Bill James is one of my favorite baseball writers. He is a well-recognized baseball historian and a true genius with statistics. Few people can cause statistics to breathe as he does!
From 1982 through 1988, Ballantine Books published The Bill James Baseball Abstract a combination of witty and probing baseball -connected prose and amazing mathematical analysis if the sport.
In 1988, The Abstracts stopped- The 1988 Abstract was the last of the Line.James ended them because he resented people telling him what to write. James said that this was causing him to build a greater and greater dislike and active hostility towards his readers.
Some people dislike having people make negative, derogatory, offensive and, in their opinion, un-called for comments when they post in various Forums. They want to not read comments on their posts that they find unpleasant and disturbing to read.
The response they often get when they protest- You can't control your threads and you do not have the right to tell people what they may and may not post. Is the only answer, then, to quit and walk away- or can intelligent and reasonable people find a better and more mature solution! ?!?
- Johnny-
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