Biff Tannen, is the buffoonish ,brainless bully of the Back to The Future Movies. In the second Movie, Marty Mc Fly purchases a book of Sports Records from the Future. He mentions being tempted to use this information once they return to the past to become wealthy by sports betting.
Dr. Brown warns him against doing so and throws the book in the Delorean Time machine. After their return to 1985, Doc Brown expresses that he is glad that he talked Marty out of his scheme. The Present time Biff overhears this and rummages through the car and finds that book.
Biff scurries away just as Doc and Marty re-enter the DeLorean to make another quick trip to the future. When they return, They discover a nightmarish community. Biff has used the Sports Information book to become very wealthy and ruin all that is around them.
So, If you gained access to such a book, Would you follow Dr. Brown's advice or would you be a Biff Tannen ?
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