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Friday, September 30, 2011
The Yankees are in The Post- Season !
Will The Fall of 2011 be a " Field of Dreams" or something best never spoken of again once it is finished!?????
Nine Months will soon be gone !
I'm glad that September 2011 will soon be over. The endurance fest is nearly over!
Johnny's New Year! - October First, 2011!
In a Few hours, It will be Saturday , October 1st here in The Eastern United States. You've long heard me state that a Johnnyssance is soon to be underway. I committed myself to start what I'm calling " The 18 Month Prime Direction" an effort that will allow me to live well, to be more confident and to allow me to truly enjoy being me- providing me a chance to live better and also become MORE of a blessing and benefit to others!
My mother wanted to be a mother in the worst way and chose a man she wound up totally loathing. This was a man who had zero respect for women. He was a proud Hispanic man and he married a woman who found Hispanics and Blacks and most other no white people beneath her! She planned to "Americanize " him- this effort was never to be a realistic option.
Neither parent found me to be acceptable. My dad wanted a son who would be quiet, obedient and subservient. He also wanted a son who would be irresistible to the women. He was sent a bright, creative, talkative, questioning and curious child. He loathed my abilities in public speaking. He often labelled me as being weak and " acting like a girl"!
My mother saw me as not tough and ready to be bold enough. She told me that " I was not good enough to be the child she'd long waited for". Both parents by beating, scolding and insults sought to crush and erase my personality and my very identity.
I fought them and suffered child abuse due to my resistance. In spite of my defiance, Some of their " rebuilding" took- even as a child I noticed many things about me that confused, distressed and alarmed me- things that I KNEW were not me!!!!
I grew up cowed and easily intimidated and I was very prone to being bullied and often have been bullied and subjected to intimidation. I 've often been mocked and dismissed. I found myself confusing, alarming and simply a troubling mystery.
I've lived my adult life largely this way. . I decided , 2 and a half months ago, while on a Mission's Trip to Mexico that I had to do something that would have me find out who I truly am, what I'm capable of and then opt to live that way!
I spoke to my pastor and while he lauded my desire, he warned me that to succeed I'd need to be patient and be devoted to pursuing an intense and demanding long term commitment to gain the results I desire.
There fore, With the help of a mentor and a 3 person board, I will strip way and banish from me what is not Johnny and I will learn exactly who I am! I will learn how to operate, over time with panache, poise and elan! I will work so that on April First , 2013, I will be someone I will enjoy being.
This all starts in a few hours. My goal for October 2011 is to be more positive and to learn how to relax and enjoy being positive! My Goal for November- My Birthday Month- is to learn that people like me and why they like me. I want to understand what people find appealing, likable and desirable about me. People have thought it amusing but , at present, I REALLY!!!! do not get why people wish to befriend me, and enjoy me. I don't get what they can gain from me and how they can benefit from knowing me. To me, at present, This is genuinely an unfathomable mystery!
- Johnny-
My mother wanted to be a mother in the worst way and chose a man she wound up totally loathing. This was a man who had zero respect for women. He was a proud Hispanic man and he married a woman who found Hispanics and Blacks and most other no white people beneath her! She planned to "Americanize " him- this effort was never to be a realistic option.
Neither parent found me to be acceptable. My dad wanted a son who would be quiet, obedient and subservient. He also wanted a son who would be irresistible to the women. He was sent a bright, creative, talkative, questioning and curious child. He loathed my abilities in public speaking. He often labelled me as being weak and " acting like a girl"!
My mother saw me as not tough and ready to be bold enough. She told me that " I was not good enough to be the child she'd long waited for". Both parents by beating, scolding and insults sought to crush and erase my personality and my very identity.
I fought them and suffered child abuse due to my resistance. In spite of my defiance, Some of their " rebuilding" took- even as a child I noticed many things about me that confused, distressed and alarmed me- things that I KNEW were not me!!!!
I grew up cowed and easily intimidated and I was very prone to being bullied and often have been bullied and subjected to intimidation. I 've often been mocked and dismissed. I found myself confusing, alarming and simply a troubling mystery.
I've lived my adult life largely this way. . I decided , 2 and a half months ago, while on a Mission's Trip to Mexico that I had to do something that would have me find out who I truly am, what I'm capable of and then opt to live that way!
I spoke to my pastor and while he lauded my desire, he warned me that to succeed I'd need to be patient and be devoted to pursuing an intense and demanding long term commitment to gain the results I desire.
There fore, With the help of a mentor and a 3 person board, I will strip way and banish from me what is not Johnny and I will learn exactly who I am! I will learn how to operate, over time with panache, poise and elan! I will work so that on April First , 2013, I will be someone I will enjoy being.
This all starts in a few hours. My goal for October 2011 is to be more positive and to learn how to relax and enjoy being positive! My Goal for November- My Birthday Month- is to learn that people like me and why they like me. I want to understand what people find appealing, likable and desirable about me. People have thought it amusing but , at present, I REALLY!!!! do not get why people wish to befriend me, and enjoy me. I don't get what they can gain from me and how they can benefit from knowing me. To me, at present, This is genuinely an unfathomable mystery!
- Johnny-
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
What If .... What would the Internet be like if it had been shaped to conform to and be responsive to slander and libel standards!!!!!!!!!!
The Internet is, in so many ways!!!!, a GodSend! It allows us to share our hopes, dreams, ideals, visions and most vital concerns with each other. It is a vital and dynamic engine of creativity and inventiveness!
And yet, It is used, to often, as a powerful, unrelenting, severe and merciless weapon , an attack tool!
I am a Heterosexual! Yet, I have been labeled as a Gay Man by " Outspoken Manly Man" who I have dared to have the temerity to disagree with. I like good argument- I am a Toastmaster and a teacher as well as a well-trained debater and analyst. Yet, rather than contend with my ideas in a mannerly way, I was told to perform anatomically impossible acts and asked " When I am going to come out of the closet????!!!!." That is both not germane to anything and is antagonistic and incendiary!
I got involved in a discussion of Abortion where I declared that I am militantly pro-life! This was on a Forum Thread on causes that you are dedicated to and would volunteer to support. Someone mentioned how much he disliked my not minding my own business. He said that his cause was castrating gay men in denial and training them how to mind their own business and how to focus on what they need to focus upon -- How to dress and act to attract the attention of other gay men!!!!
Quite repulsive and unacceptable in my opinion! Also, Clearly an act that in other media might cause the police to wish to become aware of said villainous and hatred encouraging poster!
The Internet is good- but if we had made it so that it could not be defiled by producers of " intellectual sewage", Would we not all be the better for it?
- Johnny -
And yet, It is used, to often, as a powerful, unrelenting, severe and merciless weapon , an attack tool!
I am a Heterosexual! Yet, I have been labeled as a Gay Man by " Outspoken Manly Man" who I have dared to have the temerity to disagree with. I like good argument- I am a Toastmaster and a teacher as well as a well-trained debater and analyst. Yet, rather than contend with my ideas in a mannerly way, I was told to perform anatomically impossible acts and asked " When I am going to come out of the closet????!!!!." That is both not germane to anything and is antagonistic and incendiary!
I got involved in a discussion of Abortion where I declared that I am militantly pro-life! This was on a Forum Thread on causes that you are dedicated to and would volunteer to support. Someone mentioned how much he disliked my not minding my own business. He said that his cause was castrating gay men in denial and training them how to mind their own business and how to focus on what they need to focus upon -- How to dress and act to attract the attention of other gay men!!!!
Quite repulsive and unacceptable in my opinion! Also, Clearly an act that in other media might cause the police to wish to become aware of said villainous and hatred encouraging poster!
The Internet is good- but if we had made it so that it could not be defiled by producers of " intellectual sewage", Would we not all be the better for it?
- Johnny -
Friday, September 23, 2011
One of The Most inspiring cheers in ALL of College Football. It came about as an instrument of healing! 37 members of the 1970 Marshall Football Team died in a plane crash.
After much grieving and soul-searching, It was decided that Marshall would re-build their Football Team the Chant " We Are Marshall" signifies the BOND that exists between the Marshall University Community and Their Football Team and vice-versa!
- Johnny-
After much grieving and soul-searching, It was decided that Marshall would re-build their Football Team the Chant " We Are Marshall" signifies the BOND that exists between the Marshall University Community and Their Football Team and vice-versa!
- Johnny-
Tomorrow will be about being ready...
to sparkle. For the First Time since The Fall of 2009- 2 long years- I will be in a serious contest- one that I need my juices up for!
I don't know what the results will be- but I am getting ready and getting focused. I just need to do my best- my creative, daring and dazzling best.
Will I- I want to and I am preparing to do so---- Yet, Only THE MOMENT- will actually reveal what my 2 and a half minutes on the stage shall produce!
- Johnny-
I don't know what the results will be- but I am getting ready and getting focused. I just need to do my best- my creative, daring and dazzling best.
Will I- I want to and I am preparing to do so---- Yet, Only THE MOMENT- will actually reveal what my 2 and a half minutes on the stage shall produce!
- Johnny-
Will the Yankees play on cruise control this weekend?
They play the Red Sox ! The Yankees are in- They have clinched the American League Eastern Division Championship.
The Red Sox are barely holding on to the Wild Card Lead. Will the Yankees go through the motion or will they seek to apply THE!!!! DAGGER!!!!
The Red Sox are barely holding on to the Wild Card Lead. Will the Yankees go through the motion or will they seek to apply THE!!!! DAGGER!!!!
The Quality of Public Facilities
People will vote with their feet when public facilities are unkempt, offensive, smelly, rank and simply uninviting. Most people will avoid, almost at any cost using a public restroom because they know that they will often stumble upon conditions that will offend them- conditions that are most unhappy and potentially health -endangering!
Tables in Mall Food courts are not usually clean either- They often require a good bit of bussing and elbow grease before anyone reasonable person considers them worthy of serving as a dining area.
Police and Park Authority personnel will often state that it is the homeless and poorly behaving young people who are responsible for the broken down nature of park, ballfields et al.
The Arlington Virginia Public Library's Central Branch has hired security guards on staff. I remember a man taking outraged exception to being woken up from a nap. He pointedly asked the guard, " What the **** gives you the right to bother me?" The guard bluntly pointed to a mother who was very quietly reading from
a picture book and said, " We want people like her to CONTINUE to come to the Library!" He then told the man " Find another place to sleep."
This same library only keeps one of its two Mens' rooms open. They actually let people know that " Some of our gusts tend to make the Mens' Rooms unfit for use." So, We switch off. We close one- make it fit to be used and then close the other one.
I know Conservatives set many people's teeth on edge when they wax eloquently about how people have abandoned supporting ways of behavior that once benefited all of us. I know that it was wrong to block off opportunities and discriminate. I will maintain that good citizenship and decent behavior are universally desirable.Ruining what is meant to be used well for all and by all is not excused due to anyone's race, sex, national origin, language or sexual orientation to argue otherwise is an act of bigotry.
There are arguments being raised that if people are capable of being orderly, decent and law-abiding and they , as an act of willing defiance choose not to be will find that people will militantly reject their behavior. That people will demand that they pay a price for their orneriness. Perhaps the parents of vandals will do community service atoning for the damage their children do. Perhaps people who defile public areas will be told that those areas are now off-limits to them.
People who can not/. do not have the capacity tot behave acceptably and appropriately need understanding and all due forbearance. It would be inhumane and unethical to respond elsewise!. Yet, We need to evaluate people more wisely and remind people that no matter what they have endured that living well and living respectfully is something that our society expects of everyone who is ABLE to do what is appropriate and effective for themselves and their neighbors!
- Johnny-
Tables in Mall Food courts are not usually clean either- They often require a good bit of bussing and elbow grease before anyone reasonable person considers them worthy of serving as a dining area.
Police and Park Authority personnel will often state that it is the homeless and poorly behaving young people who are responsible for the broken down nature of park, ballfields et al.
The Arlington Virginia Public Library's Central Branch has hired security guards on staff. I remember a man taking outraged exception to being woken up from a nap. He pointedly asked the guard, " What the **** gives you the right to bother me?" The guard bluntly pointed to a mother who was very quietly reading from
a picture book and said, " We want people like her to CONTINUE to come to the Library!" He then told the man " Find another place to sleep."
This same library only keeps one of its two Mens' rooms open. They actually let people know that " Some of our gusts tend to make the Mens' Rooms unfit for use." So, We switch off. We close one- make it fit to be used and then close the other one.
I know Conservatives set many people's teeth on edge when they wax eloquently about how people have abandoned supporting ways of behavior that once benefited all of us. I know that it was wrong to block off opportunities and discriminate. I will maintain that good citizenship and decent behavior are universally desirable.Ruining what is meant to be used well for all and by all is not excused due to anyone's race, sex, national origin, language or sexual orientation to argue otherwise is an act of bigotry.
There are arguments being raised that if people are capable of being orderly, decent and law-abiding and they , as an act of willing defiance choose not to be will find that people will militantly reject their behavior. That people will demand that they pay a price for their orneriness. Perhaps the parents of vandals will do community service atoning for the damage their children do. Perhaps people who defile public areas will be told that those areas are now off-limits to them.
People who can not/. do not have the capacity tot behave acceptably and appropriately need understanding and all due forbearance. It would be inhumane and unethical to respond elsewise!. Yet, We need to evaluate people more wisely and remind people that no matter what they have endured that living well and living respectfully is something that our society expects of everyone who is ABLE to do what is appropriate and effective for themselves and their neighbors!
- Johnny-
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Adieu Summer 2011
This is the full day of the season, Fall enter in at 5:23 tomorrow morning eastern Time, I'm always a bit melancholy when you leave.
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
The Bill James Paradigm
Bill James is one of my favorite baseball writers. He is a well-recognized baseball historian and a true genius with statistics. Few people can cause statistics to breathe as he does!
From 1982 through 1988, Ballantine Books published The Bill James Baseball Abstract a combination of witty and probing baseball -connected prose and amazing mathematical analysis if the sport.
In 1988, The Abstracts stopped- The 1988 Abstract was the last of the Line.James ended them because he resented people telling him what to write. James said that this was causing him to build a greater and greater dislike and active hostility towards his readers.
Some people dislike having people make negative, derogatory, offensive and, in their opinion, un-called for comments when they post in various Forums. They want to not read comments on their posts that they find unpleasant and disturbing to read.
The response they often get when they protest- You can't control your threads and you do not have the right to tell people what they may and may not post. Is the only answer, then, to quit and walk away- or can intelligent and reasonable people find a better and more mature solution! ?!?
- Johnny-
From 1982 through 1988, Ballantine Books published The Bill James Baseball Abstract a combination of witty and probing baseball -connected prose and amazing mathematical analysis if the sport.
In 1988, The Abstracts stopped- The 1988 Abstract was the last of the Line.James ended them because he resented people telling him what to write. James said that this was causing him to build a greater and greater dislike and active hostility towards his readers.
Some people dislike having people make negative, derogatory, offensive and, in their opinion, un-called for comments when they post in various Forums. They want to not read comments on their posts that they find unpleasant and disturbing to read.
The response they often get when they protest- You can't control your threads and you do not have the right to tell people what they may and may not post. Is the only answer, then, to quit and walk away- or can intelligent and reasonable people find a better and more mature solution! ?!?
- Johnny-
Anxiety is beaten when I call it out
When I admit that I'm anxious, detail what I am specifically anxious about and then plan to walk through it- then I am most likely to triumph over that which I am anxious over!
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
The Ways of Progress
Looking for what is possible and deciding to say more often than not, " If it is worthwhile and I will gain from it, Then I shall likely engage in it."
Being overly cautious when you are behind likely will not allow me to win!
Being overly cautious when you are behind likely will not allow me to win!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Being Gentle with the one that is you!
We push when we are sick. We kick ourselves in the backsides ans scream at ourselves rather often when we are down. We endless demand and stirive and push!
The ancient words tell us to love others AS we love ourselves. Does being king, gentle and forbearing more often with ourselves count as being loving!
I deserve a break today- Will I give myself one?
The ancient words tell us to love others AS we love ourselves. Does being king, gentle and forbearing more often with ourselves count as being loving!
I deserve a break today- Will I give myself one?
The Conquistador and REY!!!! of All Closers- Mariano Rivera
He came to a team ready to blossom and dominate! He was the set up man for another- John Wetteland- He was supposed to keep the games close in the SEVENTH and EIGHTH innings - either holding on to the lead or keeping the YANKEES close.
After the 1996 Seasons, Wetteland became a free agent. Mariano was asked , then, to become the closes. 603 saves later- Wow, You;ve done the Yankee Universe so proud, El Rey Mariano!
Consistency, Dignity and Performance! Mariano grew up poor in Panama. He is still appreciative, likable and truly the role model that a Great Champion is expected to be!
- Johnny-
After the 1996 Seasons, Wetteland became a free agent. Mariano was asked , then, to become the closes. 603 saves later- Wow, You;ve done the Yankee Universe so proud, El Rey Mariano!
Consistency, Dignity and Performance! Mariano grew up poor in Panama. He is still appreciative, likable and truly the role model that a Great Champion is expected to be!
- Johnny-
The Sure Thing.
Some people really thrive on living cautiously, conservatively andgently. They'd much rather do nothing at all rather than the wrong thing. If there is a chance that what they are going to do may make life more difficult for them, they will decide to not step forward!
I remember the line from Braveheart - to wit- about men who will live because they do not act today but are likely to regreat their lack of action on their death beds.
I think most of us tend to cause the extremely cautious and those who will ALWAYS!!! choose to play it safe. Is that scorn warranted- Are there benefits to looking before you decide to leap!!!???
- Johnny-
I remember the line from Braveheart - to wit- about men who will live because they do not act today but are likely to regreat their lack of action on their death beds.
I think most of us tend to cause the extremely cautious and those who will ALWAYS!!! choose to play it safe. Is that scorn warranted- Are there benefits to looking before you decide to leap!!!???
- Johnny-
Monday, September 19, 2011
Trusting and Supportiveness
I find that I do not work well, that my life becomes bitter and hostile, when I am not trusting. Avoiding people because they might hurt you is a foolish act. You do the best you can and need to live as best you can with the outcomes and consequences!
This is a vital trait. It is most certain that the rigid will crack, fracture and break!
How do you get a young child to become freed of a fear of ...
not wanting to do anything that is likely to hurt or cause them to be ridiculed if it doesn't go well?
Such a child will be likely to grow up into behaving that way as an adult!
Such a child will be likely to grow up into behaving that way as an adult!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
I have a big heart
And I can be quite loving. Thank you, God, for letting me know how you are working to re-shape. I cherish that I am becoming more like you! I thrill that is INDEED Your will!
I must trust!
I've been tentative and fearful. Yes, I might make mistakes and blunders. Yes, The randomlness of life might mug me. Yes, Such is life. If you want to live and live better, Get in the game, Johnny!
The Fall really strats tomorrow
I will be tutoring for 3 hours tomorrow, I will also collect 70.00 . This means that I'm now on my regular sehedule. It will not be in full effect until next week but tomorrow it starts!
Me and My Shadow - 2011 Version
This is my 500TH posting of 2011 on This blog! This time I want to deal with the issue of improving my life and the painful mundaneness of my daily life!!!!
When you are single, without a significant other and with little spontaneity i your life, It means that sharing is truly just a vague concept that really seldom applies to you.
One of the most annoying factors to all of this is - That whatever I need to do, It is likely that I will have to do so fully!
The laundry only gets done when I do it, The trash is disposed of only when I act to do so. All of the meals I eat at home, I am the chef and I clean up. This covers anything and everything concerning self-care and sustenance!
If there is a partner, somerone you are connected to- People can take turns in getting things done- or can negotiate- " I really do not want to do this, If you do this THIS TIME, I will get it fully done the next time.
I have struggled mightily with depression this month. Part of it, a strong part of it, is I'm displeased and want a better option than Johnny or it DOESN"T get done! I want the option of co-operation on tasks or negotation.
There is just me and my shadow,. Johnny's Shadow does not fold clothes, scrub toilets, vaccum and do everything- lage and small at 5005 Caryn Court , Apartment 204!!!!
- Johnny-
When you are single, without a significant other and with little spontaneity i your life, It means that sharing is truly just a vague concept that really seldom applies to you.
One of the most annoying factors to all of this is - That whatever I need to do, It is likely that I will have to do so fully!
The laundry only gets done when I do it, The trash is disposed of only when I act to do so. All of the meals I eat at home, I am the chef and I clean up. This covers anything and everything concerning self-care and sustenance!
If there is a partner, somerone you are connected to- People can take turns in getting things done- or can negotiate- " I really do not want to do this, If you do this THIS TIME, I will get it fully done the next time.
I have struggled mightily with depression this month. Part of it, a strong part of it, is I'm displeased and want a better option than Johnny or it DOESN"T get done! I want the option of co-operation on tasks or negotation.
There is just me and my shadow,. Johnny's Shadow does not fold clothes, scrub toilets, vaccum and do everything- lage and small at 5005 Caryn Court , Apartment 204!!!!
- Johnny-
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Leslie Nielson- a Fascinating Turn About!
Some times listening to advise that seems contrary to what you've done and what you are sure you are confident of can re-write an entire life!
Someone convinced Leslie Nielson to go from a leading man- romantic interest into The Clown King of Spoofs!
Someone convinced Leslie Nielson to go from a leading man- romantic interest into The Clown King of Spoofs!
Friday, September 16, 2011
Those who look for perfect lovers- for Prince and Princess Charmings!!???
Have they, to be VERY!!!!! honest, I , ever wondered how unfair it will be to saddle perfect them with Most imperfect you... or I!!!????
Tomorrow I will be involved in lively and dynamic discussion.
I plan to argue well, cogently and thoughtfully. I also plan to listen. I know that I have good ideas but I am certainly not the only one that this is true of!
Learning to stop the hate....
Can you find reasons to feel compassion, sympathy and empathy for those who you like least or not at all? If not can you choose to be humane and vow top not be a cause of further harm or antagonism to him or her!?
If you can answer yes to those questions, You do believe in and honor the principles of being a peacemaker!
If you can answer yes to those questions, You do believe in and honor the principles of being a peacemaker!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Lord, Help Me to know...
that Your way is The Way, My emotions and yearning do not change who You are and what You ask of me!
Fear of what could go wrong and be troubling and disturbing...
is a weak and unacceptable reason to duck out of an activity. Part of making a promise is doing well not just merely showing up!
Tomorrow could be annoying in many ways but I will be an adult, responsible and live up to doing what I can as well as I can!
Tomorrow could be annoying in many ways but I will be an adult, responsible and live up to doing what I can as well as I can!
The way people are...
I tend to think proper and appropriate works best. Yet, When you get your fancy tickled by free spirits who show you that being spur-of-the- moment action can be great. You then begin to question. Being stuck in the mud is not a marvelous life strategy!
It started well- Let's all go to to The Food Court of The Mall and sing, or dance or put on a a play. Clever fun. Twittering friends using technology to link up, coordinate and gather.
Yet, The FlashMobs are slowly becoming a criminal motif. Let's organize and steal, intimidate by our numbers
So, How do you address this- One solution I've heard is to charge everyone in the mob with all the crimes committed by the mob. I wonder if RICO- Racketeer Influenced. and Corrupt Organization Act - Statutes might be a weapon to counter when Flash Mobs are employed as a strategic strategy for law-breaking!
Yet, The FlashMobs are slowly becoming a criminal motif. Let's organize and steal, intimidate by our numbers
So, How do you address this- One solution I've heard is to charge everyone in the mob with all the crimes committed by the mob. I wonder if RICO- Racketeer Influenced. and Corrupt Organization Act - Statutes might be a weapon to counter when Flash Mobs are employed as a strategic strategy for law-breaking!
Thinking you can ban people that you don't desire to encounter...
is rather simplistic and childish. Today, in a threapy group, I will deal with a self-centtred, unmeritedly pompus and supercillious man.
I'd like to so!!!!declare , " You are annoying and tres absurd!!!. Change or be gone." Yes, I'm well aware that I could be vulnerable to the same response from someone else !!!!!!!.
Therefore, I will learn acceptance and the adult response of practicing true and disciplined forbearance. S, Truly " God grant me the serenity..."
- Johnny -
I'd like to so!!!!declare , " You are annoying and tres absurd!!!. Change or be gone." Yes, I'm well aware that I could be vulnerable to the same response from someone else !!!!!!!.
Therefore, I will learn acceptance and the adult response of practicing true and disciplined forbearance. S, Truly " God grant me the serenity..."
- Johnny -
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Music lift spirits and shatters chains!
Churches and Protest Movement utilize music because they know how true this is!
What music helps to get you up, motivated and into action ?
What music helps to get you up, motivated and into action ?
Having someone who affirms me, complements me and seems to desire me....
Wow, I don't know if it will last, I hope, no matter what that it proves to be a harbinger of a truly new sense of prosperity!
The strongest prison is your own prejudices !
I know that I am a loving and fun person. I also know that I am gentle and giving and can inspire, teach and lead. Yet, I am too prone to encase myself in the fears and mistakes and taunts of the past.
You can learn from the past, Study it- continue what works and reject what does not. Yet, Healing and progress always occur today and make the path to the days to come exciting to contemplate.
I know what I believe and I know that He tells me that perfect love is the eraser of darkness and fear. I have a Great God and He has brought Great Friends to bless and further direct and empower me.
I honor those who chide me away from shrillness and insecurity and panic. You are truly being used as blessings when you challenge me thusly!
You can learn from the past, Study it- continue what works and reject what does not. Yet, Healing and progress always occur today and make the path to the days to come exciting to contemplate.
I know what I believe and I know that He tells me that perfect love is the eraser of darkness and fear. I have a Great God and He has brought Great Friends to bless and further direct and empower me.
I honor those who chide me away from shrillness and insecurity and panic. You are truly being used as blessings when you challenge me thusly!
If someone tells you " I hide who I am and I won't let anyone in because I ...
simply cannot endure any FURTHER mockery, dismissiveness and rejection !!!!!! ", What would you, as a caring friend, say to this man or women? It is particularly sad when you hear a child or a youth speak this way about themselves.
I find that I must be discerning and choosing. Findingi safe and trustworthy people is a priority to me! Being elsewise can cause one to pay a severely unacceptable price for doing so!
- Johnny-
I find that I must be discerning and choosing. Findingi safe and trustworthy people is a priority to me! Being elsewise can cause one to pay a severely unacceptable price for doing so!
- Johnny-
Having someone say " I so want you" after an absurdly long dry spell...
is intoxicating and a tad dizzying!
It is good to think things through and be reasonable. Yet, It is tough to pull you back to somber and sane today!
It is good to think things through and be reasonable. Yet, It is tough to pull you back to somber and sane today!
When you want to hide and be away...
When the world seems to be a bit too frustrating and annoying, You can have the impulse to hide away and not be bothered for awhile, How do you keep from lingering in that "hiding away" state for TOO long?
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
There are times when a chance encounter...
strikes a spark.
For the lonely soul, You nurture that moment,m seek to extend it and begin again to believe and hope!
For the lonely soul, You nurture that moment,m seek to extend it and begin again to believe and hope!
Knowing where you are heading...
is great. Even if the road before you seems rugged and difficult, Knowing that the eventual goal and destination is worthwhile, can imbue you with determination, vigor and tenacity.
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
A Trophy God - An Obnoxious and an Unacceptable Option.
Most people really do not have a high opinion of the so called " Trophy Spouse or Companion"! They are seen as an enhancement, a decoration as a way that allows for success , prosperity and the impressiveness of the person " Look at who I have attracted and can control"! The trophy is really not valued accept as something to gain- not really seen as worthy to honor and exalt in and of him or herself"!
God, The Creator and Lord of All, as I see Him, is often treated as, in a realistic sense, as a Trophy Deity!He is a decoration,an empower of what we wish. Someone who grants us cover and allows our lives to have significance. We want a God who is mighty to save when that benefits us and a God who is quiet, not demanding and in the background when we desire His position to be that.
I think that God values most those who take Him seriously, view themselves as His worshiper and servant and say I am desirous to obey You , delight in You and please You! I think while God knows that they are going to suffer the consequences, God respects, at some level those who say ," I reject Him. I want nothing to do with Him. I will live exactly as I please."
I believe that He is highly contemptuous of and repelled by those who seem to reduce Him to something He just is not . I'm reminded of two scriptures that are chilling and potentially terrifying in this regard. " Why do you call me " Lord, Lord" and DO NOT the things that I say ? " and " I would that you be hot or cold, If you are lukewarm, I will spit you out of my mouth."
- Johnny -
God, The Creator and Lord of All, as I see Him, is often treated as, in a realistic sense, as a Trophy Deity!He is a decoration,an empower of what we wish. Someone who grants us cover and allows our lives to have significance. We want a God who is mighty to save when that benefits us and a God who is quiet, not demanding and in the background when we desire His position to be that.
I think that God values most those who take Him seriously, view themselves as His worshiper and servant and say I am desirous to obey You , delight in You and please You! I think while God knows that they are going to suffer the consequences, God respects, at some level those who say ," I reject Him. I want nothing to do with Him. I will live exactly as I please."
I believe that He is highly contemptuous of and repelled by those who seem to reduce Him to something He just is not . I'm reminded of two scriptures that are chilling and potentially terrifying in this regard. " Why do you call me " Lord, Lord" and DO NOT the things that I say ? " and " I would that you be hot or cold, If you are lukewarm, I will spit you out of my mouth."
- Johnny -
The Pause to enjoy having a stimulating chat with a stranger.
As I was walking to the local Shoppers Food Warehouse, I nearly bumped into a man. We actually began to chat. We started discuss last week's deluge of rain, The Hurricane, The Earth Quake and the 9 /11 Anniversary.
Stress does irritate but it can also lead people to seek out people and establish more bonds. The last two weeks have been a gut-check time, indeed, in the Greater Washington DC Area.
Stress does irritate but it can also lead people to seek out people and establish more bonds. The last two weeks have been a gut-check time, indeed, in the Greater Washington DC Area.
Monday, September 12, 2011
I'm getting to enjoy winning and striving more and more.
It was getting to be so old listening to me whine!
Liberation can come from...
moving on even when you are not certain of EXACTLY where the road is taking you!
Is it possible to convey the importance of attentiveness to young people in
I know that teachers, parents, coaches, tutors, baby sitters et al still need to convey instructions and exercise authority and effective and reasonable control over children and youth that they are granted permission to lead.
Even at the start of this second decade of the 21ST CENTURY, Most instructions are given verbally. The provider of the instruction has it incumbent upon them to give instructions clearly dynamically, susinctly and authoratively! The person issuing the " command" must convey that- I have the power to do this, you need to take this seriously and you must do what you are NOW being told to do!
Yet, With ADD, The Spectrum of Autism, the confusing number of messages being provided and with the fact that many young people are not required to be responsive in many cases, How does a leader of young people do what they are CHARGED to do properly , responsibly and well?
People are now programmed to expect that nothing needs to be taken seriously the first time any information is provided to them! The First time- Oh There is something going on seemingly directed, possibly, at me- possibly being directed towards me. The Second Time- Oh, This Message is For Me. The Third Time- Oh, This is for me- I still didn't get all of it! The Fourth Time- Please tell me again - so I get all of it. The Fifth Time- I think I got it all, Tell me One More time. The Sixth- Seek Cklarification. The Seventh - Ok, Now I'll respond. This is what I observe among ADULTS!
However, some things are time sensitive. Some things must be done now or else the plan and schedule become impossible to maintain. Sometimes, Money could be lost or saftey can be compromised if the message isn't gotten in a rather quick manner!
So, Do we need more systems for conveying information and getting responses in a time-appropriate manner? or, Do we need to re-train one another as how to work well with other people and how to work promptly and effectively under properly established leadership/ authority?
- Johnny-
I know that teachers, parents, coaches, tutors, baby sitters et al still need to convey instructions and exercise authority and effective and reasonable control over children and youth that they are granted permission to lead.
Even at the start of this second decade of the 21ST CENTURY, Most instructions are given verbally. The provider of the instruction has it incumbent upon them to give instructions clearly dynamically, susinctly and authoratively! The person issuing the " command" must convey that- I have the power to do this, you need to take this seriously and you must do what you are NOW being told to do!
Yet, With ADD, The Spectrum of Autism, the confusing number of messages being provided and with the fact that many young people are not required to be responsive in many cases, How does a leader of young people do what they are CHARGED to do properly , responsibly and well?
People are now programmed to expect that nothing needs to be taken seriously the first time any information is provided to them! The First time- Oh There is something going on seemingly directed, possibly, at me- possibly being directed towards me. The Second Time- Oh, This Message is For Me. The Third Time- Oh, This is for me- I still didn't get all of it! The Fourth Time- Please tell me again - so I get all of it. The Fifth Time- I think I got it all, Tell me One More time. The Sixth- Seek Cklarification. The Seventh - Ok, Now I'll respond. This is what I observe among ADULTS!
However, some things are time sensitive. Some things must be done now or else the plan and schedule become impossible to maintain. Sometimes, Money could be lost or saftey can be compromised if the message isn't gotten in a rather quick manner!
So, Do we need more systems for conveying information and getting responses in a time-appropriate manner? or, Do we need to re-train one another as how to work well with other people and how to work promptly and effectively under properly established leadership/ authority?
- Johnny-
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Is it better to be alone than to relate to people who just simply seem to be annoying
and frustrating?
One reason I'm involved here and on other such sites is to meet fascination, delightful, bright energizing and fascinating people,. I also like to flirt with sultry and dynamic women as well. Hope springs eternal that one such person might find me appealing, desirable and irresistible.
I find, far too often, I meet social maladroit and clueless people who I find more and more I tolerate and just barely forbear!
That might just lead me to eventually decide to walk away, at some point, from ALL of this
- Johnny -
One reason I'm involved here and on other such sites is to meet fascination, delightful, bright energizing and fascinating people,. I also like to flirt with sultry and dynamic women as well. Hope springs eternal that one such person might find me appealing, desirable and irresistible.
I find, far too often, I meet social maladroit and clueless people who I find more and more I tolerate and just barely forbear!
That might just lead me to eventually decide to walk away, at some point, from ALL of this
- Johnny -
I'm not at all a Redskin Fan but
Today of all days, The Redskins won a big game on a big day! It was just right for the Giants and Redskins to play TODAY!!!!!
If Major League Baseball had been smarter, The Nationals and Mets would have played each other today!
If Major League Baseball had been smarter, The Nationals and Mets would have played each other today!
This Sunday Seemed So Right
It's been a rough 2 weeks of turmoil. Today, truly, was a day of connection, letting go and reconnected!
Thank You, Dear God! I needed this!
Thank You, Dear God! I needed this!
Our Country is still here ! - My 600 TH Blog Post..
A lot has happened over the last decade! Yet, We are still nere, still, capable and still resilient and creative.
Many of us grieve for the events of September of 2006, We are stumbling around very much and seeking to regain the feelings. As we learned a decade ago, We can take tough blows and find our way back. It shall be the case again.
Bod bless my fellow Americans Today and God Bless America.
Many of us grieve for the events of September of 2006, We are stumbling around very much and seeking to regain the feelings. As we learned a decade ago, We can take tough blows and find our way back. It shall be the case again.
Bod bless my fellow Americans Today and God Bless America.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
The Serenity of a Meeting
I'm glad I attended an AA meeting tonight. A lot around me has been swirling chaos over the last week. I needed to remember that the life I live is a gift from God and that it is worthwhile to commit myself to do the very best I possibly can from day to day to live it well and rightly!
Who do you and I want to hold accountable? Who is right ,morally proper..
and acceptable to hold accountable and responsible?
On April 16th, 2007, A young Korean American Student Seung Hui-Cho, A Virginia Tech Student shot to death 32 people and wounded 25 others. The Korean Community in Northern Virginia stepped forward and expressed their deep grief and sorrow over the actions that one of theirs had taken. They reached out in many ways, including monetarily to help the families of those killed and to ease the suffering of the wounded.
This impressed and touched many here in the common wealth and this response of The Korean Community is still lauded here in The Commonwealth of Virginia.
Contrast with the reaction that many people have harbored since 0 9/11/ 01. People are aggrieved because the Islamic Community here, EN MASSE, has not branded the 19 Hijackers as " Totally Reprehensible and Vile Monsters" You often here cries for MASS Rallies- Million Muslim Rallies- denouncing and demanding a halt to ALL anti-American terrorism activities on the part of their coreligionists and that any Government supporting the terrorists end their support of them NOW!
Is there an obligation for communities to say , " If one of our number does anything horrid, Please consider us aiders and abetters/ co-conspirators!" This seems, to me to be off-kilter, wrong, unreasonable and just " plain ol' wrong, unfair and unacceptable."
We do not hold people hostages for the actions of those that they have strong bonds to- unless we can show that they were co-plotters in bring about a criminal action! Yet, It seems since 9/11 that MANY of us, de-facto are!
- Johnny-
On April 16th, 2007, A young Korean American Student Seung Hui-Cho, A Virginia Tech Student shot to death 32 people and wounded 25 others. The Korean Community in Northern Virginia stepped forward and expressed their deep grief and sorrow over the actions that one of theirs had taken. They reached out in many ways, including monetarily to help the families of those killed and to ease the suffering of the wounded.
This impressed and touched many here in the common wealth and this response of The Korean Community is still lauded here in The Commonwealth of Virginia.
Contrast with the reaction that many people have harbored since 0 9/11/ 01. People are aggrieved because the Islamic Community here, EN MASSE, has not branded the 19 Hijackers as " Totally Reprehensible and Vile Monsters" You often here cries for MASS Rallies- Million Muslim Rallies- denouncing and demanding a halt to ALL anti-American terrorism activities on the part of their coreligionists and that any Government supporting the terrorists end their support of them NOW!
Is there an obligation for communities to say , " If one of our number does anything horrid, Please consider us aiders and abetters/ co-conspirators!" This seems, to me to be off-kilter, wrong, unreasonable and just " plain ol' wrong, unfair and unacceptable."
We do not hold people hostages for the actions of those that they have strong bonds to- unless we can show that they were co-plotters in bring about a criminal action! Yet, It seems since 9/11 that MANY of us, de-facto are!
- Johnny-
Celebrating Anniversaries
I attended the 26th Anniversary of a Toastmaster Club today. I saw the expression of a lot of gratitude and a desire of new challenges and renewal.
Someone who had been a member of the club in years past decided to rejoin the club today!
Someone who had been a member of the club in years past decided to rejoin the club today!
It is often said that we are a cynical people. That we do not think thgat very many people are dependable or reliable, That UNLESS you really have a relationship with someone, unless you have had enough time an d experience with someone to truly have " vetted" them, That you really have any way to know whether any ONE individual is reliable or unreliable, worthy or unworthy..
Yet, I sense it DOES bother us as individuals that people may question us and not take us as worthy of taking seriously!
I do think that an idea that I relish might change this harsh 21 ST century paradigm---- I take seriously Psalm 15: 4 - " If you make a promise, Keep it even if it ruins you." if someone put that kind of a seal of reliability on the things that they declare that they affirm or are committed to, I belive we would become far more likely to take each other far more seriously.
Yet, I sense it DOES bother us as individuals that people may question us and not take us as worthy of taking seriously!
I do think that an idea that I relish might change this harsh 21 ST century paradigm---- I take seriously Psalm 15: 4 - " If you make a promise, Keep it even if it ruins you." if someone put that kind of a seal of reliability on the things that they declare that they affirm or are committed to, I belive we would become far more likely to take each other far more seriously.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Today Be Opposite
Look to strengthen and empower. Look to note that which is marvelous. Truly be about increasing the peace and speaking to inspire enthusiasm and being vigorously and passionately, positive!
Fear and Intimidation are no places for a sane person to dwell.
Being and staying free of being dominated by either of these factors is a key to a better life!
Do life and liberty matter to you less than your happiness does?
I thinkk many people would divest themselves of both of those in a heart beat if they could . They would ask others to decided for them how to live and how free they could be in exchange for an easier life to live that would be fun, less stressful and less demanding. A life which would provided a lot to them and demand little of them would have people eagerly willing to volunteer to obtain such.
How much does your happiness and ease matter to you? Would you give up significant control over your life and accept a severe truncating of your liberties if that meant that you'd be happier and far MORE care free?
- Johnny-
How much does your happiness and ease matter to you? Would you give up significant control over your life and accept a severe truncating of your liberties if that meant that you'd be happier and far MORE care free?
- Johnny-
Today, I did not do well in 2 speech contests.
I was gracious and know that the other person did outstandingly well tohiunt. Not winning still rankles me.
Give me the facts and the updates and only report accurate and proven...
information please.
When a major international, national , regional or local MAJOPR news event occurs, How do you wish it to be reported, Do you want constant restating and interviews on what the effects of the event is likely to be on all of us?
Or- Do you want intitial detail, aq re-cap of the critical information from time to time and additional detail added only when it is certain that what is being added ir---
a- Accurate
b- Relevant
c- Helps to make what has happened far clearer and more understandable and focused!
- Johnny -
When a major international, national , regional or local MAJOPR news event occurs, How do you wish it to be reported, Do you want constant restating and interviews on what the effects of the event is likely to be on all of us?
Or- Do you want intitial detail, aq re-cap of the critical information from time to time and additional detail added only when it is certain that what is being added ir---
a- Accurate
b- Relevant
c- Helps to make what has happened far clearer and more understandable and focused!
- Johnny -
How much of a valid difference is it going to make?
The answer to The Decision of The Redskins to start Rex Grossman over John Beck.
Is Doing The Right thing truly its' own reward?
It seems that many people live by the code that " If I'm doing well, Then, Why isn't my life better" Or to Use The Earl Hickey Paradigm, " Since I'm doing good things , Why does my life still su*k?"
Reducing Stress
It seems to me that stress comes whether I want it to come or not and often at the times I'm least ready to deal with it.
If I remember that it will pass, I can navigate it better and choose not to be a stress dictated- to puppet!
If I remember that it will pass, I can navigate it better and choose not to be a stress dictated- to puppet!
10 years ago...
The day was a Sunday. People went to Church,I know of a Church that had their first services on this day. Football was played- people prepared themselves to start a NEW work week.
Then, Two days later... You just NEVER know!
Then, Two days later... You just NEVER know!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Lord, Please.Be Merciful!
Death at a young age seems cruel. Yet, I know that you are just. Please welcome that 12 year old who died in the Flash Floods into your presence
Me- In a handful of words.
I'm a public speaker, I'm as teacher and I am a writer. I'm an idealist and a futurist!
I know that I've practiced self-sabotaging behaviors for far too long. I'm committed to devote myself to freeing myself from this self- limiting foolishness!
I can do this and so I will.I can re-make myself and I will be worth all of the work I need to do to "Make This So" as Jean Luc would say!
- Johnny -
I know that I've practiced self-sabotaging behaviors for far too long. I'm committed to devote myself to freeing myself from this self- limiting foolishness!
I can do this and so I will.I can re-make myself and I will be worth all of the work I need to do to "Make This So" as Jean Luc would say!
- Johnny -
It is good to know that today is good!
I can take a deep breath and rest knowing that My God is good. He loves me, created me and He guides me!
The Off- Putting Week
Summer Vacation is now,everywhere, except NYC, where the SECOND MONDAY in September is the First Day of The School Year.
As I watch another deluge fall from the sky, Perhaps nature is mourning the wrap- up of another summer! - LOL!!!
- Johnny -
As I watch another deluge fall from the sky, Perhaps nature is mourning the wrap- up of another summer! - LOL!!!
- Johnny -
The Reston Deluge
I was in Reston, Va earlier today at The Northwest Center for Community Mental Health. I was attending a DBT session.
I live in Alexandria and a fellow group member works very close to where I work We are not used to a week of solid, steady and at times,torrential rains. That is what we are in the midst in here.
When we headed towards the Dulles Access Road, the rain has created flash flooding all around us. It was an interesting ride with a half an hour stop because the windows fogged up to the point where it was dangerous to drive.
This is an adventure in stress where I could have wound being undone by a great great peril and becoming a sorry mess as I was unraveling. My friend handled the driving quite well and I seemed to actually play a role in having her get to work safely. I keep thinking that challenge and being in the midst of situations that I totally wish to avoid totally lacking in any advantage will be the crushing end of me!
And yet...
- Johnny -
I live in Alexandria and a fellow group member works very close to where I work We are not used to a week of solid, steady and at times,torrential rains. That is what we are in the midst in here.
When we headed towards the Dulles Access Road, the rain has created flash flooding all around us. It was an interesting ride with a half an hour stop because the windows fogged up to the point where it was dangerous to drive.
This is an adventure in stress where I could have wound being undone by a great great peril and becoming a sorry mess as I was unraveling. My friend handled the driving quite well and I seemed to actually play a role in having her get to work safely. I keep thinking that challenge and being in the midst of situations that I totally wish to avoid totally lacking in any advantage will be the crushing end of me!
And yet...
- Johnny -
The New Frontier
This is what some people called the Administration of President Kennedy. To me, This can also be the experience that one enters into when someone chooses to FINALLY dosomething they'e long worked had to convince themselves to do.
I tend to worry about doing something risky that might cause me to suffer injury. So, Going to Mexico and doing construction work on the side of a steep mountain is something that strikes me as a New Frontier experiemce. I do not do so often enough for it to become a usual and expected experience.
I tend to worry about doing something risky that might cause me to suffer injury. So, Going to Mexico and doing construction work on the side of a steep mountain is something that strikes me as a New Frontier experiemce. I do not do so often enough for it to become a usual and expected experience.
A life in constant motion is likely a life that is rather random and out of control. I've learned, over the last year or so, How important it is to pause, reflect, re-consider and absorb and process what I am gaining.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Fairy Tales -The original stories were rather raw.
Wolves tearing elderly women across. Witches luring children towards them to make dinner out of them. The Fairy tales were old folk tales told by people who lived very wretched and difficult lives. They lived lives dominated by fear, superstition and cruelty and told stories that matched their lives.
People will tell the tales that reflect their lives- sadly the most sordid and nasty seem to draw the crowds and get recorded.
When you present stories, Do you tell ones that inspire and motivate or ones that seem to disempower and just appear to focus on luridness?
People will tell the tales that reflect their lives- sadly the most sordid and nasty seem to draw the crowds and get recorded.
When you present stories, Do you tell ones that inspire and motivate or ones that seem to disempower and just appear to focus on luridness?
Mood Does Follow Action
I've been discontented , down, moody and crabby all week. I shall soon go out on a very rainy day and get somethings accomplished. I know that SHALL make a difference for me!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
If you find yourself continually thinking or saying that " People are in YOUR way", Is...
it possible that your opinion of yourself is warped and misaligned and is in need of adjustment?
One of The MAJOR advantages to places such as the Internet at large, FACE BOOK and having an on going blog is that you can convince others to possibly like, explore and become a fan of that which you really enjoy and committed to.
I'm still a big fan of my Boyhood favorite show Lost in Space. In started off as a daring adventure. I love the idea that one day many human are likely to be involved as explorers in their void. To me, Lost In Space is an augur and a vision of some what that time might be somewhat like!
So, To Me, Lost in Space really has helped me to revel into the future that I believe shall one day just be a part of daily reality.
- Johnny-
I'm still a big fan of my Boyhood favorite show Lost in Space. In started off as a daring adventure. I love the idea that one day many human are likely to be involved as explorers in their void. To me, Lost In Space is an augur and a vision of some what that time might be somewhat like!
So, To Me, Lost in Space really has helped me to revel into the future that I believe shall one day just be a part of daily reality.
- Johnny-
If you think that you can truly be an island unto yourself, Do you really want to be alone and disconnected from any meaning ful contact when someone with a knife or a gun decides that he or she " MUST have your time and attention" right now!
Gray skies are gonna clear up...
I'm glad for that old song from the musical " Bye, Bye Birdie" on days like today. Walking and catching buses are not fun activities when it has rained heavily all week long!
I'm back with my DBT Group
Not liking the composition of My DBT group is not a good reason to decide to walk away from the group. Principles are what help you to live a better life- so it is best to focus upon principles rather than personalities.
Letting people know that you are paying a price.
Flexibility and learning to be able to shift so you can work and play well with others is a vital skill to live by. I've learned a lot over the last year that I pay a high price when I worship at the altars of " Set in Stone" , " Rigidity" and ' This IS!!!! what works best FOR ME!"
Yet, There are times, this week has clearly been one , where being tossed about due to things seeming to be continually in flux becomes most difficult to manage.I'm hiding out now from a friend who I know will scold me for my unreliability. I sent her an e-mail telling her that I would not likely be able to help her out due to a shift in my tutoring. I learned, a day later, that this would not be the case, I'm now hiding out from her.
I've agreed to 5 separate schedule shifts over the last 24 hours and it means I've had to rearrange my whole week 5 separate times within this same period .
So, How flexible and adaptable is it good for a person to be willing to be?
- Johnny -
Yet, There are times, this week has clearly been one , where being tossed about due to things seeming to be continually in flux becomes most difficult to manage.I'm hiding out now from a friend who I know will scold me for my unreliability. I sent her an e-mail telling her that I would not likely be able to help her out due to a shift in my tutoring. I learned, a day later, that this would not be the case, I'm now hiding out from her.
I've agreed to 5 separate schedule shifts over the last 24 hours and it means I've had to rearrange my whole week 5 separate times within this same period .
So, How flexible and adaptable is it good for a person to be willing to be?
- Johnny -
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
A Movie Night
That is how I spent the evening of the day that wound up being totally the opposite of any way that I planned for it to be. I re-watched The Gangs of New York- Leonardo Di Caprio and Daniel- Day Lewis. NYC has always been an out- of-control caldron it seems.
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
Some Sports Teams DO!! prize their Fans!
The Seattle Seahawks have the Number 12 posted in a place of honor at Century Link Field. That number is posted to honor The 12TH Man- The Seahawks Fans!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Being willing to be dismissive of and anxious to discount people....
is a road to tyranny dictatorship and horror.
People who are quick to say that another person or a group of people are- useless, unneeded or problems are likely to decide to "Do something" about such people" as in enslave them limit their acecss to opportunity,call them the cause of our difficulties and struggles. Some people might even choose to decide to " eliminate" such people.
Not all people are likable or lovable- but a good person will still want the best for him. It also requires that people get that all the things that I approve of are not going to be universally approved by the rest of the people who live on this planet. It also asks that people get that all the things that I disapprove of not everyone else on this planet will also disapprove of.
There are nearly 7 Billion people of us. No code of conduct asks that we like and enjoy against those who share this world with us! Equally, No code on Earth allows us to decide who deserves to be treated as less than a human being!
- Johnny -
People who are quick to say that another person or a group of people are- useless, unneeded or problems are likely to decide to "Do something" about such people" as in enslave them limit their acecss to opportunity,call them the cause of our difficulties and struggles. Some people might even choose to decide to " eliminate" such people.
Not all people are likable or lovable- but a good person will still want the best for him. It also requires that people get that all the things that I approve of are not going to be universally approved by the rest of the people who live on this planet. It also asks that people get that all the things that I disapprove of not everyone else on this planet will also disapprove of.
There are nearly 7 Billion people of us. No code of conduct asks that we like and enjoy against those who share this world with us! Equally, No code on Earth allows us to decide who deserves to be treated as less than a human being!
- Johnny -
Sane and Whole People do not see changes in schedules or changes of
commitments as acts of criminality.
The problem is that once you make a set of commitments , you may need to shift and radically re-arrange your schedule. This sometimes seems to be a requirement to be an honest and an honorable person- someone who sees integrity as a core issue!
The problem is that you can't always get back into something that you've withdrawn from / exited out of! You also need to keep promises- even IF they ruin you- Psalms 15:4.
I need wisdom and insight. I also need to learn how to be more at ease - to wear life as more of a loose garment.
- Johnny -
The problem is that once you make a set of commitments , you may need to shift and radically re-arrange your schedule. This sometimes seems to be a requirement to be an honest and an honorable person- someone who sees integrity as a core issue!
The problem is that you can't always get back into something that you've withdrawn from / exited out of! You also need to keep promises- even IF they ruin you- Psalms 15:4.
I need wisdom and insight. I also need to learn how to be more at ease - to wear life as more of a loose garment.
- Johnny -
I must not forget that no matter what I struggle with I live in a nation that allows me to thrive by having access to a richness of freedom!
I seem to dislike needing to create relationships by..
committing myself again and again to meetings , activities and organizations. I really wish that it would just be possible to meet people more easily in a less stressful and less just sign up and be a part of something way.
It seems that my life is nothing but being one of a part of a group of random strangers again and again and again. The way the public is in 2011 being thrown continually among people means that you are exposed to people that you do not wish to have any connection with. You may not even wish for him or her to know that you exist if a particular person seems especially disturbed and disturbing!
- Johnny -
It seems that my life is nothing but being one of a part of a group of random strangers again and again and again. The way the public is in 2011 being thrown continually among people means that you are exposed to people that you do not wish to have any connection with. You may not even wish for him or her to know that you exist if a particular person seems especially disturbed and disturbing!
- Johnny -
Becoming a More Disciplined and Focused Writer
I am clever and creative and actually have moments when I border on being insightful and profound. Yet, I do OBSESS on details. If I'm writing a Devotional or a Bible study or just discoursing on any subject that I'm deeply fascinated in, I tend to flood people with details. I tend to write voluminously on even very minor and obscure detail.
If I'm writing as a teacher or an educator, I write to overwhelm with data and try to explore in detail any areas that people may struggle to comprehend. I choose, too often, to answer any question that might POSSIBLY be raised.
All of this tends to cause me to want to avoid writing. I vowed almost a year ago that I would figure out how to resolve this- because I enjoy life more fully when I am writing and speaking well.
Anyone have any ideas on this subject? Has anyone else struggled to overcome THIS dilemma?
- Johnny -
If I'm writing as a teacher or an educator, I write to overwhelm with data and try to explore in detail any areas that people may struggle to comprehend. I choose, too often, to answer any question that might POSSIBLY be raised.
All of this tends to cause me to want to avoid writing. I vowed almost a year ago that I would figure out how to resolve this- because I enjoy life more fully when I am writing and speaking well.
Anyone have any ideas on this subject? Has anyone else struggled to overcome THIS dilemma?
- Johnny -
I'm afraid of making a mistake that will destroy the modest advances that...
I'm now making.
If I let Fear paralyze me, it is certain that I shall ABSOLUTELY fail. I may not do what I'm scheduled to do perfectly but the best way to improve is by moving and actually being about the business of achieving!
- Johnny-
If I let Fear paralyze me, it is certain that I shall ABSOLUTELY fail. I may not do what I'm scheduled to do perfectly but the best way to improve is by moving and actually being about the business of achieving!
- Johnny-
God Grant me The Serenity Today ...
to still be co-operative and pleasant at the moments when the day is not proceeding as I would have it do so!
Keeping Children and Youth from Developing the " Seeking Friday, Holidays and Vacations" Virus?
Today is the First Day of School for many young people. Summer Vacation is now over. Yet, Many young people will already be looking forward to the end of this first " week" on Friday and the arrival of The First Weekend of the School Year.
Many decry the harm of many adults longing for off days and their time and seeing their work days as a " necessary evil" that they must endure before they arrive at the next such " their time" day!
How do we keep our young people from adapting this way of looking at the typical Monday-Friday cycle?
- Johnny -
Many decry the harm of many adults longing for off days and their time and seeing their work days as a " necessary evil" that they must endure before they arrive at the next such " their time" day!
How do we keep our young people from adapting this way of looking at the typical Monday-Friday cycle?
- Johnny -
Monday, September 5, 2011
My Last Summer Holiday
I would have preferred to not spend another me, myself and I day. Yet, It was very productive and worthwhile. It is only one day and who knows who I am yet to meet!
The Invincibly Angry and Antagonistic!
I came to a saving faith in Jesus Christ on October 25TH, 1972. God does have a marvelous sense of humor - He made a very opinionated, high-strong, ultra-sensitive and willing to discuss and ABSURDLY ARGUMENTATIVE 17 year old and made him one of his servants. I can be quite annoying, shrill and easily obsessed. I spent far too many years being obnoxious and offensive to those who would not see all aspects of life as I did..
About a year ago, This turned me into a mocked Persona- Non-Grata on a free, popular social interaction and semi-dating .I was branded as fool, a whiner , a troll and just someone who was a waste of time to be connected to be many people on this site. Some of these people, sadly, were people that I truly believe to have been good, trustworthy and dependable friend.
Looking back on those ugly and miserable days of a year ago. I now see that a vast majority of the sticks and stone of outraged, inflamed and incited outrage was most well-merited! The biggest lesson I gained from all of this is the importance of MY!!! viewing adhominem arguments focusing on insult and personal mockery and denigration rather than precisely arguing the facts and the supporting arguments passionately, vigorously and thoroughly was a character defect that I had to rid myself of.
I see looking back on people who made a difference upon me in this regard. My 8th Grade Science Teacher was a man named Mr. Moody. Mr, Moody , while teaching a unit on biology, found himself discussing the "a-hole" as a a part of the lesson. He decided to refer to that part of the body as " The Anal Opening". He then told us, " Intelligent and wise people will always find a way to say unpleasant and delicate things in dignified and peoper ways."
My College Debate Team Coach, Dr. Mike Wallinger, told us vehemently as to how little regard he had for any use of ad hominem arguments' in academic debate. He reminded us that no education was required to be insulting and offensive. He set up a series of community Debates at one point. I was one of two debaters representing Frostburg State College in a Debate on The Subject of Floridation- adding floride to water for health reasons. This Debate was sponsored by the Allegany County Pure Food and Water League.
Dr. Mike was very contemputous of the anti-floridation arguments yet he insisted that we research this subject intensely carefully because we were not alloweed to dismiss anything that we could not challenge with a sound worth arguing and presenting statement against.
Years later, I heard a Washington DC Area Toastmaster Leader, Jill Lambe, putt forth this thought- " Please do not say anything , in a public speaking context that you'd be mortified to have your grandmother hear you say."
I just avoid people who see shredding other people as a way to carry on their affairs. I'm still prone, if I'm not careful,to want to respond to people in THAT manner and see that I gain nothing by being connected to such folks. Some folks really seem to build themselves up by belligerence and bullying as a first and likely only resort. I want , whenever possible, to not be associated with them.
Years ago, I encountered a man who said that he didn't like lioving where he lived now. That he once liked his neighborhood and his neighbors but that now he had to deal with too many people who did not look like him. He was angered by the clothes they wore, their attitudes and just how they conducted their daily affairs. He just did not want to know or get to know people who had different views on sexuality than he had and/ or were of races other than his. He only liked hearing English spoken and found outspoken and opinionated women to be extremely unpleasant. He also was inclined to tell people why he didn't wish to deal with them.
This man was easy to insult, threaten and mock. I confess that I yielded to that impulse myself. Yet, Someone asked me- Did he ever love animals? Was he ever married? Did he ever raise children? This person's point- Is it possible that this " horrid and offensive wretch" ever did anything likeable and lovable? Might it not be possible to think about such things when you tell with him or discuss him with others?
Easy to do? NOT!!!!!! HARDLY!!!! A strategy that most will choose ? Not Likely!!!! However, Would the person choosing to be different in THIS regard gain anything from choosing this way of responding?
Does responding in a " nuclear way" to those who seem to enjoy " nuking others" really benefit anyone involved in any way?
About a year ago, This turned me into a mocked Persona- Non-Grata on a free, popular social interaction and semi-dating .I was branded as fool, a whiner , a troll and just someone who was a waste of time to be connected to be many people on this site. Some of these people, sadly, were people that I truly believe to have been good, trustworthy and dependable friend.
Looking back on those ugly and miserable days of a year ago. I now see that a vast majority of the sticks and stone of outraged, inflamed and incited outrage was most well-merited! The biggest lesson I gained from all of this is the importance of MY!!! viewing adhominem arguments focusing on insult and personal mockery and denigration rather than precisely arguing the facts and the supporting arguments passionately, vigorously and thoroughly was a character defect that I had to rid myself of.
I see looking back on people who made a difference upon me in this regard. My 8th Grade Science Teacher was a man named Mr. Moody. Mr, Moody , while teaching a unit on biology, found himself discussing the "a-hole" as a a part of the lesson. He decided to refer to that part of the body as " The Anal Opening". He then told us, " Intelligent and wise people will always find a way to say unpleasant and delicate things in dignified and peoper ways."
My College Debate Team Coach, Dr. Mike Wallinger, told us vehemently as to how little regard he had for any use of ad hominem arguments' in academic debate. He reminded us that no education was required to be insulting and offensive. He set up a series of community Debates at one point. I was one of two debaters representing Frostburg State College in a Debate on The Subject of Floridation- adding floride to water for health reasons. This Debate was sponsored by the Allegany County Pure Food and Water League.
Dr. Mike was very contemputous of the anti-floridation arguments yet he insisted that we research this subject intensely carefully because we were not alloweed to dismiss anything that we could not challenge with a sound worth arguing and presenting statement against.
Years later, I heard a Washington DC Area Toastmaster Leader, Jill Lambe, putt forth this thought- " Please do not say anything , in a public speaking context that you'd be mortified to have your grandmother hear you say."
I just avoid people who see shredding other people as a way to carry on their affairs. I'm still prone, if I'm not careful,to want to respond to people in THAT manner and see that I gain nothing by being connected to such folks. Some folks really seem to build themselves up by belligerence and bullying as a first and likely only resort. I want , whenever possible, to not be associated with them.
Years ago, I encountered a man who said that he didn't like lioving where he lived now. That he once liked his neighborhood and his neighbors but that now he had to deal with too many people who did not look like him. He was angered by the clothes they wore, their attitudes and just how they conducted their daily affairs. He just did not want to know or get to know people who had different views on sexuality than he had and/ or were of races other than his. He only liked hearing English spoken and found outspoken and opinionated women to be extremely unpleasant. He also was inclined to tell people why he didn't wish to deal with them.
This man was easy to insult, threaten and mock. I confess that I yielded to that impulse myself. Yet, Someone asked me- Did he ever love animals? Was he ever married? Did he ever raise children? This person's point- Is it possible that this " horrid and offensive wretch" ever did anything likeable and lovable? Might it not be possible to think about such things when you tell with him or discuss him with others?
Easy to do? NOT!!!!!! HARDLY!!!! A strategy that most will choose ? Not Likely!!!! However, Would the person choosing to be different in THIS regard gain anything from choosing this way of responding?
Does responding in a " nuclear way" to those who seem to enjoy " nuking others" really benefit anyone involved in any way?
The Time has come and NOW IS!!!!!...
for me to stop being overwhelmed and nearly broken by panic and angst any time, I'm caught unaware by a circumstance or event that comes upon me unexpectedly!
This is not how I saw me fall just 1268 hours ago. I'm going to invest far more than I originally planned to into the lives of 3 boys as a tutor. I'm going to work more than I planned and, if I am prudent, I will see a small but noticably significant and empowering increase in my income and resources.
BirthMonth and Christmas just might be more delightful when November and December arrive!
This is not how I saw me fall just 1268 hours ago. I'm going to invest far more than I originally planned to into the lives of 3 boys as a tutor. I'm going to work more than I planned and, if I am prudent, I will see a small but noticably significant and empowering increase in my income and resources.
BirthMonth and Christmas just might be more delightful when November and December arrive!
Meeting Goals- The Underestimated Accomplishment
We Americans have so many " To Do" or " To Accomplish" list that we make jokes concerning them and seriously denigrate them.
However, One way to seriously and effectively challenge the tendencies that many of us have to procrastinate is to seriously create valid " To DoO' lists that we choose to commit ourselves to reducing THAT LIST to NOTHING asap. Then, of course, doing exactly and precisely that!!!!
I have found that living this way make me a stronger, more flexible and more tenacious person. It also provides me with reasons to be Thankful even when I'm not in the month of November! It also allows me to have a greater arsenal to use to inspire others!
However, One way to seriously and effectively challenge the tendencies that many of us have to procrastinate is to seriously create valid " To DoO' lists that we choose to commit ourselves to reducing THAT LIST to NOTHING asap. Then, of course, doing exactly and precisely that!!!!
I have found that living this way make me a stronger, more flexible and more tenacious person. It also provides me with reasons to be Thankful even when I'm not in the month of November! It also allows me to have a greater arsenal to use to inspire others!
All of those who labor...
Labor Day is usually tarred with the brush of being " The end of summer" therefore, Many people take a doleful and melahcholy attitude towards it.
It started off as an American Holiday to celebrate the laborers of America. Those who work hard and well and who provide, even in this tough times, an amazing bounty for all of us to relish and enjoy.
Over a century ago, When this holiday was FIRST instituted , Much of America's Laborers were either farm or factory labor. A lot of what we inherited was truly an inheritance gained by the valiant determination and effort of those who truly provided for us through their sacrificial blood, sweat and tears.
Today we celebrate those who made America a land to treasure. We honor those who toil well and hard every day whether at a factory, a form, an office or at a desk at a home office or in their basement or perhaps using their trust desk or lap top wherever.
Lastly, I honor those who invest in helping others, who strenghten back bones and heal and re-direct and empower broken and crushed spirits.
To all those who labor valiantly, effectively and inspirationally , We honor YOU today!
It started off as an American Holiday to celebrate the laborers of America. Those who work hard and well and who provide, even in this tough times, an amazing bounty for all of us to relish and enjoy.
Over a century ago, When this holiday was FIRST instituted , Much of America's Laborers were either farm or factory labor. A lot of what we inherited was truly an inheritance gained by the valiant determination and effort of those who truly provided for us through their sacrificial blood, sweat and tears.
Today we celebrate those who made America a land to treasure. We honor those who toil well and hard every day whether at a factory, a form, an office or at a desk at a home office or in their basement or perhaps using their trust desk or lap top wherever.
Lastly, I honor those who invest in helping others, who strenghten back bones and heal and re-direct and empower broken and crushed spirits.
To all those who labor valiantly, effectively and inspirationally , We honor YOU today!
Sunday, September 4, 2011
25 People shot in The Bronx at a Party
East Tremont Avenue, 615 East 189Th Street, 1926 Walton Avenue, I lived at all 3 of those addresses. Streets of cynicism, harshness, unbridled nastiness.
To me, it was a place that your survived and that the sane hoped to one day be free of. Just as gritty as any thing in The Us could possibly be.
I love my Baseball team- but aside from The Pinstripers, It's easy to ask- Why would anyone wish to associate with The Bronx!
To me, it was a place that your survived and that the sane hoped to one day be free of. Just as gritty as any thing in The Us could possibly be.
I love my Baseball team- but aside from The Pinstripers, It's easy to ask- Why would anyone wish to associate with The Bronx!
I know that I gain when I smile and decide not to frown. I know that I gain when I decide to march forward rather than not shrink back. I know that I need to trust that I can rather than whine loudly about how I just can't!
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Choosing Anticipation
Anxiety is fear of what might happen. Anticipation is looking forward to what is yet to arrive. To me, In these First Moments of This Holiday Weekend Sunday, I am deciding to ANTICIPATE!
Deciding to present myself at My Best!!!!
Today, after my Saturday Morning Toastmasters meeting. I finally kept a promise and actually let a friend film a 3 to 5 minute presentation of mine. I addressed the Topic of Impromptu Speaking!
If it turns out well, I might actually place it on You Tube with a link to it also available through Facebook.
I'd talked myself out of doing this on 5!!! separate occasions since the First of June, For better or worse, I refused to allow today to be time number six!
If it turns out well, I might actually place it on You Tube with a link to it also available through Facebook.
I'd talked myself out of doing this on 5!!! separate occasions since the First of June, For better or worse, I refused to allow today to be time number six!
The Wise and Sane Limits of Feistiness!
I have been one who runs from fights for far too much of my life! I have been hurt by bullies and people who see belligerence and menace as strength for too much of my life.
Over the last few years, I've been telling myself that it is much better to be of sterner stuff and to be willing to be tough! yet, There are times when carrying on a fight is simply a matter of being self-sabotagingly stubborn and foolish.
So, What tells you when it is wise to surrender, to take your leave and to depart from the field of battle with aplomb, dignity and with your head justifiably held high?
Over the last few years, I've been telling myself that it is much better to be of sterner stuff and to be willing to be tough! yet, There are times when carrying on a fight is simply a matter of being self-sabotagingly stubborn and foolish.
So, What tells you when it is wise to surrender, to take your leave and to depart from the field of battle with aplomb, dignity and with your head justifiably held high?
Peace - An American Perspective
We, as Americans, conceive of peace as a broad idea.According to Dictionary.Com, We see peace as being - the strategy of a nation not at war and an agreement between nations. We also see as a verb rather than a noun - The strategy of mutual harmony between people and groups. Two other definitions seem to be most likely to be applied by our legal system- The Normal freedom from civil commotion and violence within a community and - the cessation of and freedom from strife. All of this tends to be observable from the outside- it is quite possible to measure and monitor.
The New Testament Word fo Peace is the word Eirene (I ray'-nay) . The word Eirene is a Koine Grrek Word. Koine was the Greek used by businessmen and merchants. This word was used by people who made their living by negotiating and establishing strong commonalities between each other. It agrees with all of our 21st Century English constructs for peace.Eirene can also be defined as peace between individuals. It is tied to security, safety. prosperity and felicity. The New Testament concept is also strongly linked to living in a way that will please God.
The Hebrew Word Sholom can be translated into English as peace. It can also be defined as completeness, wholeness, health, safety, prosperity, an absence of annoyance, stress and discord.
The Latin Language used Pax in the generally same way that we use peace. Pax can also be defined as calm, grace, quiet and serenity.
Jesus Christ is known to have been a speaker of Aramaic. The Aramaic word for Peace is Shalma- that word can also be used as a translation of the English word Grace.
How do you define "Peace"?
The New Testament Word fo Peace is the word Eirene (I ray'-nay) . The word Eirene is a Koine Grrek Word. Koine was the Greek used by businessmen and merchants. This word was used by people who made their living by negotiating and establishing strong commonalities between each other. It agrees with all of our 21st Century English constructs for peace.Eirene can also be defined as peace between individuals. It is tied to security, safety. prosperity and felicity. The New Testament concept is also strongly linked to living in a way that will please God.
The Hebrew Word Sholom can be translated into English as peace. It can also be defined as completeness, wholeness, health, safety, prosperity, an absence of annoyance, stress and discord.
The Latin Language used Pax in the generally same way that we use peace. Pax can also be defined as calm, grace, quiet and serenity.
Jesus Christ is known to have been a speaker of Aramaic. The Aramaic word for Peace is Shalma- that word can also be used as a translation of the English word Grace.
How do you define "Peace"?
It is good to be thankful.
Today, I'm far too restless and agitated and that is just not worth maintaining.
Business and Busyness
I'm learning that there is a clear difference. One is having things to do that having meaning and purpose. Laboring to be productive and co-operative, to be involved in improving the quality of my life and to learn to work better with others.
Busyness , to me, is activity in order to do something- activity done so that you are not idle or at rest.
Busyness , to me, is activity in order to do something- activity done so that you are not idle or at rest.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Caring about Tomorrow
Too many times , I have let worry about what might happen create nightmares for me and become a stumbling block to be keeping me from progressing and being able to embrace possibilities.
Yet, God, in His sense of humor , never lets me completely fall away from the future. I have a true gift for working with children. These gifts have served me well both as a teacher and now as a tutor!
Thank you , God, for providing these empowering opportunities to me! There are times when saying "Yes ", in even a very small and fearful way, can make such a grand difference.
Yet, God, in His sense of humor , never lets me completely fall away from the future. I have a true gift for working with children. These gifts have served me well both as a teacher and now as a tutor!
Thank you , God, for providing these empowering opportunities to me! There are times when saying "Yes ", in even a very small and fearful way, can make such a grand difference.
I' ve long wanted to make more money....
doing something that I do well and where I can make a difference. 4 days a week . A total of 6 to 7 hours a week.
Thank you, Lord, for this blessing!
Thank you, Lord, for this blessing!
The Power of Optimism
If I will simply ledge to do my best today and to continue that practice tomorrow, Then the future become a joy to embrace rather than a source of dread and apprehension.
Long Weekends
This is the part of the year where they are the most concentrated. It is just, sadly, a lot of time alone. I hope to do somethings that will change the nature of future long weekends.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Alas Now Departed July and August
Perhaps it is my perpetual inner child but there is an ease in those months. They provide a freedom from routine and a daring willingness to plunge into empowering creativity and a freedom from mundaneness that seems to not happen often during the other 10 months of the year!
I mourn your departure, Wonderous Months.
I mourn your departure, Wonderous Months.
Peace Making
When it comes to Peacemaking , I believe that it it vital to----
1. To be willing to work with others to bring about the best possible results for all concerned.
2. To listen carefully and to be engaged with awareness in the process, Asking questions that have already been responded to and clarified ad inf initum is a delaying and selfish task and is meant to be a delaying action rather than an effort to accomplish that which is of value and merit!
3. Once a matter has been properly decided, Please practice acceptance
4. Please be willing to ask those who want to just continually stir up strife what anyone gains from having them involved in the process/ organization.
5. Live with the principles of " All you can do and all you can do" and that " Policy making is the art of doing what is acceptably possible ".
6. That "Agreeing to Disagree" can be an act of wisdom!
1. To be willing to work with others to bring about the best possible results for all concerned.
2. To listen carefully and to be engaged with awareness in the process, Asking questions that have already been responded to and clarified ad inf initum is a delaying and selfish task and is meant to be a delaying action rather than an effort to accomplish that which is of value and merit!
3. Once a matter has been properly decided, Please practice acceptance
4. Please be willing to ask those who want to just continually stir up strife what anyone gains from having them involved in the process/ organization.
5. Live with the principles of " All you can do and all you can do" and that " Policy making is the art of doing what is acceptably possible ".
6. That "Agreeing to Disagree" can be an act of wisdom!
The Tension of Disagreement
Listening to only sycophants will shrivel your soul after a while. Yet, To be embroiled with people who just want to push an argument to urge one to express pique and to irritate and anger seems to not be a worthy pursuit either!
Now, I will have to decide. Do I tutor and gain a certain amount of Professional Restoration and empowerment. DBT has been good gaining balance and practicing distress tolerance has been good. Yet, The new group seems that it will be combative and unappealing. Is giving my Thursdays to this , AT PRESENT, a Luxury that I can ill-afford!
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