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Monday, October 31, 2011
One is now over- 17 Remain!
October 2011 went fairly well. The 18 Month Prime Directive is helping me become somebody quite appealing
I am better off than I often think I am!!!!!!
I am still alive and moving forward! I am loved and appreciate, My struggles are not forever battles they are more akin to dealing with the battle of this moment.
Life is not as terrible- LOL- as I often claim it is!
- Johnny-
Life is not as terrible- LOL- as I often claim it is!
- Johnny-
Life is participation- It works best when you decide to do so!
I'd spoken to a lot of people who said that they would turn off the lights, be quiet, pretend not to be home, They decide to hide from and avoid the Trick or Treaters.
I had two small bags of candy around and a good faux silver tray, I decided that I'd play the game of the day. I was rewarded by giving out candy to 10 or so different boys. Polite, having fun and very respectful and well-behaved!
I normally do not LIKE Halloween. Today, however, has been great fun!
- Johnny-
I had two small bags of candy around and a good faux silver tray, I decided that I'd play the game of the day. I was rewarded by giving out candy to 10 or so different boys. Polite, having fun and very respectful and well-behaved!
I normally do not LIKE Halloween. Today, however, has been great fun!
- Johnny-
Sunday, October 30, 2011
I've had many Halloweens
Too many days when I acted as if I wore a costume and pretended to be ANYONE else but me!
Reminding yourself that a bad choice can make your life vastly worse
Late Yesterday night, I heard myself say out loud, " I'd want to have someone to be here with me to be romantic with me." I went further, " I don't care if she turns out to be a horrible and abysmal person, I just want someone now."
Then,I paused, aghast at what I said. I was wishing misery upon two people. I was wishing myself a short term solution that would likely have horrible and lingering results.
Sometimes The Quick Answer is only a good idea if you wish to make your life worse!
- Johnny -
Then,I paused, aghast at what I said. I was wishing misery upon two people. I was wishing myself a short term solution that would likely have horrible and lingering results.
Sometimes The Quick Answer is only a good idea if you wish to make your life worse!
- Johnny -
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Almost too amazing for me to comprehend!
I, in my mind, think that women, especially the ones, to be honest, that I would desire to be a significant other will only look for those seemingly gifted by the gods. These men are the suave, the clever, the ewalthy, the great to look at and those seem to have created to be accorded adulation.
I look at my self, or have in past times, and sighed. Feeling that my lack had sealed my fate.
Yet, The ability to communicate, the means to express ideas in ways that get others to nod your head as you say them and a desire to inspire people to aspire seems to reach people as well. This also can change minds and give hearts a sense of tender longing for the one able to do such things.
Mysteries do seem to be able to be unraveled at the most unexpected times.
- Johnny-
I look at my self, or have in past times, and sighed. Feeling that my lack had sealed my fate.
Yet, The ability to communicate, the means to express ideas in ways that get others to nod your head as you say them and a desire to inspire people to aspire seems to reach people as well. This also can change minds and give hearts a sense of tender longing for the one able to do such things.
Mysteries do seem to be able to be unraveled at the most unexpected times.
- Johnny-
Thursday, October 27, 2011
If you truly buy into the Old Saw that " Nice Guys Finish Last", Then, Do...
believe that the mean, the nasty and the uncaring are life's winners and victors.
I can't buy that for life would then be too sour for me to want to or have any desire participate in!
- Johnny-
I can't buy that for life would then be too sour for me to want to or have any desire participate in!
- Johnny-
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Being too quick to post can be a self-sabotaging behavior.
It seems that I have something in common with most Kingergarteners, I wish to be the first one to be able to say- out loud and proudly- "FINISHED!!!!!!"
There are disadvantage to being a very impulsive extrovert. This is clearly one of them!
There are disadvantage to being a very impulsive extrovert. This is clearly one of them!
You and I say the Darndest things!
With apologies to Art Linkletter! we often kick ourselves for the " dumb , trouble-causing, hurtful or just plain awkward and clumsy things that we say." some of those things, most certainly, are said QUITE unintentionally!
Yet, Do you ever praise and complement yourself when you "accidentally and witthout any thought, intention or planning" actually say something inspiring, clever, helpful, kind, supportive, clever weise or perhaps EVEN brillliant!?
About an hour ago, while I was standing in line at my bank got into a fun and diverting mid-week "rainy day"conversation with a DELIGHTFUL woman. As I was getting ready to exit the bank I turned to her and INTENDED to say, " I hope you enjoy the Rest of your day". What actually came out was, " I hope the rest of your day is prosperous! "
It was clear that this remark delighted, buoyed and tickled that woman. The smile and entusiastic nod she gave me told me that!!!
It is not, at all, what I planned to say but it was, BEYOND ANY DOUBT, a clever and effective thing to say!!!
- Johnny -
Yet, Do you ever praise and complement yourself when you "accidentally and witthout any thought, intention or planning" actually say something inspiring, clever, helpful, kind, supportive, clever weise or perhaps EVEN brillliant!?
About an hour ago, while I was standing in line at my bank got into a fun and diverting mid-week "rainy day"conversation with a DELIGHTFUL woman. As I was getting ready to exit the bank I turned to her and INTENDED to say, " I hope you enjoy the Rest of your day". What actually came out was, " I hope the rest of your day is prosperous! "
It was clear that this remark delighted, buoyed and tickled that woman. The smile and entusiastic nod she gave me told me that!!!
It is not, at all, what I planned to say but it was, BEYOND ANY DOUBT, a clever and effective thing to say!!!
- Johnny -
People do need each other. We tend to function better when we are committed to each other and become willing and excited to be involved in prospering each other! Friendship may be the most evolved goal of teamwork. You both enjoy each other and want the very best for the other.
What are some of your observations on value of teamwork and being a successful committed teammate?
- Johnny -
What are some of your observations on value of teamwork and being a successful committed teammate?
- Johnny -
Monday, October 24, 2011
A Great Gain
Seeing progress in a student I'm tutoring!! His grades up, attitude improved, gaining confidence in himself as a learner! I was paid twice today- once for my tutoring and then when I learned of the great progress he's made - progress that was noted in his FIRST Report Card- which was released late last week- that made me suddenly feel as if I'm 16 Feet TALL!
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
Slowly getting who I am.
I am seen as a person who cares, is creative and who touches people. Someone who people see is endearing and inspiring. Wow, I had not , previously, seen myself that way!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
A day does not need to be perfect or just as I planned it to be marvelous....
Today was a lot of chaos, work and results opposite of what I planned, it still worked to the best!
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
Darn and then move on !
I really wanted to win that Toastmaster Divisional Contest today. However, It did not happen. I'm prone to sulk at such times. However, I can't afford to do that to myself. So, I sigh admit that I'm displeased and discontented at THIS MOMENT... and then move on !
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
Friday, October 21, 2011
Tomorrow, I shall practice this one simple idea!
I will speak as well, plan as well and prepare as well as I possibly can. I will let go about obsessing over the results and the outcomes!
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
I need to clean my bathroom and kitchen more often and more throughly!
I feel far more up, engaged in the moment and effective. I guess mood truly does follow action!
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
A Toastmasters Division Contest tomorrow
For the First time in 2 years, I have a good chance to win but who knows how tomorrow's contest will be run and how it will turn out!
I'm looking forward to it!
- Johnny -
I'm looking forward to it!
- Johnny -
Liberty means...
that I can try suceed as well as I can try and fail Effort is a part of exercising my liberty !. Liberty means that my hopes and dreams have to have some of my blood, sweat and tears connected to them IF they are ever!!!!! going to become reality! I need to see my life as a great exercise in self-investment as well as a work of self-acceptance>
If I see it otherwise, I have no freedom and am devoid of liberty because then I am dependent upon the choices, wishes, moods and actions of OTHERS!
- Johnny-
If I see it otherwise, I have no freedom and am devoid of liberty because then I am dependent upon the choices, wishes, moods and actions of OTHERS!
- Johnny-
Thursday, October 20, 2011
A Sick Day
The plan for today died early this morning as I just never got going. However, I did get busy and productive close to home. Mood does follow action and I worked all day to be effective and well- engaged and motivated!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Creative Ideas For Trick or Treating?
Does anyone know of any innovative trick-or- treating that you and/ or your children have been participated in? If you want to tout any special activity that goes on in your community concerning October 31St, Please tell us about it!
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
I'm anxious
However, I'm being open and candid about it and I'm determined to PROPERLY work my way through it!
As November THE FIRST draws nearer,
I find myself fighting off the thoughts of " Another year - end without a significant other and no likely soon prospects" and ' another year of no family." Yes, I do have 2 sisters but trying to re-establish contact is likely to be FAR more damaging than doing without ANY contact with them will be!"
I find myself battling off any idea of scheming, plotting and jerry-rigging to make something happen for me ROMANTICALLY immediately. I know that that is likely to be a cure worse than the illness and will be something that I know I will rue doing for a long time to come if I decide to respond to my present situation in this manner!
I want a great holiday season and I want 2011 to end truly well. If it is to be, for me, then it is up to me! I will live with what I have, invest in others, seek to do the most good and plunge into Christmas/ Holiday Season 2011!
- Johnny-
I find myself battling off any idea of scheming, plotting and jerry-rigging to make something happen for me ROMANTICALLY immediately. I know that that is likely to be a cure worse than the illness and will be something that I know I will rue doing for a long time to come if I decide to respond to my present situation in this manner!
I want a great holiday season and I want 2011 to end truly well. If it is to be, for me, then it is up to me! I will live with what I have, invest in others, seek to do the most good and plunge into Christmas/ Holiday Season 2011!
- Johnny-
Consumerism - The Quality of the Service provided as compared to...
the expectation of the costumer and what they consider is a fair and acceptable price for them to pay for it.
This is true now in private enterprise as it is in the public service sector. It an be argued that consumers do not get that businesses have constraints- the lower the prices - the less the over all quality of those hired will be, per se and the less willing an enterprise will me , overall, to be service-oriented.
Yet, Customers will say " Act to wow me and impress me, Do something that will earn my loyalty " So, How do you work best to meet the needs of these two opposite poles given the wants and expectations versus the demands and expectations?
- Johnny -
This is true now in private enterprise as it is in the public service sector. It an be argued that consumers do not get that businesses have constraints- the lower the prices - the less the over all quality of those hired will be, per se and the less willing an enterprise will me , overall, to be service-oriented.
Yet, Customers will say " Act to wow me and impress me, Do something that will earn my loyalty " So, How do you work best to meet the needs of these two opposite poles given the wants and expectations versus the demands and expectations?
- Johnny -
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
I am a history student and a former History Teacher.
If I don't review my life and make careful efforts to avoid repeating the mistakes of MY past, Then studying History will prove itself to have been a waste of my time!
I'm tired but Wow What A Wednesday!
The plan for November as a part of my on-going renaiisance was completed today and sent to my mentor for approval!
I did a great deal of work preparing to teach a Three Hour debate session early next month.The research on Lincoln- Douglas Debating proved fascinating and highly invigorating!
I got F!!!A!!! R!!! more done than I expected to today and I am most proud of myself!
- Johnny -
I did a great deal of work preparing to teach a Three Hour debate session early next month.The research on Lincoln- Douglas Debating proved fascinating and highly invigorating!
I got F!!!A!!! R!!! more done than I expected to today and I am most proud of myself!
- Johnny -
Should journalst make sure they cover the story or make sure than they...
are the story? I'd like to have Bryant Gumbel answer that question tonight!
It was good to be back!
I was blessed by finally being able to attend a Wednesday night Bible Study that I had last attended in late July!
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
Imagination Expanding
If you ever played with the idea of re-writing your favorite book to create what you think would be a better outcome than the author and or authors provided!
Have you ever mulled over a better way to script your favorite movie? Yes, I know that there are LEGAL PROHIBITIONS and copyright laws but I find that playing with ideas help me to be an effective problem solves.
No matter how difficult a problem seems and no matter how resistant to change and alteration a situation may be, there always ways to change and improve yourself and to influence others about. Imagination can be the GPS that gets you and I to the change and betterment that we desire to achieve!
- Johnny-
Have you ever mulled over a better way to script your favorite movie? Yes, I know that there are LEGAL PROHIBITIONS and copyright laws but I find that playing with ideas help me to be an effective problem solves.
No matter how difficult a problem seems and no matter how resistant to change and alteration a situation may be, there always ways to change and improve yourself and to influence others about. Imagination can be the GPS that gets you and I to the change and betterment that we desire to achieve!
- Johnny-
Is there anything to accusing The Occupy People with promoting...
class jealousy\and envy?
I know one argument is that no one can succeed without support or some help along the way. I'm listening to someone saying that " No one is guaranteed wealth talent or fame" on the radio as I type this. It can also be argued that hard work, sacrifice, investing well, being willing to deny yourself and saving well over a long period of time are likely to make one more likely to become wealthy and prosperous!
It can also be said that people become wealthy when they create a new service, promote a fresh and innovative idea or simply stay at the job far more often, putting in far more hours, than the average person doing the same work!
So, Is it a matter of " You have it I can't get it or won't do what I need to do to get it, so You have to share what you have"? Or, Is it more a matter of "We all need to be more generous, more cooperative and more willing to act so that all of us will simply live better!"?
This will tip where I tend to come down on this but I do like the saying , "Every time I see Lucky, It is wearing work clothes!"
- Johnny-
I know one argument is that no one can succeed without support or some help along the way. I'm listening to someone saying that " No one is guaranteed wealth talent or fame" on the radio as I type this. It can also be argued that hard work, sacrifice, investing well, being willing to deny yourself and saving well over a long period of time are likely to make one more likely to become wealthy and prosperous!
It can also be said that people become wealthy when they create a new service, promote a fresh and innovative idea or simply stay at the job far more often, putting in far more hours, than the average person doing the same work!
So, Is it a matter of " You have it I can't get it or won't do what I need to do to get it, so You have to share what you have"? Or, Is it more a matter of "We all need to be more generous, more cooperative and more willing to act so that all of us will simply live better!"?
This will tip where I tend to come down on this but I do like the saying , "Every time I see Lucky, It is wearing work clothes!"
- Johnny-
Those who erase history had better hope that the people of THE FUTURE...
will like what they are doing at present! A Word to the powers that now reign and rule at DC Comics!
My Continuing Debate Education.
Preparing to teach 3 hours to gifted middle-school and high school students on the subject of Lincoln- Dopuglas Debating has been, all at one- bracing, invigorating and daunting!
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
A season at an end!
I love baseball. It's shutting down or even getting ready to shut down until the Spring is never a time I look forward to!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Nearly 2 Months of dealing what no one in Greater DC is at ALL prepared to deal with!!!
No one in Greater Washington DC would have predicted , if asked, at the START of This Year that we would deal with an earthquake, a hurrican e and nearly 2 month of largely overcast and rainy weather,
Yet, Since Late August, that is what has been our circumstantial lot. I will admit that I've been very prickly of late and have found this all rather unnerving. I believe that I am not alone in this!
- Johnny-
Yet, Since Late August, that is what has been our circumstantial lot. I will admit that I've been very prickly of late and have found this all rather unnerving. I believe that I am not alone in this!
- Johnny-
Losing Patience- Is it likely to become a self-inflicted wound ?
Enough is a favorite word of mine and it is, certainly, a valid and acceptable word in the English Language! Yet, When I rely on ot too often, I sense that I begin the process of turning myself into a derierre!
When I grow tired of someone, something, some practice and circumstance, I will often desire to cry out " cease and desist!". I , if I'm not careful will come across as negating and rejecting and exclusionary.
How willing are you to be patient? How long beyong becoming weary, displeased and annoyed will you "hang in"with something or more importantly with some one? I'm learning, sadly much too slowly, that being quick to say "enough" being quick to lose patience and to linger in impatience is a sign of immaturity and not bei ng well - contented with yourself and within yourself!
- Johnny-
When I grow tired of someone, something, some practice and circumstance, I will often desire to cry out " cease and desist!". I , if I'm not careful will come across as negating and rejecting and exclusionary.
How willing are you to be patient? How long beyong becoming weary, displeased and annoyed will you "hang in"with something or more importantly with some one? I'm learning, sadly much too slowly, that being quick to say "enough" being quick to lose patience and to linger in impatience is a sign of immaturity and not bei ng well - contented with yourself and within yourself!
- Johnny-
Monday, October 17, 2011
I can be at peace when things go awry!
After all, I have no insurance policy that guarantees to me that things will NOT go awry!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
No One ever died of loneliness and longing!
Yet, Tonight it HURTS SO BAD that dying MIGHT be welcome!
Post # 715!!!!!! Getting beyond The Epic Fail
What beings you back when you expect to suceed and you fail- when it is indeed an EPIC FAIL. When everything seems to be headed to a massive break through and bam- you are down and the ferocity of the fall takes your breath away.
When people say that , " That was too rough and I don't want to get in the game again!" This is the type of moment that inspires such a thought, This may be what people who stop job hunting also think about!
So, How do you start pulling away from and getting ready to try yet AGAIN after the Epic Fail!
When people say that , " That was too rough and I don't want to get in the game again!" This is the type of moment that inspires such a thought, This may be what people who stop job hunting also think about!
So, How do you start pulling away from and getting ready to try yet AGAIN after the Epic Fail!
The Wise Change
My Sundays tend to be ruined because I try to force myself out of rhythm and make myself unhappy, especially after Church.
Today, I decided to stay home and rest- i will defer some things to do until tomorrow, Treating myself well is the priority of the rest of this day!
Today, I decided to stay home and rest- i will defer some things to do until tomorrow, Treating myself well is the priority of the rest of this day!
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Friday, October 14, 2011
A Mime as an Instructor in Gestures.
That is what I gained from attending My Toastmasters Meeting Tonight!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Do you mock patience as a concept....
when you ask yourself - What could others do to make it less arduous for me to be patient?
Lord, Help My Speech Tonight.
Let my words be vivid and eloquent. Let my gestures truly empower my presentation!
The Twenty- Two Tape
Ron Jaworski, The Former Star QB for The Philadelphia Eagles and Monday Football Commentator is The Author of a Book entitled The Games That changed The Game.
This book looks at 7 critical games that helped to turn The NFL into the League it is today! One of the things he mentions in his 2010 authored tome is the " All 22" Tape. This is filmed from high above the field and it allows the coaches and the players to see the position of every player on the field during every play of the game. This allows the coaches to see who is playing well and executing their assignments well and---- which players are NOT doing so!
I wonder if we'd live better and those who we associate live better if we had an " All 22 tape" to review of each day of our lives. Would that spur us to make the next day more successful?
One of the reasons I like Debate is because it trains you to look at each idea from many different perspectives! Most of us seem just very comfortable sitting upon the "over-stuffed couch" that represents the ideas that we promote, live by and embrace!
- Johnny-
This book looks at 7 critical games that helped to turn The NFL into the League it is today! One of the things he mentions in his 2010 authored tome is the " All 22" Tape. This is filmed from high above the field and it allows the coaches and the players to see the position of every player on the field during every play of the game. This allows the coaches to see who is playing well and executing their assignments well and---- which players are NOT doing so!
I wonder if we'd live better and those who we associate live better if we had an " All 22 tape" to review of each day of our lives. Would that spur us to make the next day more successful?
One of the reasons I like Debate is because it trains you to look at each idea from many different perspectives! Most of us seem just very comfortable sitting upon the "over-stuffed couch" that represents the ideas that we promote, live by and embrace!
- Johnny-
Be kind and gracious, no offensive attititudes displayed AT ALL when you lose !!
This is a 2nd Aspect to " The Score Doesn't Matter." Paradigm. If someone out- performs you, Accept it be pleasant and be gracious. Be friendly , mature and express no bitterness or negativity.
Is this the best attitude to teach children to express when they come off as second best or lower?
Is this the best attitude to teach children to express when they come off as second best or lower?
What is the best way to maintain peace and be a peacemaker?
Is it to simply agree, submit and NOT be in the way or is it to stand on principles and do what you are convinced is right?
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Lord, Help me to remember to be kind!
I don't especially like buses and being embedded for a good part of the day in the County Mental Health System. Yet, That is what tomorrow shall be about. Please let me not become a stumbling block tomorrow!
It was FIVE HUNDRED and NINETEEN Years ago Today !
He did not consult the best experts and he relied on geographical estimates that were determine before the Birth Of Christ By The Ancient Greeks These estimates made the Earth seem much smaller than it actually is. He believed The Far Eastern Part Of Asia is where Southern North America actually wound up being.
People wanted another way to get to the Wealth and Sophistication of India and China, no one knew about The Cape of Good Hope at that time- many believed that Africa could not be sailed around. There was a race among the nations of Western Europe to see who would resolve this problem.
Columbus and many others saw themselves first as subjects of Christendom and then the city or region of their birth and then, lastly, their nation. People readily bought into the idea that Christ either ruled over the World or was known of throughout the world. The world for most people of Western Europe of that time was Europe, Asia and Far Northern Africa. Anything else was either unknown or not seen as significant enough to be worth knowing.
Columbus was not able , for nearly 8 years, to convince anyone to finance his plan. However, In 1491, Ferdinand y Isabela, The King and Queen of The United Kingdom of Castile and Aragon finally drove out the last Islamic Army. For The First Time in over 700 years, Spain was totally ruled by Spaniards. The Monarchs felt that they needed to do something great for God, who they believe finally allowed their nation to be free. So, As A " Thank You" To God, They financed the Man from Genoa!
People of Columbus' time thought that they had accounted for all the types and varieties of peoples on the Earth. Columbus also was convinced that he was going to encounter people of great wealth and learning who lived in large, cosmopolitan and opulent cities. When Columbus neared Cuba, He thought he was off the coast of JAPAN!
On October 12TH, 1492, Columbus saw things that he did not at all expect to see and he had not one useful clue as to what to make of it. Nothing that he saw made any sense to him. So, He labeled these islands and the people he found there based on where he thought he had to be! He also wondered- to his shame- if these people where indeed people. They resembled no KNOWN people and they lived as NO ONE expected them to live!
A lot of ghastly errors were committed on the day and in times soon after it! Many heinous circumstances would come about due to the errors made in that Fall of 1492!
However, if you were Columbus and thought what he thought and knew what he knew on The Morning of The 12Th of October, 1492?
People wanted another way to get to the Wealth and Sophistication of India and China, no one knew about The Cape of Good Hope at that time- many believed that Africa could not be sailed around. There was a race among the nations of Western Europe to see who would resolve this problem.
Columbus and many others saw themselves first as subjects of Christendom and then the city or region of their birth and then, lastly, their nation. People readily bought into the idea that Christ either ruled over the World or was known of throughout the world. The world for most people of Western Europe of that time was Europe, Asia and Far Northern Africa. Anything else was either unknown or not seen as significant enough to be worth knowing.
Columbus was not able , for nearly 8 years, to convince anyone to finance his plan. However, In 1491, Ferdinand y Isabela, The King and Queen of The United Kingdom of Castile and Aragon finally drove out the last Islamic Army. For The First Time in over 700 years, Spain was totally ruled by Spaniards. The Monarchs felt that they needed to do something great for God, who they believe finally allowed their nation to be free. So, As A " Thank You" To God, They financed the Man from Genoa!
People of Columbus' time thought that they had accounted for all the types and varieties of peoples on the Earth. Columbus also was convinced that he was going to encounter people of great wealth and learning who lived in large, cosmopolitan and opulent cities. When Columbus neared Cuba, He thought he was off the coast of JAPAN!
On October 12TH, 1492, Columbus saw things that he did not at all expect to see and he had not one useful clue as to what to make of it. Nothing that he saw made any sense to him. So, He labeled these islands and the people he found there based on where he thought he had to be! He also wondered- to his shame- if these people where indeed people. They resembled no KNOWN people and they lived as NO ONE expected them to live!
A lot of ghastly errors were committed on the day and in times soon after it! Many heinous circumstances would come about due to the errors made in that Fall of 1492!
However, if you were Columbus and thought what he thought and knew what he knew on The Morning of The 12Th of October, 1492?
Investigations, The NEED to Act Now and Our Politics
" We need to accept that we have a problem and deal with it! Ultimately, It really doesn't matter who caused this. We have a problem and we need to unite and work to resolve it!."
" Wrongs were committed and rules were broken. People used their power and influence and connections to engage in corrupt and immoral deeds. They've stolen from us and done great harm. People need to be arrested, tried and if convicted ."
Which do you believe needs to be our priority when we are faced with serious national trouble?
- Johnny-
" Wrongs were committed and rules were broken. People used their power and influence and connections to engage in corrupt and immoral deeds. They've stolen from us and done great harm. People need to be arrested, tried and if convicted ."
Which do you believe needs to be our priority when we are faced with serious national trouble?
- Johnny-
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Blog Number Seven Hundred - Alive.
No matter what life is like ---- easy or soft, kind or damaging, privileged or impoverished, all of us have something in common- We are Alive!We are breathing, we are hoping and we are capable of both serving and gain, dream and accomplishments. We are active and participating- contributing as achievers and authors to the story of humanity.
This blog is now one year and one week old. I've grown. I've become more daring, bold, accountable and vulnerable over those 53 weeks! I'm glad for who I am and truly excited over who I expect to become!
This blog is now one year and one week old. I've grown. I've become more daring, bold, accountable and vulnerable over those 53 weeks! I'm glad for who I am and truly excited over who I expect to become!
Would today be a cheer or a jeer for you if....
you were asked to spend the ENTIRE day with someone EXACTLY like yourself?
Would you be excited about or be in full dread of going through this day? Would today be more likely to be inspiring or draining? Would you be with someone interesting and inviting or dull and plodding?
My Focus for October is to be MUCH more positive in my thoughts, words and deeds! The more I get this out there- the more likely I am to be successful through out this month!
- Johnny-
Would you be excited about or be in full dread of going through this day? Would today be more likely to be inspiring or draining? Would you be with someone interesting and inviting or dull and plodding?
My Focus for October is to be MUCH more positive in my thoughts, words and deeds! The more I get this out there- the more likely I am to be successful through out this month!
- Johnny-
Monday, October 10, 2011
Lost a piece of a tooth today!
I've long struggled with severe dental problems. I've also been treated by a horrendous dentist whose lack of skill and competency did not assuage my dentalphobia!
You learn to get on and beyond- It affected my personality struggle as I was petulant earlier today. It is just a reminder that salvation and greace to not exempt me from the realities of life on Planet Earth!
You learn to get on and beyond- It affected my personality struggle as I was petulant earlier today. It is just a reminder that salvation and greace to not exempt me from the realities of life on Planet Earth!
Should The New Anti- Taunting rules now in effect in College Football benefit The NFL?
This past weekend, A player ran back a Punt Return and started taunting the other team once he reached The TWO Yard Line!
The Touchdown he scored moments later was immediately nullified. The play was brought back to the point where the play originated!
The offense did score the second time- a Field Goal rather than a Touchdown. In your opinion,Would the NFL gain anything if they adopted this SAME rule?
- Johnny-
The Touchdown he scored moments later was immediately nullified. The play was brought back to the point where the play originated!
The offense did score the second time- a Field Goal rather than a Touchdown. In your opinion,Would the NFL gain anything if they adopted this SAME rule?
- Johnny-
A Good and Refreshing Nights Sleep
That is a rare treasure for me. It is a gift that I did sleep well and restfully last night!
The Rules MUST be applied evenly to everyone.
This is something that people will often state as the way to guard against prejudice, racism, sexism and other perceived institutionalized systems to mistreat others.
We do strive to teach children that this is the best, most honorable and most decent way to live. Yet, We do often say that life isn't fair and this can be seen as a way to LEGALLY Enforce the ideal of everyone being treated fairly.
So, Do we truly believe that EVERYONE must be treated FAIRLY is a social and society Must- or is it something that is at the level of a "glorious idea that is HIGHLY desireable."?
We do strive to teach children that this is the best, most honorable and most decent way to live. Yet, We do often say that life isn't fair and this can be seen as a way to LEGALLY Enforce the ideal of everyone being treated fairly.
So, Do we truly believe that EVERYONE must be treated FAIRLY is a social and society Must- or is it something that is at the level of a "glorious idea that is HIGHLY desireable."?
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Being found to be useful, beneficial and desireable??!!
Maybe because yesterday was my 20Th Anniversary in AA but I've been blessed to hear this weekend that people seem to see me as beneficial to be around!
I heard that yesterday at Toastmasters and at an AA meeting. I also was told that today at Church.
I often am prone to be self-dismissive- seeing myself as a problem, nuisance and a drain. Perhaps that analysis is inaccurate.
- Johnny-
I heard that yesterday at Toastmasters and at an AA meeting. I also was told that today at Church.
I often am prone to be self-dismissive- seeing myself as a problem, nuisance and a drain. Perhaps that analysis is inaccurate.
- Johnny-
Dismissing all things small town and hickish?
People from the GREAT AMERICAN CITIES to tend to look down their noses at rural communities and small town living- This is as true now as it was 60 years ago!
People From New York, Chicago, Miami and Los Angeles tend to believe that they are wiser, cooler, sexier and just simply better than people who live in towns of six or seven thousand people in the middle of central no where.
Yet, I find people in smaller towns often know how to be more patient and take a longer view. I also find that they are more inclined to treasure relaxing and maintaining the peace. They also are more willing to seek what seems to nave work well over time along with the best ideas of the present .
Major Metropolises can be fascinating and highly stimulating and thrilling - that is impossible to deny. Yet, My Four Years of living in Frostburg , Maryland- Population 6, 000,- began a love affair, for me- with small town and not near big city communities!
People From New York, Chicago, Miami and Los Angeles tend to believe that they are wiser, cooler, sexier and just simply better than people who live in towns of six or seven thousand people in the middle of central no where.
Yet, I find people in smaller towns often know how to be more patient and take a longer view. I also find that they are more inclined to treasure relaxing and maintaining the peace. They also are more willing to seek what seems to nave work well over time along with the best ideas of the present .
Major Metropolises can be fascinating and highly stimulating and thrilling - that is impossible to deny. Yet, My Four Years of living in Frostburg , Maryland- Population 6, 000,- began a love affair, for me- with small town and not near big city communities!
Saturday, October 8, 2011
A Good Saturday Night----
Had a great 20Th Anniversary in AA celebration! Wow, Great meeting and a great Dinner at Two Chefs. Great Lasagna as well!
Lord, Help me to be prudently and properly evaluative ..
rather than judgemental. I know there IS a difference. I plead with you, Holy Spirit, to teach me PRECISELY what that difference is and how to properly apply it!
Some people want insurance policies from " Easier, Softer, Gentler Life INC."
There are Christians that most other Christians, if they are honest, wish would go to other Bible Studies and Churches than the ones that they attend, are involved in and are committed to!
These are the ones who " COME TO JESUS" because they expect that God will make their lives easier, gentler, less stressful. They want God to make life an appealing and desirable valentine for them . When this does not transpire, They will tell others that being a " Being A Christian isn't ALL that they expected it to be ". They may even say " This is NOT what I was told being A Christian would be like". This likely means that the person who told them about Christianity was more worried about having this person become a Christian than they were about telling him or her about the reality of being a Christian in The REAL World!
God gives us the strength to overcome, endure and be steadfast, God works with people not things, He is FAR MORE likely to bring about changes in individuals- in this case, ME!!!!- rather than altering other people, situations, things and circumstances!
I'm God asks me to work on Me and that He insists that I accept how He deigns to work with with other people, places, situations and circumstance. I'm glad that I am a Christian and serve a realistic and practical LIVING Lord! I'm glad that on October 8th, 1991, That I started to follow a Spiritual Program that tells me my life would get better if I lived by the idea of Accepting Life on Life's Terms!"
Thank You ,Lord, for True, Authentic Biblical Christianity and Thank you, Lord for Alcoholics Anonymous!
- Johnny-
These are the ones who " COME TO JESUS" because they expect that God will make their lives easier, gentler, less stressful. They want God to make life an appealing and desirable valentine for them . When this does not transpire, They will tell others that being a " Being A Christian isn't ALL that they expected it to be ". They may even say " This is NOT what I was told being A Christian would be like". This likely means that the person who told them about Christianity was more worried about having this person become a Christian than they were about telling him or her about the reality of being a Christian in The REAL World!
God gives us the strength to overcome, endure and be steadfast, God works with people not things, He is FAR MORE likely to bring about changes in individuals- in this case, ME!!!!- rather than altering other people, situations, things and circumstances!
I'm God asks me to work on Me and that He insists that I accept how He deigns to work with with other people, places, situations and circumstance. I'm glad that I am a Christian and serve a realistic and practical LIVING Lord! I'm glad that on October 8th, 1991, That I started to follow a Spiritual Program that tells me my life would get better if I lived by the idea of Accepting Life on Life's Terms!"
Thank You ,Lord, for True, Authentic Biblical Christianity and Thank you, Lord for Alcoholics Anonymous!
- Johnny-
Friday, October 7, 2011
To you, What would a Kinder and Gentler society look like!
A lot less vulgarity and profanity. A lot more public charity! A lot more energy on working for solutions to problems, with an emphasis on people asking themselves, " ask not what we need others to do for us, Let's ask how we can learn to invest in ourselves and our neighbors."
I'd like to see people being more polite and more willing to accept gratitude. I'd like to see people make a commitment to strive to became the very best that they are capable of becoming!
It may bv an impractical dream, but it is MY silly dream!
- Johnny-
I'd like to see people being more polite and more willing to accept gratitude. I'd like to see people make a commitment to strive to became the very best that they are capable of becoming!
It may bv an impractical dream, but it is MY silly dream!
- Johnny-
An " Indian Summer" Weekend In DC!
I know what is cominmg in a few month. For today, I'm glad it has not arrived YET!
After a lot of rainy weather, The sunshine and relative warmth will feel invigorating!
After a lot of rainy weather, The sunshine and relative warmth will feel invigorating!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Things go well enough!
Eating yourself alive over what did not go well enough to meet your standards is a foolish way to be!
Treating My Money Gently and Respectfully.
A few years ago, When it came to taxation policies, President Bush used to say that "It's the people's money!" Now, people argue over each person "Paying their fair share and the common obligation we have to support each other on one hand versus " work hard for my money and I insist upon knowing how much I'm entitled to/ deserve to be able to keep."
This argument has migrated from politics and taxation policy to a war against the banks, People seem to be becoming angrier and angrier over bank fees. I saw a commercial on a Cable Station. A man hands a suitcase with a good bit of money over to a stranger who accepts responsibility for it and zealously guards it.
A disembodied voice asks, " How much did this man take foe watching another person's money"" The answer is Nothing! The voice then asks " How much should the bank be taking""
It seems people want the best possible service, with great financial accountability and the least possible charges both from their banks and the various levels of Government they pay taxes to in The Fall of 2011!
- Johnny-
This argument has migrated from politics and taxation policy to a war against the banks, People seem to be becoming angrier and angrier over bank fees. I saw a commercial on a Cable Station. A man hands a suitcase with a good bit of money over to a stranger who accepts responsibility for it and zealously guards it.
A disembodied voice asks, " How much did this man take foe watching another person's money"" The answer is Nothing! The voice then asks " How much should the bank be taking""
It seems people want the best possible service, with great financial accountability and the least possible charges both from their banks and the various levels of Government they pay taxes to in The Fall of 2011!
- Johnny-
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
My Stuuborness usually leads me to disaster!
Lord, Please let This Thursday be governed by the WISDOM that You provide!
The NBA Lockout
Maybe The NBA's support and fan devotion is softer than many people assumed. No one really seems to be irritated by The Lockout!
Insanity is doing the SAME thing again and again expecting different results.
Please , Lord, empower me and guide me to avoid living insanely today!
There is a reason
There is a reason to always hope for the best. There is a great reason to always strive for the best. If everyone on Earth truly hoped aor the best and worked to bring that best into existence what would this Earth be like!
What would the outcome of 6 plus Billion people hoping for the best and striving to bring that best about transform our planet into?
What would the outcome of 6 plus Billion people hoping for the best and striving to bring that best about transform our planet into?
I just saw the movie, It had come up as a part of a discussion that I was involved in on a Social Interaction sight.
Quite a severe message When you have to have things go to please you no matter what and you are willing to do anything to gain that result you can become quite a vicious and miserable monster!
Quite a severe message When you have to have things go to please you no matter what and you are willing to do anything to gain that result you can become quite a vicious and miserable monster!
Singing To God
If you believe He is who you say He is, Then why not sing aloud and publicly to Him from time to time1 Isn't He worth it?
Trust in God!
The Ups and Down of life can be disorienting and very disconcerting! I relish that God loves me, is good and is faithful!
The Problems with Quid Pro Quo
The idea of seeking to gain as a condition to get can be a very limited strategy! Another way to consider it is " I will do something for you, once you convince and assure me that you will do something for me." This is a cynical way of living that mocks any idea of generosity,genuinely self-generated kindness or doing because you are morally convinced that it is the RIGHT thing to do.
In these early days of my self- discovery and learning who I truly am versus who I've allowed myself to be convinced that I am and who I've become due to my own self-sabotage and lack of effort, courage, determination and resolve, I'm discovering that it is not good to decide that my behavior will be governed by how you decide to treat me and respond to me.
This makes me a cipher, someone who exists as a result of the actions of others! I must decide what I believe, what I know matters and then behave. I am seeing the value of becoming an ACTOR as opposed to a reactor! I can be a cause and I can have a positive effect on others.
In just under 4 complete days, I'm seeing that I am quite able to be a positive influence and have a positive and ennobling impact upon others!
I'm smiling more and each day I'm challenging myself, no matter what, to think, behave, respond and act positively! I've had some stumbles but I've seen some " New Birth of Johnny" outcomes as well. Life is not as I'd like it, ideally, to be today but today has been a good and positive day for me! This is true because I decided to invest in it turning out, so far, to be so!
- Johnny-
In these early days of my self- discovery and learning who I truly am versus who I've allowed myself to be convinced that I am and who I've become due to my own self-sabotage and lack of effort, courage, determination and resolve, I'm discovering that it is not good to decide that my behavior will be governed by how you decide to treat me and respond to me.
This makes me a cipher, someone who exists as a result of the actions of others! I must decide what I believe, what I know matters and then behave. I am seeing the value of becoming an ACTOR as opposed to a reactor! I can be a cause and I can have a positive effect on others.
In just under 4 complete days, I'm seeing that I am quite able to be a positive influence and have a positive and ennobling impact upon others!
I'm smiling more and each day I'm challenging myself, no matter what, to think, behave, respond and act positively! I've had some stumbles but I've seen some " New Birth of Johnny" outcomes as well. Life is not as I'd like it, ideally, to be today but today has been a good and positive day for me! This is true because I decided to invest in it turning out, so far, to be so!
- Johnny-
Should the basic essentials of Public Speeaking and Storytelling apply to Talk Radio?
I have been a Toastmaster for just over 20 and a half years. I also have had a great deal of experience as a story teller. One principle of both of these communication meediums is to embrace your audience and to take them on a journey that they desire to be taken on. The plot must be advance, their must be progress, you must advance and grow more interesting and compelling-spellbinging, if possible- from the start to the finish.
I am a major fan of Talk Radio. I find the interactions between pundits and experts and the General Public to be educationbal perse.
Yet, I, of late, here the hosts not advancing the conversation, They are spending a lot of time ask people to repeat what they have already said or reexplain themselves and their position again and again. To me, This is " Grass Growing " On Radio, it is tedious, dull and irritating, It make for unlistenable to radio.
I do get that some people are not articulate , They perhaps have not well-thought out what they are saying. They may also be stating an absurd perspective that is not worth listening to. They may also have a phone that is torturous to listen to due to how poorly it transmits their voice.
So, I can see some valid reasons for asking for restatement and clarification. Yet, Some points made on the phone are distinctly made. precise, basic and actually simple. A tired 4 year old would understand what was being said at that moment. When a talk show host then asks for repetition or redefinition, I'm led to wonder " What is wrong with him or her?"
I know sometimes a host stridently disagrees with the points being made by the caller to his or her show, They may then try to control the caller by deflecting and confusing them. To me, That is poor radio, Be up front,!Acknowledge your disagreement, then have a intelligent back and forth conversation with your caller AND audience member. To me, That approach embodies more integrity!
The more popular hosts have a staff connected to the show, I am sure that someone on staff can help to provide briefings on the fly to the host as the call proceeds. This can help the host to be aware and ready to advance the show, the moment and the conversation.
I think that " Huh, What did you say?" radio is Talk Radio at its' worst!
I am a major fan of Talk Radio. I find the interactions between pundits and experts and the General Public to be educationbal perse.
Yet, I, of late, here the hosts not advancing the conversation, They are spending a lot of time ask people to repeat what they have already said or reexplain themselves and their position again and again. To me, This is " Grass Growing " On Radio, it is tedious, dull and irritating, It make for unlistenable to radio.
I do get that some people are not articulate , They perhaps have not well-thought out what they are saying. They may also be stating an absurd perspective that is not worth listening to. They may also have a phone that is torturous to listen to due to how poorly it transmits their voice.
So, I can see some valid reasons for asking for restatement and clarification. Yet, Some points made on the phone are distinctly made. precise, basic and actually simple. A tired 4 year old would understand what was being said at that moment. When a talk show host then asks for repetition or redefinition, I'm led to wonder " What is wrong with him or her?"
I know sometimes a host stridently disagrees with the points being made by the caller to his or her show, They may then try to control the caller by deflecting and confusing them. To me, That is poor radio, Be up front,!Acknowledge your disagreement, then have a intelligent back and forth conversation with your caller AND audience member. To me, That approach embodies more integrity!
The more popular hosts have a staff connected to the show, I am sure that someone on staff can help to provide briefings on the fly to the host as the call proceeds. This can help the host to be aware and ready to advance the show, the moment and the conversation.
I think that " Huh, What did you say?" radio is Talk Radio at its' worst!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Log Entry # 667- Today is my ONE YEAR Anniversary on Blog Spot
A year ago, I was like a favorite TV Show of mine. Lost in Space, I was adrift, confused and not certain what to do next.
A friend urged me to start blogging! I was told to do so to make my writing more compelling. This same friend has urged me to write a book.
I thank all of you for cheering me on1 I hope at leasrt some of what you have read has been fascinating and worthwhile!
A friend urged me to start blogging! I was told to do so to make my writing more compelling. This same friend has urged me to write a book.
I thank all of you for cheering me on1 I hope at leasrt some of what you have read has been fascinating and worthwhile!
Monday, October 3, 2011
If you can learn when you are lonel;y that caring about people...
is more important than seeking what you can get from someone, You find that your soul is enriched!
What helps you from overwriting, over explaining and overly expressing your opinions...
Telling people what you think can be valuable. However an undisciplined and overwhelming flood really benefits no one.
How can you learn to be more controlled and prudent in expressing what you think and believe!?
How can you learn to be more controlled and prudent in expressing what you think and believe!?
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Today is The First Monday of the !8 Month Prime Directive!
Lord, Help me TODAY to listen be obedient and provide a blessing!
I do like tradition and I am a futurist.
There is wisdom in seasoning the daring of tomorrow with what has stood us well over time. Timeless ideas do motivate empowerment as I heard a Toastmaster once say!
When people find me attractive and appealing!
I need to be gracious, accept it and allow it to nurture me!
A Great Lunch!
My Friend Dave is Former Special Forces Operative. A Dedicated man and a Great Soldier and Christian . It was an honor to get to dine with him!
Rex hobbled and stumbled badly today but
his team still won. Maybe there is a lesson for me in this!
Saturday, October 1, 2011
What My Play Station Portable reveals about me!!
Essentially, That I hate to lose, that I'm an obsessive and that I will do anything to avoid making a mistake! I dislike looking foolish, absurd or to be proven to be a poor or inadequate planner! Therefore, I'd rather erase and start over again or sit and ponder for LONG PERIODS of time before taking my FIRST STEP forward on an effort that I am committed to!
I have on my PSP- MLB09- The Show- A Baseball Game. I'm a Yankee Fan and The Bombers won The Series in 2009.
So, You would think I'd enjoy playing the Yankees as they are! Yet, I only keep the best players and " cherry pick" the best players to be The Yankees!
I built a team of Great Power Hitters with high averages. All of those I picked are stellar fielders! I picked Power pitchers with great control.
I ,then, set the control for automatic and this team won 114 Games. Now, I'm playing this team in The Post Season., Now, I erase games when my opponent starts to have a big inning, when it looks certain that I'm going to lose and lose badly!
This shows indecisiveness, fumbling and a lack of confidence! It also shows that I don't want to deal with adversity and want all things to flow well so I look wise and prescient!
This is a reason why I'm glad that I'm involved in a lengthy proper redefinition of myself! This hesitant and panicky Johnny is an adaptive behavior and I can do and be someone much better!
- Johnny-
I have on my PSP- MLB09- The Show- A Baseball Game. I'm a Yankee Fan and The Bombers won The Series in 2009.
So, You would think I'd enjoy playing the Yankees as they are! Yet, I only keep the best players and " cherry pick" the best players to be The Yankees!
I built a team of Great Power Hitters with high averages. All of those I picked are stellar fielders! I picked Power pitchers with great control.
I ,then, set the control for automatic and this team won 114 Games. Now, I'm playing this team in The Post Season., Now, I erase games when my opponent starts to have a big inning, when it looks certain that I'm going to lose and lose badly!
This shows indecisiveness, fumbling and a lack of confidence! It also shows that I don't want to deal with adversity and want all things to flow well so I look wise and prescient!
This is a reason why I'm glad that I'm involved in a lengthy proper redefinition of myself! This hesitant and panicky Johnny is an adaptive behavior and I can do and be someone much better!
- Johnny-
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