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Friday, August 5, 2011

Listening- A way to prove that you understand that you are NOT the Planet Earth's ONLY!!!! Inhabitant !

 I need to make a confession .For most of my life I have been, I have been a very selfish person and an abysmally poor listener.I lived a rugged life I did have a childhood that really was not at all desirable. I have this in common with MANY people. Just as people say that not all people who grew up desperately poor choose to become criminal and chronic social malcontents, not all children abusively and neglectfully need to become chronically brooding and self- centered whiners.

  While I've slowly been changing and making some adjustments, fairly minimal ones. This year, I have seen that this will not do!  This has come about by my getting that behaving this way on a long-term basis steadily makes one an undesirable person , one that no one delights in or truly wants to be in the company of! I now see that I've, to often, been someone who I really do not want to be in the company of!

 Listening ,  As I'm seeing with very new and fresh eyes, is essential to be a caring, loving and giving human being. It is what makes , in part, people be considered to be likable, lovable and highly desirable! It actually causes people to be seen as sexier- perhaps even more than movie star looks or the body similar to that of a Gold Medal Olympic Athlete.

   I am starting to learn to become better at relaxing and not having to talk- that is still- LOL- very much of a work in progress and development.Making eye contact with people and wanting to know and desiring to care about what is going on in their life is a way to heal and become much better connected to the rest of humanity. While Lost in Space is one of my favorite all time TV Series, I do not know if I want to live the rest of my life being VIRTUALLY " Lost In Space"

 When you truly listen, You then gain wisdom. When you speak you not only convey wisdom but you season that insight with love, commitment and compassion. This has been an amazing summer of both healing and preparation for me, This is the summer that is proving to be the run up to my " 18 Month Prime Direction". what I'm learning now gives me all the motivation to free myself from old ways that hinder and sabotage and embrace that which will enable, encourage and properly educate me!

- Johnny -

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