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Sunday, January 8, 2012

The need for a sense of shame to exist in our society

 Shame is defined as a painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior.

Some synonyms for Shame- dishonor, ignominy and opprobrium.

 Some things I find shameful-

People who feel no need to control what they say and what they do no matter where they are or what they do.

Seeing public spaces trashed, unappealing and simply used in a " It doesn't belong to me and I don't care what condition I leave in it manner."

Being confrontational to merely be  confrontational, cutting people off in mid- sentence,  behaving in a menacing  way just to threaten and intimidate and terrorize people.

 Being rude, uncivil , vulgar, offputting and hateful to insure that you get your point across is, in my opoinion, shameful behaviors.

 I was taught that good, wise, decent and determined people will make state their message eloquently,cleverly, passionately, unmistakably and convincingly and will do their utmost to not be offensive and disturbing as they do so! They will do so in such a matter that will capture hearts and minds.

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