I know some may be angered with me for THIS blog entry.I get that somethings are available to people due to who they know, how wealthy and well-connected they are. What I mean by available is that when it comes to Mental Health and Physical Health, The very best treatments, methods, approaches and therapies, the ones that are the most effective and offer a person the GREATEST chance at resuming a fully and prosperous life,The kind of life that they desire to and long to live that is possible simply may be in a " not for you" category! This may be true for now, for a period of years or, tragically, for the full and entire length of that person's life.
During last year's intense and spirited debate over health care, A number of people, liberals and conservatives both, became horrified over the idea of health care triage and health care rationing as national policies! Imagine a 24 year old woman contracts a virulent form of cancer. A treatment exists for THIS cancer that is likely, very likely to cure her and, in time, let her resume a healthy life! It is decided that , due to her age, The Government will agree to let her have this treatment. A 62 year old man who has battled some health problems contract this SELF- SAME form of cancer. He is told , " Absolutely not", is greenlighted for other treatments, will be permitted to buy pain medications and be granted some counseling on how to die well." Some will scream , " So Wrong and so not fair!!!"
Some will argue that there needs to be a way to make this treatment available to EVERYONE who needs it. Other will declare, " Everyone gets it or NO one gets it!", There are people who are queasy and discomforted by bureaucrats telling doctors how to practice medicine! There are actually people who want to- while they will admit it will be messy - for the free market to decide these issues.
I know a 15 year old girl at church who broke her leg about a month ago, She is a horseback rider and a competitive racer and wan ts to be back into action now.. The Doctor told her initially that in two weeks she'd be done with the crutches and would be using a walking cast. Twice the Doctor as moved back that date. He now says that she will simply need to be patient. I do wonder if she were The Quarterback for The New England Patriots, The Third Baseman for The New York Yankees or a prima ballerina for a national company if medicine would have ways to safely and effectively speed up her healing.
There are also issues concerning mental health issues. I have been diagnosed with having PTSD, Trauma Induced Depression, Severe Anxiety. I first approached The Fairfax County Mental Health system in August of 2000! I admit that I was reluctant to deal with primary issues- I blamed my parents for everything and would not take any responsibility for my present and I wanted band aid treatments rather than probing into my most sensitive issues.
My life kept unraveling, by August of 2003, I Was homeless, had a nervous break down - I soooooo dislike the Term- Psychotic Episode. By The Spring of 2004, I was living in an apartment with 2 other men. I also found out that The County System was weak on protection and conflict> I was in a setting where I had to report any violations of the rules, privately to my therapist then openly in a meeting with both of my roommates . The rule was that if I was not willing to share it in the house meeting that my charge would be dismissed and I could find myself evicted. I found myself living with angry roommates seeking vengeance- that is an impressive therapeutic method.
Over The last few Years, I've become more aggressive and determined to get better and have more of a say in my own recovery. I am in a program called DBT, I meditate A lot, I've been taught the value of Mindfulness and striving to avoid labeling and thinking non-judgmentally. Yet, I find that I'm not ready to be gainfully employed at a wage that can help me reestablish my life. I am stuck in a substandard and poorly maintained hosing complex and dependent on government programs to pay my rent.
My therapist is also my case manager. She is also my Housing Case Manager. I am seeing that what I'm getting from the county is not very useful and is spread too thin. I have too little time. I find I spend many exhausting hours a week maintaining myself but not finding that I am gaining and progressing! I' now believe it will take many years , at this rate to regain my footing and to live a life that I can enjoyably and proudly live.
A friend of mine, who is very liberal and socially active says that it will likely take thousands of dollars of intense counseling and treatment to get where I am seeking to be. She has said that I need to find out if anyone will provide me "pro-bono" treatment.. I've been asking for years if Fairfax would consider instituting a voucher system that will give me the option of seeking treatment either privately or publically. I was told that is not likely to occur.
Therefore, It seems to methat if due to limited refunds, You are forced to make due with Public Option Mental Health treatments you will, likely be accorded treatment that are rationed and very limited. Ones that will allow you to function but in a difficult, problem beset and struggle-filled manner, If you can afford it, You get better and more comprehensive treatments and therapies that gives you a more appealing, better adjusted and life that work in a less chaotic way,
The difference , to me ,seems to be of that of 2 people wanting to go from Boston to San Diego. One person gets there in 3 days. The other person takes 7 years to make that trip. I know that it is good to value the journey as well as the destination. Yet, All things being equal, I'd like to take the more direct, more efficient, less stress filled and most pleasant route to my destination.
- Johnny -
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