For a period of time in the Mid 1990's. I was a member of a 12 Step group that called itself Being Real.The idea behind that group was that part of recovery was to be comfortable being yourself within yourself and as you interact and fellowship with others.
I started this blogging process last October when a few friends began to tell me that I needed to seriously considered writing a book. I hoked about writing a Jerry book, " A book about nothing" or A Snoopy book, It was a dark and stormy night." The advice I got back was dig deep and be willing to reflect stories that truly represent your life, the hows and why of it, why have you lived! So, This meant that I'd have to write vulnerably, disclosively and fearless. Hid nothing- My life -great moments and mistakes, awesome judgements and misjudgements all included!
At the same time, I started to think more about the possibilities of becoming a paid speaker. What I was told was - Don't give us grand speeches, Don't Tell us about the Great Victories of others. Tell us about you- The true and interesting stories of Your life! I recoiled a bit- Some things that have happen to me where not pleasant and would NOT be pleasant to tell about. I was told that those are the stories you MOST need to tell!
So, Nor easy to live with or always to tell about.the process of my need to live better and to succeed and how that depends upon my continuing and growing commitment to Being Real! Lord, Not the road I wish to adhere to but this seems SO MUCH to be YOUR will for me at this present time.
- Johnny -
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