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Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Taking a deep breathe and letting go...
Seems to be good for me, You can't control the behavior of others.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Be Patient with yourself - - -
If you are pleased with where you are on May First, 2013, That will be, in part, due to what you patiently and determinedly navigate through in these last hours of January 2012.
When you give yourself a chance, I'm learning
then you are invested in what will advance you as a person, This is a key to holding yourself accountable, That is what I am learning.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Getting away.
I think Mini- Breaks from home- base for two or three days at a time would be good. I'm thinking now of one in March and one in late April.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Think out why you are hurt and why someone's words or actions are sending ...
you into agony modality.
That seems to be one way to deal with over sensitivity and being easily wounded and offended.
That seems to be one way to deal with over sensitivity and being easily wounded and offended.
Learning to move on and let go.
I've never been good at all at doing so--- Yet, Hope does spring eternal and I'm starting to see evidence that I'm getting better and more effective in doing so!
The best weapon against depression can be to refuse to allow it to..
confine and define you!
I'm battling tonight to believe the best about myself in spite of!
I'm battling tonight to believe the best about myself in spite of!
The Revenge of Justin and Janet????
It is starting to look like no one who is young, hip, daring and exciting will ever be allowed ever again to perform during the Halftime of the Superbowl.
Johnny, You have made an impact...
Remember that people are fond of you and want to remember your name and their connections to you!
A good practice tool
Electronic Sports games. For impulsive people who tend to act before they think, seeing how decisions work out and how plays either delight or frustrate you.
I've found those games , especially baseball, help me to slow down, think and analyze more carefully weigh out options before acting!
It may seem mundane to others- but I, like John Forbes Nash, tend to be enamored of game theories.
- Johnny -
I've found those games , especially baseball, help me to slow down, think and analyze more carefully weigh out options before acting!
It may seem mundane to others- but I, like John Forbes Nash, tend to be enamored of game theories.
- Johnny -
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Building Roads in Your Area.
The Inner- County Connector, a by-pass road, allowing Washingtonians to get from Montgomery County Maryland to Prince Georges' County without being tangled up on the Capital Beltway was first proposed nearly 50 years ago, This road was debated for many, many years. Slow Growth Advocates battled against it, environmentalists waged war against it, public transit advocates lobbied against it
Finally after all of the battles, This road is nearly completed, built as a toll road. One more group that is now not pleased is the people who say " We spent years fighting to have a free, shortcut access road- We never would have fought to establish a toll road."
To me, This depicts two American passions - Having space and distance between ourselves and neighbors and being willing to work hard in order to spend my off- hours living in a way that I please in a comfortable and pleasant - to me- setting!
How important is it to you that people have good roads that get them as comfortably and as efficiently as possible to where they choose to live?
- Johnny -
Finally after all of the battles, This road is nearly completed, built as a toll road. One more group that is now not pleased is the people who say " We spent years fighting to have a free, shortcut access road- We never would have fought to establish a toll road."
To me, This depicts two American passions - Having space and distance between ourselves and neighbors and being willing to work hard in order to spend my off- hours living in a way that I please in a comfortable and pleasant - to me- setting!
How important is it to you that people have good roads that get them as comfortably and as efficiently as possible to where they choose to live?
- Johnny -
Friday, January 27, 2012
When you get angry because you have lost something.
Consider how valuable that item truly and realistically is---- and how much does it diminish you REALLY not to have it. The old hymnwriter wrote about that which " charm me most"- Things that charm me lightly for a brief interlude and then are stored after that are really not worth getting intensely angry over should you lose them.
Just a moment of Sunshiny sanity that I've had today!
Just a moment of Sunshiny sanity that I've had today!
I am a better person
When I stop myself- Take an inventory- Look at how I'm not doing what helps to advance myself, decide what I can do better and then charter a new course.
I've had two tough weeks - I had expectations that were not realistic- I was too inflexible and careless- and paid a price. I did this to myself.
I've had two tough weeks - I had expectations that were not realistic- I was too inflexible and careless- and paid a price. I did this to myself.
Silly me.
I VERY likely sabotaged myself last night!!!. I sometimes am far too impulsive for my own good. I do not notice the small details as well as I'd like to or need to. I likely lost a white legal pad because I let it set outside my door after coming home last night.I believe that someone saw it, may have noticed that there were comic books within it and simply walked off with it. Where I am blessed is that there were other items, a pile of them left outside the door likely for well over an hour but only the pad containing some comic books, speech writing notes and some great Toastmaster Leadership within it. disappeared. This ia my best guest seeing that this was the last most likely place that I can trace the legal pad to.There are other possibilities as to where it could be, this includes a meeting that I attended last night and a Metro Parking Lot where I dropped some items- but- knowing that truth is healing and a disinfectant- that is the most probable reason as to why I do not have it now is that I simply was in such a hurry to get inside that I didn't take 25 extra seconds to bring all that I had with me inside before I closed the door behind me and began to relax once inside my apartment.
I've been struggling a lot with a lack of success in my life- feeling lonely, disconnected and not having a lot of " I'm in love with doing that" activities in my life. I'm guilty of seeing my life as an unappealing state of drudgery that I slog through. This is all my perception- but I'm not seeing a whole lot of ways of escape that I can use to significantly change my life in any short period of time.I am far too busy looking at the limitations of SSI an SSDI and the limitations of where I live and not approving of who I live around and regularly deal with rather than Practicing Acceptance, Being More willing to co-operate with life and looking for better options.
I am blessed and I need to cope better and breathe more easily, meditate and practice mindfulness more. The good news is that I do do all of these things now, I just need to make all of these more central to my life. I know that I'm not being a good friend to myself- I'm often too busy decrying who I am due to the state of my life.
So, I will start today by reminding myself of a basic, I 'm not anywhere until I'm fully there. This will keep last night from occurring again and will let me realize that whether I like the circumstance of any one given moment, circumstance or location that if I will look for the best in THAT MOMENT as it and to do my best to be my best and to get the best out of life as it is at that instance.
- Johnny-
I've been struggling a lot with a lack of success in my life- feeling lonely, disconnected and not having a lot of " I'm in love with doing that" activities in my life. I'm guilty of seeing my life as an unappealing state of drudgery that I slog through. This is all my perception- but I'm not seeing a whole lot of ways of escape that I can use to significantly change my life in any short period of time.I am far too busy looking at the limitations of SSI an SSDI and the limitations of where I live and not approving of who I live around and regularly deal with rather than Practicing Acceptance, Being More willing to co-operate with life and looking for better options.
I am blessed and I need to cope better and breathe more easily, meditate and practice mindfulness more. The good news is that I do do all of these things now, I just need to make all of these more central to my life. I know that I'm not being a good friend to myself- I'm often too busy decrying who I am due to the state of my life.
So, I will start today by reminding myself of a basic, I 'm not anywhere until I'm fully there. This will keep last night from occurring again and will let me realize that whether I like the circumstance of any one given moment, circumstance or location that if I will look for the best in THAT MOMENT as it and to do my best to be my best and to get the best out of life as it is at that instance.
- Johnny-
Letting Go
It may be the last thing you want to do at any given moment or circumstance. Yet, It may be the only way to gain peace, to gain contentment and to re-establish sanity, reason and workability to your day.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
The Perils of Not knowing how to live with a Structure.
I learned today that over 50 % of all NFL players became bankrupt after retiring from the League. I also heard Lawrence Taylor felt that his life worked better during his playing days.He knew what to do and when to do when he was on the field. Or, Other people told him what to do and he followed instructions.
He found that this structure just wasn't there once he left the game and he has struggled unsuccessfully to recreate another workable structure that he was willing to place himself within. This seems to be the struggle that alcoholics, drug addicts, those suffering with severe emotionally and mental difficulties , the very wealthy and children seem to struggle to deal with well.
This situation also plagues people who are hired into positions where they are expected to be self-motivated and a self -starter.
This is a basic thing that most of us do naturally and fairly easily for ourselves - but it can be a difficult skill to help others grow comfortable in and do well.
Has anyone had any experience professionally with helping fumbling- in- life- individuals obtain and learn to do well in becoming successfully structured in the way they go about their daily lives? What do you think is the core problem for those people who do not get how to do this effectively? What can be done to help them see the benefit of living this way?
- Johnny-
He found that this structure just wasn't there once he left the game and he has struggled unsuccessfully to recreate another workable structure that he was willing to place himself within. This seems to be the struggle that alcoholics, drug addicts, those suffering with severe emotionally and mental difficulties , the very wealthy and children seem to struggle to deal with well.
This situation also plagues people who are hired into positions where they are expected to be self-motivated and a self -starter.
This is a basic thing that most of us do naturally and fairly easily for ourselves - but it can be a difficult skill to help others grow comfortable in and do well.
Has anyone had any experience professionally with helping fumbling- in- life- individuals obtain and learn to do well in becoming successfully structured in the way they go about their daily lives? What do you think is the core problem for those people who do not get how to do this effectively? What can be done to help them see the benefit of living this way?
- Johnny-
Only 13 % of Americans consider Baseball to be their favorite sport
I love the tension of it, The brain game that Baseball has going for it that almost no other sport has., A catcher thinking out how to pitch to a hitter pitch by pitch can be fun. Watching managers play each other seeking to gain an advantage.
Then, Above that, just the fact that each player on the field has their moment where they are key to the focus of the game. It has always been MY favorite sport.
Then, Above that, just the fact that each player on the field has their moment where they are key to the focus of the game. It has always been MY favorite sport.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Washington- The Capital of " Had Enough Fans" ?
The Washington Wizards fired their Head Coach, Flip Saunders, earlier today. Flip , as the Wizards' Coach, had a record of 51 and 130. In fairness to him, He had a team that seemed to be a potential to be a playoff team but the actions of Gilbert Arenas sent that team tumbling like dominoes and set into motion situations that brought the present team into being.
The local sports radio personalities are fielding many calls from Network "I'm as mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it any more" style fans.
One comment that seems to be getting verbal high-fives from the callers- Maybe we need announcers who will lambaste poor play, unacceptable effort and the foibles of the coaches, GM's and even the owner - pure, old school " Tell It Like It Is" Radio and TV analysts and commentators. In the 60's and 70's, Howard Cosell became a wealthy man capitalizing on this very style.
So, How would you respond a struggling and mired in a mess team on the field and organizationally and organizationally hired such Radio and TV analysts and play by play announcers.
- Johnny -
The local sports radio personalities are fielding many calls from Network "I'm as mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it any more" style fans.
One comment that seems to be getting verbal high-fives from the callers- Maybe we need announcers who will lambaste poor play, unacceptable effort and the foibles of the coaches, GM's and even the owner - pure, old school " Tell It Like It Is" Radio and TV analysts and commentators. In the 60's and 70's, Howard Cosell became a wealthy man capitalizing on this very style.
So, How would you respond a struggling and mired in a mess team on the field and organizationally and organizationally hired such Radio and TV analysts and play by play announcers.
- Johnny -
Monday, January 23, 2012
Asking the Right Question and well-processing the answer.
When Ed Koch was the Mayor of New York City, " he's constantly ask people " How am I doing?" most people told him that he was doing well.
A few people would tell him the opposite and , at first, that bothered him. He then learned to ask the individual what he or she disapproved of., This would, many timers motivate him to improve.
How much better would we be if teachers, bosses, mayors and even Presidents asked that question and worked to improve on the things that were not impressing the respondent.?
A few people would tell him the opposite and , at first, that bothered him. He then learned to ask the individual what he or she disapproved of., This would, many timers motivate him to improve.
How much better would we be if teachers, bosses, mayors and even Presidents asked that question and worked to improve on the things that were not impressing the respondent.?
Those who consider the study of History to be a wasteful and non-relevant activity...
Will never really grasp why things are as they are. They will never get why some choices are more eagerly preferred than others. They will never learn to value sacrifice and vision and building to allow people not yet born to do better and have more than they do today.
To me, That would be a sentence rather than a life. For , Such an individual has no reason to value the past or look forward to the future. Such a person will always measure wonderful and dreadful solely by how the day with in is transpiring. How pitifully limiting!
To me, That would be a sentence rather than a life. For , Such an individual has no reason to value the past or look forward to the future. Such a person will always measure wonderful and dreadful solely by how the day with in is transpiring. How pitifully limiting!
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Tomorrow, I will grow as a Tutor
Can/ Will I be effective as a nurturer who provides support and care and intense time while moving my student towards writing a successful book report ? We shall see.
Some Further Thoughts on Shame
I know that shame is considered a degrading and humiliating practice by many.. Yet, To me it is an appropriate way to describe circumstances and behaviors that they repulsive, cruel, sadistic and creating problems for people without any reasonable and intelligently justifiable explanation.
As far as I am concerned, The following things are DESERVEDLY thought of as being shameful and those who do such things SHOULD be ashamed of Themselves- People who are not bothered by starving children, people who praise Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin, people who think money is more valuable than human beings are. Men and women who justify rapes and child abuse are most worthy of being considered shameful. People have the right to ostasize and banish, attitudinally, those who reduce other people to the mere status of commodities or prey. To me, Those acts and and mindsets earn one the right to be " voted off the island" and to be expected to take actions that will make it wise and safe to bring them back into the tribe.
A few days ago, The DC Metro System announced a large increase in bus and subway fares will occur on July First. There was some pushback- The employees are not service oriented, the system is not dependable and people do not see that a fare increase is justified based on what they are receiving. Metro argues " We are improving and Improvement isn't cheap." They also alluded to a need to provide better for their employees- with higher wages and benefits.
Within a week, We learned that two Metro employees had stolen thousand of dollars of coins from the Fare Machines in the Subway. We also learned that that money was used to buy lottery tickets. This is a clear violation of the public trust. Metro has been plagued by such problems in fairly recent times. Metro made their whole parking system less driver friendly after it was discovered that employees were stealing parking money.
There is a clear feeling that Metro needs to be contrite and humble in addressing this issue.e response, sofar as been a, things happen response. I think they should agree that it is difficult for us to justify fare increases when you have a reason to doubt how our employees handle your money. This is an insult and a violation of the public trust. That it was done is most shamefdul , that Metro's oversight is clearly meager and shallow is equally shameful.
If Metro told us that what was done is shameful and we are ashamed of these actions by our employees, they might gain some favor and grace in the court of public opinion.
As far as I am concerned, The following things are DESERVEDLY thought of as being shameful and those who do such things SHOULD be ashamed of Themselves- People who are not bothered by starving children, people who praise Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin, people who think money is more valuable than human beings are. Men and women who justify rapes and child abuse are most worthy of being considered shameful. People have the right to ostasize and banish, attitudinally, those who reduce other people to the mere status of commodities or prey. To me, Those acts and and mindsets earn one the right to be " voted off the island" and to be expected to take actions that will make it wise and safe to bring them back into the tribe.
A few days ago, The DC Metro System announced a large increase in bus and subway fares will occur on July First. There was some pushback- The employees are not service oriented, the system is not dependable and people do not see that a fare increase is justified based on what they are receiving. Metro argues " We are improving and Improvement isn't cheap." They also alluded to a need to provide better for their employees- with higher wages and benefits.
Within a week, We learned that two Metro employees had stolen thousand of dollars of coins from the Fare Machines in the Subway. We also learned that that money was used to buy lottery tickets. This is a clear violation of the public trust. Metro has been plagued by such problems in fairly recent times. Metro made their whole parking system less driver friendly after it was discovered that employees were stealing parking money.
There is a clear feeling that Metro needs to be contrite and humble in addressing this issue.e response, sofar as been a, things happen response. I think they should agree that it is difficult for us to justify fare increases when you have a reason to doubt how our employees handle your money. This is an insult and a violation of the public trust. That it was done is most shamefdul , that Metro's oversight is clearly meager and shallow is equally shameful.
If Metro told us that what was done is shameful and we are ashamed of these actions by our employees, they might gain some favor and grace in the court of public opinion.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
I took the road less traveled...
A lyrical and powerful poem by Robert Frost. A poem about choices and the lives that are crafted by them. The Road Less Traveled is usually not the safe or highly recommended route.
I wish that I'd taken more less traveled roads in my life. I took the path of the people pleaser and usually and ultimately pleased no one not even myself!
I'm learning now whether now, at 57, I can STILL developed the moxie to travel on some not well-navigated roads!
I wish that I'd taken more less traveled roads in my life. I took the path of the people pleaser and usually and ultimately pleased no one not even myself!
I'm learning now whether now, at 57, I can STILL developed the moxie to travel on some not well-navigated roads!
I did not get to give my risky and bold speech at Toastmasters this AM...
as the meeting that I planned to attend and deliver this speech was postponed.
I now have more time to fine-tune it and make it more educational, clear and a message that people will retain long after that meeting is concluded!
I now have more time to fine-tune it and make it more educational, clear and a message that people will retain long after that meeting is concluded!
A Slick and Icy Day!
I''m enjoying being inside, warm and productive and creative on this Saturday afternoon.
The Power of Imagining
I am a teacher and a public speaker- I've worked with young children and I've worked with people who have been either people with a massive phobia of public speaking, people who need to learn to become, in their own estimation to learn good techniques and improve as a public speaker or people who want to go from good to much better.
I have found in such circumstances that it is best to place a vision before them as to what is ahead of them, encourage them by showing where what they are now learning will bring into their lives, of the new relationships that will be formed and how what they are obtaining now, even if it is difficult for them at this very moment, will provide the core of their future!
This year has started off well for me. I made some decisions of refining and improving myself back in July of last year. I created a plan that I put into effect on the First of October- I designed this plan to stretched out to the First of May, 2013! I worried last summer if I'd grow weary and disillusioned as I wrestled to overcome long- time non-productive and self-sabotaging behaviors. I normally have not started new years well but by imagining a better future, I'm actually starting to live within an improving and, overall, much more desirable future!
- Johnny-
I have found in such circumstances that it is best to place a vision before them as to what is ahead of them, encourage them by showing where what they are now learning will bring into their lives, of the new relationships that will be formed and how what they are obtaining now, even if it is difficult for them at this very moment, will provide the core of their future!
This year has started off well for me. I made some decisions of refining and improving myself back in July of last year. I created a plan that I put into effect on the First of October- I designed this plan to stretched out to the First of May, 2013! I worried last summer if I'd grow weary and disillusioned as I wrestled to overcome long- time non-productive and self-sabotaging behaviors. I normally have not started new years well but by imagining a better future, I'm actually starting to live within an improving and, overall, much more desirable future!
- Johnny-
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Clearly Not a Role Model!!!!- The NBA's Glen Davis !
6 Year NBA Veteran Glen Davis of the Orlando Magic is also known as Big Baby., Yesterday, In order to protest a game call by an official in his team's game against the San Antonio Spurs, Davis bent over and dropped his short to express his disagreement with the referee's call.
Not quite the best sportsmanship.
Not quite the best sportsmanship.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
I now have a shower radio.
It was something that I would have NEVER bought for myself. This will prove to be a really grand resource that I know will delight me.
My associate Pastor and Friend , Derek Adye, sent it to me. His message is really heart warming to me- "Gifts , Kindness and Generosity do not all go away once December ends !"
You made me smile and blessed me richly today, Friend Derek!
- Johnny -
My associate Pastor and Friend , Derek Adye, sent it to me. His message is really heart warming to me- "Gifts , Kindness and Generosity do not all go away once December ends !"
You made me smile and blessed me richly today, Friend Derek!
- Johnny -
Today has been an amazing and charming day.
This morning, I spend a few hours with a kind, brilliant and gracious fiend. We had a far ranging conversation and it was stimulating and mentally empowering to be involved in.
I was truly blessed by the sunny warmth and the chance I had to abandon my shell that I too often encase myself in on this tremendous Wednesday, January 18TH, 2012.
- Johnny-
I was truly blessed by the sunny warmth and the chance I had to abandon my shell that I too often encase myself in on this tremendous Wednesday, January 18TH, 2012.
- Johnny-
FIVE Dollar a Gallon Gasoline a possibility before Memorial Day
There will be some who will say " Drill Baby Drill", That we need to become serious about putting into play all the energy resources that we can capitalize on. Others will say we need to develop resources that will replace gasoline - offering us every advantage that gasoline NOW offers us. They will reject exotic alternatives saying that they seem trivial and tokenish- alternatives that seem that they will be very costly and offer little compared to what they will cost to develop.
Others will argue that we most be more globally considerate. Remember that not only the US has a need for energy. They will also remind us that we must be good stewards of our planet. They will tell us to buy cars and other gasoline sipping machines. We would be advised to use public transportation, recycle, buy used rather than new and simply sacrifice and do without.
I do think our National Druther would be- Find a fuel that is AS relatively easy to obtain, portable and stores energy as well or almost as easily as Gasoline and we will then GLADLY switch to that FUEL and abandon Gasoline.
It can be argued that THIS fuel source either does not exist or is far beyond us technology or is very rare if it indeed does even exiist. Yet, Is it possible that such a fuel source exists or can we POSSIBLY develop such a source. If such a fuel resource DOES exist or is POSSIBLE to design, then, it might be argued, that is where our efforts and priorities need to be focused upon, for such a source would be worth its weight in gold, platinum and diamonds combined!
- Johnny -
Others will argue that we most be more globally considerate. Remember that not only the US has a need for energy. They will also remind us that we must be good stewards of our planet. They will tell us to buy cars and other gasoline sipping machines. We would be advised to use public transportation, recycle, buy used rather than new and simply sacrifice and do without.
I do think our National Druther would be- Find a fuel that is AS relatively easy to obtain, portable and stores energy as well or almost as easily as Gasoline and we will then GLADLY switch to that FUEL and abandon Gasoline.
It can be argued that THIS fuel source either does not exist or is far beyond us technology or is very rare if it indeed does even exiist. Yet, Is it possible that such a fuel source exists or can we POSSIBLY develop such a source. If such a fuel resource DOES exist or is POSSIBLE to design, then, it might be argued, that is where our efforts and priorities need to be focused upon, for such a source would be worth its weight in gold, platinum and diamonds combined!
- Johnny -
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
I need to learn to be more resilient
and to develop some emotional and mental toughness. I'm tired today because I simply am too easily flummoxed and stress out far too easily!
Monday, January 16, 2012
Finally won a big game of Football
on Madden on My X Box 360.
That made today a more fullfilling day than it had been.
That made today a more fullfilling day than it had been.
Do not be so easily defeated.
This is now the goal for my Johnny Renaissance program- My 18 Month Prime Directive- for Month Six- March of 2012.
Guess who I'm rooting for in The AFC Championship game?
My Maternal Grandfather's name was Louis RAVEN!
Beyond Anxiety
" I'm not comfortable, I don't know how this is going to go and I am afraid of how this is going to work out" should not be an invincible formula to not take an action or to stop an action you are in the midst of.
Life does not allow for easy success and easy accomplishment, A healthy person knows this accepts possibilities and still proceeds forward if he or she believes that this is something that they can do and should do!
Life does not allow for easy success and easy accomplishment, A healthy person knows this accepts possibilities and still proceeds forward if he or she believes that this is something that they can do and should do!
Bringing out the Best in Others
We live in a society that can be wonderful due to the fact that we, as a people, are uninhibitedly free to express our freedom and individuality. Some Americans seem to choose to do so in ways that I believe are jarring disconcerting, confrontational, antagonistic and divisive.
I do understand that America has much to apologize for the way that we, as a nation and as a people, have treated those we see as other/ not like us. This includes people of color, people of a different ethnicity, people who do not speak our language and people with differing sexual orientations.
I also see people who seem to want to express their freedom by literally intimidating others . People who seem to like glaring and staring. People who like to say LOUDLY who they do not like and why they do not like them. People who if they did not use rude and offensive language would be mute for they would not have any way to say anything.
I know that I must accept people as they are and that I cannot control anyone. Yet, I do believe that we have the power to set a good example that will be attractive enough for other people to be drawn to, I believe that, if done with the right motives and the noblest of intentions, it can create unity, cooperation and make us all stronger as we are united in healthy way that we can ALL benefit from and that would simply make all of us better people.
I'm actually one that still sees benefit in the old "Melting Pot" theorem. NOT in the sense that we all think as if we are all descendants of Northern and Far Western Europeans but in the sense that we all see value in focusing on that which will bring out that which is best in others- kindness, caring, compassion. being concerned with allowing our children to gain all the best advantages of growing up as a young person in The United States. I think we all need to reject intimidation, bullying, vulgarity, unprovoked stridency and " You can't tell me anything" ways of living.
I enthusiastically and wholeheartedly embrace this bit of ancient wisdom, "Do not use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful so that your words will benefit those who will listen." ( Ephesians 4:29). The writer of this did not always practice this, neither do I. Yet, It is a goal of mine and it intensely bothers and frustrates me when I fail to do so on a daily basis! I will also say that even if no one follows a noble and uplift and empowering idea that does not make it null and void. The truth and the power of said make it something highly worthy of following and living by even if only 35 out of 7 Billion people rigorously live by it!
Dr. King knew this truth and harnessed it. People who were a part of his efforts- spoke well, decently and eloquently. They were well-manner and presented an appealing model for others to practice. Those who opposed them were made to look gruesome and repellant by comparison.It is hard to express public loathing of dignified and wholesome acting people without sliming yourself!
I grew up in the Bronx and saw within my own family, my neighborhood and in my schools repulsive, menacing, spirit-sickening and ghastly behavior. One reason I left the Bronx is because I wanted to distance myself and cast my " no" vote towards condoning such behavior. I , today, will disconnect from people who want to shock you into being in submission to their disruptive and undesirable behavior.
A Final Note- The antagonism towards the Occupy people is more inspired by their conduct rather than the issues they advocate. The Mayor of Washington DC has ordered the clearing out and clean up of one of the occupy sites due to the protestors' militant disregard of health, hygiene and public safety.
In a society that is becoming more and more vinegary , Honey is still a MUCH better and wiser option!
- Johnny -
I do understand that America has much to apologize for the way that we, as a nation and as a people, have treated those we see as other/ not like us. This includes people of color, people of a different ethnicity, people who do not speak our language and people with differing sexual orientations.
I also see people who seem to want to express their freedom by literally intimidating others . People who seem to like glaring and staring. People who like to say LOUDLY who they do not like and why they do not like them. People who if they did not use rude and offensive language would be mute for they would not have any way to say anything.
I know that I must accept people as they are and that I cannot control anyone. Yet, I do believe that we have the power to set a good example that will be attractive enough for other people to be drawn to, I believe that, if done with the right motives and the noblest of intentions, it can create unity, cooperation and make us all stronger as we are united in healthy way that we can ALL benefit from and that would simply make all of us better people.
I'm actually one that still sees benefit in the old "Melting Pot" theorem. NOT in the sense that we all think as if we are all descendants of Northern and Far Western Europeans but in the sense that we all see value in focusing on that which will bring out that which is best in others- kindness, caring, compassion. being concerned with allowing our children to gain all the best advantages of growing up as a young person in The United States. I think we all need to reject intimidation, bullying, vulgarity, unprovoked stridency and " You can't tell me anything" ways of living.
I enthusiastically and wholeheartedly embrace this bit of ancient wisdom, "Do not use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful so that your words will benefit those who will listen." ( Ephesians 4:29). The writer of this did not always practice this, neither do I. Yet, It is a goal of mine and it intensely bothers and frustrates me when I fail to do so on a daily basis! I will also say that even if no one follows a noble and uplift and empowering idea that does not make it null and void. The truth and the power of said make it something highly worthy of following and living by even if only 35 out of 7 Billion people rigorously live by it!
Dr. King knew this truth and harnessed it. People who were a part of his efforts- spoke well, decently and eloquently. They were well-manner and presented an appealing model for others to practice. Those who opposed them were made to look gruesome and repellant by comparison.It is hard to express public loathing of dignified and wholesome acting people without sliming yourself!
I grew up in the Bronx and saw within my own family, my neighborhood and in my schools repulsive, menacing, spirit-sickening and ghastly behavior. One reason I left the Bronx is because I wanted to distance myself and cast my " no" vote towards condoning such behavior. I , today, will disconnect from people who want to shock you into being in submission to their disruptive and undesirable behavior.
A Final Note- The antagonism towards the Occupy people is more inspired by their conduct rather than the issues they advocate. The Mayor of Washington DC has ordered the clearing out and clean up of one of the occupy sites due to the protestors' militant disregard of health, hygiene and public safety.
In a society that is becoming more and more vinegary , Honey is still a MUCH better and wiser option!
- Johnny -
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Deep Patterns
We all of things that we deal with and have addressed that are still tripwires that can cause us to react, They are buried deeply within us. Unless we are careful, We find them tripped and we find ourselves reacting or over reacting and not even aware of it until we are in the midst of responding to the tripped trigger.
What is the best way to stay aware of these factors in your life with out becoming overly concerned and unduly worried about triggering them!?
- Johnny -
What is the best way to stay aware of these factors in your life with out becoming overly concerned and unduly worried about triggering them!?
- Johnny -
Friday, January 13, 2012
The Yankees improved their Pitching! YES!!!!!
Micheal Pineda and a prized 19 year old prospect, Jose Campos are now Yankees!!! . 2012 just became a better year to be in!
The Trade was with The Mariners. They gained Jesus Montero. Ouch, Hate to lose a hitter with THAT type of potential. However, As Ken Beatrice once said quite often, " You can't trade a rowboat for a yacht."
I hope that I will like our final destination as the season unfolds later this year!
- Johnny-
The Trade was with The Mariners. They gained Jesus Montero. Ouch, Hate to lose a hitter with THAT type of potential. However, As Ken Beatrice once said quite often, " You can't trade a rowboat for a yacht."
I hope that I will like our final destination as the season unfolds later this year!
- Johnny-
I need to stay focused .
If I do well today and do well the next day and so forth, I'm, then, building a marvelous road to a splendid future!
Great Night at Toastmasters.
Fun, Inspirational and a marvelous way to spend 2 hours of my Friday night.
Friending your local library
on Face Book.
It seems that libraries really do not need to be friended. They are valuable institutions and that value is honored!
It seems that libraries really do not need to be friended. They are valuable institutions and that value is honored!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Captain America at the Beatley Library in Alexandria, Virginia.
I promised I'd work on getting better connected this year by attending free community events. I watched a free showing of Captain America at a library close by. That is one resolution that I will keep through out the year!
I've already noted that I hate editing. I also know that you can come to editing obsessively. I also know that it is so necessary.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
A Day at Home
Some days, I just find it best to not venture out much. I also need to keep becoming much better in the art of enjoying my own company.
The quality of service.
Should a business demand that its' employees provide excellent services to its ' customers ? Or, Is that something more intrinsic, Something that a person should demand of him or herself as a matter of pride in themselves and respect for those who they are asked to serve.
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
What is the best way to be a peace maker?
It seems to me it is easiest to get along with those who agree with us , are pleasant , kindly, soft spoken and well-mannered .
We can find it extremely difficult to be civil, kind and desire to interact with those who disagree with us and question our motivations and our ethics. Those who seem to relish being hard-line and confrontational. Those who do not care whether their style of communication draws attention and creates discomfort for the person they are challenging.
Yet, Peacemaking is not only about dealing well with the people who are always a joy to be with , the people who are always sought out as BFF 's. So, How does someone who desires to TRULY become a Peacemaker in the FULLEST sense of the word deal with the people who you SOOOO!!! wish would tone it down, agree to never disagree disagreeably, promise not to embarrass you or simply do what ever they need to do to become more pleasant to associate with even casually
- Johnny -
We can find it extremely difficult to be civil, kind and desire to interact with those who disagree with us and question our motivations and our ethics. Those who seem to relish being hard-line and confrontational. Those who do not care whether their style of communication draws attention and creates discomfort for the person they are challenging.
Yet, Peacemaking is not only about dealing well with the people who are always a joy to be with , the people who are always sought out as BFF 's. So, How does someone who desires to TRULY become a Peacemaker in the FULLEST sense of the word deal with the people who you SOOOO!!! wish would tone it down, agree to never disagree disagreeably, promise not to embarrass you or simply do what ever they need to do to become more pleasant to associate with even casually
- Johnny -
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Being patient and letting some gain success by growing in confidence at
a rate comfortable to them can bring about great and lasting success.
A long tutoring session and encouraging child to do his best while meeting a deal line produced a truly quality book report earlier today!
A long tutoring session and encouraging child to do his best while meeting a deal line produced a truly quality book report earlier today!
As A Miami Dolphin Fan,
It is hard to feel warmth for Nick Saban. He was hired with great enthusiasm and was thought to be the man who would revitalize the fortunes of this once impressive Football Team.
Saban's abandonment of the team really left a sour taste in the mouths of many fans of the 'Phins. Nick is a member of a legendary sports family, He is smart ,charismatic and a gifted motivator and coach.
He has proven himself to be an Elite college coach. Yet, I can only tepidly acknowledge your triumph last night. I'm left wondering whether the Dolphins would NOW be in The NFL Playoffs if you were now OUR coach!
Nick Saban! GRRRRRRRR!
- Johnny -
Saban's abandonment of the team really left a sour taste in the mouths of many fans of the 'Phins. Nick is a member of a legendary sports family, He is smart ,charismatic and a gifted motivator and coach.
He has proven himself to be an Elite college coach. Yet, I can only tepidly acknowledge your triumph last night. I'm left wondering whether the Dolphins would NOW be in The NFL Playoffs if you were now OUR coach!
Nick Saban! GRRRRRRRR!
- Johnny -
Team Invincible
One of the great joys of Electronic Sports Game players is to build The team Invincible. A team made of nothing buy the best players in the sport - or at least the Roster of The players that the Individual game players thinks to be the best.
The question this brings us- How do we, as sports fans, think that such a team would do in real life. There are gamers who will move heaven and earth to get Hall of Fame players from the past on their team.
- Johnny -
The question this brings us- How do we, as sports fans, think that such a team would do in real life. There are gamers who will move heaven and earth to get Hall of Fame players from the past on their team.
- Johnny -
Monday, January 9, 2012
Wisdom comes best when
you decide to strive for the best rather than targeting your efforts upon what will be the easiest !
The Surprise Flurry
The winter in the Greater Washington DC area has been so consistently warm so far that people were actually jolted and a bit perplexed when it actually snowed a bit today.
Lerrning to l;ead gently and wisely
Urging people to do their very best while avoiding pushing a person so far they become irritated and frustrated. I'm starting to explore the process of finding that balance!
Gossiping at Work
Is it prudent to make this an end- of employment offense? Would a one warning and immediate dismissal upon the 2nd offense policy likely hold up in court?
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Let me think and review before I act today.
I am not likely to regret the rash thing that I did not say.
The Book Report...
The boy that I am tutoring will turn in a better book report this time than he did the last time.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
You gain when you refuse to let a moment's frustration to...
interfere with an excellent plan that is steadily progressing.
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
The need for a sense of shame to exist in our society
Shame is defined as a painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior.
Some synonyms for Shame- dishonor, ignominy and opprobrium.
Some things I find shameful-
People who feel no need to control what they say and what they do no matter where they are or what they do.
Seeing public spaces trashed, unappealing and simply used in a " It doesn't belong to me and I don't care what condition I leave in it manner."
Being confrontational to merely be confrontational, cutting people off in mid- sentence, behaving in a menacing way just to threaten and intimidate and terrorize people.
Being rude, uncivil , vulgar, offputting and hateful to insure that you get your point across is, in my opoinion, shameful behaviors.
I was taught that good, wise, decent and determined people will make state their message eloquently,cleverly, passionately, unmistakably and convincingly and will do their utmost to not be offensive and disturbing as they do so! They will do so in such a matter that will capture hearts and minds.
Some synonyms for Shame- dishonor, ignominy and opprobrium.
Some things I find shameful-
People who feel no need to control what they say and what they do no matter where they are or what they do.
Seeing public spaces trashed, unappealing and simply used in a " It doesn't belong to me and I don't care what condition I leave in it manner."
Being confrontational to merely be confrontational, cutting people off in mid- sentence, behaving in a menacing way just to threaten and intimidate and terrorize people.
Being rude, uncivil , vulgar, offputting and hateful to insure that you get your point across is, in my opoinion, shameful behaviors.
I was taught that good, wise, decent and determined people will make state their message eloquently,cleverly, passionately, unmistakably and convincingly and will do their utmost to not be offensive and disturbing as they do so! They will do so in such a matter that will capture hearts and minds.
I like being highly intuitive, creative and curious.
It helps me to overcome my tendency to be a " frady cat". I grew up afraid of nearly everything. When I'm able to push beyond that strong limitation, I'm usually impelled by my intutiveness, creativity and my curiosity.
Lord, Please keep me aware of my need to scrupulously examine my...
life, Strengthen my commitment to change what I need to change and to do all that is possible to bring about that change. Show me the people to partner with when I need help in change who I am and how I behave!
I'm glad I'm held to account for how I behave.
I have in the past bitterly resented it ---- now I see how mich I'm valued by those who DO hold me accountable.
What does it say when someone decided to stay in a negative position,,,
because they fear that the pain of changing their life will be too onerous for them to bear.
I've known people who stay in misery and frustration because they are terrified by the idea of how painful the process of changing might be.
I've learned that pain is a symbolism of leaerning new behavior that will benefit me. Pain and hard times can be a product of healing. Understanding why you must become different can be quite a shock but living a better life IS worth the cost of getting here!
- Johnny -
I've known people who stay in misery and frustration because they are terrified by the idea of how painful the process of changing might be.
I've learned that pain is a symbolism of leaerning new behavior that will benefit me. Pain and hard times can be a product of healing. Understanding why you must become different can be quite a shock but living a better life IS worth the cost of getting here!
- Johnny -
There seem to be no Invincible Super Teams in this years NFL Playoffs!
This should make for a fascinating month of Football and an equally interesting and a not totally predictable Superbowl next month.
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
Seeking to blend with others adds energy to life.
My tendency to wards isolation needs to disappear from my life - this is most clear!
Saturday, January 7, 2012
I need to remember to be encouraging, motivating and...
eager to lift others up tomorrow,
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I really do need to think about taking down the Christmas decorations...
This apartment, alas, will seem barren once they are taken down.
Freedom should never be compromised over the light and transient...
struggles of any one given time.
It is good to be by yourself...
and not NEED desperately to have someone with you. Individuals who like themselves will know well how to treat others well.
If you don't seek to get the most out of today,
Is it realistic to assume that you will deal well with tomorrow?
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
I'm looking forward to some good tutoring efforts...
this week to help a bright but indifferently motivated student to produce a quality book report this week!
Choosing to crush the personality and individuality of a child needs...
to be considered a crime, whether or not the person doing so employ PHYSICAL violence or not!
The more I explore who I truly am and what I truly desire and am capable...
of the more eager I become to learn and discover more.
I am improving and I need to be more grateful for it,
I'm not at all where I desire to be but I'm significantly closer to that place than I was at the start of last summer.
I feel badly for The Bengals tonight.
Yet, They seem to adjust and try to improve. Other Teams seem to just trade on their glory days and have no true clue as to how to play relevantly in 2012!
Falls Church High School - Fairfax County, Virginia.
Fairfax County Virginia's Falls Church High School was opened in 1967. The school has NOT been substantially renovated since that date. There are no plans to begin renovating the school any earlier than 2017. There are no guarantees that any renovation will This angers and offenses many of the parents who have children who are attending or who will start attending the school over the next few years.At the current track of scheduled school renovation, it is likely that ANY future renovation of Falls Church High School would not be completed until 2024 or later.
A Parent's Advocacy group formed to push for the school's renovation has been established! This group calls itself UPROAR - United Parents to Restore Our Economic Resource. The UPROAR Parents maintain that the PRESENT electrical wiring does not support interactive whiteboards. The Computer Lab at the school has to be jury-rigged to support enough machines.
The parent strongly maintain that the highest performance students in the area choose to go to other schools. The school's poor physical appearance is seen as a major factor in those decisions. The school's heating and cooling is seen as inadequate. People have chosen to move to avoid sending their children to the school. In a county where some of the High Schools are bursting at the seems, Falls Church High School is currently operating under capacity.
Does Falls Church High School sound like a Public School any where near you? Are there any schools that are near you that seem somewhat abandoned, forlorn and withering away on the vine?
- Johnny -
A Parent's Advocacy group formed to push for the school's renovation has been established! This group calls itself UPROAR - United Parents to Restore Our Economic Resource. The UPROAR Parents maintain that the PRESENT electrical wiring does not support interactive whiteboards. The Computer Lab at the school has to be jury-rigged to support enough machines.
The parent strongly maintain that the highest performance students in the area choose to go to other schools. The school's poor physical appearance is seen as a major factor in those decisions. The school's heating and cooling is seen as inadequate. People have chosen to move to avoid sending their children to the school. In a county where some of the High Schools are bursting at the seems, Falls Church High School is currently operating under capacity.
Does Falls Church High School sound like a Public School any where near you? Are there any schools that are near you that seem somewhat abandoned, forlorn and withering away on the vine?
- Johnny -
Being productive and thinking and acting upon what you can do to bless others and ...
improve your own personal status is a great way to spend the First Saturday of the Year.
I was ready two hours ago, to whine because the original plan for this Saturday PM did not come to fruition. I would have preferred that Plan A had come to pass but ,as I type this, I'm realizing that I'm have having a fun and prosperous Saturday PM as the TRUE Reality of This day- " Plan B' as I originally indeed perceived it just a VERY SHORT while ago, unfolds!
- Johnny-
I was ready two hours ago, to whine because the original plan for this Saturday PM did not come to fruition. I would have preferred that Plan A had come to pass but ,as I type this, I'm realizing that I'm have having a fun and prosperous Saturday PM as the TRUE Reality of This day- " Plan B' as I originally indeed perceived it just a VERY SHORT while ago, unfolds!
- Johnny-
History is a road map to....
what we've done in the past and can serve well as a place to understand what COULD have happened/ what we COULD have done as well. We do not gain when we do not seriously study that what ifs. You always gain when you intelligently explore all of the possible and available options that you can prudently and reasonably consider before you act!
You are more likely to progress ...
if you study and learn from those who are prospering rather than being bitterly resentful of them because they are doing well!
Dream Big and Do Small is a sharp phrase that I heard a motivational ...
speaker recently expound upon.
The idea is that someone wants to commit themselves to improving themselves. They will start with too large of an initial commitment and thus bring about the shipwrecking of their intention. She advices that reducing a goal twice over making just beyond what you are NOW able to do will allow you to be more likely to improve your life.
The idea is that the initial success you gain will spur you on to desire to achieve more.
- Johnny -
The idea is that someone wants to commit themselves to improving themselves. They will start with too large of an initial commitment and thus bring about the shipwrecking of their intention. She advices that reducing a goal twice over making just beyond what you are NOW able to do will allow you to be more likely to improve your life.
The idea is that the initial success you gain will spur you on to desire to achieve more.
- Johnny -
Words and Phrases that you'd love to be able to ban completely
The words and phrases that you find disturbing , annoying and just negative. Are there any words that you are willing to travel almost ANY distance to simply avoid having to deal with them?
Expatiate ------ This was The Word of The Day used at My Toastmaster Meeting...
earlier today.
It is a word that expresses both bounty and opportunity. Expatiate means to move about freely and at will. In a speaking or teaching sense, It refers to someone further exploring and addressing at length and in detail upon what the individual is teaching or speaking about at that moment.
- Johnny -
It is a word that expresses both bounty and opportunity. Expatiate means to move about freely and at will. In a speaking or teaching sense, It refers to someone further exploring and addressing at length and in detail upon what the individual is teaching or speaking about at that moment.
- Johnny -
62 and Sunny
What Splendid weather for the First Saturday of The Year in The Greater Nation's Capital Area!
Only 19%
According to a weather map I saw a few daya ago, Only 19 % of the US has had significant snow fall so far THIS season.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Post Number 1200
Letting you know about me is not the easiest thing I have ever done. Yet, It does not permit me to hide, pretend and design elaborate pretenses.
One of My Toastmaster mentors, Bennie Bough, often tells people that he believes that people with speaking talent and a flair for this activity can do quite well as public speakers if they will decide to " Speak from the Heart and be themselves."
It is frightening to be candid , vulnerable and willing to listen to people, even people you trust, tell you the blunt truth and respond to it positively and act to, in good faith, to do what I clearly need to do to change and live better and more effectively.
Yet, To not do so would be acting to sabotage my life by worsening any problems that I already have in my life and put things into motion to creatively create new ones!
- Johnny-
One of My Toastmaster mentors, Bennie Bough, often tells people that he believes that people with speaking talent and a flair for this activity can do quite well as public speakers if they will decide to " Speak from the Heart and be themselves."
It is frightening to be candid , vulnerable and willing to listen to people, even people you trust, tell you the blunt truth and respond to it positively and act to, in good faith, to do what I clearly need to do to change and live better and more effectively.
Yet, To not do so would be acting to sabotage my life by worsening any problems that I already have in my life and put things into motion to creatively create new ones!
- Johnny-
One reason why Spain decided to endorse...
The 1492 Voyage of Christopher Columbus.
In 1479, Portugal and Castile , one of the two kingdoms that, 13 years later unite to become Spain, ended a war by signing a peace treaty. Castile, in this treaty agreed to not sail the Atlantic Ocean south and East of The Atlantic Ocean.
This made the route that Columbus wanted to take to reach India and China appealing for Ferdinand and Isabela to consider.
In 1479, Portugal and Castile , one of the two kingdoms that, 13 years later unite to become Spain, ended a war by signing a peace treaty. Castile, in this treaty agreed to not sail the Atlantic Ocean south and East of The Atlantic Ocean.
This made the route that Columbus wanted to take to reach India and China appealing for Ferdinand and Isabela to consider.
Man was stabbed for not knowing Beyonce is married to Jay Z!
Has the time come to admit that some people have no idea at all that human life has any value what so ever? Do we need to treat those people differently and let them know that they can be among us if this is how they are going to choose to behave?
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
Many Penn State Alumni seem displeased at the news of who....
will likely be replacing Joe Paterno. This man is said to be Bill 'O' Brien who has agreed, in principle, to be The NEXT Head Coach of The Nittany Lion Football Team.
There is also some talk that this NEW coach may be a de-facto one year interim who will navigate the team JUST through next year. This would mean that Paterno's true successor may not be hired until a YEAR from now.
So, What do you think?
- Johnny-
There is also some talk that this NEW coach may be a de-facto one year interim who will navigate the team JUST through next year. This would mean that Paterno's true successor may not be hired until a YEAR from now.
So, What do you think?
- Johnny-
This is the best start of a year in
recent memory. I owe a lot to those who told me I must stop expressing myself so negatively!
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
Cost can be a petty concern....
I almost let a 2.30 cup of coffee derail a marvelous day! I really like paying no more than 1.75 for a cup of coffee. I have been known to complain about how unacceptable any price higher than that is !
Today, I realized that I can choose to pay it or not but --- Who Am I decide what prices are acceptable in a universal sense? I paid the 2.30 and enjoyed a superior cup of coffee.
- Johnny -
Today, I realized that I can choose to pay it or not but --- Who Am I decide what prices are acceptable in a universal sense? I paid the 2.30 and enjoyed a superior cup of coffee.
- Johnny -
2012 has launched well -
A Fun time in Old Town Alexandria proved a great blend with a sunny and warm FRIDAY afternoon.
The Washington Wizards AND A Sense oF Entitlement!
Maurice Evans, The Vice President of The NBA Players Association and one of the Wizard's 12, fe3els that his teammates act far too entitled! Evans was quoted as saying, "The sense of entitlement that is here, sometimes, I've never seen it before. and we have to come to these guys and again start earning things," Evans called a players only meeting after The Wizards 0 and 6 Start .
This reminds me of some of the things about Le Bron. , The Whole Notion of "Why hasn't he won an NBA Championship YET." . This is the argument of how far will natural ability take you and how much do you need to blend and work with your teammates to become a PROVEN CHAMPIONSHIP Level Players in Professional Sports.
To more properly address Mister Evans concern, " Just how entitled and play the game " my way" can a player be on a team this is not at all impressive?
- Johnny-
This reminds me of some of the things about Le Bron. , The Whole Notion of "Why hasn't he won an NBA Championship YET." . This is the argument of how far will natural ability take you and how much do you need to blend and work with your teammates to become a PROVEN CHAMPIONSHIP Level Players in Professional Sports.
To more properly address Mister Evans concern, " Just how entitled and play the game " my way" can a player be on a team this is not at all impressive?
- Johnny-
An Alexandria Search....
I often spend very little time in my locale. I'm told that people tend to hold contempt before investigation, My exploring Alexandria today may dissolve a portion of that contempt.
Help me today, God, to relax....
to be at peace and to simply accept the events of today and the people I encounter today as they are!
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
Drive people to think differently and wisely and widely...
Allow yourself to be first among that number!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
One of life's blessings. Some want to avoid feeling it at any cost. Yet, It is one way to prove that you are alive!
I do see that it is...
good to strive to look for the best, even if that best will not be at all easy to attain!
Trusting is vital...
If you just trust in and depend upon yourself, You'd better be perfect in all your ways 24/ 7/ 366. ' 12 IS!!! a LEAP YEAR after all.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Written goals are the only goals that are likely to ever be fulfilled!
What you bother to put in writing you will do- all other things being equal.
I do look forward to the 2012 Baseball Season.
I smile whenever I think that it is approaching.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Hope works best when you don't abandon it either too rapidly or easily . . .
My wallet being found after I took certain actions last week- such as canceling my debit card, serves as proof of that. If I'd waiting just 25 MORE minutes.... Oh well, LOL!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Help me to see how to be
more kind, Lord. Touch and heal my heart where it is reluctant and stubborn.
Reaching for the future,
seems to make one stronger and more willing to receive what is possible from what is yet to come!
Treasure imagination and daring, Johnny.
You are at your best and most affective when you do so, My friend!
In a month...
The Superbowl will be played and the Baseball Spring Training camps will be just about ready to open.
Today is a Movie Day.
I think that planning to take fun opportunities when they avail themselves, rather than waiting for vacations,,holidays and weekends and then finding people to involve in those activities will work BETTER for me ESPECIALLy in the short run!
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Washington DC had its first bite of Winter today.
The Pre-Halloween snow storm certainly does not really count. Just a part of some of the freakishness that was 2011 in the Greater DC Area!
The Nationals are now pursuing Prince Fielder...
Maybe the Nationals will START no longer being a punch line in 2012!
I don't have to like the events around me...
to function well , effectively and pleasantly within them. I become a severe enemy to myself when I do not abide by this as I navigate through my day!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
My creativity is one of my strongest suits...
I need to harvest that FAR more often through out 2012.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Learning to be grateful and saying " Thank you" for what you are ...
grateful for is a great way to live a progressively better life. I must learn to adapt this way of living!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I'm glad to be breathing deeply and to be at peace.
Those are amazing gifts of serenity to possess today or ANY!!! DAY!!!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
This has been a great first " Back to Life" Start to My 2012!
Today has been very satisfying, rewarding, purposeful and just a great day to be in! Wooooo!!!!!!!! Hoooooo!!!!!!!
An Amazing Eye.
I saw one sequence that dazzled me in an old Tennis game that I recently purchased for my X Box. The one shot that I saw that made me mutter "wow" was a close up shot of a tennis player's eye!
Some of us tend to shut out the world in winter....
If we are experiencing a very cold day and it is bitter outside, We may be prone to crank up the eat and shut out the outside.
Yet, I'm told that it is good to keep a window open, when reasonable, to let some good fresh air in!
On days when you are inclined to crank the AC or Heat for most or all of the day, Do you still make sure you simply get some fresh air flowing through your digs?
- Johnny-
Yet, I'm told that it is good to keep a window open, when reasonable, to let some good fresh air in!
On days when you are inclined to crank the AC or Heat for most or all of the day, Do you still make sure you simply get some fresh air flowing through your digs?
- Johnny-
Good Friends are the gift that continue to benefit me.
I need to continually remember how blessed I am to have those friends.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I'm going to stretch C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S out to the end of this week!
I have two special activities that I'm looking forward to engaging in later this week!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Lord, Please bring health, contentment and peace to....
those who blessed me the most throughout all of last year/
No prejudices at U. Berkeley
They are reporting that Rich people are less generous and kind than poor people. Does this seem like a " Blanket Statement"?
When you REFUSE to see people as individuals, then....
- Johnny-
When you REFUSE to see people as individuals, then....
- Johnny-
I'm in the process of healing.
That is good. I'm learning that people who are only pleased once the FINALLY attain a goal or know that they know that they know that they have reached a destination are not very often pleased.
I like the path of today
I'm glad I'm starting the day at my computer. I'm being very creative and smiling a LOT as I type this morning!
A Busy and Superbly Productive Morning.
A teaching proposal that I started writing up back in late October is now on its' Third Full Draft! As I read it over, I will admit to becoming more and more pleased with how it looks the more I work on it.
I HAVE been prone in the past to wanting to get things done and then move on to the next project/ effort. I'm now seeing that slow and steady can be a wonderful learning tool. Learning to be patient and more thorough is indded a virtue and a profound blessing.
What help you to keep forging on when it seems like you are involved in a program that is proceeding forward a lot slower than you desire it to do so?
- Johnny -
I HAVE been prone in the past to wanting to get things done and then move on to the next project/ effort. I'm now seeing that slow and steady can be a wonderful learning tool. Learning to be patient and more thorough is indded a virtue and a profound blessing.
What help you to keep forging on when it seems like you are involved in a program that is proceeding forward a lot slower than you desire it to do so?
- Johnny -
Monday, January 2, 2012
" When we look forward to what lies ahead, We are alive!"
I found this saying in a devotional that I was given for Christmas- Letting God. I do believe that this is a grand way to view these early days of 2012!
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
I have a dud Seven - Up Bottle.
All efforts to open it have failed. I actyually hurt my rithumb trying to open it. I grant victory to the bottle. Its' likely award - a trip, unopened to a dumpster.
I seldom have visitors.
It was good to have a visitor hang out here for a while. I enjoyed, very much, the laughter and just the stimulating conversation.
I know that I will be more daring and willing to recieve posperity this year.
This will be a year of opportunity. I need to be bold and a risk taker.
Tomorrow will be rather wintry here in Greater DC.
That will be a bit of a jolt , but it is to be expected. Tomorrow, after all, is the 13th Day of Winter. - LOL_! The really warm winter so far has been pleasant.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Each day provises at least ONE good reason to smile!
I slept in today, dreamt wonderful dreams and slept deeply and peacefully!
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Be Audacious.
I want to live more audaciously this year. I want to dare, care, accomplish and live a year that sees me becoming exactly who I was created to be! I know it will not be say, but if it can happen I must be relentless in doing all that I can to make this so!!!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
A Fun and Relaxing day.
It was a blessing to relax, eat and have significant, meaningful, inspiring and convincing conversation today over a great lunch!
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