryland. One episode has Earl visiting Frostburg State University which is in Western Maryland.
The Father in Raising Hope often wears a Washington Capitals Jersey. We see what Greg Garcia has lived with, encountered and experienced again and again in those two series.
- Johnny
Saturday, December 29, 2012
The Power Of Momentum
When you keep moving forward, You are amazed to learn when you must stop for a moment that you are where you are!
You are thrilled to realize that you have gotten much further and your life is MUCH better than you thought it would be or could be!
- Johnny -
You are thrilled to realize that you have gotten much further and your life is MUCH better than you thought it would be or could be!
- Johnny -
Life is Good
Knowing this is true allows us to never cease to work to make this even more true continually!
The Dreamers Still Rule!
This is my 1600 TH Post on this Blog. I am a depression and anxiety sufferer and the last few days have been truly torment for me.
I get treatment and I do listen to those who are there to help. I also know that I am an individual with passion and dreams and hopes. My situation is due to spending many years with people who seem to have been determined to crush dreams, to deny any and all worthwhile possibilities. It is not good for one to have parents who can be described rightly as such. Sadly, This is the way my parents were.
I am often told that that was then and this is now- Yet, The effects don't vanish and wounds inflicted then do make it necessary, from time to time for vicious battles to be fought now.
I'm learning that rolling over and playing dad or rolling with it in any way is likely to turn me into a victim. So You battle believe in the best- find. recognize and claim the best in yourself and be wise and smart enough to yearn to find the very best in others. Those are the kindred spirits that you want as fellow warriors at your side.
I do not deny the cynical and soul-withering naysayers that take you on as the enemy. I just know that this must be a no quarters requested battle.
The more we ask people to be their best and use that as their armor no matter how intense the battle is the better all of us become. When America is at its best, Such people lead and direct our nation!
Mood does follow Action. Medication is helpful and so are therapy sessions yet- no therapist will fight this battle for you and your life is still your life - you pollute it when you decide that- I will live as you say I must because I'm powerless, unable to make any difference and know that I have absolutely no other choice.
Some people, Far Too Many, may well tell people such as me that such ideas are a sign of illness, evil or just living outside of reality. When you remove all of the rationales, They maintain this is because we do what is FORBIDDEN - We disagree with him, her or them!
To Those who say Amen. I thank you and salute you. The fight today is honorable because it is being undertaken to build a better and worth sustaining tomorrow!
- Johnny-
I get treatment and I do listen to those who are there to help. I also know that I am an individual with passion and dreams and hopes. My situation is due to spending many years with people who seem to have been determined to crush dreams, to deny any and all worthwhile possibilities. It is not good for one to have parents who can be described rightly as such. Sadly, This is the way my parents were.
I am often told that that was then and this is now- Yet, The effects don't vanish and wounds inflicted then do make it necessary, from time to time for vicious battles to be fought now.
I'm learning that rolling over and playing dad or rolling with it in any way is likely to turn me into a victim. So You battle believe in the best- find. recognize and claim the best in yourself and be wise and smart enough to yearn to find the very best in others. Those are the kindred spirits that you want as fellow warriors at your side.
I do not deny the cynical and soul-withering naysayers that take you on as the enemy. I just know that this must be a no quarters requested battle.
The more we ask people to be their best and use that as their armor no matter how intense the battle is the better all of us become. When America is at its best, Such people lead and direct our nation!
Mood does follow Action. Medication is helpful and so are therapy sessions yet- no therapist will fight this battle for you and your life is still your life - you pollute it when you decide that- I will live as you say I must because I'm powerless, unable to make any difference and know that I have absolutely no other choice.
Some people, Far Too Many, may well tell people such as me that such ideas are a sign of illness, evil or just living outside of reality. When you remove all of the rationales, They maintain this is because we do what is FORBIDDEN - We disagree with him, her or them!
To Those who say Amen. I thank you and salute you. The fight today is honorable because it is being undertaken to build a better and worth sustaining tomorrow!
- Johnny-
The Next Time you look at The Moon
Remember Neil Armstrong. Remember that being told we can't afford to dream and aspire is nothing that you will endorse and be a part of!
Harry Chapin Rocks!
Be empowered and dedicated TODAYto the importance of The Individual- Listen today to Dance Band on the Titanic! A powerful ode of Possibilities - Poetry for Dream Building written and song By the Late Harry Chapin.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Life is always worth fighting for.
Deciding that no mood dictates your life is a powerful and life-affirming idea.
You love your girl friend well when you are not
clingy! This is a hard lesson. My loneliness at any given moment in a me issue and not an us issue.
I feel stronger- The last 2 days have been painful
experience that demand that we become more mature and and trusting often are!
I live best and am most content...
when I strive to challenge and get beyond axiety and angst rather than be controlled and dictated to by them.
Are Amaricans realistic about our Nation and what it
needs to do to improve ?. The voting of last month indicates to me that the answer is " No" !
My heart is not reliable
I know that my brain is amazing when I give myself a chance to think things through fully and calmly!
Remember This December 27Th is not ...
a splendid day in your opinion, Yet, It is far better than December 27Th, 2011!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
A failure to accept what cannot sanely ...
and positively be changed is a recipe for strife, discontentment and negativity!
If Today is a day that is an obstacle in ....
your opinion, a day keeping you from where you want to be and who you desire to be wit, Then, , Do you have a respect for time and your ability to act within that day to make things worthwhile and splendid on any given day ?
A word can be a hard thing to keep.
However, You become suspect and questionable when you are known for not keeping your word!
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Speaking continually more openly and honestly ...
about what is in your heart and mind is a good foundation to becoming more reliably eloquent as a presenter!
If Most of my nights in 2013 turn out like ....
this one I may post 2000 posts more during that year!
Some times the valley is
where you are, The heights that you wish to arrive at is still far away and will only be reached by dedicated commitment and effort!
God , Please,Remind me that ...
You work best when we look at what we are headed towards instead of minutely studying and analyzing where I or anyone is at this very second!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
If getting better is painful and stressful,
Shouldn't you welcome and embrace the intensity of the pain and stress that you are surviving at this moment ?
I wonder if things will ever feel copasetic
and pleasing for any ewxtended period of time. My Life is much better now than it was a year ago. However My ,Life a year ago seemed rather predictable, more easy to predict and adjust to.
Late on this Wednesday night, December 26Th, 2012, My life is anything but that!
Late on this Wednesday night, December 26Th, 2012, My life is anything but that!
Dr. King and Saul Alinsky!
Dr. King's non- violent strategy- Protest unjust laws and be ready to go to jail for them. Be civil, polite, dignified as you protest. Be so reasonable that people watching your behavior will be compelled to support you and rally to support your cause rather than those who oppose you. Your civility compared to the vulgarity, meanness and barbaric behavior will win the day for you.
Many of those protesting against our society including the President Of The United States, live by Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radical.
Never be reasonable, moderate or Civil. Never stop demanding. Demand the most outrageous things and be shy about doing so. Be negative, contentious, vulgar, alarming and disturbing. Make it clear that violence is always an option that you will consider.
This may also explain why Our President would be comfortable with Reverend Wright's " GD the United States" sermons. It also might explain his comfort with men and women such as William Ayers - people willing to bomb buildings and murder policemen as Political Associates and Advisers.
- Johnny -
Many of those protesting against our society including the President Of The United States, live by Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radical.
Never be reasonable, moderate or Civil. Never stop demanding. Demand the most outrageous things and be shy about doing so. Be negative, contentious, vulgar, alarming and disturbing. Make it clear that violence is always an option that you will consider.
This may also explain why Our President would be comfortable with Reverend Wright's " GD the United States" sermons. It also might explain his comfort with men and women such as William Ayers - people willing to bomb buildings and murder policemen as Political Associates and Advisers.
- Johnny -
"What about me ???"
Is a question that can isolate you, create alienation and set you up to be very lonely, if you ask it aloud or in writing too often!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
When today becomes everything ....
and every need, concern, desire and question must be answered , to YOUR satisfaction now.
You can make a wreck out of your future!
You can make a wreck out of your future!
Learning To Compromise
How do you deal with problems that require that you sacrifice to benefit someone else- especially if that sacrifice will be something you want no part of ?
Do you actually listen to Christmas Songs?
It can actually be both an education and a rich blessing to enjoy the words and to look up in a dictionary the words that you do NOT fully understand.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I'm glad that Christmas lingers .....
Most of American Holidays are forgotten once the last second of the day we celebrate them. No so, for most of us, with Christmas! I, for one, am most pleased with this.
We forget that most of our Holidays have a message for us and ask something of us- To do better to become better, to dare more and to want to make life better for all we connect to,
Christmas is not really over for a few days yet! We can tke a little more time to let its message and subtle influences transform us all so that 2013 can more likely be a Happy New Year !
- Johnny-
We forget that most of our Holidays have a message for us and ask something of us- To do better to become better, to dare more and to want to make life better for all we connect to,
Christmas is not really over for a few days yet! We can tke a little more time to let its message and subtle influences transform us all so that 2013 can more likely be a Happy New Year !
- Johnny-
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Do Presents make or break Christmas ?
I once believed they did. I now see hoe small and pathetic that thinking is!
My First Christmas Ever within a Relationship.
This is The First Time I've ever been with a growing and strong significant other relationship. While I am sad to not be with her today, This is a very hopeful and special Christmas Nonetheless !
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
It was good to serve as A Speech Coach
The Annandale Team did well today! Placed in 2 events in Speech and got their feet wet in Debate!
The Annandale Team did well today! Placed in 2 events in Speech and got their feet wet in Debate!
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
It is good to accept friends as they ...
are and not try to manipulate them to be what you wish them to be.
I have made an impact on Young People....
in 2012. The Speech Tournament in Fairfax tomorrow is, in part, a result of this effort on my part.
The Debate / Individual Event Team of....
The Annandale High School is involved in their very FIRST contest tomorrow, Wednesday, December 19th at Edison HS in Fairfax, Va.
I 'm a volunteer coach with this team. They've only beem in operation, as a team, for a little over 2 months!
I 'm a volunteer coach with this team. They've only beem in operation, as a team, for a little over 2 months!
Monday, December 17, 2012
I can't not Celebrate Christmas
I must get my head in the Season while it is here- even if Mandy is not with me. You really can't celebrate Christmas 3 months from now.
I am still in a funk
My brain seems disinterested and apathetic concerning my present life- it feels as if I'm dragging through my days.
When you stop trying to improve your life,
It is honorable to be willing to admit that this is what you have done!
Does being out of the loop of current events for
Eleven Days indicate escapism or can it be a way of letting a mind and a spirit recover from shock, awe and overwhelm ?
Getting People to talk out their frustrations
How much of the explosions of violence that we keep enduring might have been eased if people were more willing to talk to people who would listen to them and encourage them to do something about the problems that seem to be beyond their ability to cope with.
The Return
My Internet, due to a modem failure and my being away on a trip was down from November 23rd to December 30th.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
I will also go to Comic Book
shop in Vienna , Virginia tomorrow as well as spend time at Caribou Coffee! I just need a very special and fun Friday, especially after the last two!
I will be at Game Stop at 5:30 AM
tomorrow morning. I need to do something special that is seasonably related.
God, Help me to trust you
and not lean upon what seems to be right or better in my limited and corrupt thinking as a man!
It hurt that no one came by here ...
on the night of November 16th. I desired a knock on the door or an e-mail that said, " You can't be alone on your birthday, Let' s roll."
I wanted someone special to be with me. I never thought out of going out to dinner or doing anything by myself that night- The night of My Birthday.
How do you tell people that you both wanted and needed that? How do you request for that to be done?
- Johnny -
I wanted someone special to be with me. I never thought out of going out to dinner or doing anything by myself that night- The night of My Birthday.
How do you tell people that you both wanted and needed that? How do you request for that to be done?
- Johnny -
Andrew Luck or RG 3
Who will be named The Rookie of the Year when all is said and donein this NFL Season.
2012 is ending up as a Year of Transition...
All is far from what I want it to be but the movement that I see is positive and empowering at present.
The Cowboys
Another Factor in The November I didn't expect this month to become. A lot of good HAS transpired, However, an awful lot of " Oh darn" and " That is not what I was hoping fors !" as well.
Holidays can blur the
fact that our actions and attitudes and choices shape what kind of a day all day- The Special and The More dull- actually become.
A Little Detour
A theft of some items due to my own carelessness, I left my carrying bag outside my door overnight and a lonely night of my birthday made me about sullen and withdrawn for awhile.
This is not good for me. I don't like who I become when I let disappointment inspire me to become selfish, bitter and whiny. Writing these blogs is one way I win out over those struggles, so I am back!
- Johnny -
This is not good for me. I don't like who I become when I let disappointment inspire me to become selfish, bitter and whiny. Writing these blogs is one way I win out over those struggles, so I am back!
- Johnny -
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
I am learning to be a
strategist. The art of seeing how to get people to function at their best is a truly invigorating experience.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Desire !
Maybe America would be better if we would be willing to give the most noble of us the desires of their hearts.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
God , I ask for what my Pastor charged the
congregation earlier today! God, Please bring something new into my life tomorrow!
I do like my skill in talking ...
to young people. It is a gift that I've been able to use as a blessing but it was one I never sought out.
I have really regained my identity as a ...
Teacher this year. The Devotionals and The work at Annandale HS are the most obvious impetus of this!
I do not like Barry at all but ...
as he will continue to be President- I must accept what is going to be!
This is a delightful time...
It feels amazingly other-worldly to be in a relationship in November. What a marvelous adventure!
I am far too hard on ...
myself it seems. Both Paige and Mandy see myself as not getting how much people are attracted to me!
I did like getting to meet ...
Paige's Friends- new at Grace- I like them Illinoisans who have no use for Barry!
I do apprecate learning ...
about Biblical History, It is one of the joys of Grace Community Church on Sunday mornings.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
A Kentucky ( Early) Christmas !!!!!!
That was not at all a consideration 6 months ago. Mandy truly is such a miracle and a gift!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I am glad that there is a great deal of hope...
present in my life as I approach the last weeks of this year!
This is the Redskins' Bye Week ----
I do think that there are Football FANS IN GREATER DC, who if they know that they could get away with it, would say " Goodbye" to The Skins and ask for a " Do Over" with another Franchise!
When Gratitude is rarely expressed in my life ...
Bitterness and pettiness then tend to rum rampant in my life!
Being The Best Johnny I can be -
Being determined to become better and do better! That is a theme that i've worked hard on during This Birthmonth.
This is My 2,500TH Posting on this Blog! YES!!!!!
This is My 2,500TH Posting on this Blog! YES!!!!!
I am getting used to . . .
this weekend that I didn't expect. It has not been wonderful but still NOT as bad as I thought it might well proceed.
I did earn a Best Speaker Ribbon
at GUTS Toastmasters today. It was not a Great Speech but it must have seem " good enough."
Friday, November 9, 2012
For the 5TH Consecutive Month ...
I have posted 100 or MORE Posts! This blog posting is actually my 101ST!!!! posting for this month of November!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
This is the First Day of Birthweek !!!
I am more excited about THIS November than I have been about a November in MANY!!!!, MANY!!!! Years.
I will admit what a week from today will be like is very much of a BIG!!!!! MYSTERY !!!! to me !!! As I type This Blog Entry, I have no idea at all what November 16TH will be like! NOT one clue!!!! or any idea about what next Friday will be like in ANY way, shape or form!!!! ?????
- Johnny -
I will admit what a week from today will be like is very much of a BIG!!!!! MYSTERY !!!! to me !!! As I type This Blog Entry, I have no idea at all what November 16TH will be like! NOT one clue!!!! or any idea about what next Friday will be like in ANY way, shape or form!!!! ?????
- Johnny -
I am richly honored
I do not deserve to be loved and honored as I am. My friends are far better than any that I merit having!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I will see beauty today as I travel to....
Pennsylvania! The Master Designer who created all of that beauty is also My Lord, God, King, Messiah and Friend!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Lord. Teach me to be
who you made me to be and ever less who John and Florence Rodriguez tried to twist me into being!
I need to be less reactive ....
When I'm tired or stressed, I'm far too mprone to become snappish, peevish, offer excuses or be demanding to have my own way!
All of that is vile and needs to be cleansed more and more out of my life!
- Johnny -
All of that is vile and needs to be cleansed more and more out of my life!
- Johnny -
What will my Yankees look like in 2013?
I know some major moves will be made. I may not like or approve of them- yet, It is clear to me that I will be rooting ardently for the 2013 Yankees!
This weekend will be
non- isolating! for me.. It truly MUST be!!! I will need to reach out of myself and be there involved and engaged. Lord, Free me from selfish impulses to shield and protect myself when I'm not truly being harmed or at any true risk!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
A Weekend in Pennsylvania . . .
will start in 45 Minutes. My life is good and rich. I will have the honor of serving, caring for and ministering to good men. I will get to talk to Dave Snee, An Honored Veteran, Former Special Forces and Wise and Practical Man.
I've waited over a month, due to delays for this experience. It is clear to me that it is happening now because this is when God desired it to transpire!
- Johnny -
I've waited over a month, due to delays for this experience. It is clear to me that it is happening now because this is when God desired it to transpire!
- Johnny -
Thursday, November 8, 2012
How do you win when ...
you run out of players?
It looks like injuries may cause Maryland Football Coach Randy Edsall to ask this question.
It looks like injuries may cause Maryland Football Coach Randy Edsall to ask this question.
I am physically sore ...
and I suspect that my time in Kentucky will also tax my muscles. I am most glad that I am able to deal with more and willing to take on more than I've been in any recent times!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I don't like ...
being cold. So, I do wonder how I will get through the cold winter that is being predicted for 2012-2013 !
Will A Human Being walk on....
The Surface of Mars during the First Half of This Century ? If the answer is " NO", it is likely that THE US will be drown in malaise!
Thug Talk
On Wednesday Morning. November The 7TH, I was riding a Metro Bus ( Greater Washington DC Area Public Transportation). My plan for the Day was to mentor HS Debating Students and to tutor an elementary school student as he is preparing to write a book report.
As I was riding the bus, A young intelligent articulate- if only he had used it to say something worth saying- young man rode that same bus talking about how he gets away with anything and everything. He bragged about his talents as a robber and a thief and as to how easily and effectively he is able to intimidate people.
He spoke of being caught in a rural area after a robbery, He spoke of how well he was able to run. He was caught and turned over to the police and let go because he was not able to be properly identified.
The young man let everyone know that " Of Course, I did that crime!". How is it that people can feel comfortable in telling people, in detail, how vile and odious they are?
I really wish the driver had told him, " Change the subject or leave the Bus!" . I loathe having to deal with bullies, predators and thugs. I really do not want to have to deal with them in confined areas!
- Johnny -
As I was riding the bus, A young intelligent articulate- if only he had used it to say something worth saying- young man rode that same bus talking about how he gets away with anything and everything. He bragged about his talents as a robber and a thief and as to how easily and effectively he is able to intimidate people.
He spoke of being caught in a rural area after a robbery, He spoke of how well he was able to run. He was caught and turned over to the police and let go because he was not able to be properly identified.
The young man let everyone know that " Of Course, I did that crime!". How is it that people can feel comfortable in telling people, in detail, how vile and odious they are?
I really wish the driver had told him, " Change the subject or leave the Bus!" . I loathe having to deal with bullies, predators and thugs. I really do not want to have to deal with them in confined areas!
- Johnny -
Admitting mistakes
and moving forward is a good sign that you seek to live a more principled life. It IS PROGRESS and not now or ever in THIS life, perfection!
Recovering From a Stumble
Yahoo has a Calendar function that will send you alerts when a commitment is bearing. I've already made an adjustment to make sure I keep a commitment on January 13Th, 2013 that I failed to get to today!
Living with Losing
It is hard to root for a team that has operated for years as a fumbling operation! Yet, Loyalty no matter what FANS are supposed to be loyal!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
You can't please everyone ...
I am dedicated but I can get distracted I seem to rub some people the wrong way just by being me. I also know that at times I do vanish into my own little world.
I guess as I need to love others for their foibles-,They can LEARN to love me, as well, in spite of mine!
I guess as I need to love others for their foibles-,They can LEARN to love me, as well, in spite of mine!
I do hate it when I blow it!
I did this afternoon. I made a commitment - a firm commitment to to speak at a Toastmasters meeting tonight.
I got caught up in projects at home- was too focused on going away tomorrow to Pennsylvania and thus am not going- I don't have enough time to get ready and get there.
Sadly, I'm also not happy with myself this is the second time I've flubbed a commitment to this club.
- Johnny -
I got caught up in projects at home- was too focused on going away tomorrow to Pennsylvania and thus am not going- I don't have enough time to get ready and get there.
Sadly, I'm also not happy with myself this is the second time I've flubbed a commitment to this club.
- Johnny -
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
I must learn to
smile a lot more, be much more inclined to be accepting and not little things turn me into lunch!
This Birth Month has really
positively enhanced me. I am savoring it so far. I feel very loved and cherished!
I exercised, walked a lot
taught debate for 90 minutes, walked some moe and then tutored. I also through in general exercising- my daily routine into that!
A Great Day- Very Full, Very effective. I am NOW very tired from it!
- Johnny -
A Great Day- Very Full, Very effective. I am NOW very tired from it!
- Johnny -
Teaching Cross- Examination to
Novice HS Debaters.was my project today. I was not confident going in as to how it would go but it does seem they have the rudiments understood now!
Lost Toys
The next time you want to belittle a child over grieving over a lost toy. Please consider what your favorite things mean to you and how you react when you lose them. This will help you to gain perspective and be more empathetic and compassionate.
There is more to this story- Keep reading My Blog to learn about that greater story
There is more to this story- Keep reading My Blog to learn about that greater story
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
I'm irritable tonight...
I know this too shall pass. My life is too good THIS November to stay irritated and peevish for very long!
I have a reason to celebrate Thanksgiving
with FAR more deep appreciation this year. - Sweet Mandy, Angel of my Lifetime!
I will try to explain Cross- Examination
to The Annandale HS Debaters late tomorrow morning I hope that goes well. I am rather anxious about that!
I'm now on the way to 2500
Posts on this Blog. The confidence that I'm gaining through the continuing exercise of putting my soul on paper does seem to make my life better, overall!
There is a time top be Thankful.
The Very Best People seem to practice the idea just every second of their lives!
I can touch people emotiomally and...
I am very empathetic as well- Who would believe this.? A year ago, I would not have!
The Loss oF Carl!
The Toucan Puppet that I gave Mandy to give to her 8 Year old son Gabe. Gabe loves that brd and he is missing in action.
Mandy is resourceful. I think Gabe is not totally gone!
Mandy is resourceful. I think Gabe is not totally gone!
I don't know how tonight will . . .
turn out. Yet, I must remember that I do pray The Serenity Prayer, so I can and truly well, Eventually, " accept the thing I cannot change", If I MUST!!!!, politically!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Monday, November 5, 2012
The world will still exist . . .
and the Sun will still show up in the sky even once we know who will be inaugurated in January!
When you find out other bright . . .
people read comic books, as I did tonight, That really does help me to feel LEES like I should consider myself a loser!
Another Great Day
Great AA MEETING, Superb Toastmaster meeting and I bough tmyself my first BirthMonth Present . All great features of This November Fifth!
Sunday, November 4, 2012
I'm proud of My Progress This year !
I am gaining strongly in boldness, Elan and skill. This is also my 1300Th Post on this blog of 2012!
Be wise
Allow yourself to see how life is good all the time. God is God and life is His creation!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I love My Pastor...
I can't clean myself up enough to be worthy of God- only through Jesus is that at all possible! That was John Slye's message today.
I love being nurtured.
I appreciate it because it is- to be honest- a relatively rare thing to transpire in my life. Lunch today was refreshing and what I needed.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
I'm glad that this is The Fall Time Change Night!
With my insomnia battles, A WHOLE EXTRA HOUR is a true Godsend !
I think I need an Electric HS Football Game !
I'm currently plating Madden and NCAA Football abysmally ! YUCK!
When you are able to more confidently . . . .
relate and explain your personal story more effectively, Then, You KNOW that significant and pervasive healing is going on in your life!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I told some children about Birthmonth
at a Toastmaster meeting today.
You should have seen the looks on their Four FACES As I detailed that you can turn the MONTH of your birth into a 28, 29, 30 or 31 Day celebration.
You should have seen the looks on their Four FACES As I detailed that you can turn the MONTH of your birth into a 28, 29, 30 or 31 Day celebration.
I am enjoying so the end of This
Saturday. This day has been a fun and thrilling and productive adventure ALL ! DAY! LONG!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Is there truly a BOOK with in me ? Will 2013
be The Year when I make a serous attempt to become an author.?
Over the last 2 decades, I've worke on and off - in more recent times- off to write a story that I've entitled Memorial.
The Basic Plot - - It starts at the funeral of a 98year old boy who dies of child abuse just 2 days before his Ninth Birthday, This story tells the tale of Brian Starr and his best friend- a girl a grade ahead of him who is currently enduring severe child abuse.
The story will deal with what people know but are so willing to hide and pretend does not exist. Well, Does this story seem like it is an idea worth pursuing! ?
- Johnny -
Over the last 2 decades, I've worke on and off - in more recent times- off to write a story that I've entitled Memorial.
The Basic Plot - - It starts at the funeral of a 98year old boy who dies of child abuse just 2 days before his Ninth Birthday, This story tells the tale of Brian Starr and his best friend- a girl a grade ahead of him who is currently enduring severe child abuse.
The story will deal with what people know but are so willing to hide and pretend does not exist. Well, Does this story seem like it is an idea worth pursuing! ?
- Johnny -
Bountiful Creativity
I am really enjoying and finding myself energized by writing once again. That seems to be a major theme of these last few weeks for me.
I don't often write about My Devotional ....
The Mafia Mountain Message here. I really enjoy writinhg it and I'm told it actually blesses and helps those who read it.
I am feeling FAR!!!!! More Alive of Late!
It has been such a long time since I've felt THIS dynamic alive, effective and relevant, This feels splendid and remarkable.
Playing House!
A Very Vivid buit fascinating horror movie in the" Stalker - I want your husband at Any Cost" genre. It is a 21ST Century Fatal Attraction.
My writing is starting to improve noticably.
I think I'm becoming braver and more focused more willing to express myself more precisely and vividly!
Friday, November 2, 2012
Birth Month so far
is a tremendous success and a wonderful joy. This Second Day has been every bit as splendid as the first day was!
A Special Gift of This Weekend
This weekend will be one hour longer. A small benefit, but a definite one.
This is A Quiet Friday.
It is not the Eve of getting ready to compete for A Toastmasters Championship as I once hoed it would be. It is what it was designed to be from before creation and it is good and all is well.
Cheerleaders can be amazing
and empowering and indeed healing when their cheering motivates a struggling person to press on to achieve a worthy goal.
My Life is growing better and....
richer in context and meaning as I am learning to deal more wisely with undesirable surprises and unwanted circumstances!
My Girl Friend IS Amazing!
Anamda Lynn, You Are, Beyond Any Doubt, THE!!! ANGEL!!! OF!!! MY!!! LIFETIME !!!!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Emotional Hostage Taking
is a prime feature of dysfunctional family. In most child abuse situation, This phrase can. in some form often be heard, " I made a really poor decision and you are responsible for that and you must be made to suffer and- It is GOOD that you do so - because my choice did NOT work out well."
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Is it ok for someone to grin while I'm in...
anguish and in mourning ? Does everyone have to be " FINE" before I have permission to celebrate my life today?
God can work to change a life readily
when someone is willing to let go of pride and resistance and simply " say"- by Word, deed , thought or attitude, " I'm willing to listen and take action."
Does nature actually " smile" on our...
efforts? The Sun came out Brightly for the first time today as I started working on a new blog!
Today was not the day I planned.
Yes. It wound up being a vastly superior day than the one I planned!
I learn that when I am
less stubborn and more willing to listen , to re- think and reconsider that I do greatly improve the quality of that day!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
" Short,Nasty and Brutish" - Is this The Road.that....
Our Nation is now traveling along ?
I do like Dave Ramsey, I am a fan of his. However, I do cringe when he castigates people for the amountt of money they spent on educations that can't immediately lead to employment and steady and reliable wage earning?
I will say there is much to be commended to advocating that a person, if it is possible andpractical to do so get an education without going into severe debt.
Yet, Where I pause and cringe is at the idea of more practical and valuable degrees and less practical and valuable degrees? Is Hydrology more valuable than Music? Is Accounting vastly Superior to History as a Course of Study? Is Computer Design more valuable than studying Astronomy>
I do not doubt that our US Society will survive through our current times of difficulty, angst and tumult. I do worry about our nation being weakened and made less marvelous by a nation that puts upon our Educational System the Burden of producing students that will be able to gain lucrative employment immediately after graduation!
My Best Friend is a talented photographer, sculptor, painter and writer. These do not seem to be things that some would say, " We must be able to do well in order to insure our day to day survival!" .Yet, I find myself appreciating these fine and soul, spirit and intellect -enhancing arts as I see these disciplines of study and quality enhancement through her eyes.
If America mocks such fields of study as ' Luxuries" because they provide a very poor " Return on Investment", I do worry about The Future of The Quality of Life in our Nation in the years soon to arrive!
Life is important.. As is Day to Day " Making it". Yet as Yoda might Say, " Life without Quality- Poor Life Indeed!"
This is the end of My 2,400TH Post on This Blog!
- Johnny -
I do like Dave Ramsey, I am a fan of his. However, I do cringe when he castigates people for the amountt of money they spent on educations that can't immediately lead to employment and steady and reliable wage earning?
I will say there is much to be commended to advocating that a person, if it is possible andpractical to do so get an education without going into severe debt.
Yet, Where I pause and cringe is at the idea of more practical and valuable degrees and less practical and valuable degrees? Is Hydrology more valuable than Music? Is Accounting vastly Superior to History as a Course of Study? Is Computer Design more valuable than studying Astronomy>
I do not doubt that our US Society will survive through our current times of difficulty, angst and tumult. I do worry about our nation being weakened and made less marvelous by a nation that puts upon our Educational System the Burden of producing students that will be able to gain lucrative employment immediately after graduation!
My Best Friend is a talented photographer, sculptor, painter and writer. These do not seem to be things that some would say, " We must be able to do well in order to insure our day to day survival!" .Yet, I find myself appreciating these fine and soul, spirit and intellect -enhancing arts as I see these disciplines of study and quality enhancement through her eyes.
If America mocks such fields of study as ' Luxuries" because they provide a very poor " Return on Investment", I do worry about The Future of The Quality of Life in our Nation in the years soon to arrive!
Life is important.. As is Day to Day " Making it". Yet as Yoda might Say, " Life without Quality- Poor Life Indeed!"
This is the end of My 2,400TH Post on This Blog!
- Johnny -
Some Men see things that are and ask " Why"...
I see things that never where and ask " Why Not?" This quote is NOT original to him but Robert Kennedy said this often during is Campaign for The Presidency in 1968.
This quote has lang made me thoughtful. It is one that I truly like pondering!
- Johnny -
This quote has lang made me thoughtful. It is one that I truly like pondering!
- Johnny -
It does feel good...
for this moment , at least, to be able to type that I feel contented overall and at relative peace.
What is the best way to teach a Young person...
to learn how to become the fan of a sport's team? Let him or her develop an interest in following a player and that will help them to have some one to be committed to and someone to focus on as her or she learn about that team.
The Replacement Refs are gone.
They've been gone for weeks now. So, Are The Regular Referees being respected. That would be a Good Question to ask The Washington Redskins Coach Mike Shanahan and Redskins Defensive Player D' Angelo Hall.
Pushing and Prodding Young Debaters to
become well-ready, intellectually daring and audacious helped to Make This November First a Most Special Day.
BirthMonth is Now Heere.
This became really important to me a few years ago. One way to value myself and to to show some healthy and positive self-love is by treating myself very well during The MONTH that contains my Birthday.
The First Day of BIRTHMONTH is November First!
The First Day of BIRTHMONTH is November First!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
My Final Blog Posting For October of 2012 !
The Production has been intense since the Thirty- First of Joly! This is the 214TH Posting of this Month of October!
This is, wow!!!!!, The 640TH Posting since The First of August!
- Johnny -
This is, wow!!!!!, The 640TH Posting since The First of August!
- Johnny -
God, You do humble me.
I need Thee!. Oh, I Need THEE,. truly and absolutely, EVERY!!!!! HOUR !!!!!, I!!!! NEED!!!! THEE !!!!
November is NOW 2 Hours and 27 minutes away...
from beginning.
I really am setting out with The Desire to have a Fun and Awesomely Amazing and Memorable Birth Month!!!
I also would like to end 2012 well and have a TRULY Splendid and Sensational Holiday Season 2012- That also'"officially" starts once the First Second of November Arrives!
Will my hope came to be fulfilled by the EVENTS of the NEXT 61 Days?
Read the entries posted on Jauary First, 2013 to find out !
Have a Bountiful Birth Month. A Blessed Thanksgiving! And A Most Holy AND Merry Christmas and, Oh Yeah, - That WILL come around too- Won't it ? - A Happy New Year 2013!
- Johnny -
I really am setting out with The Desire to have a Fun and Awesomely Amazing and Memorable Birth Month!!!
I also would like to end 2012 well and have a TRULY Splendid and Sensational Holiday Season 2012- That also'"officially" starts once the First Second of November Arrives!
Will my hope came to be fulfilled by the EVENTS of the NEXT 61 Days?
Read the entries posted on Jauary First, 2013 to find out !
Have a Bountiful Birth Month. A Blessed Thanksgiving! And A Most Holy AND Merry Christmas and, Oh Yeah, - That WILL come around too- Won't it ? - A Happy New Year 2013!
- Johnny -
This has been a Good Haloween !
I finally watched an Elvira Movie. It is difficult NOT to notice her VERY APPARENT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eyelashes and make -up!
I've always hated as being seen as weak and...
easy to be bullied and controlled.
I'm taking steps NOW to battle against that. Seeing what my talents are and using them more and better continually. Not allowing setbacks to serve as my Titanic.
The crowning Jewel of This- Learning to strengthen myself physically and making it less easy for discomfort and pain to not as easily cow and deter me!
- Johnny -
I'm taking steps NOW to battle against that. Seeing what my talents are and using them more and better continually. Not allowing setbacks to serve as my Titanic.
The crowning Jewel of This- Learning to strengthen myself physically and making it less easy for discomfort and pain to not as easily cow and deter me!
- Johnny -
Monday, October 29, 2012
A Blog ENTRY is a CYBER Message in A.....
You post it not fully knowing who will read it and how they will respond to it!
- Johnny -
You post it not fully knowing who will read it and how they will respond to it!
- Johnny -
Smiles and Laughter on THIS MONDAY . . .
are great in these moments. It is a way to show that you desire to do well by yourself and that you wish to provide a message of encouragement, keep on going-ness and empowerment to others as well!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I am anxious and tense at this moment.
I love God. I trust in Him. I know , with strong certainty, that THIS TOO SHALL PASS!
A School Holliday
through out the week in this area. School closed again tomorrow, Tuesday. I'm starting to think they will not re-open at all this week.
Listening To Weather Reports on Saqndy are...
more than a little unnerving! However, They are a better option than sitting in the dark and listening to The Storm in the background !
What have yopu done today to act to ...
make the future brighter , more hopeful and more prosperous for all of us ? Have you taken the opportunity to be kind and loving and supportive to a child today ?
I am A November Birthday Boy
I'd be a liar to say that 2012 has been an easy or always fun year to live through. However, I'd equally be a liar to say that I have not been blessed richly and powerfully over the last few months!
RG THREE Again !
You do not have to be a Redskins fan to appreciate what a joy and a privilege it is to watch him play Football
Mandy !
Mandy is my Angelically Souled, sweet, gorgeous and talented Girl Friend and Best Friend!
I !!!!! LOVE !!! YOU!!, Mandy!
- Johnny -
I !!!!! LOVE !!! YOU!!, Mandy!
- Johnny -
A Minor Celebration --
Yes!!!! For The THIRD Consecutive Month , I have posted OVER Two Hundred Posts. That is good.
This is important to my growth as a writer, communicator and a teachers! Having this opportunity ROCKS! I am glad that I've come again to see the importance of taking advantage of it!
- Johnny -
This is important to my growth as a writer, communicator and a teachers! Having this opportunity ROCKS! I am glad that I've come again to see the importance of taking advantage of it!
- Johnny -
Days like today - As A Hurricaine and a
Nor'easter are blending together and affecting my vicinity are clearly days when I get that so much is beyond me and is totally beyond my ability to control!
Am I willing to be truly forgiving?
The best way top answer this. Do I want A- Rod to be on the Yankees' Roster in 2013? Do I want him to play Third Base ? Will I, as I lifelong Yankees fan be willing to cheer for him next year as he plays for MY !!!!!!! YANKEES !!!!!!!! ???????
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
Hail to the Giants !
I don't root for them. Yet, They played a full reason of gutsy, daring and cerebral and crafty baseball!
This has been a month of Great Blessing.
I've had opportunities to invest in young people. I made helpful money tutoring. I'm also accepted by a talented Group Of Young Scholars.
I especially want to Thank Lynn Beal and The Lasers Speech and Debate Team of The Annandale HS of Annandale, Virginia.
You bless me richly and honor me continually. I am humbly grateful for your presence in my life!
- Johnny -
I especially want to Thank Lynn Beal and The Lasers Speech and Debate Team of The Annandale HS of Annandale, Virginia.
You bless me richly and honor me continually. I am humbly grateful for your presence in my life!
- Johnny -
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
I do like getting to serve as an Instructor....
once again!
I 've spent a good bit of time preparing materials for a HS Debate Team that I am working with at Annandale HS in Northern Virginia.
These are impressively bright, creative and ambitious young people. I'm glad that I'm serving as a volunteers in this situation.
- Johnny -
I 've spent a good bit of time preparing materials for a HS Debate Team that I am working with at Annandale HS in Northern Virginia.
These are impressively bright, creative and ambitious young people. I'm glad that I'm serving as a volunteers in this situation.
- Johnny -
Why is it that most men . . .
don't talk about themselves, are reluctant to let themselves be known and think it is great to be silent and say as little as possible ?
What is so strange is that women seem to really like men who are open, disclosing and who are willing to share.!!!
- Johnny -
What is so strange is that women seem to really like men who are open, disclosing and who are willing to share.!!!
- Johnny -
Friday, October 19, 2012
Octobe 2012 has been a great month so far.
I'm stronger, wiser, more engaged and more fulfilled today than I was when this month first started.
I've tutored more and tutored well! I've started well as an investor and coach in a brand new High School Speech and Debate Team. I also, within the last week, have in a small but significant way upgraded my constant exercise routine.
October 2012 has not at all been a perfecta month. However, I am most grateful that it has turned out to be a much better month than I expected it to be!
- Johnny -
I've tutored more and tutored well! I've started well as an investor and coach in a brand new High School Speech and Debate Team. I also, within the last week, have in a small but significant way upgraded my constant exercise routine.
October 2012 has not at all been a perfecta month. However, I am most grateful that it has turned out to be a much better month than I expected it to be!
- Johnny -
Johnny Versus Tom Brady
I can't throw a 60 yard pass on the button! Can Tom Brady effectively respond to a Toastmaster Table Topic in a Competitive Environment.?
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Table Topic is the Thrill Ride of
Toastmasters, especially when it is a competitive event. You are presented a Topic, without knowing that you are going to be expected to present on THAT SPECIFIC TOPIC! You then have 150 Seconds or less to provide a response that is coherent, cogent, well-organized and compelling!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Moood ABSOLUTELY is controlled by Action
The more I'm productively and prosperously involved in pursuing the better my mood TENDS to become!
I long so deeply for peace...
Yet, I do not work wisely enough and with the right motives OFTEN ENOUGH to bring that longed- for peace into my life.
I know who I want to be The Next President....
of The United States. I truly hope that my decision keeps in mind that my desire should be effected by that which will be to the good of all of The Citizens of The United States.
The VERY ! Wise Person knows that-
Quick results are seldom results that any one really wants to brag about as quick results are often devoid of any quality or long-term benefits!
I don't like being sore, I have to force myself.
at times, to exercise. However, I do TRULY like the results.
There are no big deals...
That is great to remember when you are prone to make EVERYTHING that is AT ALL connected to you a BIG !!!! DEAL !!!!!
When a Sports outcome that stings . . .
starts to provoke intensely morose and angry reactions within you, You are likely not keep that sport and or team within a proper and sane perspective !
Tomorrow, I will compete In A Divisional ToastMaster...
Contest-in Division F in District 27.
Should I win, I will get to compete at A Distinct Level Championship for The 17TH Time in My Toastmaster Career. Toastmasters helps to scrub away reticence and fear and helps many people to discover that they can indeed develop into affective and polished presenters!
Tomorrow's Competition will be a Table Topics Contest .
- Johnny -
Should I win, I will get to compete at A Distinct Level Championship for The 17TH Time in My Toastmaster Career. Toastmasters helps to scrub away reticence and fear and helps many people to discover that they can indeed develop into affective and polished presenters!
Tomorrow's Competition will be a Table Topics Contest .
- Johnny -
Library Book Sales are
Soul Food for the mind! They are one of my favorite events of each Spring and Fall!
Learn that not getting your way is a perfectly...
acceptable option that you can abide by. Deciding that this is NOT !!!!!! an option that you can live with is the paving material to build an elaborate road to disaster!
Alas Yankees!
It is no disgrace to go out in the League Championship round! I will be charitable and leave my comments at that. Disappointments can be recovered from!
There is never a good reason to excuse
immature and non-productive behavior that CAN be changed! Petulance and Tantrums are NOT justifiable behaviors worth defending and maintaining.
Moving on and Forward!
I know that this has been a forward week. I am proud that now I've spent 3 sessions in My Apartment Complexes' Fitness Center.
It is still modest but the trend is good!
It is still modest but the trend is good!
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
This has not been the best day I can ever . . .
remember or imagine living through. However, with gratitude and a large smile on m grateful face, I know that it is FAR !!!! from being the worst day that I've ever lived through.
Healing is often Therapy ...
It can happen instantly. It can happen over time and it can and often does happen SO slowly that you are not always aware of it!
Lord, Help me to live
with You as my reason for living. Only You can help me to live a life that is of the highest possible quality
I'm now back to averaging 10 Posts or More
a day for each day of this month. On the 17Th Day of October, I've posted my 170TH Post of the Month
This has been a week of Pleasing Progress
. I am gaining new hope and I am re-gaining your footing. I am slowly coming to accept more easily that all does not to be easy and that I can make mistakes and be highly flawed and still do better and live better as well.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
My Extremely Tiny Weight Lifting Begiining
I finally started modestly lifting some light weights rather than continually ruing how difficult it will be for me to do that.
A small move into the future will always trump cringing in fear as you consider beginning the venture.
A small move into the future will always trump cringing in fear as you consider beginning the venture.
Lost A " Thing " of Paper Towels
that I purchased at a dollar store and got my smoke alarm ringing when I became distracted while making breakfast.
I'm learning more and more about shrugging and moving more swiftly, a relative term to act to make repairs and engage in remedies rather than falling into the " whining , the pouting, the self-lathing and the Why mes."
All of the latter foolishness avails me NOTHING at all worthwhile. Tomorrow, I will go about making eggs and not a mess for breakfast - LOL!!!!!
I'm learning more and more about shrugging and moving more swiftly, a relative term to act to make repairs and engage in remedies rather than falling into the " whining , the pouting, the self-lathing and the Why mes."
All of the latter foolishness avails me NOTHING at all worthwhile. Tomorrow, I will go about making eggs and not a mess for breakfast - LOL!!!!!
Consistency begins with the Second Effort
I decided, a few weeks ago, that I needed to do more with my physical exercise routine. I decided that I would begin this " Second Exercise Front" with stating again, to ride a life cycle and do some LIGHT weight lifting 2 to 3 times a week.
I started this routine on Sunday, October 14TH . Today, Wednesday October 17TH, I performed this routine again. I know it is slight and modestly begligible. However, The path to a regular routine begins once you enage in the SECOND effort!
- Johnny-
I started this routine on Sunday, October 14TH . Today, Wednesday October 17TH, I performed this routine again. I know it is slight and modestly begligible. However, The path to a regular routine begins once you enage in the SECOND effort!
- Johnny-
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
When A Social Paradigm no longer works.
even if it has been cherished for 50 or more years, Is it incumbent upon those who delight in it to abandon it and seek to establish a more effective and justifiable paradigm.
An Eternal truth
Trust and obey for there is no other way. I, the limited, trust in The One who can do all things!
Freedom means
responsibility. It does not mean that I have a right to decide how I will be treated and the option to tell / dictate to people how this must come to pass!
Would Blogging be easier if keyboards were not
involve3d in the process. Would speaking into a sophisticated system make spell, check, grammar check, sentence structuring and other associated matters not at all needed?
Johnny- 2012 has NOT been an easy year for you at all.
Yet, It has been a year of tremendous change and positive growth.
CBS Sports lays an Egg
On the Broadcast of Sunday's Redskin Game- The Redskins Impressive Rookie QB was referred to RJ III rather than RG III.
I guess no one fact checks CBS Sports!
I guess no one fact checks CBS Sports!
It is valuable to remember
not to trap yourself in earlier made plans when better options are made available and all connected in the original plan are amenable to change.
I've now posted the equivalent of 100...
posts per month for ALL of 2012 with 2 and half months left in this year!
BE where you are - Bloom where you are planted
Cliches that actually suggest how to prosper and live well .
I need to remember that my security
is best rooted in trusting in God and wanting what I have where I am right now!
Monday, October 15, 2012
Does anyone really know what they want?
The answer to this question often seems to be " NO" . People seem to prove that by not knowing how to deal well with what you ask for when you get it.
How do you really get to know someone
The fractiousness of 21ST Century America makes this a difficult riddle to solve.
The fractiousness of 21ST Century America makes this a difficult riddle to solve.
Never allow not getting what you want today..
to cause you to start being petulant. Keep in mind today or any one day the only chance you have at happiness.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Learning to think things out
I wanted a special service project at my church, thinking that I'd work in a safe cocoon like setting. I'm now helping to train highschoolers in competive setting. This is a less secure but better, more personally nurturing opportunity.
Seeing an elite athlete learn how to translate talents and potential into success is always a fun process to observe.
Voting to feel better about yourself...
is a fool's act unless you think that person wi you are voting for also live up to serving ably and effectively.
God is truly radical ....
He wants us to live only to serve Him which translates to us being totally willing to be of service to others.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Winning is an EDUCATIONAL Adventure
Consistent winners have studied well and practiced carefully, pervasively and thoroughly what need to be accomplished in oder to gain the victories they are now attaining.
Writing is not for the fearful
Perfectionist who want to do something once and move on are not likely ever to become effective authors.
Being someone who desire to be at peace
and to help others find peace is one definition of a healer!
Healing occurs best when a ...
person stops saying that he or she is " fine" and not wounded, injured and/ or hurt.
Drew Carey and President Obama
The President is campaigning today in Parma, Ohio. At one point the theme of Drew Carey's ABC Comedy series was " Moon over Parma "
Carey is an Ohio Native.
Carey is an Ohio Native.
Does decorum block communication, education ...
and personal growth?
I have a friend, a brilliant, creative and questioning woman who treasures comprehension and accomplishment over social; meeting and conversation niceties.
I've heard her interrupt people in mid- sentence as they are giving presentations asking " What does that mean, I don't understand." When told that it is unacceptable to interrupt a presentation, she will stand her ground and say, " The presenter needs to be clear and understandable."
She is condemned by a number of people for doing this. Some even call her " rude, offensive asnd just " Clueless to the impreswsion she makes on others."
I think that Rose- not her true name- just wants to understand and be spoken to clearly and purposefully.
Therefore, Can decorum be a block to clarity, informing, educating and progressing?
I have a friend, a brilliant, creative and questioning woman who treasures comprehension and accomplishment over social; meeting and conversation niceties.
I've heard her interrupt people in mid- sentence as they are giving presentations asking " What does that mean, I don't understand." When told that it is unacceptable to interrupt a presentation, she will stand her ground and say, " The presenter needs to be clear and understandable."
She is condemned by a number of people for doing this. Some even call her " rude, offensive asnd just " Clueless to the impreswsion she makes on others."
I think that Rose- not her true name- just wants to understand and be spoken to clearly and purposefully.
Therefore, Can decorum be a block to clarity, informing, educating and progressing?
There are times to express that
it bis ok to hurt but not feel as if your sadness in a fatal disease. I'm learning about that more often of late.
The Nats' Lost last night was heart - breaking.
I do think that this is only the first visit of this plucky team to the Post - Season.
Friday, October 12, 2012
The Nationals' Bats are alive tonight.
On This October 12TH, The National are rapidly sailing to The 2012 National League Championship Series!
13 Days and The Pace ...
continues- the pace of saying ahead, that is 12 Days and as of now, 130 posts.
I am feeling great tonight.
This Columbus Day - Traditional- has been an energy dense day of discovery for me!
Be certain , Speak Clearly
be bold, direct and purposeful. Agaim, This is the self-talk I need to empower my brain with. Immerse it in such! I AM an amazing and gifted speaker, I just simply need to be comfortable to be who I am!
Know that you are
growing in confidence Johnny. I need to see these sentiments more often- this is the kind of self- talk that I need to engage in far more!
This is my 2300Th Blog Entry
No one knows if Christopher Columbus had any idea of what the world would be like 520 years to the day after one of his sailors cried out " Tierra, Tierra" on the early morning of October 12Th, 1492 as his three ships navigated through the yet unnamed Carribbean Sea.
I did not know that 2 years and 8 days after writing the very first entry on THIS VERY BLOG that today I'd reach the 2300 Mark. I have no certainty at all, if I am still alive and able to think clearly and be creative what I will be recording on this blog a month from now or a year from now!
The issues of the future are not certain so I'm going to savor this individual moment. As I type this, while I can imagine it, indeed being BETTER, MY Life is good and I feel strongly empowered and most deeply and throughly blessed!
- Johnny -
I did not know that 2 years and 8 days after writing the very first entry on THIS VERY BLOG that today I'd reach the 2300 Mark. I have no certainty at all, if I am still alive and able to think clearly and be creative what I will be recording on this blog a month from now or a year from now!
The issues of the future are not certain so I'm going to savor this individual moment. As I type this, while I can imagine it, indeed being BETTER, MY Life is good and I feel strongly empowered and most deeply and throughly blessed!
- Johnny -
The 100Th " Curly W" !
Washington DC did NOT turn into Mudville on Thursday Evening, October 11th. The Washington Nationals, who the National media feels is cursed due to " shutting down" Stephen Strasbourg was not eliminated last night..
The Nationals still are in the hint for post-season advancement due to the heroics of one Jayson Worth- a player many Nationals fan have spent two seasons deriding as an " under performing and over -priced mistake." In a way, Worth is considered to be DC's Alex Rodriguez!
With no one out in the Bottom of the Ninth in Game Four of the NLDS between The Cardinals and the Nationals, Worth sent the 13TH pitch to him over the wall to tie the series at two victories a piece.
No one as I type this knows how the deciding game 5 will turn out, Yet, the First postseason win recorded in DC Baseball history since 1933 will long be remember fondly here in The Potomac Region no matter what transpires later today!
- Johnny -
The Nationals still are in the hint for post-season advancement due to the heroics of one Jayson Worth- a player many Nationals fan have spent two seasons deriding as an " under performing and over -priced mistake." In a way, Worth is considered to be DC's Alex Rodriguez!
With no one out in the Bottom of the Ninth in Game Four of the NLDS between The Cardinals and the Nationals, Worth sent the 13TH pitch to him over the wall to tie the series at two victories a piece.
No one as I type this knows how the deciding game 5 will turn out, Yet, the First postseason win recorded in DC Baseball history since 1933 will long be remember fondly here in The Potomac Region no matter what transpires later today!
- Johnny -
Is Spirituality also the "Opiate of the Masses" ?
Karl Marx once derided religion, especially organized religion as being " the opiate of the masses". He disnissed it as a way of hiding from life and making yourself free of living in the real and prictical world by taking your attention away from issue and soaking your brain, emotions and coping skills in fairy tales meant to explain what people dod not have the scientific knowlwdge to decipher in long ago times.
Yet, I find , in 2012, many people steadfastly maintaining that they are not religion but rather spiritually focused and oriented. They see that life is not all about them! they see, perhaps even more astutely that all of creation is not defined solely by the sum of the lives, hopes, dreams and lonings of all of those who ever have lived, live now or ever will live on The Planet we call The Earth.
Many of those who are spiritually focused differ on the Nature of this beyondness even as to whether that beyondness has a defined iondividual identity or is just undefinable- forever so!
Yet, Many believe that tthis " higher Power or Indluence" is present and is meaningful. It gives life preciousness, stability definition, nobility and a sense, somehow of everlastingmess. This few point seems anything but shallow, a chimera or a type of dedening hallucinagen or narcotic.
Perhaps when you define yourself and your fellows as all there is- and that what you decide masters and control all that matters and exists , perhaps, then ,you are creating your own designer opiate!
- Johnny -
Yet, I find , in 2012, many people steadfastly maintaining that they are not religion but rather spiritually focused and oriented. They see that life is not all about them! they see, perhaps even more astutely that all of creation is not defined solely by the sum of the lives, hopes, dreams and lonings of all of those who ever have lived, live now or ever will live on The Planet we call The Earth.
Many of those who are spiritually focused differ on the Nature of this beyondness even as to whether that beyondness has a defined iondividual identity or is just undefinable- forever so!
Yet, Many believe that tthis " higher Power or Indluence" is present and is meaningful. It gives life preciousness, stability definition, nobility and a sense, somehow of everlastingmess. This few point seems anything but shallow, a chimera or a type of dedening hallucinagen or narcotic.
Perhaps when you define yourself and your fellows as all there is- and that what you decide masters and control all that matters and exists , perhaps, then ,you are creating your own designer opiate!
- Johnny -
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Part of the Rot of Our Political System is...
that we care about categories and groupings of people. it is more about caring about caring rather than being effective by directly investing in individuals. I am learning that the best way to make lives better and see the growth and flowering of those you have come to grow to care about is by investing in the lives of INDIVIDUALS!
This has been a great week
I have really strive to be more creative and more dedicated to caring about others. I also do feel so much more grateful.
Moving Forward is vital.
Today was a vast step forward in enjoying living now and freeing yourself from regretting then!
I do love debate!
It is great to be an active investor in the creation of a High School Speech Team.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Youth really is more of a state of mind...
rather than age connected. We do have both fossilized and petrified 19 year olds and very youthful 70 year olds within our society.
Don't Ever Give up 5 seconds before...
the miracle arrives or occurs, I am so glad that the many times I wanted to totally give up that I chose not to!
I can be the most creative and personally ...
effective when God is having His WAY with me. Who can teach creativity better than THE CREATOR?
America cannot have a President
who has no heart for speaking well of America and who is not willing to effectively defend her!
Reggie Jackson once said . ...
" If I say I am amazing and then go out and prove it, How can you say that I am bragging ?"
God as I understand Him
As God is vast ,complex and truly unknowable, All of us truly do relate to God based on what we understand of Him as majorly incomplete and inadequate that understanding of Him is!
Teach a young person to be analytical,
thorough and determined and you can shape the destiny of those young people and those they caringly interact with.
The Love of Life
helps you to not run from pain. The splendor of a full live lived with ardor and gusto is worth the price.
I tutored today!!!!
Yes!!! This is good and this is a confidence builder. Today has been a delightful day!
Monday, October 8, 2012
I finally won a Game of Madden again.
I had to " travel back in time" to gain that victory. I played Madden 'O7 earlier today.
I am glad I am investing in The Debate and...
Speech Team at Annandale HS. That is a door being opened that I thought was locked and totally out of my life permanently!
This is My 100TH Post of October.
One hundred Posts in this First week of October. This is NOW the Fourth Month in a row that I've posted 100 or MORE Blog Entries!
Learning Curves
The Story Of The Washington Nationals tonight. A First Time in The Playoffs for a sports team can be a time of overwhelming celebration and a Field of gaffes and horrors all at once.
Children who are shielded from having to " face...
the music" for their misbehavior may find that they have been given the " present" of unpopularity, isolation, working menial jobs and just not being wanted by people who were made, as children, to deal with the consequences of their youthful deliberate misdeeds. The immunity accorded to the spoiled can become a great burden and curse later in life!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
There are times when, in the best interest of ...
all, to think that there might be a 2112 and live as if we believe it. It is good, from time to time, to think, widely and pervasively how the actions we engage in today will shape what the world will be like and how people will live routine 100 years from today.
This means thinking of climate, the environment, space exploration, education, child rearing, how we cope best with other cultures here... and perhaps elsewhere.
The world of 2112 will be , no doubt, a complex and multifaceted place. We need to keep that in mind ass we go about seeking to live well today and engage in preparing the soil that the future will bloom from!
- Johnny -
This means thinking of climate, the environment, space exploration, education, child rearing, how we cope best with other cultures here... and perhaps elsewhere.
The world of 2112 will be , no doubt, a complex and multifaceted place. We need to keep that in mind ass we go about seeking to live well today and engage in preparing the soil that the future will bloom from!
- Johnny -
How do you think Tom Brady ,Lebron James or
Miguel Cabrera would do fare at playing themselves in an Electronic Game duplicating their sport?
Would the electronic models of themselves have the same level of success if these stellar athletes duplicated their strategies on the Electronic Fields of Competition?
- Johnny -
Would the electronic models of themselves have the same level of success if these stellar athletes duplicated their strategies on the Electronic Fields of Competition?
- Johnny -
Learning is based upon building blocks.
The best students always take the basics seriously for that is the path to Academic Prosperity.
Religion is an effort to control God!
It is giving Him the rules that we then EXPECT Him to control. God works best when you accept that He IS God and is not governed, in any way at all, by our rules!
A Word on the 2012 Election from EnVogue
" Free your mind and the rest will follow, Be color blind. Don't be so shallow!"
My Satisfaction in my life would be better ...
and more serene if I would just remember that God is infinite and that all the days of my life were planned by Him, before I was even a single sell in my mother's womb.
If people could love people as they are...
and remember that no one's picture is next to the word " ideal" in the dictionary, Would there be fewer divorces ?
Lord, Help me to remember that haste in past
days created harm and difficulty that I am dealing with in the present. Let me , thus, make wise decisions today in order to live better tomorrow.
When you think flexibility ....
You find yourself less often trapped in dead ends and no - win scenarios.
Success, My Legal Pad is back in My
possession. It was where I left bit on Saturday. I'm proud of myself for searching for it in a systematic and reasonable way rather than freaking out!
Sunday, October 7, 2012
I am tired, today was not amazing,
splendid and delightful but it was as it was and it was all as it should truly have been!
Lord, Let me see that today isn't an emergency
I do not have to love all about this moment for my life to be a rich blessing to be contented with and eager to celebrate!
Thank you God for Grace.
Being a rules person, which I so AM!!! makes me far too rigid, unpleasant, critical, judgmental and antagonistic.
A lot has happened over two decades
I'm ceratain that living honestly and candidly is, no matter what, The BEST!!! way to live.
Peace needs to be more of a constant. in my life.
I don't value my personal peace enough. I'm too contentious and that comes, too often, at too high a price.
Life is better Today and ongoingly ...
No matter what I may think of this moment. This is a lesson from the last day of my 20TH year of AA sobriety.
Many Boozy Movies...
about writers seem to meander and simply go nowhere and don't really say much of anything.
Today started off ans an Amazing...
Day at Church- getting the realities of serving God! It is ending as a dull dark rainy night.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
God, Thank You for
a Splendidly Difference making Saturday. I gained rich insights about myself throughout this day!
Johnny, You are a SUCH pain at many times---
but a delight and a wondrous mystery at many other instances!
The Building of A Better Johnny !
One of the vital focus of The Blog Entitled - A Voice of Intuitive Insight!
I need TONIGHT to remember
the valuable lesson I was taught 35 years ago- Treasure people and use things. People take priority absolutely and fully over things and possessions!
Why does losing items tear at me...
so deeply? I, too often, feel and believe that I have and own very little and that I am, PERSONALLY, most unimpressive and that what I own is tacky and nearly valueless. Therefore, I see a loss as reducing me EVEN further.
I know that I want success in regaining the items ...
that I lost some 12 hours ago. However, Whether that comes to pass or not, I need to see my through and careful efforts to cover all my bases as I look for it to be, in itself, successfully progress!
Blogging is healing, very healing for ME!
I gain solace and the ability to think more intensely and explore more daringly through this venue..
When not every bump in the road alarms ...
you,, Then The Road, itself, can be seen as a friendly and beckoning byway!
A Toastmaster Club in Fairfax County, Virginia that I am now serving as the President of. They showed up well at an Area Contest winning an attendance award and two club members competed superbly!
I am learning tonight
the value of letting go, being gracious to myself and calming myself by practicing active, focused and targeted self- advocacy.
You really did well as ...
a Toastmaster today. Kept your poise through a lot of blending scenarios.
There are times to not
hate and berate yourself when you lose something. Admit it hurts, admit you are not perfect and make errors, do your best to find it and then let it go. I am more valuable and more worth caring about than ANYTHING I own.
Friday, October 5, 2012
The Infield Fly Rule....
will be hated for a long time in Atlanta! It hurts to be a Braves ' Fan tonight.
I know that sacrificing in October ...
will prove to be well worth it 2 months from the time I am typing these words .
Joy is said to come in the morning ....
Do we miss it because some of us. myself too often among this number, seek to look for and stay in the darkness rather than pining for and doing all that we can to reach towards and bask in the light.
A Confluence of Events
The Coach of The Indianapolis Colts, Chuck Pagano, has been diagnosed as having Leukemia. This is during a Month where The NFL focus on Breast Cancer Awareness.
A person who wants things one way and who....
dislikes having to weigh other options is a person to used to having his or her own way.
There is something to learning...
from that which you struggle from. Easy, too often, means that there wasn't much at stake or to be gained by the effort and the attempt,
Is Washington DC ....
A First Rate Sports town? By events and variety- Definitely so. Yet, There seems to be something that causes the rest of the nation to not want to view us as such.
Peace is not just the absence of violence...
It is a desire to be within contentment and serenity, to desire that both for yourself as well as others!
Sports are wonderful...
It is never wise , however, to forget that they are hobbies, games and diversions and for most of us not life or having anything to do with our livelihood!
I've learned that when I ....
decide that " This is my belief, my ethics, this is what my conscience leads me to believe is right" however due to PRACTICALITY, I'm choosing to do this." , That I will pay a very high and intense price for opting for "practicality".
There are times where ...
The Frustrated of Moving forward is better than the momentary relief that one might feel as he or she hides from and seeks , with all their worth, to avoid life life!
A Freedom - Creating Organization
Imagine having ideas that you never share because you do not believe you can share because you believe that the way you present them will not inspire anyone to listen. Imagine feeling that the worst thing you could ever do to yourself would be to speak in public as a formal presenter.. Imagine acting as if you have nothing to say and that you lack intelligence and inspiration because you believe that you will make a fool of yourself if you tell others about them.
This manner of self- evaluation can lead someone to live a limited, narrow, confining and joyless and adventure less life!
Helping people gain the ability to communicate in public, to improve as a leader and a communicator and show people what they have fearfully hidden from them is something Toastmasters has done superbly since October 22ND, 1924. This simple reality is one reason that I am MOST proud to be a Toastmaster!
- Johnny -
This manner of self- evaluation can lead someone to live a limited, narrow, confining and joyless and adventure less life!
Helping people gain the ability to communicate in public, to improve as a leader and a communicator and show people what they have fearfully hidden from them is something Toastmasters has done superbly since October 22ND, 1924. This simple reality is one reason that I am MOST proud to be a Toastmaster!
- Johnny -
The Fall....
Thank God for post- season baseball and the anticipation of A Birthday, Thanksgiving and Christmas! I'm not a fan of Fall, but it does have its' attractions.
The Yankees !!!!
We may not win it all. We difd hold up under pressure and not fold to The Orioles. We refused to let the redsox slow us down and we did not succumb to The Orioles.
Madden 09
A really well-designed game- One that I'm struggling to master. For some reason it seems MORE baffling to me than some more recent versions.
Remember, I can act even when all seems to
be frustrating and in negative turmoil, Yes, In so many and various ways, I've lost a lot and hurt greatly this year but what I've gained is truly worth it.
I can relax...
I can stop fearing that I will do something wrong. A mistake can be more easily recovered from than the stagnancy of inaction can be!
Did we learn a lesson ...
in 2008? Is it better for us to do something that will make up for past horrendous deeds? Or, Is it better to elect the man who is best able to govern us competently and effectively ?
Thursday, October 4, 2012
I am glad that ...
I'm learning to breathe more. It has not been an easy year but there are goodly reasons to hope!
Find someone with souful eyes....
When you do, You really can appreciate how mazing glowing and alive eyes can be.
My 2nd Blogging Anniversary-From 10/4/10 to ....
Today, 10/4/ 12.
I've learned that I'm far too sensitive and too mu8ch of a people pleaser. I've learned a lot this year that people genuinely like me and that I do not have to beg and plead them to do so.
I'm gaining the ability to be confident in my own talents and to trust my instincts. It is paying dividends and it is just, as I am learning --- just such an empowering an effective attitude to have. I'm just seeing, as well, that it is an act of self-loathing and self torment to be so negative towards myself and about myself!
- Johnny -
I've learned that I'm far too sensitive and too mu8ch of a people pleaser. I've learned a lot this year that people genuinely like me and that I do not have to beg and plead them to do so.
I'm gaining the ability to be confident in my own talents and to trust my instincts. It is paying dividends and it is just, as I am learning --- just such an empowering an effective attitude to have. I'm just seeing, as well, that it is an act of self-loathing and self torment to be so negative towards myself and about myself!
- Johnny -
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Wikipedia as a Debate Tool- Not
Too much non fact- checked information is available on Wikipedia. Wikipedia can be a second or third source to further elaborate upon what you are already sure of and confident in.
Working with Debate again ....
The value of helping young people to learn how to properly and skillfully form a strong argument and defend it. The value of finding flaws in another argument as you thoroughly explain the reasons that argument must be rejected.
There is great and lasting value of helping young people to debate well.
There is great and lasting value of helping young people to debate well.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
It does help to let go...
and share with fun aqnd erby just enjoy chatting with a good, trusted, lovely and lovable friend.
Keeping Your Promise....
In Times of Turmoil and Chaos , It is important that people prove they are trustworthy. If your promises are vital to you to keep and you keep them that truly matters.
A Bronx Tale - A Strong Movie.
A Tale Of Hard Work, Crime and people figuring out what is most important and who they need to become.
If you come from a ghastly place or
back ground as a child, Should you keep that to yourself and not bring it out ?. Should you hide it ?
Monday, October 1, 2012
I am blessed....
I have people who care for me and who make me see that they are intensely devoted to me!
Nevver forget the building and developing ....
phase is never fun, Yet, Nothing worthwhile can come into being unless you are dedicated to doing those tasks well, moment by moment and piece by piece.
Baseball is a part of my life...
When a team you root for wins its' first title, It is a glorious moment.
A differnt Johnny as a speaker...
I tried a softer, gentler more eye contact speaking style as I practiced a speech for a special moment later in the year.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
A Touch of Empowerment
I relaxed at a Caribou Coffee, a new store, In Vienna Va. on A rainy Gray Early Fall Friday. The store was quiet.
A crew of very young people operated that store that day. Quiet, sharp, in- tune and professional. Before I left, I complemented them both for the great coffee and their demeanor. They'd put out some board games to make the store even more comfortable and homey.
Great Crew, Young people who will make a difference for MANY years to come. It was a joy to cheer them on and encourage them to carry on and continue to be confident. Those young people WILL make great executives and CEO's one day!
A crew of very young people operated that store that day. Quiet, sharp, in- tune and professional. Before I left, I complemented them both for the great coffee and their demeanor. They'd put out some board games to make the store even more comfortable and homey.
Great Crew, Young people who will make a difference for MANY years to come. It was a joy to cheer them on and encourage them to carry on and continue to be confident. Those young people WILL make great executives and CEO's one day!
My Thursday Morning Shock .
Greater Washington DC- A place like Greater NYC and Greater Los Angeles where contacts and position matter. I was the Fourth of Fours Speakers addressing a morning assembly at Annandale HS.
The program that we brought was one on motivating students to become involved in Public Speaking and Debate. The First Speaker was a Non Com Marine Officer- a combat veteran who is now a recruiter. He told the students about how is training made him an effective field leader and strategist. Then, A man who has served his natiuon well as a Foriegn Service Officer in the State Department. He told them of the importance of choosing the right words . He is also a Magician. Very powerful. The next speker had Directed IRS operations in Thje State Of Vermont. she spoke of how Franklin Roosevelt used his voice and manner to get THE US through the worst of The Depression.
Then, My turn. The person on Disability. The man who suffered a Nervous Break Down 9 years ago. I talked to them about Debating. I asked them questions. I go t them buzzing. I was also told I made the connection with the students. I told them that their opinions mattered. That their logical poised well- supported arguments would be hard to deny and ignore. They will have their first class session on Wednesday and I'm goiung to be part of the launch. This feels sooooooo sweet!
The program that we brought was one on motivating students to become involved in Public Speaking and Debate. The First Speaker was a Non Com Marine Officer- a combat veteran who is now a recruiter. He told the students about how is training made him an effective field leader and strategist. Then, A man who has served his natiuon well as a Foriegn Service Officer in the State Department. He told them of the importance of choosing the right words . He is also a Magician. Very powerful. The next speker had Directed IRS operations in Thje State Of Vermont. she spoke of how Franklin Roosevelt used his voice and manner to get THE US through the worst of The Depression.
Then, My turn. The person on Disability. The man who suffered a Nervous Break Down 9 years ago. I talked to them about Debating. I asked them questions. I go t them buzzing. I was also told I made the connection with the students. I told them that their opinions mattered. That their logical poised well- supported arguments would be hard to deny and ignore. They will have their first class session on Wednesday and I'm goiung to be part of the launch. This feels sooooooo sweet!
Thursday, September 27, 2012
This looks like this is going to be a lot
more of a complex , random and make many adjustments and adaptation Thursday Evening than the one I honestly expected to have.
A bit nerve wracking and not at all settling, but it is either that or cancel a crucial meeting that will benefit me, so into uncertainty I will venture, unless things change in about 50 minutes.
A bit nerve wracking and not at all settling, but it is either that or cancel a crucial meeting that will benefit me, so into uncertainty I will venture, unless things change in about 50 minutes.
Adjustments on the Fly,
I don't like hearing about them. I really don't like AT ALL adjusting to them. I'd rather have a well-organized to the advantage of ALL who are involved in it plan or scheme that is in action and purring along according to plan !
Yet, Nature seems to laugh at the perspective on my part. So, I do need to greatly improve at being more flexible and better able to adjust with a positive attitude.
It is just not me, however, but it will need to become so.
Yet, Nature seems to laugh at the perspective on my part. So, I do need to greatly improve at being more flexible and better able to adjust with a positive attitude.
It is just not me, however, but it will need to become so.
220- A powerful Electric Line ...
I feel growing power and confidence as I continue to post on This Blog as frequently as I am now posting.
I know nothing changes instantly
Horrible cannot magically be transformed into amazing on command . Yet, It does take a small spark to begin a roaring fire!
Exciting The Future ...
When you can get a young person to take an action now that you KNOW will positively impact their future, You have a reason to become pleased and in love with life!
A Re -Charge Thursday !
I , as a part of a Toastmaster Team, spoke to an assembly of student at Annandale HS earlier today. I spoke to these students about Public Speaking as and Debate as a self- empowerment adventure, an academic asset and as a competitive adventure.
I go them roused, motivated and intersacting. I felt like I was clicking and creating an involved moment with a hundred teens, faculty and administrators.
I've felt very pessimistic , of late ,about my present and even more about my future. As I type this at 11:18 AM on This Thursday, September 27TH, 2012 sitting at My Computer in Alexandria, Va, I'm , at this moment, feeling freed of that imprisonment!
- Johnny -
I go them roused, motivated and intersacting. I felt like I was clicking and creating an involved moment with a hundred teens, faculty and administrators.
I've felt very pessimistic , of late ,about my present and even more about my future. As I type this at 11:18 AM on This Thursday, September 27TH, 2012 sitting at My Computer in Alexandria, Va, I'm , at this moment, feeling freed of that imprisonment!
- Johnny -
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
A Perspective on Respect ...
A few days after The US Embassy in Tehran was seized by 'students" in November of 1979, Another group of students occupied the Russian Embassy attempting to create a second hostage situation.
The General Secretary of the THEN USSR ( Russia) called the Prime Minister of Iran. Very shortly after THAT call, Iranian soldiers were sent to The Russian embassy. They quickly and relatively easily took on and defeated the invaders of the embassy.
These " students" were taken into captivity and abject apologies were offered to The General Secretary.
I understand that The Then US President, Jimmy Carter, also contacted The leaders of Iran after the US embassy was seized.
I further wonder- What did Mister Carter say to The Leaders of Iran? What did Mister Brezhnev say to The Leaders of Iran ?
- Johnny -
The General Secretary of the THEN USSR ( Russia) called the Prime Minister of Iran. Very shortly after THAT call, Iranian soldiers were sent to The Russian embassy. They quickly and relatively easily took on and defeated the invaders of the embassy.
These " students" were taken into captivity and abject apologies were offered to The General Secretary.
I understand that The Then US President, Jimmy Carter, also contacted The leaders of Iran after the US embassy was seized.
I further wonder- What did Mister Carter say to The Leaders of Iran? What did Mister Brezhnev say to The Leaders of Iran ?
- Johnny -
A Stern and Confident President....
might have sai a few weeks ago ... - " An attack on a US Embassy and The Murder of a US Ambassador is an Act Of War. As President, I am now announcing that The US will seal Libya off from the rest of the world until these infamous actors who perpetrated this attack are captured and turned over to us. A no- fly zone will be established immediately over this nation and we will also immediately initiate a Naval Blockade of Libya.
Let me leave no dubt in any ones mind, You may not attack the US without paying the most severe price. We will increase the guards around our embassies, we will isuue shoot to kill orders to our embassies guards upon any attack or invasion of our embassy property. You may also expect devastating Air Strikes.
The US is a great friend and benefactor to those who wish to live in peace and prosper their people, We are a fearsome foe to those who wise to engage us in battle."
- Johnny -
Let me leave no dubt in any ones mind, You may not attack the US without paying the most severe price. We will increase the guards around our embassies, we will isuue shoot to kill orders to our embassies guards upon any attack or invasion of our embassy property. You may also expect devastating Air Strikes.
The US is a great friend and benefactor to those who wish to live in peace and prosper their people, We are a fearsome foe to those who wise to engage us in battle."
- Johnny -
Convenient or Absurdity ?
I was at a strip mall and I was in need of some stamps. I did not want to go to the Post Office but that was not really convenient for me to get to.
I knew that The Shoppers' Food Warehouse and the 7-11 In the strip mall that I was in stated they sold stamps. Shoppers would only sell a book. The 7-11 which is usually out of stamps did not have any.
So, I trudged to the Post Office to buy 5 stamps. NOT! AT! ALL! CONVENIENT!
I knew that The Shoppers' Food Warehouse and the 7-11 In the strip mall that I was in stated they sold stamps. Shoppers would only sell a book. The 7-11 which is usually out of stamps did not have any.
So, I trudged to the Post Office to buy 5 stamps. NOT! AT! ALL! CONVENIENT!
Monday, September 24, 2012
When you hide and cover up,
You should never be shocked that people, then, do not really know you, connect with you and get you.
212 Degress- The Boiling Point
This is my 212 TH posting of September 2012 . I guess it means that while my life seems struggling and harsh now, At some level, Things are still flowing and moving in a positive and noteworthy manner.
Healing a Hurting Monday ...
I was in pain and discomfort around 1 PM today!
Then, I learned that a very close friend was in an accident and escaped it unharmed. I then started to work again on a gratitude list.
i went out at 5 PM to go shopping, Smiled and joked with people. I told a clerk at a gas station w3here I bought a small cup of coffee. " You need to get through Monday to get back to Friday." That caused him to grin.
I was tiring of being on a long line at a Shoppers. I saw a young woman wearing a Cowboy Shirt. I remarked to her that " We pulled out one yesterday"- Yes, I am a ' Boys Fan. she grinned. Them, I jibed at The Redskins- " It's better to barely win than barely lose." and " The Redskins ran an offense YESTERDAY that no NFL team wants to run."
That did lift my spirits. At THIS moment, My life now seems far too limited and constrained. It is simply not wonderful. However, It is vital to say afloat and my efforts to be positive and fun made that easier to attain and sustain on this Monday evening!
- Johnny -
Then, I learned that a very close friend was in an accident and escaped it unharmed. I then started to work again on a gratitude list.
i went out at 5 PM to go shopping, Smiled and joked with people. I told a clerk at a gas station w3here I bought a small cup of coffee. " You need to get through Monday to get back to Friday." That caused him to grin.
I was tiring of being on a long line at a Shoppers. I saw a young woman wearing a Cowboy Shirt. I remarked to her that " We pulled out one yesterday"- Yes, I am a ' Boys Fan. she grinned. Them, I jibed at The Redskins- " It's better to barely win than barely lose." and " The Redskins ran an offense YESTERDAY that no NFL team wants to run."
That did lift my spirits. At THIS moment, My life now seems far too limited and constrained. It is simply not wonderful. However, It is vital to say afloat and my efforts to be positive and fun made that easier to attain and sustain on this Monday evening!
- Johnny -
The Subtlties of PROGRESS ....
Progress is a noun. It is a rthing. It is what we wish to strive for, It is looking to move forward, to gain, to build, It definitely means attaining more. PROGress is a positive, something we yearn for.
PROgress is a verb- it very much a present, today, at this VERY moment word! It is a status word. A description of an update, where we are NOW!!!!We PROgress through our tasks, through a day. We PROgress from 9 AM on Monday to 5 PM on Friday!
To make PROGgress , It is most certain that we MUST PROgress.
- Johnny -
PROgress is a verb- it very much a present, today, at this VERY moment word! It is a status word. A description of an update, where we are NOW!!!!We PROgress through our tasks, through a day. We PROgress from 9 AM on Monday to 5 PM on Friday!
To make PROGgress , It is most certain that we MUST PROgress.
- Johnny -
A Change in Fortune from Denny McLain to ....
Gio Gonzalez! Denny McLain lost 22 Games once upon a time for The Washington Senators. Gio Gonzalez is NOW a 20 Game winner for The Washington Nationals !
The Cynical, The Positive and The Abundant....
The cynical tells you that life is hard, that very little is possible for most of us and that we need to accept that fact and grimly abide by that
The Positive will say that everything can be viewed as good and that positive thinking will allow us to do the best as we live.
The Abundant Livers know that they must be strong when times are tough and must know that grace is always there. They celebrate gace and opportunities that provide themselves, They search for them and get the ery most they can out of them.
I'm still in a process of making great changes in my life. I will learn how to get how to live as an Abundant Liver.
This is my desire and my vow!
- Johnny -
The cynical tells you that life is hard, that very little is possible for most of us and that we need to accept that fact and grimly abide by that
The Positive will say that everything can be viewed as good and that positive thinking will allow us to do the best as we live.
The Abundant Livers know that they must be strong when times are tough and must know that grace is always there. They celebrate gace and opportunities that provide themselves, They search for them and get the ery most they can out of them.
I'm still in a process of making great changes in my life. I will learn how to get how to live as an Abundant Liver.
This is my desire and my vow!
- Johnny -
Life- Fantasy establishes the construct of .....
" Happily ever after". Yet, The life best lived allows for happiness, peace, joy, rest and fulfillment no matter what!
This Monday has been a dynamic
day- Yet , as it progresses, It is turning from a dangerous, bucking stallion to a horse that I am more easily able to ride.
205 Posts for September 2012.
The new monthly record. This will grow larger before the end of the month.
A Greater Insight
When you are struggling and then learn that someone you know has survived a great disaster unharmed, You gain both perspective and a much stronger sense of gratitude.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
25 Miles -
Edwin Starr's song - reminds me of walking the tough miles!!, 25 miles is never an easy journey on foot. As someone who once walked over 23 miles on a severely blistered foot, I know this to be true.
My tension has eased a bit ....
I have been very nurturing to myself over the last 2 hours. That has made a noticeable difference.
If you want to define who you are...
Learn to ask the tough and uncompromising questions- Who am I really? What matters to me ? Why is it important to me ? Who influences me? Why do I heed them? Is life about just survivng this moment no matter how you accomplish this?
I don't know all of the questions to ask, That I plainly admit. However, I know that these are critical questions to ask.
- Johnny -
I don't know all of the questions to ask, That I plainly admit. However, I know that these are critical questions to ask.
- Johnny -
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