In 2011 America, We tend to defuse personal accountability and responsibility according to a person's background. We want to understand what personal and impersonal circumstances , factors beyond our/ their control that shape how any one person lives today! Thus, We can't really hold anyone accountable for those such factors. This, to me, explains why such thoughts as " It's all good"- not one of my favorite phrases as most of you are likely to ALL READY know- and " It's not good or bad, It just is!"
To me, The " It's all good" justifies a view that attempts to teach that " No matter what happens, it all works out well somehow and eventually will be seen as the best possible way that things COULD have transpired.",so therefore anything that happens, no matter why it happens really needs to be seen as proper and acceptable! This view seems to consider such idea as, " Did the person think about his or her actions before they acted? Did they ask themselves, " How might their action impact upon others?" Did they ask others for counsel? Did they compare these decisions to others that they made in the past? What came about after that past choice/ choices were made? When some wonder why I'm so not pleased with the phrase, " It's All Good.", You now have some of the reasons I am not thrilled by those 3 words used together !!!
My brief against the phrase, " It's not good or bad, It just is!" is that this concept minimizes how truly calculating, cruel and uncaring some people are capable of being. Some simply believe that, " As long as I get what I want!!, As as I wind up winning then EVERYTHING else is ALL Good!' This, to me, demonstrates how easily this phrase can be corrupted and manipulated. Morality, Ethics, Laws, Right and Wrong are not merely descriptors or labels, these are measures of line of thought that we want to live as well and as properly as it is possible to live. We also want to live, to the extent it is possible for us to do so in caring and personally committed harmony with all we interact with.This way of living does not vary with our mood, our upbringing, how we were treated 2 hours ago or 2 hours from now. In spite of what is or could be, We know there is a proper and responsible and ethically defensible way to live, a good and wise manner to conduct yourself!
This brings us to the My Part- My role in works well and what is not good in my life. I avoid problems, I procrastinate, I fear consequences and I desire what seems to be the easy way out. When I make such choices and they do not bring about great results, The fact that I chose those options become a portion of "my part" is to why my life is not going well!
I saw a movie released last year last night. The name of the Movie is Takers. The title of the movie really well-describes the central theme of the movie- People making sure that they get everything they can get no matter how that affects any one else. One of the featured characters in this movie is known as "Ghost".He plays one group of criminals- ones that he has a history with- against members of the Russian Mafia.
One of these callous calculators has a girl friend that he is totally in love with- she matters to him and she is likely truly the only one who matters to him. She winds up being killed, shot to death as a result of a shoot out, one of a number that he was not directly involved in.. Yet, She dies because of what he became involved in He was not thinking " It's all good" or " It just as": as he cradled her lifeless body. No action we undertake will ever be consequence free.
- Johnny -
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