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Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Is trusting in AND relying upon Washington The True Final Answer?
Can nothing that will make difference, make life better and allow us to accomplish anything meaningful come to be with out Government authorization and funding ?
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
My Plaque
I did not expect that last night- I guess I did make a difference at and through DC Advanced.
Monday, October 28, 2013
The Wild World Series
Games Ending with Pick- Offs and Interference Calls - In the World Series ??? - Can you say "Red Sox " ?
Giving up on RG!!!
is a good idea- only if you believe the NFL Norm is to presume every Quarterback should already prove himself worthy of going to the Hall of Fame before the end of their second season in the league!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I know that this post is taking me to . . .
a desired greater goal. Sometimes the step on the way to a prize are good things to value, in and of itself!
Keep on Moving
Joy does come with / in the morning and right now the next morning is a future event!
The Redskins Lost -
Ok, You score against the Broncos and taunt them- You dare Peyton Manning to beat you- I guess the Redskins have never used a draft pick to add WISDOM to their team.
Life - The Intrinsic Value of Life !?
Americans and, while I'm not as sure of this, Western Europeans ,overall, seem to value and celebrate the philosophy of the idea of " The Quality of Life."
The Quality of Life idea seems to revolve around the idea of impressive and getting much better continually. More money, more opportunity, new homes, better vacations, superb serendipity fertilizing their lives continually.
When someone is miserably poor, when someone has fallen off the mountain of prosperity and now is groaning after landing in the " Death Valley" of ruin, Is life still valuable and worth continuing ? when a healthy person is told that their health is gone and that pain and misery will be their lot for years, Does life, then, become purposeless and not worth enduring ?
If a child is the womb is found to have a severe disorder that will cripple their ability to think and function , Is his or her life really not something that should be allowed to continue?
I know that it is easy to say life is wonderful when it seems to all to clearly be JUST that, but does a life that seems sorely limited, bitterly impoverished, agonizing or torment- drenched, qualify as one that it is most reasonable and logical to immediately halt?
- Johnny -
The Quality of Life idea seems to revolve around the idea of impressive and getting much better continually. More money, more opportunity, new homes, better vacations, superb serendipity fertilizing their lives continually.
When someone is miserably poor, when someone has fallen off the mountain of prosperity and now is groaning after landing in the " Death Valley" of ruin, Is life still valuable and worth continuing ? when a healthy person is told that their health is gone and that pain and misery will be their lot for years, Does life, then, become purposeless and not worth enduring ?
If a child is the womb is found to have a severe disorder that will cripple their ability to think and function , Is his or her life really not something that should be allowed to continue?
I know that it is easy to say life is wonderful when it seems to all to clearly be JUST that, but does a life that seems sorely limited, bitterly impoverished, agonizing or torment- drenched, qualify as one that it is most reasonable and logical to immediately halt?
- Johnny -
Saturday, October 26, 2013
A Speech on a Small Word.
This is my mission for this Saturday Morning, October Twenty- Sixth. This word can be used both to bless and ennoble.
The Four Letter word of This Day - J - U - S- T .
- Johnny -
The Four Letter word of This Day - J - U - S- T .
- Johnny -
Friday, October 25, 2013
Crystal Forest of Alexandria
Where I live is not a location that is going to wow anyone, It is a down at the heels series of Apartment buildings surrounded by black top parking lots.
The walls are paper thin, It is SIMPLY a place to live --- no more. As of October 15Th, New Ownership took over Virginia Village.
The complex has now been renamed - The Crystal Forest of Alexandria. The Kind of name that is designed to draw in those able to rent higher dollar apertments.
Right now, A number of people who live here are just barely making it. You wonder if they will be allowed to stay her- to continue to live here once their current lease expires. This was one a rather upcale are.
It has not been so for over 2 Decades. I think The Owners of The Crystal Village of Alexandria wish to shoe horn their way back into having this complex return to those times!
- Johnny -
The walls are paper thin, It is SIMPLY a place to live --- no more. As of October 15Th, New Ownership took over Virginia Village.
The complex has now been renamed - The Crystal Forest of Alexandria. The Kind of name that is designed to draw in those able to rent higher dollar apertments.
Right now, A number of people who live here are just barely making it. You wonder if they will be allowed to stay her- to continue to live here once their current lease expires. This was one a rather upcale are.
It has not been so for over 2 Decades. I think The Owners of The Crystal Village of Alexandria wish to shoe horn their way back into having this complex return to those times!
- Johnny -
Playing with severely bruised ribs and helping your team to win Game TWO of the World Series- My fingers are now TYPING a salute to Carlos Beltran!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Thursday, October 24, 2013
My Table Topics Prowess is an item of Thrill For Me !
I am actually considered a District 36 Table Topics Doyen! That is an ego trip but that is a sign I've accomplished something since 02/11/ 1991 when I became a member of National Press Toastmasters Club!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I did win a College Football Game on My X-Box
I do need to work on not nearly turning victory into defeat in the SECOND HALF!
Is it necessary to ...
to ram a bathroom door into someone's face because you are in a hurry and are not concerned at all whether or not you might hit someone with that very same door ?
Is poverty and bad circumstance, a hard life and the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, a free Pass to acting out towards all ?!
I cannot accept that this is a valid idea !
- Johnny-
Is poverty and bad circumstance, a hard life and the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, a free Pass to acting out towards all ?!
I cannot accept that this is a valid idea !
- Johnny-
A Devotion - Yes.
I was beginning to wonder if I'd keep me promise to get out another devotion before the end of this month. I'm so glad that I can NOW ANSWER , " Yes, I've accomplished this!"
It is likely that The Mountain Mafia Message Number 80 will not be it- I think it is likely that I will work on, type, finish and send out The Mountain Mafia Message Number 81 on or before November 11TH.
- Johnny -
It is likely that The Mountain Mafia Message Number 80 will not be it- I think it is likely that I will work on, type, finish and send out The Mountain Mafia Message Number 81 on or before November 11TH.
- Johnny -
I do so wonder---- Reflections on Being Single For Far TOO!!! Long!
I spent too many years thinking that the longer I waited to get into a lasting and splendid significant other relationship the more the outcome had to prove itself to be worth the wait.
The more years I waited - The More I thought she had to be impressively pretty and sexy. I also said that I wanted her to be self-approving, creative, talented , intelligent, giving and nurturing. Yes, I did desire those latter characteristics as well but the ones I truly yearned for were, to be blunt, pretty and sexy !!!!
I have been blessed. Mandy is, in so many ways and pervasively is very pretty and sexy. Yet, I get that this is not her as a totality. These are just merely aspects of her and that is wonderful!
It took me nearly 57 full years to think properly and beneficially on this whole matter. I do so wonder- How would the course of my life have changed, If I'd properly " figured this out many years earlier!?
- Johnny -
The more years I waited - The More I thought she had to be impressively pretty and sexy. I also said that I wanted her to be self-approving, creative, talented , intelligent, giving and nurturing. Yes, I did desire those latter characteristics as well but the ones I truly yearned for were, to be blunt, pretty and sexy !!!!
I have been blessed. Mandy is, in so many ways and pervasively is very pretty and sexy. Yet, I get that this is not her as a totality. These are just merely aspects of her and that is wonderful!
It took me nearly 57 full years to think properly and beneficially on this whole matter. I do so wonder- How would the course of my life have changed, If I'd properly " figured this out many years earlier!?
- Johnny -
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Climbing mountains is easier than . . .
hunting and pecking your way- LOL- to 4,000 Posts on this Blog!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
If you bring delight out in someone you care about ...
Shouldn't that be something that you easily and readily notice ?
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
It alarms me that MOST Americans ...
seem to not be attuned to the idea of simply caring about their fellow citizens and caring that they prosper as individuals.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Halloween is truly Christmas Eve ...
As, for most of us, The Christmas Season launches on November the First.
Freedom- Practice it and
Take it seriously or else declaring that you are free is me3rely a non-sequitur that does NOT matter!
Waiting on a Long Line Deliberately
I'm told that choosing to do so BY Choice is a sign that you are willing to test your patience.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Words of Candor and Vulnerability
" I did not think this through, I missed some things and I rushed to get finished. I goofed, I blew it, I 'm responsible. I made an a** of myself, This is my fault. I will correct this, I will make this right, I will do all that I can to make anyone right who was served poorly due to my error."
Why is it rare that any one will make these admissions? Why are statements such as these NOT! written,typed or spoken when they simply are the simple truth?
- Johnny-
Why is it rare that any one will make these admissions? Why are statements such as these NOT! written,typed or spoken when they simply are the simple truth?
- Johnny-
Sunday, October 20, 2013
My Fighting Spirit.
It looks like, even tho' I often doubt it, It appears that I , DO, have a fighting spirit.
Driving to Success
Advancing and Living Better does often ask that one be willing to act with passion, vigor and determination.
Lord, Let me Enter Monday Confidently.
Let me, Please, Expect things to go well rather than dread that they will turn out dreadfully.
I am a Perfectionist
I need to guard against that tendency. Perfectionist seldom benefit from the bliss and suturing of deep and pervading satisfaction.
Hillary as President ?
I believe in the power of motivated individuals who are given chances to change their fortunes. I do not think that Ms. Clinton embraces this same concept.
The world needs some daring noble Knights. A Don Quixote can make a difference. I do think errant and weird knights have bettered the overall conditions from time to time throughout the history of this planet.
Do I care?
I need to show that I truly care. A look, a stance, a disposition can tell a lengthy and and definitive story
Lofty Word, Dismissive Word
Simple word , basic word four letters in length!
This word can conjure majestic principle and be a word that ignites hopes,possibilities and dreams. This same word, however, can be used to dismiss, limit and confine.
This for letter word is ------ JUST.
The Word Just can be a word that rallies people to fight off oppression, to strive to do well by everyone and to remove limitations that prevent them from reaching heights that they have the potential and ability to attain.
Just can also be defined as only or merely. It can crush options by reminding some that they are just one against many and that means they may well face opposition. It can be used to tell someone to accept and live with what is going on by reminding him or her that there are many in a given situation and this is just the way things are. It is also a word to remind someone that you see little impressive or noteworthy in them - it can be used as rating or evaluating word.
In my view, It is a word that can also tell the tale of what a person, a people even a world thinks, believes and lives by at any given period of history.When we use it to keep the dreams, those who inspire and who aspire in their place we are not doing well. We become prone to deciding ourselves into believing that all we are willing, all that we convince ourselves that we can manage today is all we are able to do and all we are capable and able to do!
When , even in the ugliest of circumstances and situations, We get that people are individuals and that no one's birth status, current economic situation or past failings , mistakes /and or misadventures consign them to the darkness unless they choose to not make any efforts to better themselves . Our society can then become just- far more just than it is right now, possibly far more just than it ever has been. The spark of wanting better and battling to gain it is a rallying cry for justice!
If we want to live better and see life become better for the many, Let's use just as a building tool, an extended hand of empowerment and motivation!
- Johnny -
This word can conjure majestic principle and be a word that ignites hopes,possibilities and dreams. This same word, however, can be used to dismiss, limit and confine.
This for letter word is ------ JUST.
The Word Just can be a word that rallies people to fight off oppression, to strive to do well by everyone and to remove limitations that prevent them from reaching heights that they have the potential and ability to attain.
Just can also be defined as only or merely. It can crush options by reminding some that they are just one against many and that means they may well face opposition. It can be used to tell someone to accept and live with what is going on by reminding him or her that there are many in a given situation and this is just the way things are. It is also a word to remind someone that you see little impressive or noteworthy in them - it can be used as rating or evaluating word.
In my view, It is a word that can also tell the tale of what a person, a people even a world thinks, believes and lives by at any given period of history.When we use it to keep the dreams, those who inspire and who aspire in their place we are not doing well. We become prone to deciding ourselves into believing that all we are willing, all that we convince ourselves that we can manage today is all we are able to do and all we are capable and able to do!
When , even in the ugliest of circumstances and situations, We get that people are individuals and that no one's birth status, current economic situation or past failings , mistakes /and or misadventures consign them to the darkness unless they choose to not make any efforts to better themselves . Our society can then become just- far more just than it is right now, possibly far more just than it ever has been. The spark of wanting better and battling to gain it is a rallying cry for justice!
If we want to live better and see life become better for the many, Let's use just as a building tool, an extended hand of empowerment and motivation!
- Johnny -
Friday, October 18, 2013
I Know that I will love and be loved better and be cherished
That time is not yet here- but it is on its' way as a constant reality!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I dare and I will not stop!
Letting life consume me as I cringed my way through it is to love a prison sentence, A SELF- IMPOSED one !
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I need and desire to stay Civil and be a Seeker of Truth.
I believe it is important to be passionate and eloquent when you express yourself. I seek to express myself with verve, passion and with a sense of ethics and conscience.
Yet, I cringe when I want to win rather than seek the truth wherever it leads, even if it carries me to places I'm not at at at ease and comforable with.
Yet, To do anything else is to be a sophist and a knave.
So, Do you then with draw from the market place of ideas and the grand field of intelligent verbal combat or do you steel yourself to seek and claim veritas what ever that means concerning where the journey leads you! ?
- Johnny -
Yet, I cringe when I want to win rather than seek the truth wherever it leads, even if it carries me to places I'm not at at at ease and comforable with.
Yet, To do anything else is to be a sophist and a knave.
So, Do you then with draw from the market place of ideas and the grand field of intelligent verbal combat or do you steel yourself to seek and claim veritas what ever that means concerning where the journey leads you! ?
- Johnny -
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Moving On
There will be a lot that I will not miss about Greater Dc. There are a few things I will miss greatly. I'm focusing more now on the matters that I will be freed from. I suspect that when January 13th is rather close at hand - then the things I will sorely miss will become far more items that I will spend a lot of time mulling over!
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
Johnny, The Years of Feeling like you . . .
are marching in place will end ! 12-31-13 is on its' way!
I really do myself a major diservice ...
when I do not positively fuel my creativity and imagination through the act and the discipline of writing more and more EVERY day!
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
Chris Cooley is as LOT MORE ...
interesting and satisfying to listen to than Lavar Arrington and Chad Dukes are!
It is never wise to talk about Moving Elsewhere ...
until you actually have another place that byou wish to and are eager to relocate to.
It is very much akin to hating your job and quitting due to that hatred ... without having another job to go to.
Talking over and over about dissatisfaction tends to antagonize others mightily. There is something to the old and classic saw- " Act promptly and intelligently to ready yourself to go when the conditions are in place or decide to adjust and stay." All else is just fuel for misery, grumpiness and lasting unhappiness - for yourself and others!!!
- Johnny -
It is very much akin to hating your job and quitting due to that hatred ... without having another job to go to.
Talking over and over about dissatisfaction tends to antagonize others mightily. There is something to the old and classic saw- " Act promptly and intelligently to ready yourself to go when the conditions are in place or decide to adjust and stay." All else is just fuel for misery, grumpiness and lasting unhappiness - for yourself and others!!!
- Johnny -
Was DC a Severe Error ? - Part One
It is said that following dreams that you are not practically prepare, trained and ready to effectively fulfill is a recipe for heartache, ruin and tragedy.
I once had dreams of holding elected office and making a positive, significant lasting and truly historic difference in the American Governmental System. My plan was to start by getting a job on a Congressional Staff.
There was a clear flaw to this ----- I did not type at all in Early 1978 when I was getting ready to pursue my dream . I still do not type well- I barely hunt and peck- to type- LOL- the truth.
This led, in large part- to my dream dying stillborn. The only reason I wanted to leave Frostburg, where I lived at the time anmd loved- was to become a Political Actor.
When that never came to pass, I started to fall out of love, as year after year came and went with living in Greater Washington DC! For I was here for the wrong reason, as I look back over the last now 35 and a half years plus, I could not do the one thing here that I had longed to do since I was 10 years old. While there were numerous other options to pursue, needless to say, I could not live out THE REASON that I felt compellwed and driven to come to Our Nation's Capital to pursue!
- Johnny -
I once had dreams of holding elected office and making a positive, significant lasting and truly historic difference in the American Governmental System. My plan was to start by getting a job on a Congressional Staff.
There was a clear flaw to this ----- I did not type at all in Early 1978 when I was getting ready to pursue my dream . I still do not type well- I barely hunt and peck- to type- LOL- the truth.
This led, in large part- to my dream dying stillborn. The only reason I wanted to leave Frostburg, where I lived at the time anmd loved- was to become a Political Actor.
When that never came to pass, I started to fall out of love, as year after year came and went with living in Greater Washington DC! For I was here for the wrong reason, as I look back over the last now 35 and a half years plus, I could not do the one thing here that I had longed to do since I was 10 years old. While there were numerous other options to pursue, needless to say, I could not live out THE REASON that I felt compellwed and driven to come to Our Nation's Capital to pursue!
- Johnny -
The Long Winter
I am too much of a Yankee homer, When they have a truly forgettable and lack luster season- such as the 2013 was, it makes for a long and dismal off-season EVEN in the early days of that off-season.
Robinson Cano- Is he indispensible for My Yankees ?
At The Amount of Money he is now asking for, I sadly, must conclude that , He is indeed, INDISPENSABLE!
A Movie Version of Willam Paul Young's The Shack--Yea or Nay ?
William Paul Young's Book Novel " The Shack" is controversial. Mr . Young's portrayal of The New Testament Trinity causes a number of Christians to rejoice and celebrate while causing others to feel uneasy, disquieted and alarmed.
If A Movie Version of The Shack were to be released , Would you go and see it ? Why ?
- Johnny -
If A Movie Version of The Shack were to be released , Would you go and see it ? Why ?
- Johnny -
Lead me Lord
and move within My Spirit to empower me to become more enthused as I learn to more obediently serve you!
I am grateful today
I am health, My Doctor confirmed this earlier today. I have some things to do to improve myself. If I will take her suggestions to improve my health even more seriously, I will be doing even BETTER in times to come.
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
I know that I am gaining
The idea that making progress should be easy and comfortable, events are showing me, is naught more than brainless folly.
Is Bill James The Founding Father Of Electronic Sports Games?
In the late 1970's, A Kansas Man, Bill James, who has I understand was a night watchman at the time, used his love of baseball to create a Sports Revolution.
Mr. James had just about zero patience with baseball folk wisdom that explained the way the Sport worked. He fewlt that too many people were saying things that had never been well-calculated, thought out and evaluated. It bothered him when sports writers and baseball commentators spewed out information that was just their opinion or what others had, likely thoughtlessly and uncarefully, had passed on to them.
Bill had a passion for researching records and was and still is a gifted mathematician. He applied formulas to models and then began to share Baseball Analysis tied to what can be both observed and documented, what, simply, could be proven.
Bill James started to self-publish at the end of the 1970's. By The Early 1980's, Ballantine Books published the first of the Annual Bill James Baseball Abstracts. Bill, becoming irritated by some of the demands of the fans who loved his work, ended the annual abstracts with the 1988 Edition.
Then, In 1989, The First Madden Game was released. Baseball, Basket-Ball and Hockey among other sports had their games, also, reproduced in a video game format. This makes me wonder, How much of what Bill James started to work on 35 plus years ago make possible the Games that EA Sports, 2K Sports and other enterprises now routinely design and market.
Billy Beane , of Money Ball Fame, says his theories and their practice all owe muck to the work of Mr. James. Alan Barra has admitted he borrows liberally from James in his well-regarded efforts to analyze The NFL.
This, I AM inclined to wonder, Do The Sports Games Producers, heed to consider Bill James to be Their Founding Father and Patron Saint?
- Johnny-
Mr. James had just about zero patience with baseball folk wisdom that explained the way the Sport worked. He fewlt that too many people were saying things that had never been well-calculated, thought out and evaluated. It bothered him when sports writers and baseball commentators spewed out information that was just their opinion or what others had, likely thoughtlessly and uncarefully, had passed on to them.
Bill had a passion for researching records and was and still is a gifted mathematician. He applied formulas to models and then began to share Baseball Analysis tied to what can be both observed and documented, what, simply, could be proven.
Bill James started to self-publish at the end of the 1970's. By The Early 1980's, Ballantine Books published the first of the Annual Bill James Baseball Abstracts. Bill, becoming irritated by some of the demands of the fans who loved his work, ended the annual abstracts with the 1988 Edition.
Then, In 1989, The First Madden Game was released. Baseball, Basket-Ball and Hockey among other sports had their games, also, reproduced in a video game format. This makes me wonder, How much of what Bill James started to work on 35 plus years ago make possible the Games that EA Sports, 2K Sports and other enterprises now routinely design and market.
Billy Beane , of Money Ball Fame, says his theories and their practice all owe muck to the work of Mr. James. Alan Barra has admitted he borrows liberally from James in his well-regarded efforts to analyze The NFL.
This, I AM inclined to wonder, Do The Sports Games Producers, heed to consider Bill James to be Their Founding Father and Patron Saint?
- Johnny-
My Voice
This blog is an e-voice representing me. I hope that what I have preserved here is worth reading and pondering.
Choices to Be Made
If I want a better life, a life that will last many years beyond today, I must decide to take actions to better discipline myself!
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
In the middle of moving, throwing away and down sizing, You wonder if the one piece of paper that you are searching to find today will be found.
The more you search and cannot find it, the more frustrated you beome.
That is where I've found myself a good bit of today. Finally, I grabbed a bag that "It could NOT be in" and OF COURSE that IS where I found it.
That Changed this Tuesday , October 15Th into a EUREKA day!
- Johnny -
The more you search and cannot find it, the more frustrated you beome.
That is where I've found myself a good bit of today. Finally, I grabbed a bag that "It could NOT be in" and OF COURSE that IS where I found it.
That Changed this Tuesday , October 15Th into a EUREKA day!
- Johnny -
Monday, October 14, 2013
The Very Long Goodbye !
Mount Vernon, Kentucky ia a long way off for someone who does not own a car and does not drive. It is from my Lincolnia Area Apartment In Fairfax County, Virginia- within The DC Inner burbs -is 404 miles away , if you travel in a straight line. By the best road connection- 554 Miles. From Union Station Greyhound to Lexington, Kentucky - 669 miles. all of this one way.
Lexington is 54 miles from Mount Vernon so- one way there- if I take the bus - is 723 miles.
The transition is also proving to be long. I am one day, as of today short of 3 months away from my exiting DC permanently day. I will be back for visits- but that is not the same.The transition is already under way. There are boxes of books on my living room floor and I'm talking to people who may be interested in taking many books. My book collection is to be severely trimmed. Yesterday,Sunday October 13TH, My Best Friend And The Associate Pastor of Grace Community Church, Derek Adye, took pictures of my furniture. He will send those to missions that Grace Community Church supports to see if anyone connected with them or who they serve, would like to be the NEXT owner of my furnishings.
I have been a Toastmaster sine February 11TH, 1991. Greater DC Toastmasterdom has been a core activity for me- an overall very nurturing and gratifying experience. Over that time, I've been a vital, active and participating member of many Toastmaster Clubs - some for long periods of time, some for a noticeably shorter period of time.
I will make a "Final " visit to three clubs over the next FIFTEEN days- These Clubs are all DISTRICT 36 Clubs -Advance and Conquer, DTM Leaders and The DC Advanced Toastmasters. I have never been a member of The DTM leaders club. It is a very impressive club filled with gifted and many generous of time and spirit Toastmasters.
Advance and Conquer is blessed to have people who are currently in The District Leadership invested in it. DCA- Club 5377 - The DC Advanced Toastmasters Club- is one I joined in 1996. Over the last 17 years, It has really helped me to see Toastmasters in a more paramedic and devoted sense. I became a DTM there through the challenges given to me by A Late Past District Governor, Nancy McCeney.
That this process and saying good bye to numerous Toastmasters at varying meetings and events will be an active part of my last 3 months is rather overwhelming. I love My Amanda Lynn and I yearn for the beautiful calm of Mount Vernon, Kentucky but I know this will not be an easy one fourth of a year to navigate through.
- Johnny-
Lexington is 54 miles from Mount Vernon so- one way there- if I take the bus - is 723 miles.
The transition is also proving to be long. I am one day, as of today short of 3 months away from my exiting DC permanently day. I will be back for visits- but that is not the same.The transition is already under way. There are boxes of books on my living room floor and I'm talking to people who may be interested in taking many books. My book collection is to be severely trimmed. Yesterday,Sunday October 13TH, My Best Friend And The Associate Pastor of Grace Community Church, Derek Adye, took pictures of my furniture. He will send those to missions that Grace Community Church supports to see if anyone connected with them or who they serve, would like to be the NEXT owner of my furnishings.
I have been a Toastmaster sine February 11TH, 1991. Greater DC Toastmasterdom has been a core activity for me- an overall very nurturing and gratifying experience. Over that time, I've been a vital, active and participating member of many Toastmaster Clubs - some for long periods of time, some for a noticeably shorter period of time.
I will make a "Final " visit to three clubs over the next FIFTEEN days- These Clubs are all DISTRICT 36 Clubs -Advance and Conquer, DTM Leaders and The DC Advanced Toastmasters. I have never been a member of The DTM leaders club. It is a very impressive club filled with gifted and many generous of time and spirit Toastmasters.
Advance and Conquer is blessed to have people who are currently in The District Leadership invested in it. DCA- Club 5377 - The DC Advanced Toastmasters Club- is one I joined in 1996. Over the last 17 years, It has really helped me to see Toastmasters in a more paramedic and devoted sense. I became a DTM there through the challenges given to me by A Late Past District Governor, Nancy McCeney.
That this process and saying good bye to numerous Toastmasters at varying meetings and events will be an active part of my last 3 months is rather overwhelming. I love My Amanda Lynn and I yearn for the beautiful calm of Mount Vernon, Kentucky but I know this will not be an easy one fourth of a year to navigate through.
- Johnny-
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Where Would we now be?
Columbus Day is a cloudy, dubious and regretted holiday to many in 2013. Yet, I do wonder, literally where would we be if Columbus had never journeyed from Palos, Spain in August of 1492.
Columbus's plan was to find a route to China. He also thought he might well make contact, as well, with Japan and India.Columbus had no idea that there were two continents that were in the way.
The Vikings has landed had landed in North America nearly 500 years ago. They started a colony known as Vinland. Yet, Over time it was abandoned to vanish back into the wilderness. Sweden would eventually set up a colony in what is now Delaware and New Jersy . The Colony was named New Sweden.
We know that no one in the time of Columbus knew of The Great Atlantic Continents. W#e also have found no evidence that those who lived where we are now new of Europe a half of millienium ago.
So, Where would be now if these voyages and the voyages of those who followed them did not occur?
- Johnny -
Columbus's plan was to find a route to China. He also thought he might well make contact, as well, with Japan and India.Columbus had no idea that there were two continents that were in the way.
The Vikings has landed had landed in North America nearly 500 years ago. They started a colony known as Vinland. Yet, Over time it was abandoned to vanish back into the wilderness. Sweden would eventually set up a colony in what is now Delaware and New Jersy . The Colony was named New Sweden.
We know that no one in the time of Columbus knew of The Great Atlantic Continents. W#e also have found no evidence that those who lived where we are now new of Europe a half of millienium ago.
So, Where would be now if these voyages and the voyages of those who followed them did not occur?
- Johnny -
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Taking a deep breath, shaking your head and
Still saying "YES" as an act o love and devotion is an act of nobility!
Lord, Thank you for your presence and friendship ...
that I have through My Lord Jesus at all times.
I think that things, too often, are not all they COULD be ...
That does great damage to my ability and capacity to enjoy and better participate in well what is.
Warped perspective lead to troubled thinking.
I am learning that it is most valuable to purge myself of perspectives that are not besed upon truth and reality.
I am my true best friend
My creativity and willingness to learn will profit me mightily through the rest of this month.
A Great Dog Moment
Friday, October 11TH, 2013 was the 5Th day of a long and dreary and very rainy week. It had been a week of too much strain, poor coping and too much festering frustration on my part.
I was much too wrapped up in my own as I descended an escalator to enter The Virginia Square Metro station in Arlington , Virginia.
I lifted my head in an effort to clear my head in an effort to be less me focused. As I looked down I see a Metro Police officer . I thanked him for his service, a very usual practice for me.
I noticed that he had a Dog, A Magnificent German Shepard , at his side. The dog was absorded in playing with a pair of rolled up sock dropping it, picking it up sniffing it and being absorded in plasying with it.
I did feel a stirring in my spirit then , " It is not as you are seeing it. You will get beyond - find joy, laughter and a reason to smile today." I began to smile and laugh for a bit and that broke the spell of gloom.
I shared that at an AA meeting later. A women told me, " I've never heard God spek in the Metro- That ia a first."
God can speak to me in many ways including through a fun loving and enjoying life dog!
- Johnny -
I was much too wrapped up in my own as I descended an escalator to enter The Virginia Square Metro station in Arlington , Virginia.
I lifted my head in an effort to clear my head in an effort to be less me focused. As I looked down I see a Metro Police officer . I thanked him for his service, a very usual practice for me.
I noticed that he had a Dog, A Magnificent German Shepard , at his side. The dog was absorded in playing with a pair of rolled up sock dropping it, picking it up sniffing it and being absorded in plasying with it.
I did feel a stirring in my spirit then , " It is not as you are seeing it. You will get beyond - find joy, laughter and a reason to smile today." I began to smile and laugh for a bit and that broke the spell of gloom.
I shared that at an AA meeting later. A women told me, " I've never heard God spek in the Metro- That ia a first."
God can speak to me in many ways including through a fun loving and enjoying life dog!
- Johnny -
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Luster over passing through.
This is how I must look at getting through tomorrow, Friday, October 11TH.
Giving DOES bring fulfillment
This does suggest that the emptiness that I often feel throttled by is due to my being FAR !!! too stingy and unwilling to give and contribute enough and sufficiently.
Being lonely is hard and stressful.
Yet, It is the greatest training ground to learn to continue to do better and better by yourself- on your own behalf.
I know that you want the future so much, The future that you have....
longed for, that you will crawl through any peril to get there, Johnny.
Having a Pet Raccoon.?
The Former Redskin Tight End, Chris Cooley , did for awhile. I do wonder about how many " wild animals" can ACTUALLY be domesticated if raised by a human starting very early on during his or her life.
I am winning now
On a rainy day, I am deciding to , as 17:00 approaches , to recast this day, my day, as being Sunny and inviting
- Johnny-.
- Johnny-.
Four Thousand Posts- all told - will be mine
before the end of THIS year. I am still chipping away at this!
Never Stop until you have No !!! Choice !!!!
I need to not stop doing well when there is nothing truly in the way to stop me or even slow me down.
I am learning to get more out of my X Box 360.
It is silly to buy games and only get out of them a mere fraction of what they contain.
Freedom from Sulky and Pathetic Brattiness
" You hurt my feelings. You are mean. Get away from me. I don't want to be your friend anymore." Children are easily offended and easily angered. They see today as lasting forever and to be hurt, offended , sad, frustrated and unhappy now MEANS, of course, it will last eternally and beyond that.
Our heart does out to FIVE year olds who respond to a SEEMINGLY nasty emotional wound that way. We are a little concerned when a NINE year old respond this exact same way. We vchallenger 14 year olds who are this easily emotionally wounded.
We know that 50ish men who respond to a rough conversation with some one they love this way need to " grow a pair", grow up and be realistic.
I've sulked too long today after feeling MISTAKENLY that I've been dissed last night by the love of my life. Life is too short, she is too amazing and there are too many good things to relish and thrive over to act like a " too easily rattled 5 year old in a sandbox " !
I am GRATEFUL for a slow day that gave me the chance to reflect and to decide it is best, TODAY, to be wise and prudent!
- Johnny -
Our heart does out to FIVE year olds who respond to a SEEMINGLY nasty emotional wound that way. We are a little concerned when a NINE year old respond this exact same way. We vchallenger 14 year olds who are this easily emotionally wounded.
We know that 50ish men who respond to a rough conversation with some one they love this way need to " grow a pair", grow up and be realistic.
I've sulked too long today after feeling MISTAKENLY that I've been dissed last night by the love of my life. Life is too short, she is too amazing and there are too many good things to relish and thrive over to act like a " too easily rattled 5 year old in a sandbox " !
I am GRATEFUL for a slow day that gave me the chance to reflect and to decide it is best, TODAY, to be wise and prudent!
- Johnny -
I need not to Panic
Panic can ruin much. Prudence can be hard to exercise and arduous to endure, yet, It is not something I will ever regret.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Feeling hurt and rejected.
I know that the love of my life is tired and overwhelmed and I know that this, too, shall pass. Yet, I am feeling alone, rejected and abandoned tonight.
The Remainder of October
seems to be a slow and burdensome time to navigate through. I must just bear up and get through it.
I am struggling to get my traction but today is not all or it for me - I am fighting for so much more!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Slowly, I am learning that getting up when you want to stay down and breathing when you want to stop shows that you are getting inspiration.
I do think that we complicate and ...
make our society far too overly sensitive, thorny and as difficult to navigate as possible.
Then, We compound this by " wondering" why people are so tense, stressed and ill- at ease with themselves, their circumstances and each other.
Then, We compound this by " wondering" why people are so tense, stressed and ill- at ease with themselves, their circumstances and each other.
Being Excessive
I, while putting my kitchen back together after a roach expression held in my apartment, made contact with a partially open tab of Cascade complete. This happened while moving a box that it had fallen into.
I treated it like a hazmat situation, I threw the box immediately into a nearly empty white . plastic trash bag. and, then , took that bag out to the dumpster in the rain.
I also washed my hands multiple times. Is this a tad overboard and excessive.
- Johnny -
I treated it like a hazmat situation, I threw the box immediately into a nearly empty white . plastic trash bag. and, then , took that bag out to the dumpster in the rain.
I also washed my hands multiple times. Is this a tad overboard and excessive.
- Johnny -
I am not disposed to let everyone ...
get away with anything and everything. Yet, My life is not mine, Please guide and teach me, Lord!
In perspective
In Past Years, Wouldn't you have prayed that God would place you where you are on This Wednesday, October Ninth, 2013?
I know being stuck today is an illusion
My destination is to reach a better life. I shall attain this!
Being Feisty.
is me, more often than I am willing to admit. I should apologize this, shouldn't I. Yet, I am challenged to be true to myself. I am learning that this feistiness is , in many way " Ces't Moi".
The Practical Pragmatic Problems with Multiculturalism.
One of the Mantras of 2013 America is that all cultures, languages and custom- ways of viewing the world,The value that one holds on tradition and that we we are inclined to believe that people should function from day to day are equal. that none, effectively should dominate or hold sway over the others- are equal.
This view can also be described, I believe as a definition of multiculturalism. Yet, Can we all function well, smoothly, efficiently and non- irritatingly by living in this manner? While it is not a PC response, It is clear to me that some of us stumble, bumble and crete and impose difficulties and burdens upon othes by living this way.
I rode a bus today that over stayed a stop because a woman was not able to understand a simple word of direction, " Not this bus, The Next 29 K will go in the direction you want." The driver four separate time, each time more simply than the time before labored to explain to this elderly woman.". A woman who spoke the same language as this woman then stepped in and after 3 attempts FINALLY got the message through to this woman. During the first two attempts this woman kept her hand on the bus door, shrugged and shook her head know.
Was this effort kind, decent and understanding ? Yes! Did this effort impose a 5 minute delay on every passenger on the bus? Yes !
A few minutes later, at a Mc Donald's, I saw a line grow longer as an employee tried to PAINSTAKINGLY explain an item on The Mc Donald's menu to an angry and not- comprehending man.
I think the US functioned quite well for many years on the concept of "E Pluribus Unum" - Out of Many, One and the concept of The Melting Pot. Most societies in the World have an official language that is necessary to speak and understand in order to do well within the mainstream/ central/ dominate culture.
I think that imposing a burden on most to benefit the few, relatively speaking ,just creates a bit of rawness and frustration in that society. I like a bumper sticker I saw earlier today The Law- In Plain English. I think that we can all best operate by functioning as we deal with every one just using basic and plainly spoken English.
A friend of mine- who voted for Mc Govern, Carter- TWICE- Dukakis, Clinton and Gore- sid that life works best and we ALL do well for each other and as we connect with others when we decide to live COMPETENTLY. He further ldefines this as " Learning to operate in a way that makes you life as smooth and as problem and burden free as possible." He also states that " It works better if you can expect the same of others,"
I like many aspects of other cultures and waqys of doing things.' However, as Rodney King might say, " I'd like all of us to operate in a manner that will allow us all to get along."
- Johnny-
This view can also be described, I believe as a definition of multiculturalism. Yet, Can we all function well, smoothly, efficiently and non- irritatingly by living in this manner? While it is not a PC response, It is clear to me that some of us stumble, bumble and crete and impose difficulties and burdens upon othes by living this way.
I rode a bus today that over stayed a stop because a woman was not able to understand a simple word of direction, " Not this bus, The Next 29 K will go in the direction you want." The driver four separate time, each time more simply than the time before labored to explain to this elderly woman.". A woman who spoke the same language as this woman then stepped in and after 3 attempts FINALLY got the message through to this woman. During the first two attempts this woman kept her hand on the bus door, shrugged and shook her head know.
Was this effort kind, decent and understanding ? Yes! Did this effort impose a 5 minute delay on every passenger on the bus? Yes !
A few minutes later, at a Mc Donald's, I saw a line grow longer as an employee tried to PAINSTAKINGLY explain an item on The Mc Donald's menu to an angry and not- comprehending man.
I think the US functioned quite well for many years on the concept of "E Pluribus Unum" - Out of Many, One and the concept of The Melting Pot. Most societies in the World have an official language that is necessary to speak and understand in order to do well within the mainstream/ central/ dominate culture.
I think that imposing a burden on most to benefit the few, relatively speaking ,just creates a bit of rawness and frustration in that society. I like a bumper sticker I saw earlier today The Law- In Plain English. I think that we can all best operate by functioning as we deal with every one just using basic and plainly spoken English.
A friend of mine- who voted for Mc Govern, Carter- TWICE- Dukakis, Clinton and Gore- sid that life works best and we ALL do well for each other and as we connect with others when we decide to live COMPETENTLY. He further ldefines this as " Learning to operate in a way that makes you life as smooth and as problem and burden free as possible." He also states that " It works better if you can expect the same of others,"
I like many aspects of other cultures and waqys of doing things.' However, as Rodney King might say, " I'd like all of us to operate in a manner that will allow us all to get along."
- Johnny-
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
It is good to celebrate today !
It is delightful to see that God has chosen to use me to bless others.
22 Years of Sobriety Today.
My Sobriety Date is October 8TH, 2013- I am 22 years sober this day. I've had my sobriety mocked- That my bottom is too HIGH- that I neeeded to go out and have THE DISEASE MUG me a bit more.
Twenty- Two years ago, I saw that My relationship to Alcohol was malformed and dangerous. I used the beverage to change my mood and address struggles - not because I liked the taste or wanted to quench my thirst. I also was quite aware that My father drank out of control .
I also decided I wanted a better way of life and wanted what I saw a number of people at the most beneficial meeting had.
It's never been easy but I did what I felt I need to do and still need to do.
- Johnny -
Twenty- Two years ago, I saw that My relationship to Alcohol was malformed and dangerous. I used the beverage to change my mood and address struggles - not because I liked the taste or wanted to quench my thirst. I also was quite aware that My father drank out of control .
I also decided I wanted a better way of life and wanted what I saw a number of people at the most beneficial meeting had.
It's never been easy but I did what I felt I need to do and still need to do.
- Johnny -
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Radically Askew
I am moving- leaving a 35 plus, nearly 36 year life, having lived in Greater DC in various area throughout this period of time - In The City, In Bethesda, Rockville, Gaithersburg, Reston. Takoma Park, Arlington and In The Fairfax County Section of Alexandria, in a section called Lincolnia.
I live next to the broken and haunted shell of what used to be a high dollar shopping mall- Landmark Mall. I live in a part of a suburb that is really very inner city in character, feel and appearance.
I've really wanted out of Greater DC for a number of years- in a strong way- since the last days of 1998. The messy death of someone I deeply cared for made me want to flee this area. I've just had this as a spirit disruptive wish for many years. Finally, In Early July of 2012, The Way of Escape materialized - a destination to journey to become clear.
Over this weekend, I started packing. Over 100 books are boxed and on the floor of my living room. I ALSO spent time dismantling my kitchen and background as well. The contents of both are placed throughout the apartment. This due to an inspection for roaches to occur on Tuesday The Eighth.
I am not thrilled with where I live. It is what I can afford. It seems to be visually unappealing and not hardly an inviting and friendly place. I really would rather ignore and not cooperate with that notice but on my door- but I am doing so anyway!
The chaos is a bit overwhelming and unnerving. Yet, My future beckons! I've had thoughts of panicking- stopping the process and saying. Yet, I know there is precious little for me here now and six months after deciding to stay, It is highly likely yearn to leave this are again.
Therefore, I say I can't let discomfort and a 3 month process of getting ready cause me to abandon what I know is best. January 13Th is inching here to be sure, but it will arrive and I shall leave!
- Johnny -
I live next to the broken and haunted shell of what used to be a high dollar shopping mall- Landmark Mall. I live in a part of a suburb that is really very inner city in character, feel and appearance.
I've really wanted out of Greater DC for a number of years- in a strong way- since the last days of 1998. The messy death of someone I deeply cared for made me want to flee this area. I've just had this as a spirit disruptive wish for many years. Finally, In Early July of 2012, The Way of Escape materialized - a destination to journey to become clear.
Over this weekend, I started packing. Over 100 books are boxed and on the floor of my living room. I ALSO spent time dismantling my kitchen and background as well. The contents of both are placed throughout the apartment. This due to an inspection for roaches to occur on Tuesday The Eighth.
I am not thrilled with where I live. It is what I can afford. It seems to be visually unappealing and not hardly an inviting and friendly place. I really would rather ignore and not cooperate with that notice but on my door- but I am doing so anyway!
The chaos is a bit overwhelming and unnerving. Yet, My future beckons! I've had thoughts of panicking- stopping the process and saying. Yet, I know there is precious little for me here now and six months after deciding to stay, It is highly likely yearn to leave this are again.
Therefore, I say I can't let discomfort and a 3 month process of getting ready cause me to abandon what I know is best. January 13Th is inching here to be sure, but it will arrive and I shall leave!
- Johnny -
Saturday, October 5, 2013
I MUST be where I am!
Acting that I am NOT living in Greater Washington DC, while I still CLEARLY am, is naught but an act of foolishness and denial.
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
I am getting and maintaining traction.
It will not be an easy process but today and yesterday the shrinking of my book collection IS underway.
I need to noticably reduce the number of books that I own between now and 13 January, 2014.
It is a small effort, so far, but the process has commenced!
- Johnny -
I need to noticably reduce the number of books that I own between now and 13 January, 2014.
It is a small effort, so far, but the process has commenced!
- Johnny -
Did we re-elect a MULE in 2012 ?
I know that The Symbol of The Democratic Party is a Donkey. The events of The Last Few Weeks have inspired me to wonder and ponder whether a MULE is NOW sitting in The Oval Office.
The Affordable Health Care Act seems to be a classically and clearly flawed piece of legislation. The exemptions that have been allowed, the continually tweaking of programs and the just sense that this act is in effect a car on a lift constantly being repaired causes people to wonder how much maintaining it and fully funding it as it is is makes sense.
It seems that delaying this mandate for a year as this bill is properly and effectively re-tooled just is logical and reasonable.
Demanding that this legislation be fully funded as it is RIGHT now seems, to me, to be a mulish,unreasonable and arrogant response!
- Johnny-
The Affordable Health Care Act seems to be a classically and clearly flawed piece of legislation. The exemptions that have been allowed, the continually tweaking of programs and the just sense that this act is in effect a car on a lift constantly being repaired causes people to wonder how much maintaining it and fully funding it as it is is makes sense.
It seems that delaying this mandate for a year as this bill is properly and effectively re-tooled just is logical and reasonable.
Demanding that this legislation be fully funded as it is RIGHT now seems, to me, to be a mulish,unreasonable and arrogant response!
- Johnny-
A- Rod
We 'd like him to be quiet and disappear- Anyone have a Phantom Zone Projector. Yet, We, in The United States , know the value of ---- Innocent Until Proven Guilty, Due Process and a strong, active and easily acesible appeal and review process.
Yet, Many of us would delight in a process where the heniously and obvious guilty are dealt with immediately and APPROPRIATELY and SANELY harshly! And Yet, Doubt, Fairness, Even- Handedness and Mercy also matter, powerfully, to us as well!
- Johnny -
Yet, Many of us would delight in a process where the heniously and obvious guilty are dealt with immediately and APPROPRIATELY and SANELY harshly! And Yet, Doubt, Fairness, Even- Handedness and Mercy also matter, powerfully, to us as well!
- Johnny -
Friday, October 4, 2013
Is ir wrong to expect that people will do ...
all that they possibly can to add quality to their lives and to prosper to the fullest extent that they are able to prosper? Is this an elitist concept in October of 2013?
If this be so, I must say that this notion impresses me as being tres bizarre!
- Johnny -
If this be so, I must say that this notion impresses me as being tres bizarre!
- Johnny -
Financial Reality
When you are Trillions of Dollars in Debts and it looks like you are determined to work towards a Quadrillion Dollars, Should you continue to add more debt, can you continue to demand more anmd more in taxes!
At what point do you have to say, are you required to say, " we can't afford it, We cannot be your answer. It just isn't wise or sane to go any deeper in debt!" ?
- Johnny -
At what point do you have to say, are you required to say, " we can't afford it, We cannot be your answer. It just isn't wise or sane to go any deeper in debt!" ?
- Johnny -
On October Fourth, 2010 ,
This blog began. I have learned over the last 3 years that it is good to blend commentary social analysis, humor, pithiness and more often just how I am doing, what I am thinking and how I am reacting to the given day that I am within.
Life is a roller coaster! Roller Coasters are thrilling but also have starts, sends and slower-moments as well. I'm glad that this is also an accurate reflection of what my blog has become over time!
- Johnny -
Life is a roller coaster! Roller Coasters are thrilling but also have starts, sends and slower-moments as well. I'm glad that this is also an accurate reflection of what my blog has become over time!
- Johnny -
Talent and Grace and Poise.
Chris Cooley flows richly in these qualities. Lavar Arrington totally is devoid of these qualities.
The Dismantling of 0ver 35 Years Started Today !
I sorted out one book shelf- the one closest to my desk earlier this afternoon. 47 Books were designated as needing to go!
A small and modest start to be sure but this is the day- with 3 months and nine days to go- when the finishing out of my time living in DC officially started!
- Johnny -
A small and modest start to be sure but this is the day- with 3 months and nine days to go- when the finishing out of my time living in DC officially started!
- Johnny -
Struggles are not a sign of being cursed.
I'm prone , too easily , to believe this. I gain no benefit, at all, from thinking this way.
A Madden Enhanced Day
On a slow Friday Afternoon, I played a playoff game on Madden 11. A conference championship game and pulled out a victory on a Hail Mary with less than a minute to go in the Fourth Quarter. Touchdown with under a minute to go!
Yes, It is silly and juvenile but I feel good. John Kitna ????? is going to the Superbowl! LOL !!
- Johnny -
Yes, It is silly and juvenile but I feel good. John Kitna ????? is going to the Superbowl! LOL !!
- Johnny -
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Will I ever let my
teams lose when I use them in Electronic Games? It would be a good exercise in dealing with lie on life's terms in a non-harmful setting!
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
This is My Hero's Birth Month
I honor Mickey Mantle by dedicating this blog entry- The SEVENTH of October, 2013, to him.
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