Washington DC ,and its' burbs , is considered to be an NFL Season. However, Washington DC loves winners and in Washington in The Early Spring of 2011- That means one and only one Sports Teams truly rules and rains in THIS community on The April Fool's Eve! That team IS!!!- THE!!!!! WASHINGTON!!!!!! CAPITALS!!!!!!
Democrats and Republicans, Progressives and Tea Partiers smile when they hear the following cheer , " Let's Go CAPS!, Let's Go ,CAPS, Let's Go, Caps!"
In God We Trust AND R!!!O!!!C!!!K!!! T!!!H!!!E!!! R!!!E!!!D!!
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Thursday, March 31, 2011
I've spent a lot of time in my life too easily recoiling from pain and being in dread of suffering, tumult and suffering. Yet, I am starting to see such more and more as a type of "God's Gym". These encounters with struggle are what give words such as endurance, persistence, determination and steadfastness significance and importance.
I'm really getting to grasp that success can only happens when we are willing to test ourselves and submit to struggles and great efforts against, at times, seemingly implacable resistance. We do gain greatly as we push aside that resistance by being too committed to give up as long as we see the POSSIBILITY of achievement and accomplishment. The early days of 2011 has been an intensely rough and rugged and sorely trying time for me. If I'd been given a preview of the last 3 months and was given the choice as to whether I am willing to enter into these 90 days or not, I ,likely ,would have said, "No, Thank You!!!"
Yet, I will also say, I've gain valuable lessons in dealing more effectively with other people, I've gained greater insights into how to deal well with complicated systems and bureaucracies. I've also learned that I am able to endure for more than I believe I am able to deal with. I would have cheated myself and sabotaged myself had I opted to be provided an easier and softer January, Frebruary and March. The struggle has been of great gain and profit to me- It is hard for me to admit- but it is , indeed, the simple and clear truth !
I'm really getting to grasp that success can only happens when we are willing to test ourselves and submit to struggles and great efforts against, at times, seemingly implacable resistance. We do gain greatly as we push aside that resistance by being too committed to give up as long as we see the POSSIBILITY of achievement and accomplishment. The early days of 2011 has been an intensely rough and rugged and sorely trying time for me. If I'd been given a preview of the last 3 months and was given the choice as to whether I am willing to enter into these 90 days or not, I ,likely ,would have said, "No, Thank You!!!"
Yet, I will also say, I've gain valuable lessons in dealing more effectively with other people, I've gained greater insights into how to deal well with complicated systems and bureaucracies. I've also learned that I am able to endure for more than I believe I am able to deal with. I would have cheated myself and sabotaged myself had I opted to be provided an easier and softer January, Frebruary and March. The struggle has been of great gain and profit to me- It is hard for me to admit- but it is , indeed, the simple and clear truth !
This has been a great day to think and to relax! I need to seriously plan for more such days!
Opening Day
This entry could only be written today, Thursday, March 31st,2011- The Opening Day of the 2011 Baseball Season. In my vicinity, The Washington Nationals have a Home Opening Day Game against The Atlanta Braves
It is a chilly early Spring day in Washington. The High will be 44 and afternoon rain is likely today! Yet, To me and many, Baseball does bring up thoughts of lush and inviting greenness on well kept and inspiring fields. The Field Of Dreams is not just a converted Iowa corn field but it is a place that evokes splendid play that cause you to smile and wish to celebrate anew.
I've missed you through the Harsh Winter! Welcome back, Friend Baseball!
It is a chilly early Spring day in Washington. The High will be 44 and afternoon rain is likely today! Yet, To me and many, Baseball does bring up thoughts of lush and inviting greenness on well kept and inspiring fields. The Field Of Dreams is not just a converted Iowa corn field but it is a place that evokes splendid play that cause you to smile and wish to celebrate anew.
I've missed you through the Harsh Winter! Welcome back, Friend Baseball!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Equipping is a word that I am hearing a great deal of as I listen to a radio program as I type this, The word of the day as I listen to THIS radio program is "equipped". This means being ready, prepared, well-trained, having the supplies and resources that are needed to do what they are being asked to do or what they need to do/must do!
I belong to two collections of people who work well and dedicatedly to equip those who come to them for training and preparation One such group is Toastmasters- Another is Grace Community Church. If you want the best for others and if you are committed to serving others well, You will do well as you strive to equip them.
I belong to two collections of people who work well and dedicatedly to equip those who come to them for training and preparation One such group is Toastmasters- Another is Grace Community Church. If you want the best for others and if you are committed to serving others well, You will do well as you strive to equip them.
The Gentle Thought and The Healing Word
People with big hearts and tender natures know that the tongue can be the greatest instrument for tenderness and for healing. A word that can relieve anxiety, A word that can convert a frown to a smile and a word that strengthen someones resolve to continue on are words that are most valuable.
A healing word is often a strategically employed word, a word that is not blurted but one that is held back until the right moment and situation arrives for it to be spoken. The Gentle Thought and The Healing Word are still, very much, works in progress for me. One of my failings is impulsiveness and a strong tendency to blurt- so this is something that I will ABSOLUTELY commit myself to work on. This is a sophisticated tool to be used by a wise and caring person, Lord, Please help me to become more this way on this day!
A healing word is often a strategically employed word, a word that is not blurted but one that is held back until the right moment and situation arrives for it to be spoken. The Gentle Thought and The Healing Word are still, very much, works in progress for me. One of my failings is impulsiveness and a strong tendency to blurt- so this is something that I will ABSOLUTELY commit myself to work on. This is a sophisticated tool to be used by a wise and caring person, Lord, Please help me to become more this way on this day!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Stretching Yourself.!
Becoming smarter, planning to get wiser, becoming fitter and learning more can all be a part of growing and becoming more able. Life works best when we continue ask more of ourselves and decide that we gain by not being willing to staying comfortable with where we are at this moment.
I like the old saying, " God loves you exactly as you are, but He loves you far too much to let you stay that way!" This saying reminds me of ny GREAT need to keep on progressing!
I like the old saying, " God loves you exactly as you are, but He loves you far too much to let you stay that way!" This saying reminds me of ny GREAT need to keep on progressing!
Lifting Up My Eyes
Freedom from Depression, to me , often means asking myself to widen my vision, to smile, to take a deep breath and to not feel trapped in what was and and limit myself to what I see and know today.
When I write a speech, I'm looking toward accomplishing beyond now. I'm developing words and phrases that I believe that will add to the lives and perspectives of those who will soon listen to them. I am also working to choose what techniques and methods I will use to permit my message to be most welcomed and best received A good speech is a true gift to the audience and is prepared with that in mind. We speak of presenting a speech and this is appropriate as a speech should be considered a present or a gift.
Depression is said to be anger turned inward. When Depression assaults me, I am learning it works best to focus on other things and to pay more attention and seek to devote myself towards others, no matter how difficult I find that to do at ANY one given time.For Me, My being a Toastmaster and my being involved in frequent speech preparation serves me well to challenge depression!
When I write a speech, I'm looking toward accomplishing beyond now. I'm developing words and phrases that I believe that will add to the lives and perspectives of those who will soon listen to them. I am also working to choose what techniques and methods I will use to permit my message to be most welcomed and best received A good speech is a true gift to the audience and is prepared with that in mind. We speak of presenting a speech and this is appropriate as a speech should be considered a present or a gift.
Depression is said to be anger turned inward. When Depression assaults me, I am learning it works best to focus on other things and to pay more attention and seek to devote myself towards others, no matter how difficult I find that to do at ANY one given time.For Me, My being a Toastmaster and my being involved in frequent speech preparation serves me well to challenge depression!
Monday, March 28, 2011
I enjoy acting and drama!
Today, About 3 hours ago, I intended The Kick-Off meeting of an Acting Group that my Church- Grace Community Church- is preparing to inaugurate.
I enjoy acting and performing. I'm told I''m very creative and can be an extremely quick study. I like to phrase things in ways that catch people's attention and make most clear what I am saying and what I desire. I also find acting an emotionally strengthening activity. It definitely helps me get beyong feeling too confined, it helps me to reach out and find effective and pleasiong ways to make stong and pleasing contact with others.
This is a new adventure and it looks like it will be a positive and stimulating one. Over the next week, I have committed myself to writing a script for a short Easter skit!
I enjoy acting and performing. I'm told I''m very creative and can be an extremely quick study. I like to phrase things in ways that catch people's attention and make most clear what I am saying and what I desire. I also find acting an emotionally strengthening activity. It definitely helps me get beyong feeling too confined, it helps me to reach out and find effective and pleasiong ways to make stong and pleasing contact with others.
This is a new adventure and it looks like it will be a positive and stimulating one. Over the next week, I have committed myself to writing a script for a short Easter skit!
It is a heart cry. It is the option we all delight in! We want to live our lives as we believe is best! We desire to
live out our dream and rejoice at the opportunity to craft them into a present-day and continuing reality.
America is a great place to live, a proud place to be a citizens of, because each of us is invited to do all that we can to invest in the cause of having our nation REMAIN as "The Land of The Free".
live out our dream and rejoice at the opportunity to craft them into a present-day and continuing reality.
America is a great place to live, a proud place to be a citizens of, because each of us is invited to do all that we can to invest in the cause of having our nation REMAIN as "The Land of The Free".
A Speech
Letting people know who you are. what you care about, why you care about it and what you desire to do about it allows you to let people know about what truly matters to you! It gives you a chance to demonstrate leadership as well. We work best when we ask people to invest in us, work with us and celebrate with us. All of us gain when we admit that we need each other and that we can always gain more in any effort than I can!
Speeches allow us to gain skills and confidence in rallying others, We learn to speak with skill and and motivation when we we decide both what to say and how best to say it. We also get a chance to test our motives and our desires, if we have trouble explaining why an idea is good and worthwhile to follow, then it is appropriate to ask ourselves, "Why are we advocating this, Have we truly thought through what we desire to accomplish!? "
A thoughtfully and well -designed speech, one that we prepare with insight and with a mind to the likely consequences of our actions , is likely to be a well-delivered and positively effective effort.
Speeches allow us to gain skills and confidence in rallying others, We learn to speak with skill and and motivation when we we decide both what to say and how best to say it. We also get a chance to test our motives and our desires, if we have trouble explaining why an idea is good and worthwhile to follow, then it is appropriate to ask ourselves, "Why are we advocating this, Have we truly thought through what we desire to accomplish!? "
A thoughtfully and well -designed speech, one that we prepare with insight and with a mind to the likely consequences of our actions , is likely to be a well-delivered and positively effective effort.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
A Festive and Celebratory Monday!
Imagine a 7 year old walks into her or his second grade classroom on a Monday morning. Bobby or Tammy sees a brightly decorated classroom and balloons. Ms. Trainor, Their Teacher, has a new and exciting game that she is happily ready to teach them. Will this!!!! Monday morning be a time of happiness for these children and their 18 classmates? This is a great way to start a New School Week! You may now be able to convince these children that A Monday morning can be every bit as much fun as a Saturday morning!
What would an office be like if the staff of an office were told that an interesting and fascinating meeting and a gourmet breakfast awaited them at the office first thing Monday Morning? Might that not prepare them on Sunday night to awake smiling on THAT Monday morning?
What would an office be like if the staff of an office were told that an interesting and fascinating meeting and a gourmet breakfast awaited them at the office first thing Monday Morning? Might that not prepare them on Sunday night to awake smiling on THAT Monday morning?
Planning Well????
WMATA - The Washington (DC) Metropolitan Area Transportation Authority operates a Subway and Bus System known as Metro.
This System First open for the Bicentennial Celebration of 1976.That means that this Subway System is soon to turn 35. This system is currently being massively renovated and repaired. This means that often service is slowed and seriously limited and curtailed during the day . It also means that stations are closed on weekends and especially during long weekends. It also means that it is difficult to find reliable and dependable elevators in the system.
It seems to me that a 35 year old system in desperate need of repairs was either not properly designed and planned for well, not built very well or not maintained well. In my opinion, Metro needs to plead guilty to all of these charges. I've said that I'm someone who really treasures personal space, this desire on my part also tends to make me not!!!! a fan of EITHER MetroRail or Bus!
It is my view that Metro riders are FAR too understanding and co-operative when it comes to using Metro. I think that the quality of service that Metro provides to its' users and the attention to providing good, caring and supportive customer service would greatly increase if the Metro Leadership had to deal with a VERY demanding, vocal and difficult to please ridership- similar to what New York City's Subway and Bus workers deal with!
I believe that when Big Public Service projects are designed and built they must be designed intelligently and wisely and with a mind to making sure that they are attractive and desirable to use years into the future. Metro failed to take this into account as they built their system and 2011 users are paining a painfully HIGH price fror what was not done well from as the system was constructed!
This System First open for the Bicentennial Celebration of 1976.That means that this Subway System is soon to turn 35. This system is currently being massively renovated and repaired. This means that often service is slowed and seriously limited and curtailed during the day . It also means that stations are closed on weekends and especially during long weekends. It also means that it is difficult to find reliable and dependable elevators in the system.
It seems to me that a 35 year old system in desperate need of repairs was either not properly designed and planned for well, not built very well or not maintained well. In my opinion, Metro needs to plead guilty to all of these charges. I've said that I'm someone who really treasures personal space, this desire on my part also tends to make me not!!!! a fan of EITHER MetroRail or Bus!
It is my view that Metro riders are FAR too understanding and co-operative when it comes to using Metro. I think that the quality of service that Metro provides to its' users and the attention to providing good, caring and supportive customer service would greatly increase if the Metro Leadership had to deal with a VERY demanding, vocal and difficult to please ridership- similar to what New York City's Subway and Bus workers deal with!
I believe that when Big Public Service projects are designed and built they must be designed intelligently and wisely and with a mind to making sure that they are attractive and desirable to use years into the future. Metro failed to take this into account as they built their system and 2011 users are paining a painfully HIGH price fror what was not done well from as the system was constructed!
Snow in Greater Washington DC in Late March.
This to me was a moment of God reminding many that humans have to adjust to what we get weather-wise because we are powerless over the weather.
We had a dusting of snow in Northern Virginia. A number of people at church said they had not at all planned for snow NOW that winter has come and gone. Calendar -wise perhaps but I guess God proposes as He desires to!
We had a dusting of snow in Northern Virginia. A number of people at church said they had not at all planned for snow NOW that winter has come and gone. Calendar -wise perhaps but I guess God proposes as He desires to!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Dining with Me, Myself and I
I've watched a great PBS program on Abraham Lincoln. I cooked a good dinner of my favorite food. I'm listening to a favorite radio program right now as I work on some projects that I desire to devote some detailed attention to!
For This Saturday Night, This is good, fun, stabilizing and calming to have this dinner with me, myself and I on this early Spring Saturday night. Thus work well for me tonight and I'm pleased that this is so!
For This Saturday Night, This is good, fun, stabilizing and calming to have this dinner with me, myself and I on this early Spring Saturday night. Thus work well for me tonight and I'm pleased that this is so!
A Lobby group and organization for The Rigid and The Inflexible ?
The fussbudgets, the whiners, the ones who feel that they are never fully listened to, the ones who feel that they are never taken into account when decisions are made!
These are the people who just feel that they have to be tolerant and understanding. They also are offended by the simple fact that no one appears to cater to and to make allowances for them.They are the ones who would like to be left alone, not bothered and and not annoyed!
So, Is there any sense that we, as a society NEED to account for pleasing those who are, EVEN under the best of circumstances, so difficult to please !
These are the people who just feel that they have to be tolerant and understanding. They also are offended by the simple fact that no one appears to cater to and to make allowances for them.They are the ones who would like to be left alone, not bothered and and not annoyed!
So, Is there any sense that we, as a society NEED to account for pleasing those who are, EVEN under the best of circumstances, so difficult to please !
Leadership and Communication 201!!!!!
I am a proud member of Toastmasters International;. I currently Serve as a Division Governor in a Greater Washington DC Area District - District 27!!!
People often FIRST join Toastmasters to improve themselves as a Communicator - there first motivation to join is to speak better in public.Some people join because they are nearly phobic about speaking in public. Others join because they feel that they will advance professionally or in terms of being involved in social causes if they are viewed as a more able speaker. Still others are already fairly good at giving speeches and communicating to groups of people and desire to continually advance as communicators.
Toastmasters really sees themselves as working with individuals who are committed to consistently progressing and developing as both leader and a communicator Most people are unlikely to speak to large groups of people with any degree or regularity. Toastmasters teaches people how to shape and craft their messages to be most effectively be well-received by those they seek to communicate with. They also seek to have people become supportive of those who join Toastmasters- as every one who joins Toastmasters also has very per5sonal and individual goals they wish to attain as a Toastmaster.
Every Toastmaster begins their odyssey as a member of A Toastmaster club. At first, They give most of their speeches to gain security and an early sense of elan and to receive a nurturing and encouraging speech evaluation from a fellow club member.No one, usually joins Toastmasters to just and solely give speeches at their Toastmaster Club . The idea is to encourage people to use their skills outside the comfortable safe place that their club represents.Today, I will be attending a Speech Contest. These Toastmasters have already competed in and won a club contest. They also have competed in an Area Contest and been judged as the winner of an Area Contest competing against the winners of the other clubs in their area. Today, They will be competing against other members who have won an Area Contest.
This is Toastmasters 201 in my opinion!!!! They are still within the wider context of Toastmasters but they are learning to be confident and poised in communicating even better and more stylishly with continually and progressively larger numbers of people.
People often FIRST join Toastmasters to improve themselves as a Communicator - there first motivation to join is to speak better in public.Some people join because they are nearly phobic about speaking in public. Others join because they feel that they will advance professionally or in terms of being involved in social causes if they are viewed as a more able speaker. Still others are already fairly good at giving speeches and communicating to groups of people and desire to continually advance as communicators.
Toastmasters really sees themselves as working with individuals who are committed to consistently progressing and developing as both leader and a communicator Most people are unlikely to speak to large groups of people with any degree or regularity. Toastmasters teaches people how to shape and craft their messages to be most effectively be well-received by those they seek to communicate with. They also seek to have people become supportive of those who join Toastmasters- as every one who joins Toastmasters also has very per5sonal and individual goals they wish to attain as a Toastmaster.
Every Toastmaster begins their odyssey as a member of A Toastmaster club. At first, They give most of their speeches to gain security and an early sense of elan and to receive a nurturing and encouraging speech evaluation from a fellow club member.No one, usually joins Toastmasters to just and solely give speeches at their Toastmaster Club . The idea is to encourage people to use their skills outside the comfortable safe place that their club represents.Today, I will be attending a Speech Contest. These Toastmasters have already competed in and won a club contest. They also have competed in an Area Contest and been judged as the winner of an Area Contest competing against the winners of the other clubs in their area. Today, They will be competing against other members who have won an Area Contest.
This is Toastmasters 201 in my opinion!!!! They are still within the wider context of Toastmasters but they are learning to be confident and poised in communicating even better and more stylishly with continually and progressively larger numbers of people.
Friday, March 25, 2011
I Learned on this March 25th that....
I can be anxious and it is not a sign that doomsday is here.
Something can go seriously and unexpectedly wrong and I can still be "fine"
I have accomplished more in my life than I am willing to admit.
I do have a role in My Church.
I am valued.
For the most part, I'm blessed and gifted.
Something can go seriously and unexpectedly wrong and I can still be "fine"
I have accomplished more in my life than I am willing to admit.
I do have a role in My Church.
I am valued.
For the most part, I'm blessed and gifted.
The Friday Reprieve
Sometimes Friday comes at just the right time. My Monday through Friday , this time around was most pressure filled and anxious. The next 2 days will be a most welcome change of pace. I am looking forward to this. Thank You, Lord !!!!!!
Reconfirming and reconfirming a "Yes!!!!!" over and over and over again!
i know we are busy people. I know that it is kind to remind people of commitments and it is equally good to be patient and reconfirm what you HAVE already agreed to and PROMISED that you wqill indeed and absolutely do!
I'm currently in a situation where I've re-affirmed my original PROMISE 5 times. It has , at this point, become a tedious annoyance to me! I just told a friend who urged me to PLEASE go ahead and reconfirm YET again, Arraggghhhhh!!!!! that I am NOW azt My limit. I also added, " If I'm asked to re-confirm again, My answer will be a terse, " No, I'm NO LONGER available"
So, How many times DOES a Yes need to be refreshed before it is considered as a final, absolute- unless a CRISIS occurs- good as platinum response?
I'm currently in a situation where I've re-affirmed my original PROMISE 5 times. It has , at this point, become a tedious annoyance to me! I just told a friend who urged me to PLEASE go ahead and reconfirm YET again, Arraggghhhhh!!!!! that I am NOW azt My limit. I also added, " If I'm asked to re-confirm again, My answer will be a terse, " No, I'm NO LONGER available"
So, How many times DOES a Yes need to be refreshed before it is considered as a final, absolute- unless a CRISIS occurs- good as platinum response?
I did not request to be born.
There is a balance that our society struggles to deal with properly, to all concerned who are within it and effected by in this early spring of 2011 here in the US of A!
Every human being starts life as totally and absolutely dependent on others for their survival. Some see this as the absolute responsibility of those who acted to create this baby, their mother and father!If this blog entry were being written in 1951, 1961 or even in 1971, few if any would shrug at reading the words I just typed. They'd be anticipating Bruce Hornsby and simply, shrug, nod and smile and say, " That's just the way it is, some things will NEVER change,"
Yet, Over the last 4 decades, We also have decided, " Sometimes people are just raised by one child. Day Care, Nannies, other relatives and simply providing as best a social safety net as we are able to for those who, for whatever reasons, seem to be left to raise themselves!!!!" have all also been deemed to be acceptable social constructs and just what we do to function as a society today.
The phrase, " It takes a village to raise a child" flows out of the way that some see that we NEED to be willing to operate in these present days! Yet, That does create complications. This can be seen when a dad arrives very late at school to pick up his 7 year old daughter from the extended day program. The dad is very focused oi what he needs to do!!! for the rest of this Wednesday night! His daughter seems to still be chatting and lavishing attention upon the day care staff member who has been with that child since she arrived at extended day at 1 PM- this is an early release day!
Fred resents INTENSELY what is going on, " You are my child, You know I'm your day. We both know that I have things I need to get done. Why weren't you ready for me when I arrived?". You'd really anger Fred if you told him that Aurora emotionally considers this 19 year old extended day worker more of a committed , loving and involved parent than either you or your wife/ her mom. Yes, She does know that your mother is away on a business trip in Germany and will be away for another 14 days. Yes, She knows that you have reports that you MUST write tonight ! Yet, She is 7, she needs to valued, cherished, fussed over, loved and somewhat catered to. Whether that works well or not for Fred at this MOMENT is something that might provoke a " That's just the way it is" response from Aurora if anyone thought to ask her.
It is good that our society has people who are devoted to be committed to parents and to the process of well and nurturingly raising a child! Yet, When a 16 year old is escorted home with a policeman, A village does not answer that ringing doorbell at 3:39AM. When your child wins the Spelling Bee, Your child is not likely, with tears in her eyes, thank 66 people. Sometimes our society feels more comfortable in playing games and spreading responsibility as widely as possible then it is to say, " This one is about me It is my life. I am responsible and I have an obligation to fulfill,"
The Mental Health Doyens of the Twenty- First Century remind us and teach us- sometimes perhaps in a bit of shrill and preachy manner of how much parents, guardians and those who support and nurture children- especially the youngest one- must strive and invest in having a child come to believe that it is safe and indeed good and positive for him or her to be alive! That for a child to become a confident, loving, lovable and competent adult that she or he must believe and clearly recognize that they have people on their side and with them, no matter what, THROUGHOUT this trial and error period that we humans call childhood!
I know well that no matter how well or atrociously any child is raided, EVERY adult is now presently and continuously responsible for the choices that they make today. What I, Johnny , do on do not do on this March 25th, 2011 is something that I am absolutely accountable and responsible for today. I also cannot sanely say that I will not accept the consequences of my actions, those consequences are part of my choices and will be upon me every bit as much as the fact that in 16 hours it shall be Saturday, The 26th of March!
Yet, Children need specific individuals whop are committed to them and will be there to lovingly be committed to them on the best days and during the worst ones on a day in and day out dependable basis for all the years that they are a minor. Our society can say , "Well, That person is or simply will be whoever is there for Mike or Brenda at any given time." is just not an acceptable answer, because human beings are just not able to function properly if they are raised in THAT manner!
- Johnny -
Every human being starts life as totally and absolutely dependent on others for their survival. Some see this as the absolute responsibility of those who acted to create this baby, their mother and father!If this blog entry were being written in 1951, 1961 or even in 1971, few if any would shrug at reading the words I just typed. They'd be anticipating Bruce Hornsby and simply, shrug, nod and smile and say, " That's just the way it is, some things will NEVER change,"
Yet, Over the last 4 decades, We also have decided, " Sometimes people are just raised by one child. Day Care, Nannies, other relatives and simply providing as best a social safety net as we are able to for those who, for whatever reasons, seem to be left to raise themselves!!!!" have all also been deemed to be acceptable social constructs and just what we do to function as a society today.
The phrase, " It takes a village to raise a child" flows out of the way that some see that we NEED to be willing to operate in these present days! Yet, That does create complications. This can be seen when a dad arrives very late at school to pick up his 7 year old daughter from the extended day program. The dad is very focused oi what he needs to do!!! for the rest of this Wednesday night! His daughter seems to still be chatting and lavishing attention upon the day care staff member who has been with that child since she arrived at extended day at 1 PM- this is an early release day!
Fred resents INTENSELY what is going on, " You are my child, You know I'm your day. We both know that I have things I need to get done. Why weren't you ready for me when I arrived?". You'd really anger Fred if you told him that Aurora emotionally considers this 19 year old extended day worker more of a committed , loving and involved parent than either you or your wife/ her mom. Yes, She does know that your mother is away on a business trip in Germany and will be away for another 14 days. Yes, She knows that you have reports that you MUST write tonight ! Yet, She is 7, she needs to valued, cherished, fussed over, loved and somewhat catered to. Whether that works well or not for Fred at this MOMENT is something that might provoke a " That's just the way it is" response from Aurora if anyone thought to ask her.
It is good that our society has people who are devoted to be committed to parents and to the process of well and nurturingly raising a child! Yet, When a 16 year old is escorted home with a policeman, A village does not answer that ringing doorbell at 3:39AM. When your child wins the Spelling Bee, Your child is not likely, with tears in her eyes, thank 66 people. Sometimes our society feels more comfortable in playing games and spreading responsibility as widely as possible then it is to say, " This one is about me It is my life. I am responsible and I have an obligation to fulfill,"
The Mental Health Doyens of the Twenty- First Century remind us and teach us- sometimes perhaps in a bit of shrill and preachy manner of how much parents, guardians and those who support and nurture children- especially the youngest one- must strive and invest in having a child come to believe that it is safe and indeed good and positive for him or her to be alive! That for a child to become a confident, loving, lovable and competent adult that she or he must believe and clearly recognize that they have people on their side and with them, no matter what, THROUGHOUT this trial and error period that we humans call childhood!
I know well that no matter how well or atrociously any child is raided, EVERY adult is now presently and continuously responsible for the choices that they make today. What I, Johnny , do on do not do on this March 25th, 2011 is something that I am absolutely accountable and responsible for today. I also cannot sanely say that I will not accept the consequences of my actions, those consequences are part of my choices and will be upon me every bit as much as the fact that in 16 hours it shall be Saturday, The 26th of March!
Yet, Children need specific individuals whop are committed to them and will be there to lovingly be committed to them on the best days and during the worst ones on a day in and day out dependable basis for all the years that they are a minor. Our society can say , "Well, That person is or simply will be whoever is there for Mike or Brenda at any given time." is just not an acceptable answer, because human beings are just not able to function properly if they are raised in THAT manner!
- Johnny -
Thursday, March 24, 2011
A Deep Breathe
We all have our moments. Ones that are good and ones we'd like to never have come our way. Yet, We live and we continue to learn. Taking a deep breathe and smiling when we need a boost is one of those lessons that we all benefit from learning.
Personal Space
Perhaps this comes from boyhood situation where space never seemed to be a premium, where I was often in absurdly crowded situations and where few seem to respect, honor or give much thought on the subject of PERSONAL SPACE!
I like and relish and revel in having as much Per sonal S p a c e as possible. I get very annoyed with people who seem to militantly ignore and disregard people's desire to have their personal space taken into account and respected! One reasion why I find using publi transit in the Greater DC area to be a painfukl and unsettling ordal is due to how people do not honor this concept. I've heard it said that Amnericans, as a whole see invasion of their personal space to be an issue of rudeness and offense.
So, You now know how much I value and treasure personal s p a c e. How important is your personal space to you?
I like and relish and revel in having as much Per sonal S p a c e as possible. I get very annoyed with people who seem to militantly ignore and disregard people's desire to have their personal space taken into account and respected! One reasion why I find using publi transit in the Greater DC area to be a painfukl and unsettling ordal is due to how people do not honor this concept. I've heard it said that Amnericans, as a whole see invasion of their personal space to be an issue of rudeness and offense.
So, You now know how much I value and treasure personal s p a c e. How important is your personal space to you?
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Thank You!
We say it , most often, when someone says something to us or does something for us that pleases us. I think that on days like today that simply being alive is a grand reason to say, " Thank you"!
A TV Network Executive TOUGH Choice !
Imagine that You are the Chief Executive of A Major TV News and Current Events oriented network, We all- LOL- know the letters of the ones that WE tend to favor!
Your HIGHEST RATED Anchor just referred to The Secretary of State as HILARIOUS Clinton. The tweets, E-mails and phone calls now pour in!
Some comment on how witty and clever he or she is! Others comment upon how offensive, obnoxious and vile that reference is! Some feminists opine that, " after all women have gone through, We admire and celebrate what Hillary has attained. How dare you denigrate and belittle her!"
You are The Man / Woman. This Station's CEO. What do you say to your " Golden Man or Woman"? What will you now decide to do in response to what he or she has said over the air?
Your HIGHEST RATED Anchor just referred to The Secretary of State as HILARIOUS Clinton. The tweets, E-mails and phone calls now pour in!
Some comment on how witty and clever he or she is! Others comment upon how offensive, obnoxious and vile that reference is! Some feminists opine that, " after all women have gone through, We admire and celebrate what Hillary has attained. How dare you denigrate and belittle her!"
You are The Man / Woman. This Station's CEO. What do you say to your " Golden Man or Woman"? What will you now decide to do in response to what he or she has said over the air?
Feeding My Imagination !
Reading almost anything and everything, watching well-done science fiction programs and movies, DC Comic Books, teaching and being an active Toastmaster all of this is on the diet I use to keep my imagination well-fed, muscular and in constant engage and acquire , probe and analyze mode!
My imagination seemed to be one of the early survival mechanism that helped me to survive the physically dangerous, emotionally suffocating and intellectually stimulating deadened world of the SouthWestern Bronx! I somehow intuitively know that my eventual escape from the Bronx would need to be impelled by the most intense desire to discover the richness of life that was possible outside and Beyond The Mid Grand Concourse and Fordham Road
So, I have always considered my imagination Green Lantern's Power Battery and Tom Terirific's Bag of Trick all fused into one. Thank you, Loving Lord, for providing this magnificent way of escape even during my most hopeless and nearly spirit-breaking days!
My imagination seemed to be one of the early survival mechanism that helped me to survive the physically dangerous, emotionally suffocating and intellectually stimulating deadened world of the SouthWestern Bronx! I somehow intuitively know that my eventual escape from the Bronx would need to be impelled by the most intense desire to discover the richness of life that was possible outside and Beyond The Mid Grand Concourse and Fordham Road
So, I have always considered my imagination Green Lantern's Power Battery and Tom Terirific's Bag of Trick all fused into one. Thank you, Loving Lord, for providing this magnificent way of escape even during my most hopeless and nearly spirit-breaking days!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
I need to rest, to be relaxed, to be comforted and to be in peace as I deal with Metro, Toastmasters and Church when tomorrow arrives.
You are good and I need to seek out the good by following as You deign to direct me to do so!
You are good and I need to seek out the good by following as You deign to direct me to do so!
Lord, Help me on Wednesday to....
be bold for you!
to serve you loyally.
to be more willing to be praised by you than to be praised by men.
to know that You died for me, arose from the grave and that eternity in Your presence awaits me!
to serve you loyally.
to be more willing to be praised by you than to be praised by men.
to know that You died for me, arose from the grave and that eternity in Your presence awaits me!
Being Inspired
Most of us remember singing/ being forced to sing the song " I believve" as a part of a school graduation cermony. These lyrics speak to the notion that liitle things that we regularly note can, in and of themselves,give us numerous reasons to believe.
I am a Born- Again Christian. That is a self-statement, It is just and simply a declaration of who I am! I, as I've admmitted am one of those who is always and perpetually curious. I am a fanatical studier, examiner and explorer. I can just spend hours trying to answer question and delight in generating new questions that branch off , to my delight, in nummerous new question to plunge, enthusiastically, into!
Yet, That can lead to stultifying and perpetual navel-gazing. If I decide to enter into doing, I can litterally swallow myself up. I become shallow and unhealthly self-absorbed!
So, I have ,over the last 8 to 10 months,become more devoted to being involved in bible studies, service projects, prayer meetings and numerous and varied efforts which demand that I refute, challenge and deny the crippling and limiting-to me -notion that THE!!! sum total of all there is is myself and my curiosity. I gain freedom from the sense that my sole mission in life is to serve and feed my curiosity 24-7!
I can be fascinated by stars, molecules, historical alternatives and on and on!!! and just abandon any interest into bein meaningfully, reliably and on-goingly connected to other human beings. One of the answerws I gain when I am MORE healthily connnected to other people is that- " I may not know the anwer to this and I may never be able to find THIS answer I so desire to find, but that does not mean that there is NOT an answer to this question."
God, to me, is both so good and so liberating!
I am a Born- Again Christian. That is a self-statement, It is just and simply a declaration of who I am! I, as I've admmitted am one of those who is always and perpetually curious. I am a fanatical studier, examiner and explorer. I can just spend hours trying to answer question and delight in generating new questions that branch off , to my delight, in nummerous new question to plunge, enthusiastically, into!
Yet, That can lead to stultifying and perpetual navel-gazing. If I decide to enter into doing, I can litterally swallow myself up. I become shallow and unhealthly self-absorbed!
So, I have ,over the last 8 to 10 months,become more devoted to being involved in bible studies, service projects, prayer meetings and numerous and varied efforts which demand that I refute, challenge and deny the crippling and limiting-to me -notion that THE!!! sum total of all there is is myself and my curiosity. I gain freedom from the sense that my sole mission in life is to serve and feed my curiosity 24-7!
I can be fascinated by stars, molecules, historical alternatives and on and on!!! and just abandon any interest into bein meaningfully, reliably and on-goingly connected to other human beings. One of the answerws I gain when I am MORE healthily connnected to other people is that- " I may not know the anwer to this and I may never be able to find THIS answer I so desire to find, but that does not mean that there is NOT an answer to this question."
God, to me, is both so good and so liberating!
I need to...
be positive today!
seek answers today!
to pray today!
to desire to serve as both a peacemaker and a friend today.
dream today!
honor the roots of my Faith today!
live according to what I believe today!
strive to make today better than yesterday.
seek answers today!
to pray today!
to desire to serve as both a peacemaker and a friend today.
dream today!
honor the roots of my Faith today!
live according to what I believe today!
strive to make today better than yesterday.
Saul Alinsky and The Rules for Radicals
Always agitate, always stir something up and never let things settle down and stabilize. Push until you get what you want and then immediately demand the next thing on your list. Demand and never ask be surly, menacing and as confrontational as possible. This is, I believe, is a reasonable summary and description of Saul Alinsky and hus rulkes to radical.
Is there ever a time to say, " We need to rest, pause adjust and function well, smoothly, contently and effectively in the midst of what change and adjustment has already been" as a society and as a nation. Is there ever a time for the protesters, for those who appear to the otherside to have ever increasing and escalating demands to say, " Thank you. We are appreciative. It is clear that you responded. So, While we are not finished. We see the need for a cooling off and calming down" period.
People and nations work best when people have time to gracefully and thoughtfully, creating the least possible disruption POSSIBLE , to let change in a proper way become a workable and as non-stressful as possible part and portion of the way we operate! This concept does not seem to be found anywhere in the rules for radicals.
Is there ever a time to say, " We need to rest, pause adjust and function well, smoothly, contently and effectively in the midst of what change and adjustment has already been" as a society and as a nation. Is there ever a time for the protesters, for those who appear to the otherside to have ever increasing and escalating demands to say, " Thank you. We are appreciative. It is clear that you responded. So, While we are not finished. We see the need for a cooling off and calming down" period.
People and nations work best when people have time to gracefully and thoughtfully, creating the least possible disruption POSSIBLE , to let change in a proper way become a workable and as non-stressful as possible part and portion of the way we operate! This concept does not seem to be found anywhere in the rules for radicals.
Monday, March 21, 2011
It is really difficult for me to relax ,stop and simply to be at peace. One day, I hope, I will find my way to being able to do dependably!
Possible and yet NOT available? Some thoughts on Physical and Mental Health!!
I know some may be angered with me for THIS blog entry.I get that somethings are available to people due to who they know, how wealthy and well-connected they are. What I mean by available is that when it comes to Mental Health and Physical Health, The very best treatments, methods, approaches and therapies, the ones that are the most effective and offer a person the GREATEST chance at resuming a fully and prosperous life,The kind of life that they desire to and long to live that is possible simply may be in a " not for you" category! This may be true for now, for a period of years or, tragically, for the full and entire length of that person's life.
During last year's intense and spirited debate over health care, A number of people, liberals and conservatives both, became horrified over the idea of health care triage and health care rationing as national policies! Imagine a 24 year old woman contracts a virulent form of cancer. A treatment exists for THIS cancer that is likely, very likely to cure her and, in time, let her resume a healthy life! It is decided that , due to her age, The Government will agree to let her have this treatment. A 62 year old man who has battled some health problems contract this SELF- SAME form of cancer. He is told , " Absolutely not", is greenlighted for other treatments, will be permitted to buy pain medications and be granted some counseling on how to die well." Some will scream , " So Wrong and so not fair!!!"
Some will argue that there needs to be a way to make this treatment available to EVERYONE who needs it. Other will declare, " Everyone gets it or NO one gets it!", There are people who are queasy and discomforted by bureaucrats telling doctors how to practice medicine! There are actually people who want to- while they will admit it will be messy - for the free market to decide these issues.
I know a 15 year old girl at church who broke her leg about a month ago, She is a horseback rider and a competitive racer and wan ts to be back into action now.. The Doctor told her initially that in two weeks she'd be done with the crutches and would be using a walking cast. Twice the Doctor as moved back that date. He now says that she will simply need to be patient. I do wonder if she were The Quarterback for The New England Patriots, The Third Baseman for The New York Yankees or a prima ballerina for a national company if medicine would have ways to safely and effectively speed up her healing.
There are also issues concerning mental health issues. I have been diagnosed with having PTSD, Trauma Induced Depression, Severe Anxiety. I first approached The Fairfax County Mental Health system in August of 2000! I admit that I was reluctant to deal with primary issues- I blamed my parents for everything and would not take any responsibility for my present and I wanted band aid treatments rather than probing into my most sensitive issues.
My life kept unraveling, by August of 2003, I Was homeless, had a nervous break down - I soooooo dislike the Term- Psychotic Episode. By The Spring of 2004, I was living in an apartment with 2 other men. I also found out that The County System was weak on protection and conflict> I was in a setting where I had to report any violations of the rules, privately to my therapist then openly in a meeting with both of my roommates . The rule was that if I was not willing to share it in the house meeting that my charge would be dismissed and I could find myself evicted. I found myself living with angry roommates seeking vengeance- that is an impressive therapeutic method.
Over The last few Years, I've become more aggressive and determined to get better and have more of a say in my own recovery. I am in a program called DBT, I meditate A lot, I've been taught the value of Mindfulness and striving to avoid labeling and thinking non-judgmentally. Yet, I find that I'm not ready to be gainfully employed at a wage that can help me reestablish my life. I am stuck in a substandard and poorly maintained hosing complex and dependent on government programs to pay my rent.
My therapist is also my case manager. She is also my Housing Case Manager. I am seeing that what I'm getting from the county is not very useful and is spread too thin. I have too little time. I find I spend many exhausting hours a week maintaining myself but not finding that I am gaining and progressing! I' now believe it will take many years , at this rate to regain my footing and to live a life that I can enjoyably and proudly live.
A friend of mine, who is very liberal and socially active says that it will likely take thousands of dollars of intense counseling and treatment to get where I am seeking to be. She has said that I need to find out if anyone will provide me "pro-bono" treatment.. I've been asking for years if Fairfax would consider instituting a voucher system that will give me the option of seeking treatment either privately or publically. I was told that is not likely to occur.
Therefore, It seems to methat if due to limited refunds, You are forced to make due with Public Option Mental Health treatments you will, likely be accorded treatment that are rationed and very limited. Ones that will allow you to function but in a difficult, problem beset and struggle-filled manner, If you can afford it, You get better and more comprehensive treatments and therapies that gives you a more appealing, better adjusted and life that work in a less chaotic way,
The difference , to me ,seems to be of that of 2 people wanting to go from Boston to San Diego. One person gets there in 3 days. The other person takes 7 years to make that trip. I know that it is good to value the journey as well as the destination. Yet, All things being equal, I'd like to take the more direct, more efficient, less stress filled and most pleasant route to my destination.
- Johnny -
During last year's intense and spirited debate over health care, A number of people, liberals and conservatives both, became horrified over the idea of health care triage and health care rationing as national policies! Imagine a 24 year old woman contracts a virulent form of cancer. A treatment exists for THIS cancer that is likely, very likely to cure her and, in time, let her resume a healthy life! It is decided that , due to her age, The Government will agree to let her have this treatment. A 62 year old man who has battled some health problems contract this SELF- SAME form of cancer. He is told , " Absolutely not", is greenlighted for other treatments, will be permitted to buy pain medications and be granted some counseling on how to die well." Some will scream , " So Wrong and so not fair!!!"
Some will argue that there needs to be a way to make this treatment available to EVERYONE who needs it. Other will declare, " Everyone gets it or NO one gets it!", There are people who are queasy and discomforted by bureaucrats telling doctors how to practice medicine! There are actually people who want to- while they will admit it will be messy - for the free market to decide these issues.
I know a 15 year old girl at church who broke her leg about a month ago, She is a horseback rider and a competitive racer and wan ts to be back into action now.. The Doctor told her initially that in two weeks she'd be done with the crutches and would be using a walking cast. Twice the Doctor as moved back that date. He now says that she will simply need to be patient. I do wonder if she were The Quarterback for The New England Patriots, The Third Baseman for The New York Yankees or a prima ballerina for a national company if medicine would have ways to safely and effectively speed up her healing.
There are also issues concerning mental health issues. I have been diagnosed with having PTSD, Trauma Induced Depression, Severe Anxiety. I first approached The Fairfax County Mental Health system in August of 2000! I admit that I was reluctant to deal with primary issues- I blamed my parents for everything and would not take any responsibility for my present and I wanted band aid treatments rather than probing into my most sensitive issues.
My life kept unraveling, by August of 2003, I Was homeless, had a nervous break down - I soooooo dislike the Term- Psychotic Episode. By The Spring of 2004, I was living in an apartment with 2 other men. I also found out that The County System was weak on protection and conflict> I was in a setting where I had to report any violations of the rules, privately to my therapist then openly in a meeting with both of my roommates . The rule was that if I was not willing to share it in the house meeting that my charge would be dismissed and I could find myself evicted. I found myself living with angry roommates seeking vengeance- that is an impressive therapeutic method.
Over The last few Years, I've become more aggressive and determined to get better and have more of a say in my own recovery. I am in a program called DBT, I meditate A lot, I've been taught the value of Mindfulness and striving to avoid labeling and thinking non-judgmentally. Yet, I find that I'm not ready to be gainfully employed at a wage that can help me reestablish my life. I am stuck in a substandard and poorly maintained hosing complex and dependent on government programs to pay my rent.
My therapist is also my case manager. She is also my Housing Case Manager. I am seeing that what I'm getting from the county is not very useful and is spread too thin. I have too little time. I find I spend many exhausting hours a week maintaining myself but not finding that I am gaining and progressing! I' now believe it will take many years , at this rate to regain my footing and to live a life that I can enjoyably and proudly live.
A friend of mine, who is very liberal and socially active says that it will likely take thousands of dollars of intense counseling and treatment to get where I am seeking to be. She has said that I need to find out if anyone will provide me "pro-bono" treatment.. I've been asking for years if Fairfax would consider instituting a voucher system that will give me the option of seeking treatment either privately or publically. I was told that is not likely to occur.
Therefore, It seems to methat if due to limited refunds, You are forced to make due with Public Option Mental Health treatments you will, likely be accorded treatment that are rationed and very limited. Ones that will allow you to function but in a difficult, problem beset and struggle-filled manner, If you can afford it, You get better and more comprehensive treatments and therapies that gives you a more appealing, better adjusted and life that work in a less chaotic way,
The difference , to me ,seems to be of that of 2 people wanting to go from Boston to San Diego. One person gets there in 3 days. The other person takes 7 years to make that trip. I know that it is good to value the journey as well as the destination. Yet, All things being equal, I'd like to take the more direct, more efficient, less stress filled and most pleasant route to my destination.
- Johnny -
Digging in
It has been a busy day and a productive day. I am working in areas that often provoke fear and panic reactions from me. Yet, If I am going to respond to the call to improve my life, Today's work was vital to perform!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Blessing My Monday
After a very tough and arduous weekend, I' would often fear what mu Monday might be like. I allowed myself to have a busy suhnday night and some Monday tasks are alreadsy accomplished.
I also have sent somethings in motion that could well allow for an improvement in my life!
I also have sent somethings in motion that could well allow for an improvement in my life!
Grokking is a fascinating term that is very much connected to who I am at my very best. It seems to be both the way I am "wired" as well as being something which must be part of my DNA!
Grokking actually comes from the Word Grok, coined by Science Fiction Doyen Robert Heinlein in his memorable and classic Science Fiction novel " Stranger in A Strange Land" Grokking is the transitive verb form of Grok. The Dictionary defines grokking as " to understand profoundly through intuition and empathy.
As I look back, I've been an explorer, a searcher and a quester since infancy! I was the classic " Why" kid, the child who wanted to learn and know about anything and every one. Not knowing and not seeking to gain the information that I craved to have was and is a passion for me. I think this explains my passion , overall for being a debater, a discussion participant and a researcher. I became a teacher because of my desire to work with those who are inclined to be this way, to help them to value this GIFT and to learn the joy of seeking to become better and better informed.
I admit that my people skills do not let me operate, in this arena, as skillfully, smoothly, suavely and as artfully as I would like. I used to believe, for my first 30 or so years, that this inclination made me simply bizarre and quite odd. Then, I took a Meyers-Briggs Test and that showed that My Intuition showed up so strongly that it ALMOST qualified as a superpower. Shortly after that , I heard a discussion on the terms grok and grokking.
I really do operate best when I can get a clear picture of someone as rapidly and as fully developed as possible and can establish a degree of being connected and comfortable with them. That is the essence of Grok!Empathy and intuition them, as noted above allow me to practice grokking as a life skill.
I hid from this for a number of years. It is only REALLY within the last year and a half that I've learned to become comfortable with this aspect of myself and have been willing to work with it rather than deny it and push it away! It is an even more recent phenomena that I've been willing to be more disclosive, open and vulnerable in terms of letting people see me as I am. In some ways, This Blog Posting is a companion piece to the " Being Real" posting of a few days ago!
My background as a history teacher causes me to enjoy noting special milestones and land mark. This is my 250th Seperate Posting on This blog. I felt that I need to make THIS entry special! so, My Grokking sense of you who read these entries told me that you'd find this fascinating and enjoyable! I shall now LEARN whether that grokking reading proves to be correct! - LOL!!!!!!!!!
Grokking actually comes from the Word Grok, coined by Science Fiction Doyen Robert Heinlein in his memorable and classic Science Fiction novel " Stranger in A Strange Land" Grokking is the transitive verb form of Grok. The Dictionary defines grokking as " to understand profoundly through intuition and empathy.
As I look back, I've been an explorer, a searcher and a quester since infancy! I was the classic " Why" kid, the child who wanted to learn and know about anything and every one. Not knowing and not seeking to gain the information that I craved to have was and is a passion for me. I think this explains my passion , overall for being a debater, a discussion participant and a researcher. I became a teacher because of my desire to work with those who are inclined to be this way, to help them to value this GIFT and to learn the joy of seeking to become better and better informed.
I admit that my people skills do not let me operate, in this arena, as skillfully, smoothly, suavely and as artfully as I would like. I used to believe, for my first 30 or so years, that this inclination made me simply bizarre and quite odd. Then, I took a Meyers-Briggs Test and that showed that My Intuition showed up so strongly that it ALMOST qualified as a superpower. Shortly after that , I heard a discussion on the terms grok and grokking.
I really do operate best when I can get a clear picture of someone as rapidly and as fully developed as possible and can establish a degree of being connected and comfortable with them. That is the essence of Grok!Empathy and intuition them, as noted above allow me to practice grokking as a life skill.
I hid from this for a number of years. It is only REALLY within the last year and a half that I've learned to become comfortable with this aspect of myself and have been willing to work with it rather than deny it and push it away! It is an even more recent phenomena that I've been willing to be more disclosive, open and vulnerable in terms of letting people see me as I am. In some ways, This Blog Posting is a companion piece to the " Being Real" posting of a few days ago!
My background as a history teacher causes me to enjoy noting special milestones and land mark. This is my 250th Seperate Posting on This blog. I felt that I need to make THIS entry special! so, My Grokking sense of you who read these entries told me that you'd find this fascinating and enjoyable! I shall now LEARN whether that grokking reading proves to be correct! - LOL!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
The Polite and Noble and Exemplary Japanese
We have heard MANY stories about how impressive the Japanese people have been over the last week. People admire both their fortitude and their attitude. They have dealt with heinous vicissitudes with calm, poise and amazing pluckiness.
I do find it interesting that people are now comparing the Japanese of Today to the response of the people of Haiti and New Orleans went they went through their serious crisis The Haitians and New Orleans citizens are compare negatively due to looting.The sour comparison seems to be good people who know how to behave no matter what as opposed to how these "notgood" and " not noble" people conducted themselves!
I think that conditions of extreme poverty, poor construction of homes and a destroyed infrastructure and no confidence that assistance was going to come soon enough and sufficiently enough are some of the reasons for the looting and civil disturbances that people are castigated for participating in.
I do find it interesting that people are now comparing the Japanese of Today to the response of the people of Haiti and New Orleans went they went through their serious crisis The Haitians and New Orleans citizens are compare negatively due to looting.The sour comparison seems to be good people who know how to behave no matter what as opposed to how these "notgood" and " not noble" people conducted themselves!
I think that conditions of extreme poverty, poor construction of homes and a destroyed infrastructure and no confidence that assistance was going to come soon enough and sufficiently enough are some of the reasons for the looting and civil disturbances that people are castigated for participating in.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Life is rough now and scary, uncertain and highly unstable and perilously unpredictable! Please do not give up and bolt, This isn't the Summer of 2003 redux! Take one step at a time, Do the next right thing and believe that God shall bless you as you do just this consistently and faithfully!
The Most Powerful truth for me to know Today is...
God knows the Future with absolute certainly and I do not. I need to trust Him to sustain me today and trust that He will guide me into tomorrow and sustain me through then as well.
Being Real
For a period of time in the Mid 1990's. I was a member of a 12 Step group that called itself Being Real.The idea behind that group was that part of recovery was to be comfortable being yourself within yourself and as you interact and fellowship with others.
I started this blogging process last October when a few friends began to tell me that I needed to seriously considered writing a book. I hoked about writing a Jerry book, " A book about nothing" or A Snoopy book, It was a dark and stormy night." The advice I got back was dig deep and be willing to reflect stories that truly represent your life, the hows and why of it, why have you lived! So, This meant that I'd have to write vulnerably, disclosively and fearless. Hid nothing- My life -great moments and mistakes, awesome judgements and misjudgements all included!
At the same time, I started to think more about the possibilities of becoming a paid speaker. What I was told was - Don't give us grand speeches, Don't Tell us about the Great Victories of others. Tell us about you- The true and interesting stories of Your life! I recoiled a bit- Some things that have happen to me where not pleasant and would NOT be pleasant to tell about. I was told that those are the stories you MOST need to tell!
So, Nor easy to live with or always to tell about.the process of my need to live better and to succeed and how that depends upon my continuing and growing commitment to Being Real! Lord, Not the road I wish to adhere to but this seems SO MUCH to be YOUR will for me at this present time.
- Johnny -
I started this blogging process last October when a few friends began to tell me that I needed to seriously considered writing a book. I hoked about writing a Jerry book, " A book about nothing" or A Snoopy book, It was a dark and stormy night." The advice I got back was dig deep and be willing to reflect stories that truly represent your life, the hows and why of it, why have you lived! So, This meant that I'd have to write vulnerably, disclosively and fearless. Hid nothing- My life -great moments and mistakes, awesome judgements and misjudgements all included!
At the same time, I started to think more about the possibilities of becoming a paid speaker. What I was told was - Don't give us grand speeches, Don't Tell us about the Great Victories of others. Tell us about you- The true and interesting stories of Your life! I recoiled a bit- Some things that have happen to me where not pleasant and would NOT be pleasant to tell about. I was told that those are the stories you MOST need to tell!
So, Nor easy to live with or always to tell about.the process of my need to live better and to succeed and how that depends upon my continuing and growing commitment to Being Real! Lord, Not the road I wish to adhere to but this seems SO MUCH to be YOUR will for me at this present time.
- Johnny -
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Lord, Free me from the obsession that lack of struggle would mean that my life would be going well. That is a delusion., " Life on Johnny's terms" aint EVER going to be the way the world operates.
Taking a Deep Breathe and Pausing
" That fool is so brainless and annoying, I had to stop and tell him off!" did you really NEEd to do that. Did anything actually change by your doing that, Did the person become less, irritating difficult to deal with and more co-operative and pleasant. Can you tell me, in detail , just how MUCJ you gained by giving that man the " telling off he so deserved??!!
It is ACTUALLy possible that he never REALLy noticed you and so you just happened to be in his path when you were " offended, bothered, disturbed, delayed and annoyed". It is actually possible that he COULd be sonmeone who really doesn't care about what he does and who he displeases. Then , Your tirade would have gained you what????
Sometimes it is better to shrug off the bother and ask yourself how inmportant is it. Sometime it is best to just say" It's a bad moment in my day", sometimes it is best to think it and not say it, or pray for that person.
You never kow what reactions your scolding words might have, what consequences your words might bring about!!! So, As I'm SLOWLY Learning more and more,and actually!!!! practicing on my best days- AND Today has not!!! - LOL- been one of them-Taking a Breathe and Pausing is a valid, practical and beneficial response!!!!
- Johnny -
It is ACTUALLy possible that he never REALLy noticed you and so you just happened to be in his path when you were " offended, bothered, disturbed, delayed and annoyed". It is actually possible that he COULd be sonmeone who really doesn't care about what he does and who he displeases. Then , Your tirade would have gained you what????
Sometimes it is better to shrug off the bother and ask yourself how inmportant is it. Sometime it is best to just say" It's a bad moment in my day", sometimes it is best to think it and not say it, or pray for that person.
You never kow what reactions your scolding words might have, what consequences your words might bring about!!! So, As I'm SLOWLY Learning more and more,and actually!!!! practicing on my best days- AND Today has not!!! - LOL- been one of them-Taking a Breathe and Pausing is a valid, practical and beneficial response!!!!
- Johnny -
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Teacups and Crispies
I heard this phrase on Les Brown's Program today. These are two descriptions that teachers are known to employ concerning their students who they see as being most difficult to deal with in the classroom.
Teacups are those that are considered fragile and poorly able to adjust and cope. The Crispies are the ones overly pushed, stressed out and burned out on learning over all and school and the educational system over all.
If you are a principal or a School Board Director, What instructions would you send to the teachers concerning instructing and working with these students.
Teacups are those that are considered fragile and poorly able to adjust and cope. The Crispies are the ones overly pushed, stressed out and burned out on learning over all and school and the educational system over all.
If you are a principal or a School Board Director, What instructions would you send to the teachers concerning instructing and working with these students.
Promises and Trusting
When you keep your promises, You prove that you can be trusted and relied upon! When you trust others, You demonstrate that you are CONFIDENT that he or she or they can be trusted and relied upon.
Developing a Cure For The Cold Personality
I am, often, not an easy person to get to know. I like my comfort zone and I have my boundaries.If my instincts give me a reason to think that knowing you might create difficulties for me, I'm likely to avoid you or distance myself from you. I see that this contributes to my isolation, disconnectedness and aloneness.
It is also somewhat hard to logically justify trying to militantly distance myself from those I randomly encounter. Everyone, in fact , IS a stranger before you get to know them. This very cold and soon to be finished- PRAISE!!! GOD!!! - Winter found me standing and waiting for buses quite often.
I'd dress warmly to battle the cold and have my radio turned up loudly to ignore the cold and distract myself from it as well. However, I found myself being "put upon", being asked to answer people's questions about the bus. Some of those question were rather detailed!
A few times, I answered the questions in a kindly matter. At times, I answered the question expressing displeasure annoyance and pique. There were times that I attempted to ignore that I was being spoken to.I also at least once or twice, berated the questioner, " I'm cold and I want to listen to the radio. I don't want to be annoyed by you!". I know that this is both egregious and obnoxious!
I also know that I pay a price for this obnoxious attitude for it sours my spirit! I know that all friends start off as strangers, so how many people/ potential friends am I alienating by my attitude. So, I need to find a cure for this " commonness " and " rigid" coldness in my personality. Anyone have any suggestions in THIS regard?
It is also somewhat hard to logically justify trying to militantly distance myself from those I randomly encounter. Everyone, in fact , IS a stranger before you get to know them. This very cold and soon to be finished- PRAISE!!! GOD!!! - Winter found me standing and waiting for buses quite often.
I'd dress warmly to battle the cold and have my radio turned up loudly to ignore the cold and distract myself from it as well. However, I found myself being "put upon", being asked to answer people's questions about the bus. Some of those question were rather detailed!
A few times, I answered the questions in a kindly matter. At times, I answered the question expressing displeasure annoyance and pique. There were times that I attempted to ignore that I was being spoken to.I also at least once or twice, berated the questioner, " I'm cold and I want to listen to the radio. I don't want to be annoyed by you!". I know that this is both egregious and obnoxious!
I also know that I pay a price for this obnoxious attitude for it sours my spirit! I know that all friends start off as strangers, so how many people/ potential friends am I alienating by my attitude. So, I need to find a cure for this " commonness " and " rigid" coldness in my personality. Anyone have any suggestions in THIS regard?
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
The Biff Tannen Temptation
Biff Tannen, is the buffoonish ,brainless bully of the Back to The Future Movies. In the second Movie, Marty Mc Fly purchases a book of Sports Records from the Future. He mentions being tempted to use this information once they return to the past to become wealthy by sports betting.
Dr. Brown warns him against doing so and throws the book in the Delorean Time machine. After their return to 1985, Doc Brown expresses that he is glad that he talked Marty out of his scheme. The Present time Biff overhears this and rummages through the car and finds that book.
Biff scurries away just as Doc and Marty re-enter the DeLorean to make another quick trip to the future. When they return, They discover a nightmarish community. Biff has used the Sports Information book to become very wealthy and ruin all that is around them.
So, If you gained access to such a book, Would you follow Dr. Brown's advice or would you be a Biff Tannen ?
Dr. Brown warns him against doing so and throws the book in the Delorean Time machine. After their return to 1985, Doc Brown expresses that he is glad that he talked Marty out of his scheme. The Present time Biff overhears this and rummages through the car and finds that book.
Biff scurries away just as Doc and Marty re-enter the DeLorean to make another quick trip to the future. When they return, They discover a nightmarish community. Biff has used the Sports Information book to become very wealthy and ruin all that is around them.
So, If you gained access to such a book, Would you follow Dr. Brown's advice or would you be a Biff Tannen ?
An Unusual Duo
I am a thinker and am at my best when I am studying, thinking and mulling things over! I like to explore and discover. This likely explain why I enjoy talk radio programs that are both call-in and where the hosts are fearless and explore topics in great depth and detail!
Two of my favorite Radio Hosts are Hank Hannegraff aka The Bible Answer Man and John Bachelor. Bachelor has both well studied and incisive liberals and conservatives on his program. He is also a brilliant history scholar. Hank Hannegraff is able to look at The Bible and The Church in a thorough and demanding way that I find provocative and thoughtful and hard to ignore or easily dismiss.
I am not a lock-step follower of either and I find myself shouting at the radio or computer as I listen to them- but they do provide the type of brain nourishment that I very much crave. If you have other like-minded men and women who you enjoy in this regard, I'd be blessed and honored if you'd bring these good people to my attention. Thank you!
- Johnny-
Two of my favorite Radio Hosts are Hank Hannegraff aka The Bible Answer Man and John Bachelor. Bachelor has both well studied and incisive liberals and conservatives on his program. He is also a brilliant history scholar. Hank Hannegraff is able to look at The Bible and The Church in a thorough and demanding way that I find provocative and thoughtful and hard to ignore or easily dismiss.
I am not a lock-step follower of either and I find myself shouting at the radio or computer as I listen to them- but they do provide the type of brain nourishment that I very much crave. If you have other like-minded men and women who you enjoy in this regard, I'd be blessed and honored if you'd bring these good people to my attention. Thank you!
- Johnny-
The Risk Continuum
The disasters and the tragedies that have befallen Japan since last Friday keep growing and are heartbreaking and horrifying.One factor from these events that seems to get people murmuring and wondering about how safe they are
These fears are prompted by worry about how potentially unsafe and vulnerable our Nuclear facilities are. We tend , it seems, to be blanket thinkers and we are not inclined to investigate the particulars and learn the facts about particular circumstances and situations. I think we lose out greatly from being that way.
These fears are prompted by worry about how potentially unsafe and vulnerable our Nuclear facilities are. We tend , it seems, to be blanket thinkers and we are not inclined to investigate the particulars and learn the facts about particular circumstances and situations. I think we lose out greatly from being that way.
Monday, March 14, 2011
" Success is never final and Failure is Never Fatal"
These words were once uttered by Sir Winston Churchill. .I wonder if The University of Maryland Men's Basketball Coach Gary Williams might identify with these words today.
Gary Williams guided The Terrapins to two Final Four appearances. Maryland won the NCAA Championship in the Spring of 2002. Maryland won the 2004 ACC Men's Basketball Tournament. Now, Fans are wondering if Gary Williams has been passed by as a College Basketball Game. Some Terrapin fans believe that he should be honored for all he has done and then step aside.
Has the glow of The last decade now totally faded and has Gary lost the glory given to him by his achievements of years ago? Does Gary likely have a chance to build anew and start a new chapter of glory for Maryland Basketball? Where is Coach Williams now in this continuum?
Gary Williams guided The Terrapins to two Final Four appearances. Maryland won the NCAA Championship in the Spring of 2002. Maryland won the 2004 ACC Men's Basketball Tournament. Now, Fans are wondering if Gary Williams has been passed by as a College Basketball Game. Some Terrapin fans believe that he should be honored for all he has done and then step aside.
Has the glow of The last decade now totally faded and has Gary lost the glory given to him by his achievements of years ago? Does Gary likely have a chance to build anew and start a new chapter of glory for Maryland Basketball? Where is Coach Williams now in this continuum?
Today is great. because....
What do I bring to this? What am I doing today that would cause someone reading this to smile, feel blessed or provide an inspiration or motivation to someone stumbling upon THIS blog entry!?
God is....
I don't have to explain Him, justify Him or rationalize His existence. I do need to admit that I am not God and that he is. So, I find my life works better when I submit to Him rather than asking Him to be answerable to me!
Doing the Next Right Thing
I decided to buy a pair of trousers at the Salvation Army Family Store near me on Saturday. I purchased a pair of Dockers and wore them yesterday morning to church. I shop there because I try to be careful with my money overall.
I caught those pants on the edge of the chair and ripped up the right rear portion of them. I wanted to throw a tantrum and walk out of church. My emotions and my willfulness were fueling a "I don't want to deal with this on A Sunday!'
Yet, This wasn't a cosmic conspiracy, I sat wrong and ripped a pair of pants. I went back to the Salvation Army Store and bought what look like they will be a more durable pair of trousers. It rains on the just and the unjust and life goes on! - LOL!
I caught those pants on the edge of the chair and ripped up the right rear portion of them. I wanted to throw a tantrum and walk out of church. My emotions and my willfulness were fueling a "I don't want to deal with this on A Sunday!'
Yet, This wasn't a cosmic conspiracy, I sat wrong and ripped a pair of pants. I went back to the Salvation Army Store and bought what look like they will be a more durable pair of trousers. It rains on the just and the unjust and life goes on! - LOL!
Words you can't really argue with!
When a Six Year old invites you to come to lunch with he and his family asks you to come to lunch and then convinces his family to say "Yes", It is hard to ignore that you are special to him! When he hugs you and tells you that "You're my best friend !! ", You just don't argue.
When I am very depressed, it is hard to get through to me! Yet, God will get through as long as you do not harden your heart to Him. Thank you for Matthew, Lord!
When I am very depressed, it is hard to get through to me! Yet, God will get through as long as you do not harden your heart to Him. Thank you for Matthew, Lord!
Thanksgiving Day - Monday, March 14th, 2011 ???
I know that TODAY is NOT the National Holiday known as Thanksgiving. Yet, Today is a day when - I have running water. My electricity is working well. I am in good health and I have clothes to wear and money in my wallet. For all of these reasons and many more that I can cite, I consider TODAY a day of Thanksgiving!
My Part in...
In 2011 America, We tend to defuse personal accountability and responsibility according to a person's background. We want to understand what personal and impersonal circumstances , factors beyond our/ their control that shape how any one person lives today! Thus, We can't really hold anyone accountable for those such factors. This, to me, explains why such thoughts as " It's all good"- not one of my favorite phrases as most of you are likely to ALL READY know- and " It's not good or bad, It just is!"
To me, The " It's all good" justifies a view that attempts to teach that " No matter what happens, it all works out well somehow and eventually will be seen as the best possible way that things COULD have transpired.",so therefore anything that happens, no matter why it happens really needs to be seen as proper and acceptable! This view seems to consider such idea as, " Did the person think about his or her actions before they acted? Did they ask themselves, " How might their action impact upon others?" Did they ask others for counsel? Did they compare these decisions to others that they made in the past? What came about after that past choice/ choices were made? When some wonder why I'm so not pleased with the phrase, " It's All Good.", You now have some of the reasons I am not thrilled by those 3 words used together !!!
My brief against the phrase, " It's not good or bad, It just is!" is that this concept minimizes how truly calculating, cruel and uncaring some people are capable of being. Some simply believe that, " As long as I get what I want!!, As as I wind up winning then EVERYTHING else is ALL Good!' This, to me, demonstrates how easily this phrase can be corrupted and manipulated. Morality, Ethics, Laws, Right and Wrong are not merely descriptors or labels, these are measures of line of thought that we want to live as well and as properly as it is possible to live. We also want to live, to the extent it is possible for us to do so in caring and personally committed harmony with all we interact with.This way of living does not vary with our mood, our upbringing, how we were treated 2 hours ago or 2 hours from now. In spite of what is or could be, We know there is a proper and responsible and ethically defensible way to live, a good and wise manner to conduct yourself!
This brings us to the My Part- My role in works well and what is not good in my life. I avoid problems, I procrastinate, I fear consequences and I desire what seems to be the easy way out. When I make such choices and they do not bring about great results, The fact that I chose those options become a portion of "my part" is to why my life is not going well!
I saw a movie released last year last night. The name of the Movie is Takers. The title of the movie really well-describes the central theme of the movie- People making sure that they get everything they can get no matter how that affects any one else. One of the featured characters in this movie is known as "Ghost".He plays one group of criminals- ones that he has a history with- against members of the Russian Mafia.
One of these callous calculators has a girl friend that he is totally in love with- she matters to him and she is likely truly the only one who matters to him. She winds up being killed, shot to death as a result of a shoot out, one of a number that he was not directly involved in.. Yet, She dies because of what he became involved in He was not thinking " It's all good" or " It just as": as he cradled her lifeless body. No action we undertake will ever be consequence free.
- Johnny -
To me, The " It's all good" justifies a view that attempts to teach that " No matter what happens, it all works out well somehow and eventually will be seen as the best possible way that things COULD have transpired.",so therefore anything that happens, no matter why it happens really needs to be seen as proper and acceptable! This view seems to consider such idea as, " Did the person think about his or her actions before they acted? Did they ask themselves, " How might their action impact upon others?" Did they ask others for counsel? Did they compare these decisions to others that they made in the past? What came about after that past choice/ choices were made? When some wonder why I'm so not pleased with the phrase, " It's All Good.", You now have some of the reasons I am not thrilled by those 3 words used together !!!
My brief against the phrase, " It's not good or bad, It just is!" is that this concept minimizes how truly calculating, cruel and uncaring some people are capable of being. Some simply believe that, " As long as I get what I want!!, As as I wind up winning then EVERYTHING else is ALL Good!' This, to me, demonstrates how easily this phrase can be corrupted and manipulated. Morality, Ethics, Laws, Right and Wrong are not merely descriptors or labels, these are measures of line of thought that we want to live as well and as properly as it is possible to live. We also want to live, to the extent it is possible for us to do so in caring and personally committed harmony with all we interact with.This way of living does not vary with our mood, our upbringing, how we were treated 2 hours ago or 2 hours from now. In spite of what is or could be, We know there is a proper and responsible and ethically defensible way to live, a good and wise manner to conduct yourself!
This brings us to the My Part- My role in works well and what is not good in my life. I avoid problems, I procrastinate, I fear consequences and I desire what seems to be the easy way out. When I make such choices and they do not bring about great results, The fact that I chose those options become a portion of "my part" is to why my life is not going well!
I saw a movie released last year last night. The name of the Movie is Takers. The title of the movie really well-describes the central theme of the movie- People making sure that they get everything they can get no matter how that affects any one else. One of the featured characters in this movie is known as "Ghost".He plays one group of criminals- ones that he has a history with- against members of the Russian Mafia.
One of these callous calculators has a girl friend that he is totally in love with- she matters to him and she is likely truly the only one who matters to him. She winds up being killed, shot to death as a result of a shoot out, one of a number that he was not directly involved in.. Yet, She dies because of what he became involved in He was not thinking " It's all good" or " It just as": as he cradled her lifeless body. No action we undertake will ever be consequence free.
- Johnny -
Saturday, March 12, 2011
The Journey to Alpha Centauri
On September 15th, 1965, at 7:30 PM, Daylight Savings Time, CBS showed the Pilot Episode of Lost in Space. The show could be quite childish, bizarre and simply clownishly weird at times. Yet, That show touched me!
The Robinson Family and their Pilot, Major Don West, are going to travel on The Jupiter 2 to a planet orbiting the Star Alpha Centauri. They are to be the first Earth people to start the colonization of a planet orbiting another star. They are to be in a State of Suspended Animation which will allow them to age mere seconds during their trip.
An Air Force Officer and a Doctor, Zachary Smith, is in the employ of a "Foreign Power". His covert mission to program the expeditions Robot to destroy the ship 8 hours after launch. Dr. Smith loses track of time and is trapped on board the ship at launch.
His weight throws the ship off course and send it careening into meteors, seriously damaging the space ship. He is able to revive the Robinsons and West and they are able to pull the ship away from the meteors, but not before it sustains substantial damage.. Dr. Smith is hard-pressed to explain his presence on The Jupiter 2.His efforts to re-program the Robot also go awry. At The 8 Hour mark, The Robot starts his rampage. The Robinsons, Major West and Dr. Smith, forced to work as a team for their survival barely stop the Robot, but the ship sustain even more crippling damage. One of the Effects of the Robot's attack is to send the ship into hyper drive. This last problem is what causes these astronauts to become Lost in Space.
One of the themes of this show, during its' 3 year run , is a divided focus as to what the destination of the ship would be.Dr. Smith was determined that the ship needed to return to Earth. In one episode, He states, " Return me to Earth and then you people can go where ever you wish to go!" The other 6 are determined to fulfill the original mission.
What is fascinating is that Dr. Smith would be likely to be arrested, imprisoned and tried after returning to Earth, He'd face charges of treason,sabotage and attempted murder. He could have been sentenced to life imprisonment or even executed. Yet, These grim possibilities either elude him or he is so terrified and unhappy that these possibilities seem less frightening to him than his likely fate on Earth.
My boyhood in The Bronx often struck me as bizarre. Too many people in my neighbor hood and within my own family felt that anger, hostility and harshness. This was present in people's attitude, in their use of vulgar, offensive, mundanely ugly and non- productive language and actions. The Robinsons were sent to Alpha Centauri to help give our world better options for our future. I felt that my goal was to survive the Bronx and to go elsewhere to live a future that would be worth being a part of.
My attending Frostburg State College - now a University- seemed to be heading me towards a landing on that searched for planet orbiting the Star Alpha Centauri. Life in The Bronx seemed to me to be as undesirable as some of the planets the Robinsons encountered.
Yet, While I often saw myself as a Will Robinson. I responded to my past as I "matured " and aged more as a Zachary Smith!I thought that if I trued to move on and not deal with issues that all would become wonderful. This was foolish, just as Dr.Smith's belief that his return to Earth would make his life splendid and wonderful.
My August 2993 Nervous breakdown and homelessness was the price I paid for not taking time to repair the damage that I endured and the damage I did to others through my dysfunctional behavior. Behaviors that alienated me from others and behavior that I have worked hard to correct.
Of late, Learning that I will need to move from the apartment that is provided to me by a private- public partnership, Pathway Homes. My apartment is being gutted and fully renovated and I will be out of it at the end of May. What my living arrangements will be are most uncertain! That has caused me to become quite dis spirited, depressed and melancholy.
Yet, I need to be more hopeful. I have friends a supportive church and Toastmasters as a part of my life. I also know that investing in my future means that the events of the moment are not to be seen as the events of the REST of my life.The nearly 11 year old boy of 1965 saw that resolve, pioneer resourcefulness and being committed to problem solving gets you beyond peril and allows you to both survive and eventually strive. I do need that reminder today!
The Robinson Family and their Pilot, Major Don West, are going to travel on The Jupiter 2 to a planet orbiting the Star Alpha Centauri. They are to be the first Earth people to start the colonization of a planet orbiting another star. They are to be in a State of Suspended Animation which will allow them to age mere seconds during their trip.
An Air Force Officer and a Doctor, Zachary Smith, is in the employ of a "Foreign Power". His covert mission to program the expeditions Robot to destroy the ship 8 hours after launch. Dr. Smith loses track of time and is trapped on board the ship at launch.
His weight throws the ship off course and send it careening into meteors, seriously damaging the space ship. He is able to revive the Robinsons and West and they are able to pull the ship away from the meteors, but not before it sustains substantial damage.. Dr. Smith is hard-pressed to explain his presence on The Jupiter 2.His efforts to re-program the Robot also go awry. At The 8 Hour mark, The Robot starts his rampage. The Robinsons, Major West and Dr. Smith, forced to work as a team for their survival barely stop the Robot, but the ship sustain even more crippling damage. One of the Effects of the Robot's attack is to send the ship into hyper drive. This last problem is what causes these astronauts to become Lost in Space.
One of the themes of this show, during its' 3 year run , is a divided focus as to what the destination of the ship would be.Dr. Smith was determined that the ship needed to return to Earth. In one episode, He states, " Return me to Earth and then you people can go where ever you wish to go!" The other 6 are determined to fulfill the original mission.
What is fascinating is that Dr. Smith would be likely to be arrested, imprisoned and tried after returning to Earth, He'd face charges of treason,sabotage and attempted murder. He could have been sentenced to life imprisonment or even executed. Yet, These grim possibilities either elude him or he is so terrified and unhappy that these possibilities seem less frightening to him than his likely fate on Earth.
My boyhood in The Bronx often struck me as bizarre. Too many people in my neighbor hood and within my own family felt that anger, hostility and harshness. This was present in people's attitude, in their use of vulgar, offensive, mundanely ugly and non- productive language and actions. The Robinsons were sent to Alpha Centauri to help give our world better options for our future. I felt that my goal was to survive the Bronx and to go elsewhere to live a future that would be worth being a part of.
My attending Frostburg State College - now a University- seemed to be heading me towards a landing on that searched for planet orbiting the Star Alpha Centauri. Life in The Bronx seemed to me to be as undesirable as some of the planets the Robinsons encountered.
Yet, While I often saw myself as a Will Robinson. I responded to my past as I "matured " and aged more as a Zachary Smith!I thought that if I trued to move on and not deal with issues that all would become wonderful. This was foolish, just as Dr.Smith's belief that his return to Earth would make his life splendid and wonderful.
My August 2993 Nervous breakdown and homelessness was the price I paid for not taking time to repair the damage that I endured and the damage I did to others through my dysfunctional behavior. Behaviors that alienated me from others and behavior that I have worked hard to correct.
Of late, Learning that I will need to move from the apartment that is provided to me by a private- public partnership, Pathway Homes. My apartment is being gutted and fully renovated and I will be out of it at the end of May. What my living arrangements will be are most uncertain! That has caused me to become quite dis spirited, depressed and melancholy.
Yet, I need to be more hopeful. I have friends a supportive church and Toastmasters as a part of my life. I also know that investing in my future means that the events of the moment are not to be seen as the events of the REST of my life.The nearly 11 year old boy of 1965 saw that resolve, pioneer resourcefulness and being committed to problem solving gets you beyond peril and allows you to both survive and eventually strive. I do need that reminder today!
A Teachable Moment
The phrase "A Teachable Moment" is the idea of a time when learning is either easiest to transpire or when learning something becomes possible. This of course occurs that there are times when learning is virtually impossible or very difficult. This would likely be during times of distraction or when we are clearly resistant to learning- when we are not willing to listen or be instructed. This on THAT!!! particular!!! day!
I tend to be very curious and love learning- so it is rare that I am NOT experiencing a teachable moment. This does make me wonder- How do YOU define what is a Teachable Moment ?
- Johnny -
I tend to be very curious and love learning- so it is rare that I am NOT experiencing a teachable moment. This does make me wonder- How do YOU define what is a Teachable Moment ?
- Johnny -
Friday, March 11, 2011
Self -Improvement Fatigue
You have gone to numerous therapy sessions. You are working on incorporating what you are learning from being involved in multiple types of therapy. The physical exercise seems to be weakening you rather than strengthening you.
You tend to say , " Hello, I'm xxx and I'm..." an awful lot! Is there a point where you need to ask ," Maybe I need to be satisfied more and work on improvement much LESS relentlessly" ?
You tend to say , " Hello, I'm xxx and I'm..." an awful lot! Is there a point where you need to ask ," Maybe I need to be satisfied more and work on improvement much LESS relentlessly" ?
The Bluntness Brothers and Sisters
I've written on this subject before. It is one that crosses boundaries and age groups. The people who tend to make their underwear very obvious to all often like to spice their language with words likely to sting, antagonize and offend! It doesn't matter, they say, what we say as long as you " get" what we are saying and what we mean.. We don't care, is the sentiment what we say. We come on strong bold and direct and that is what we want. We don't have any time and it isn't important to us whether you like or do not like what we say.What matters to us is that you hear us, that you fear us, that you cannot ignore us and that you know if you challenge us and get in our way, You will lose and lose painfully and badly.
Some older people, one who wear ball cap with the brims facing front, also are blunt and totally uncaring and often brutal speakers . They will tell you that their age, all they have seen and experienced and all they have accomplished allow them to say what ever they wish to say however they wish to say it.They will tell you off in just a few harsh words. If you object or challenge what they say, It is absolutely proof positive that they are right, you are proving by your reaction that their unsparing assessment of you is 100% correct.
One group tends to be very young hip and urban. The other tends to be very white, rather advanced in years and often suburban or even rural. Yet, Other than that they could be place in one group, The Cruel Folks!
The best way to deal with them is to say nothing, spend as little time in their presence as possible and think, " Consider The Source " once you are no longer around them. Unpleasant and unsavory, Yes, but people who feel very righteous and smug that they know all, are all of that and have it TOTALLY goin' on!
The rest of us can find some comfort that we KNOW better!
Some older people, one who wear ball cap with the brims facing front, also are blunt and totally uncaring and often brutal speakers . They will tell you that their age, all they have seen and experienced and all they have accomplished allow them to say what ever they wish to say however they wish to say it.They will tell you off in just a few harsh words. If you object or challenge what they say, It is absolutely proof positive that they are right, you are proving by your reaction that their unsparing assessment of you is 100% correct.
One group tends to be very young hip and urban. The other tends to be very white, rather advanced in years and often suburban or even rural. Yet, Other than that they could be place in one group, The Cruel Folks!
The best way to deal with them is to say nothing, spend as little time in their presence as possible and think, " Consider The Source " once you are no longer around them. Unpleasant and unsavory, Yes, but people who feel very righteous and smug that they know all, are all of that and have it TOTALLY goin' on!
The rest of us can find some comfort that we KNOW better!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Belief- What you believe will determine who you are. Make sure, Most certain that what you believe is worthy of embracing , advocating and defending!
Have free time over the Next Few Days ?
Is there anyone who you could bless by having a conversation with him or her? Is there anyone who needs an errand run or a little help with a task in their home? Is there anyone who'd have their day made by being invited to do something fun?
Free Time means we have time to choose! What choices will you and I make with our free time?
Free Time means we have time to choose! What choices will you and I make with our free time?
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Things are better than I believe that they are.
My Problems do have solutions
I don't have to know, right now, what the answers are;
To know that there ARE answers.
It is highly unlikely that the worst problem I face today will be the worst problem I have two months from
The fact that I do not need to know everything and that I can trust that answers, combined with accepting what I cannot change- allows me today, to experience joy!
My Problems do have solutions
I don't have to know, right now, what the answers are;
To know that there ARE answers.
It is highly unlikely that the worst problem I face today will be the worst problem I have two months from
The fact that I do not need to know everything and that I can trust that answers, combined with accepting what I cannot change- allows me today, to experience joy!
Being Careful
Where does your freedom of speech begin and end? We all know that shouting "Fire" in a crowded theater is against the law, There are,of course, laws against libel and slander.So, The reality is that you cannot say anything about anyone at any time for any reason.
We know that people, of late, have been gaining extra protection for making what some consider the most disturbing and antagonizing speech. The Supreme Court protection - by an 8 to 1 Vote- made the provocative actions of the Westboro Baptist Church, Some find the statements made by Muslim Clerics within the United States to be disturbing and encouraging violence and yet for cultural , religious and some insist for racial reasons, We must allow what is being proclaimed to be proclaimed.
How careful do you feel YOU need to be when exercising your Freedom of Speech?
We know that people, of late, have been gaining extra protection for making what some consider the most disturbing and antagonizing speech. The Supreme Court protection - by an 8 to 1 Vote- made the provocative actions of the Westboro Baptist Church, Some find the statements made by Muslim Clerics within the United States to be disturbing and encouraging violence and yet for cultural , religious and some insist for racial reasons, We must allow what is being proclaimed to be proclaimed.
How careful do you feel YOU need to be when exercising your Freedom of Speech?
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Screaming at a Computer
Threatening, screaming and losing it in front of a machine can be described as a way of life in 2011 machines. These machines may be the best ways to adjust our behavior we have,. We know doing the same things over and over will just increase our stress.
So, We force ourselves to learn how to continue to return to what works best and is the most effective!
So, We force ourselves to learn how to continue to return to what works best and is the most effective!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Fasting on Mardi Gras ?
Mardi Gras, Carnival, Carnevale or Karnaval are some names for Ash Wednesday Eve, One day of excess before the start of a season of traditional fasting , denial and and sacrifice.
My Church, Grace Community Church , is now in the midst of as fast from sunset today until sunset tomorrow. We are doing so partially for a practical matter,Our Church does not have its' own building. We meet in An Aerlington, Va Middle School on Sundays and we have our During- The Week- Service at Church that is available to us on Tuesday nights.
I so think that there is a certain sense where we are currently fasting because we are led by and offer service to God rather than being dictated to by the world!
- Johnny -
My Church, Grace Community Church , is now in the midst of as fast from sunset today until sunset tomorrow. We are doing so partially for a practical matter,Our Church does not have its' own building. We meet in An Aerlington, Va Middle School on Sundays and we have our During- The Week- Service at Church that is available to us on Tuesday nights.
I so think that there is a certain sense where we are currently fasting because we are led by and offer service to God rather than being dictated to by the world!
- Johnny -
The 2011 Science Fiction Dilemna
Those of us who remember Science Fiction movies and TV Series of the the 1950's, 1960's and 1970's were often astonished by the machines and the technologies portrayed. Everything looked cooler, more impressive and more spectacular than what we had at the present. We oohed and ahhhed at the brilliance of the science and wondered at how clever, inspired and ingenious the inventors of all have the hardware that their minds devised.
Today, The level of the computers and telephones seem to be intimidating to the Science Fiction TV and Movie Writers.. They do not want to be laughed at by people thinking a few years from now that , " What the writers of that movie predicted will be invented 600 years from now, is available right now, just SEVEN years after that movie was released! " The writers tend to be more constrained and write stories about alien civilizations, in rather vague terms, or human interest stories rather than bold tales of daring and imagination.
Do you agree? Do the Science Fiction Movies and TV Shows of Today seem rather pale compared to the ones of 40 and 50 years ago?
Today, The level of the computers and telephones seem to be intimidating to the Science Fiction TV and Movie Writers.. They do not want to be laughed at by people thinking a few years from now that , " What the writers of that movie predicted will be invented 600 years from now, is available right now, just SEVEN years after that movie was released! " The writers tend to be more constrained and write stories about alien civilizations, in rather vague terms, or human interest stories rather than bold tales of daring and imagination.
Do you agree? Do the Science Fiction Movies and TV Shows of Today seem rather pale compared to the ones of 40 and 50 years ago?
Self - Care.
Some us feel like we are too much of a burden to be bothered with. We want either God to make life flow smoothly for us, wanting easy- to- deal with lives.When these people complain about God it is, generally, because their lives are not operating in an optimally easy and problem- free manner!
Often, These people want to only do the minimum that will allow them to acceptably function. This means that their lives generally look pretty messy to outsiders. Such people really desire to be in a relationship to help them keep their lives from falling apart.
I've learned, the hard way, that this is folly. The only one obligated to take cae of you and watch out for you is you. The only one you can commit to this process is you. Life works best when you are slf-invested, seeing that doing the best you can for yourself is not only a burden you must bare, but a joy that you enjoy participating in!
- Johnny -
Often, These people want to only do the minimum that will allow them to acceptably function. This means that their lives generally look pretty messy to outsiders. Such people really desire to be in a relationship to help them keep their lives from falling apart.
I've learned, the hard way, that this is folly. The only one obligated to take cae of you and watch out for you is you. The only one you can commit to this process is you. Life works best when you are slf-invested, seeing that doing the best you can for yourself is not only a burden you must bare, but a joy that you enjoy participating in!
- Johnny -
Sunday, March 6, 2011
It is great to have Sundays
Once a week, I get to take time to ESPECIALLY focus upon God. At Grace Community Church, I also get to see how good and special people who are dedicated to God can be!
Building a Modeal/ Dream Elementary School
An unbelievably wealthy women decides she wants to thank the community she grew up in and decides that she will fund the building of a state- of - the art, educationally world-class elementary school.
She asks you to be her representative and you will have final say over the teachers hired, the curriculum used and the design of the rooms and what facilities will be in the school?
What would the library, gym and lunchroom look like? What types of computers would the school possess? What would the school books look like? What credentials would you want the teachers to have? What would you want, overall, for this model school to have?
She asks you to be her representative and you will have final say over the teachers hired, the curriculum used and the design of the rooms and what facilities will be in the school?
What would the library, gym and lunchroom look like? What types of computers would the school possess? What would the school books look like? What credentials would you want the teachers to have? What would you want, overall, for this model school to have?
Saturday, March 5, 2011
" Univ Alecu Batar" - This is Vulcanese phrase translates to " Life is Logic"
Adults often fail to let our most powerful and transforming resource have free reign. That vital and remarkable resource is our imagination. Adults are often well-trained to be dutiful, practical and highly pragmatic. We are told that we will be best rewarded by life if we simply put one foot in front of another and progress directly forward committing ourselves to do the next clear and obvious task before us.
I know this is a dependable way to live. I , however, have always liked being driven, directed and fueled by my imagination. God chose to provide me with a lively, daring, innovative, colorful, vivid and creative imagination.i remember years ago being able to read an autobiography and, if I was focused enough, imagining it being read by the author. That really makes a book seem more alive, dynamic and compelling!
The " Vulcan Phrase" I used in the title of this blog is a a portion of a speech creating effort that I started this morning. This is an idea that I'm having great fun playing with as I start to design a speech that I intend to present at a future meeting of Toastmasters.This is why I revel in being creative, to me this process is a fun and delightful. It allows me to see life from a broader and more intuitive perspective!
That is what happens when I invite my imagination " to play".
I know this is a dependable way to live. I , however, have always liked being driven, directed and fueled by my imagination. God chose to provide me with a lively, daring, innovative, colorful, vivid and creative imagination.i remember years ago being able to read an autobiography and, if I was focused enough, imagining it being read by the author. That really makes a book seem more alive, dynamic and compelling!
The " Vulcan Phrase" I used in the title of this blog is a a portion of a speech creating effort that I started this morning. This is an idea that I'm having great fun playing with as I start to design a speech that I intend to present at a future meeting of Toastmasters.This is why I revel in being creative, to me this process is a fun and delightful. It allows me to see life from a broader and more intuitive perspective!
That is what happens when I invite my imagination " to play".
A True Saturday Surprise!
" Wow, Did I ACTUALLY see that?", I live in a section of Fairfax, Va, in what was once considered a superb of Washington DC. In fact, It still is but appearance wise and business wise, it is quite indistinguishable from The City of Washington.
About 3 hours ago, I was walking along side Little River Turnpike ( Route 236) a quite busy thoroughfare. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a vision from 80 or so years ago, A very well-maintained and rather pristine looking Model T Ford. The car that Henry Ford once said that, " You can have in any color as long as it is black."
The driver of the car was a rather elderly man and it had all of the antique tags that you would have such a historic and vintage vechicle to have.What amazed me is that Little River Turnpike is OFTEN a busy and crowded road. A road that people often drive on in a reckless and poor manner. My question is- Why would you drive this splendid historical machine on such a road.
I guess some people ARE braver, more confident and bolder- LOL- than others!
- Johnny -
About 3 hours ago, I was walking along side Little River Turnpike ( Route 236) a quite busy thoroughfare. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a vision from 80 or so years ago, A very well-maintained and rather pristine looking Model T Ford. The car that Henry Ford once said that, " You can have in any color as long as it is black."
The driver of the car was a rather elderly man and it had all of the antique tags that you would have such a historic and vintage vechicle to have.What amazed me is that Little River Turnpike is OFTEN a busy and crowded road. A road that people often drive on in a reckless and poor manner. My question is- Why would you drive this splendid historical machine on such a road.
I guess some people ARE braver, more confident and bolder- LOL- than others!
- Johnny -
A Matter of Best Perspective.
Is it best to to judge God based upon the actions of the people who claim to serve Him?
Is it best to judge people according to the nature of their God?
Is it best to judge people according to the nature of their God?
I Know that He is...
and is a diligent rewarder of all of those who seek HIM!
This is true no matter what! Gos is the same Yesterday today and foorever. This who is the one subject to change, doubt and confusion. Me and not YOU!
This is true no matter what! Gos is the same Yesterday today and foorever. This who is the one subject to change, doubt and confusion. Me and not YOU!
Saturday, for many, is either a sleep time or a play time. For me, Today as I have on many Satuurdays Now past, I will attend a Toastmaster meeting in Annandale, Virginia. A meeting that will begin at 8:15 AM!
Toastmasters provides to me as it does to many, great and practical Leadership and Communication training. Training that I gain in Toastmasters and I practice and progress in steadily. This training, of course, works best and proves its amazing value when it is used outside of a Toastmasters Club.
The name of the This plucky and dynamic club that meets early each and every Saturday morning is named G.U.T.S. This acronym stands for Get Up To Speak.At The beginning of each meeting, The Club President, or, in his or her absence, The Presiding officer of The Meeting, tells us a story , Some of them are clever, some are witty, some are educational and some of these stories are quite dramatic. At the end of the story, We are fed a prompting line along the lines of " What it take for so and so to". The line is often rendered , " "What does it take to get up so EARLY on a Saturday morning a Saturday morning?". The members do then roar out a cheer of " GUTS!!!!!".
It is early but the mental stimulation and the feeling of accomplishment is one that charges you up for the rest of your Saturday!
PS- How early is early, I started to type this at 5:43 AM! - I wish you a most GUTSy Satirday!
- Johnny -
Toastmasters provides to me as it does to many, great and practical Leadership and Communication training. Training that I gain in Toastmasters and I practice and progress in steadily. This training, of course, works best and proves its amazing value when it is used outside of a Toastmasters Club.
The name of the This plucky and dynamic club that meets early each and every Saturday morning is named G.U.T.S. This acronym stands for Get Up To Speak.At The beginning of each meeting, The Club President, or, in his or her absence, The Presiding officer of The Meeting, tells us a story , Some of them are clever, some are witty, some are educational and some of these stories are quite dramatic. At the end of the story, We are fed a prompting line along the lines of " What it take for so and so to". The line is often rendered , " "What does it take to get up so EARLY on a Saturday morning a Saturday morning?". The members do then roar out a cheer of " GUTS!!!!!".
It is early but the mental stimulation and the feeling of accomplishment is one that charges you up for the rest of your Saturday!
PS- How early is early, I started to type this at 5:43 AM! - I wish you a most GUTSy Satirday!
- Johnny -
Friday, March 4, 2011
Negotiating and Bargaining
Some things do not work well when we do not consider that life is continually subject to change. We need to look at the possibility that conditions may be better or worse in 5 years than they are on This day in 2011. A business or an employer could be more successful or less successful in July of 2019 than they are today. A firm may be able to hire far more people in November of 2027 than they are today . It is also possible that this same company could go totally bankrupt in 2013.
When you negotiate and bargain, You are empowered to demand as much as you think you can gain from the other person while giving as little of what you have control over to those you are negotiating with.
One of the phrases that negotiators and bargainers is to remember that once you've agreed and the matter is settled, Givebacks are out of the question. Yet, If the conditions no longer allow you to provide for what you negotiated and bargained then what, How do you provide to someone what you do not have and cannot obtain or access. Welcome to March of 2011!!!
- Johnny -
When you negotiate and bargain, You are empowered to demand as much as you think you can gain from the other person while giving as little of what you have control over to those you are negotiating with.
One of the phrases that negotiators and bargainers is to remember that once you've agreed and the matter is settled, Givebacks are out of the question. Yet, If the conditions no longer allow you to provide for what you negotiated and bargained then what, How do you provide to someone what you do not have and cannot obtain or access. Welcome to March of 2011!!!
- Johnny -
The Individual
There does seem to be a one man/ one woman versus a group think divide within in our society between those who are willing to connect one particular human beings to their singular actions or set of actions and those who believe that the best way to view people is as members of a group, cohort or a part of a segment of society.
The people who feel that we must think in terms of categories, groups, classes and cohorts in order to deal with problems that are held in common with large number of people are inclined to think in terms of societal justice and societal reform..When people problem solve problems in this way we are asked to consider race, sex, language, national origin and sexual orientation. People who think in terms of group membership tend to see this as a past way to address the way peoples within The US society have been neglected, discriminated against, belittled or mistreated.
This way of resolving injustice , inequities and struggle is measured by statistics. It is measured by history, " Look at the advantages that Your group has enjoyed at the expense of others. We now must act to make sure that all is done so that all are treated equally and all benefit fairly. Sometimes this mindset will inspire people to declare that for justice's sake we must reduce the comforts and advantages of members of one societal segment to make sure that others are not discriminated against.Shared suffering and shared sacrifice is a popular societal paradigm. Yet, People will point to the idea that some groups must be asked to give up and accept far more in the way of limitations than others in order for the concept to be acceptably equitable.
People who focus on individuals believe that a just society and an intelligently caring society will seek to say how well or poorly each individual within the society is living. No one in any group believes the same things, works as hard or lives the exact same way that everyone that they have something or many things.Values, motivations, ethics, standards, satisfaction and joy are classical values that have long been used to measure how people live. It tells us what motivates and impels people as separate individuals endowed with thinking capacity who possess free will.
I do staunchly believe that the best way to change the world is by strategies that motivate, strengthen and empower separate and distinct men and women and separate people who have not yet reached the age of majority.We also then are able to specifically hold people accountable for how they choose to live and not live. It also allows us to provide the specific support that individuals need to achieve conditions that are beyond their ability to PRESENTLY overcome and get beyond!
One problem is that no one knows all and can see any and every possibility. We seek darkly and in shadows, as a classical writer recorded , because not all is visible to us, our awareness, no matter how hard we study and think is obvious to any of us. Yet, The best way, I believe, to help people is to invest in lives. The best way to know that we are being appropriate, consistent and the best possible observer, listener, analyst and respondent is by working with individuals as partners to help them to build a life that allows Peter or Maria to live life to the fullest that they have the potiential to live it!
- Johnny -
The people who feel that we must think in terms of categories, groups, classes and cohorts in order to deal with problems that are held in common with large number of people are inclined to think in terms of societal justice and societal reform..When people problem solve problems in this way we are asked to consider race, sex, language, national origin and sexual orientation. People who think in terms of group membership tend to see this as a past way to address the way peoples within The US society have been neglected, discriminated against, belittled or mistreated.
This way of resolving injustice , inequities and struggle is measured by statistics. It is measured by history, " Look at the advantages that Your group has enjoyed at the expense of others. We now must act to make sure that all is done so that all are treated equally and all benefit fairly. Sometimes this mindset will inspire people to declare that for justice's sake we must reduce the comforts and advantages of members of one societal segment to make sure that others are not discriminated against.Shared suffering and shared sacrifice is a popular societal paradigm. Yet, People will point to the idea that some groups must be asked to give up and accept far more in the way of limitations than others in order for the concept to be acceptably equitable.
People who focus on individuals believe that a just society and an intelligently caring society will seek to say how well or poorly each individual within the society is living. No one in any group believes the same things, works as hard or lives the exact same way that everyone that they have something or many things.Values, motivations, ethics, standards, satisfaction and joy are classical values that have long been used to measure how people live. It tells us what motivates and impels people as separate individuals endowed with thinking capacity who possess free will.
I do staunchly believe that the best way to change the world is by strategies that motivate, strengthen and empower separate and distinct men and women and separate people who have not yet reached the age of majority.We also then are able to specifically hold people accountable for how they choose to live and not live. It also allows us to provide the specific support that individuals need to achieve conditions that are beyond their ability to PRESENTLY overcome and get beyond!
One problem is that no one knows all and can see any and every possibility. We seek darkly and in shadows, as a classical writer recorded , because not all is visible to us, our awareness, no matter how hard we study and think is obvious to any of us. Yet, The best way, I believe, to help people is to invest in lives. The best way to know that we are being appropriate, consistent and the best possible observer, listener, analyst and respondent is by working with individuals as partners to help them to build a life that allows Peter or Maria to live life to the fullest that they have the potiential to live it!
- Johnny -
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Saying Thank You
It shows that you know that you need others, that you enriched by others and that you need to be connected to others. God made us to belong to Him. We work best when we are in committed to to serve Him as pleases Him and connected in that service to others who, as we, are called according to His purpose!
There is an old Cat Stevens song that comes to mind, " Morning Has Broken". I've long been attracted to analogies between the night- especially the phrase ' The dark night of the soul" and ones about the arrival of the new day.
I was working on a project that was going slowly and that I found myself fretting over- that seemed to be tedious. Yet, I decided that I was tired oi being down, hostile and defeated today and I pushed my way through it and I am most proud of myself for coming up with a 5 to 7 minute report that I expect that I will be proud to deliver!
Revitalization , to me, is another way to say " freshness and newness" . I know it is a choice and I am most pleased that I made that choice today!
- Johnny -
I was working on a project that was going slowly and that I found myself fretting over- that seemed to be tedious. Yet, I decided that I was tired oi being down, hostile and defeated today and I pushed my way through it and I am most proud of myself for coming up with a 5 to 7 minute report that I expect that I will be proud to deliver!
Revitalization , to me, is another way to say " freshness and newness" . I know it is a choice and I am most pleased that I made that choice today!
- Johnny -
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Living within Limits- Sometimes practicality must rule.
I started making my physical exercise regimen more demanding last week. I want to get stronger and be in overall MUCH better physical condition.
I realized now that the "ow" I uttered during one period of exercise was due to severely over straining myself. The limping I've done since then is my 'bill" for NOT stopping when I needed to.
Sanity and Patience will become my watch words when I resume my exercise routine.
I realized now that the "ow" I uttered during one period of exercise was due to severely over straining myself. The limping I've done since then is my 'bill" for NOT stopping when I needed to.
Sanity and Patience will become my watch words when I resume my exercise routine.
Gaining Freedom and The Abilty to Smile more easily through Service!
"I'm tired, I'm annoyed, I don't have what I want and I'm not please with God, My life and any other human being right now!", If this is what you are thinking or feeling then you are likely to have a self-centered, prickly and rather tough day to navigate through.
Many Organizations, Churches and Alcoholic Anonymous certainly being two of them, will offer SERVICE to others to navigate through and beyond such times. Today, I worked on somethings that are connected to a Toastmaster Leadership team that I am a member of. This exercise, preparing myself to work with a team has help to brighten my day and to feel a lot lighter in mood and spirit.
When we serve others, We become a part of a chain that helps make greater blessings available to others. We are also reminded that life is not just about us. Service is a form of liberty, it works best when we willingly choose to invest in it.
- Johnny-
Many Organizations, Churches and Alcoholic Anonymous certainly being two of them, will offer SERVICE to others to navigate through and beyond such times. Today, I worked on somethings that are connected to a Toastmaster Leadership team that I am a member of. This exercise, preparing myself to work with a team has help to brighten my day and to feel a lot lighter in mood and spirit.
When we serve others, We become a part of a chain that helps make greater blessings available to others. We are also reminded that life is not just about us. Service is a form of liberty, it works best when we willingly choose to invest in it.
- Johnny-
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
When you Pray....
I do pray and I believe very much in the power of prayer. I do also believe that I should ask for God to reveal what His will is for me and ask for the power to accept that, be governed by it and ask for the power to live according to what I am directed to do.
I believe it is folly and obnoxious to pray for direction and guidance and then reject it because it doesn't seem comfortable to me or seem like something that I really want to do.That seems like a very childish and me centered form of spirituality.
I think that I need to challenge myself to be real with prayer. If I believein it and think it has power, then I need to pray and to adjust how I live according to the answers that I am provided!
- Johnny -
I believe it is folly and obnoxious to pray for direction and guidance and then reject it because it doesn't seem comfortable to me or seem like something that I really want to do.That seems like a very childish and me centered form of spirituality.
I think that I need to challenge myself to be real with prayer. If I believein it and think it has power, then I need to pray and to adjust how I live according to the answers that I am provided!
- Johnny -
ADD, The Math Class and Playing Center for My Basketball Team- Busted!!??
Adam LaRoche, The First Basemen for The Washington Nationals just MIGHT have made life easier for Principals and Teachers and for more difficult for 9 and 10 year olds.
Laroche, who has been skewered in the past for being inattentive, stated that he expects to play MUCH better in 2011 NOW that he has been diagnosed as having ADD and is being treated for it. SO WHAT, You say, Well, Here is what I find fascinating about this.
10 Year old Sheila has trouble focusing in class, she can't seem to listen to her teacher's instructions and battles mightily to stay on task. The school advises her parents to have her tested for ADD- she is tested and that is what she is diagnosed as being hampered by. Months later, she is working with a special needs teacher as well because the school deems that she needs the EXTRA assistance in order to function well academically.
Yet, On Saturdays the Athletic and agile Sheila plays on a Basketball team. The competition in her league is excellent and played at a rather impressive level for 10 year olds. Shiela concentrates and focus on Basketball for One Hour and 30 minutes anytime she plays a game in her league. She also attends a very intense, demanding and highly structured 90 minute practice one a week.. Arnold Brinkley is her coach. he feels that having Sheila Arkman oh her team is one of the biggest blessings he's had in the 12 years that he as coached basketball.
If you asked him about Ms. Arkman as a Basketball player here is what he'd tell you, "I have never seen a more disciplined, alert and heady basketball player. She watches the court carefully and is always in the game, It is fun to watch her as a Field general as she directs her teammates. She will always tell me what she observes is going on during the game and has made suggestion that has helped me be a more effective in- game," We know that Sheila has ADD and takes medication for it and even with that needs some special ed support to succeed in school. Yet, She is alert, observant, easily able to adjust and follow complex instruction, even when tired in the midst of a highly competitive basketball game.
Tammy Watson is Sheila's 5Th Grade Math Teacher sees Sheila struggle in her class 5 days a week. If you ask her about Sheila , she will tell you, " It is really hard for her to listen to me, she has a difficult time focusing so I try to explain the lesson as carefully and as slowly as I can, Even with that, She struggles to keep up. Brad, The Special Needs Math Assistant, seems to help her be somewhat more effective but still it is a real struggle to keep up.
I think it is fair to say there is a difference between 11 AM Monday through Friday at Ronald Reagan Elementary School and at 11 AM on a Saturday on the basketball court of Hubert Humphrey Middle School. The basketball coach does not have a special coach who keep reexplaining the plays to Sheila. In the Midst of the swirling action of the game, Sheila is able to be intensely focused and aware. She succeeds quite well on the court.
Please note that I am not saying that ADD does not exist. I am also not stating that some people, even on medication, do not find ADD and conditions akin to it, even with medication, difficult to deal with. Yet, I'm asking if ADD has an easy to access on and off switch. Why, in this case, does it seem just about impossible to deactivate during a math class? Why does this ADD seem impossible to activate in the midst of a basketball game?
Are some young people misdiagnosed when it comes to ADD? Are they prescribed medications that that there truly is not a justification for them to take? Do some children/ youth CHOOSE to not cooperate and behave and cooperate with a diagnosis that makes it tougher for them to be held accountable and responsible?
I don't know the proper answer to those questions- but I DO have my suspicions! I do wonder- When it works for me / you/ or someone else to be limited- then I /they have ADD but when it would get in the way and limit me they when I /they do not want to be limited- it doesn't???
- Johnny -
Laroche, who has been skewered in the past for being inattentive, stated that he expects to play MUCH better in 2011 NOW that he has been diagnosed as having ADD and is being treated for it. SO WHAT, You say, Well, Here is what I find fascinating about this.
10 Year old Sheila has trouble focusing in class, she can't seem to listen to her teacher's instructions and battles mightily to stay on task. The school advises her parents to have her tested for ADD- she is tested and that is what she is diagnosed as being hampered by. Months later, she is working with a special needs teacher as well because the school deems that she needs the EXTRA assistance in order to function well academically.
Yet, On Saturdays the Athletic and agile Sheila plays on a Basketball team. The competition in her league is excellent and played at a rather impressive level for 10 year olds. Shiela concentrates and focus on Basketball for One Hour and 30 minutes anytime she plays a game in her league. She also attends a very intense, demanding and highly structured 90 minute practice one a week.. Arnold Brinkley is her coach. he feels that having Sheila Arkman oh her team is one of the biggest blessings he's had in the 12 years that he as coached basketball.
If you asked him about Ms. Arkman as a Basketball player here is what he'd tell you, "I have never seen a more disciplined, alert and heady basketball player. She watches the court carefully and is always in the game, It is fun to watch her as a Field general as she directs her teammates. She will always tell me what she observes is going on during the game and has made suggestion that has helped me be a more effective in- game," We know that Sheila has ADD and takes medication for it and even with that needs some special ed support to succeed in school. Yet, She is alert, observant, easily able to adjust and follow complex instruction, even when tired in the midst of a highly competitive basketball game.
Tammy Watson is Sheila's 5Th Grade Math Teacher sees Sheila struggle in her class 5 days a week. If you ask her about Sheila , she will tell you, " It is really hard for her to listen to me, she has a difficult time focusing so I try to explain the lesson as carefully and as slowly as I can, Even with that, She struggles to keep up. Brad, The Special Needs Math Assistant, seems to help her be somewhat more effective but still it is a real struggle to keep up.
I think it is fair to say there is a difference between 11 AM Monday through Friday at Ronald Reagan Elementary School and at 11 AM on a Saturday on the basketball court of Hubert Humphrey Middle School. The basketball coach does not have a special coach who keep reexplaining the plays to Sheila. In the Midst of the swirling action of the game, Sheila is able to be intensely focused and aware. She succeeds quite well on the court.
Please note that I am not saying that ADD does not exist. I am also not stating that some people, even on medication, do not find ADD and conditions akin to it, even with medication, difficult to deal with. Yet, I'm asking if ADD has an easy to access on and off switch. Why, in this case, does it seem just about impossible to deactivate during a math class? Why does this ADD seem impossible to activate in the midst of a basketball game?
Are some young people misdiagnosed when it comes to ADD? Are they prescribed medications that that there truly is not a justification for them to take? Do some children/ youth CHOOSE to not cooperate and behave and cooperate with a diagnosis that makes it tougher for them to be held accountable and responsible?
I don't know the proper answer to those questions- but I DO have my suspicions! I do wonder- When it works for me / you/ or someone else to be limited- then I /they have ADD but when it would get in the way and limit me they when I /they do not want to be limited- it doesn't???
- Johnny -
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