I am a thinker and am at my best when I am studying, thinking and mulling things over! I like to explore and discover. This likely explain why I enjoy talk radio programs that are both call-in and where the hosts are fearless and explore topics in great depth and detail!
Two of my favorite Radio Hosts are Hank Hannegraff aka The Bible Answer Man and John Bachelor. Bachelor has both well studied and incisive liberals and conservatives on his program. He is also a brilliant history scholar. Hank Hannegraff is able to look at The Bible and The Church in a thorough and demanding way that I find provocative and thoughtful and hard to ignore or easily dismiss.
I am not a lock-step follower of either and I find myself shouting at the radio or computer as I listen to them- but they do provide the type of brain nourishment that I very much crave. If you have other like-minded men and women who you enjoy in this regard, I'd be blessed and honored if you'd bring these good people to my attention. Thank you!
- Johnny-
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