Most of us remember singing/ being forced to sing the song " I believve" as a part of a school graduation cermony. These lyrics speak to the notion that liitle things that we regularly note can, in and of themselves,give us numerous reasons to believe.
I am a Born- Again Christian. That is a self-statement, It is just and simply a declaration of who I am! I, as I've admmitted am one of those who is always and perpetually curious. I am a fanatical studier, examiner and explorer. I can just spend hours trying to answer question and delight in generating new questions that branch off , to my delight, in nummerous new question to plunge, enthusiastically, into!
Yet, That can lead to stultifying and perpetual navel-gazing. If I decide to enter into doing, I can litterally swallow myself up. I become shallow and unhealthly self-absorbed!
So, I have ,over the last 8 to 10 months,become more devoted to being involved in bible studies, service projects, prayer meetings and numerous and varied efforts which demand that I refute, challenge and deny the crippling and limiting-to me -notion that THE!!! sum total of all there is is myself and my curiosity. I gain freedom from the sense that my sole mission in life is to serve and feed my curiosity 24-7!
I can be fascinated by stars, molecules, historical alternatives and on and on!!! and just abandon any interest into bein meaningfully, reliably and on-goingly connected to other human beings. One of the answerws I gain when I am MORE healthily connnected to other people is that- " I may not know the anwer to this and I may never be able to find THIS answer I so desire to find, but that does not mean that there is NOT an answer to this question."
God, to me, is both so good and so liberating!
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