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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Most of us would RATHER be like Albert the soon -to- be FORMER Redskin!

 " I wanna be like Mike". I want to wear the sneakers he wears. I want to be as smooth and as other worldly superb as he is on the Court! How much money did the SWOOSH Company make by coming up with that
 slogan? Michael and some movie about a Baby rocketed from some other Galaxy  made you believe that a man can fly.

Yet, Realistically, Most of us would rather be Mister Haynesworth. Seen as the most important, most talented and THE ONE we need to make things operate at the VERY best. We want people to say, " Are you happy?", Knowing that if we say " no", people will spring into action to do what they can to please and delight us. The thought of the rules NOT being applied to us is a thought that can charm many of us!

Yet, It seems that Mister Haynesworth has finally caused the Redskins to cry out, " We will allow no more!" Whining about how he has been used as a player, not playing for long stretches of the game and being very!!!! slow to recover from minor injuries helped Mr. Haynesworth to become  consistently less desirable.

Albert Haynesworth is indeed a very gifted athlete, and when he plays with passion and commitment, as he seemed to play while a member of The Tennessee Titans is someone who seems to be hard not to want to watch and cheer for.Yet, A " You must run the team to my benefit" attitude eventually caused Albert to be less and less celebrated over the last 2 seasons.The best players are not those who play well or not depending upon the mood they are in at that moment.

So, Albert is no suspended from the Redskins and he has, no doubt, damaged how other teams may view him - times who might consider obtaining him from the Redskins. A teammate who won't be a part of the team and does not care about the well being of a team is not likely to be wanted as a part of that team after awhile! It can feel great to be catered to, spoiled and seen as "THE SPECIAL" one for a short period of time! However, Being part of the team and being willing to contribute to allowing everyone to improve, advance and gain is a better way to be in the long run!

- Johnny -

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