I've spent a lot of time in my life too easily recoiling from pain and being in dread of suffering, tumult and suffering. Yet, I am starting to see such more and more as a type of "God's Gym". These encounters with struggle are what give words such as endurance, persistence, determination and steadfastness significance and importance.
I'm really getting to grasp that success can only happens when we are willing to test ourselves and submit to struggles and great efforts against, at times, seemingly implacable resistance. We do gain greatly as we push aside that resistance by being too committed to give up as long as we see the POSSIBILITY of achievement and accomplishment. The early days of 2011 has been an intensely rough and rugged and sorely trying time for me. If I'd been given a preview of the last 3 months and was given the choice as to whether I am willing to enter into these 90 days or not, I ,likely ,would have said, "No, Thank You!!!"
Yet, I will also say, I've gain valuable lessons in dealing more effectively with other people, I've gained greater insights into how to deal well with complicated systems and bureaucracies. I've also learned that I am able to endure for more than I believe I am able to deal with. I would have cheated myself and sabotaged myself had I opted to be provided an easier and softer January, Frebruary and March. The struggle has been of great gain and profit to me- It is hard for me to admit- but it is , indeed, the simple and clear truth !
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