When it comes to Peacemaking , I believe that it it vital to----
1. To be willing to work with others to bring about the best possible results for all concerned.
2. To listen carefully and to be engaged with awareness in the process, Asking questions that have already been responded to and clarified ad inf initum is a delaying and selfish task and is meant to be a delaying action rather than an effort to accomplish that which is of value and merit!
3. Once a matter has been properly decided, Please practice acceptance
4. Please be willing to ask those who want to just continually stir up strife what anyone gains from having them involved in the process/ organization.
5. Live with the principles of " All you can do and all you can do" and that " Policy making is the art of doing what is acceptably possible ".
6. That "Agreeing to Disagree" can be an act of wisdom!
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