Edwin Hubble was an astronomer- who helped us to see further out and more clearly and precisely.. He was the man who showed us that the Milky Way was not the Universe - but one Galaxy among many. It is vital to us because it is the one that we reside in. We live on the far edge of our Home Galaxy!
The Hubble Telescope- named in His Honor - has showed us how splendid and amazing the Universe is. We constantly are astounded by what we learn continually through it! The more we learn the more amazed we are by how little we truly knew before.
This, to me, is one of the great frustrations of our present Space Exploration Status. It has long been believed that a MANNED Orbiting Laboratory would really expand what we know about the Universe. Humans seeing it first hand, directly , and being provoked to study in more detail what they are seeing then would greatly expand what we are studying and make our studies more continuous and intense.
I know we are cutting budgets and feeling that we must eliminate frills. Yet, I wonder if the people of 700 years from now will belittle us then - as we now belittle people of the shortsighted and limiting way the people The Dark Age lived- for holding them back and making what is available to them THEN so much LESS than it could be.
I can easily imagine a Professor of Astronomy at Armstrong -Aldrin University on The Surface of The Moon on concluding her lecture om May 16Th, 2754 by grieving how much further along we could be in terms of what we know and what we've been able to explore if only the people of the 20Th and 21ST had been braver, bolder, less-selfish and willing to consider that their would be people living hundreds of years after their lives came to an end.
Both The Bible and The Declaration mention people not yet born for times long after the words that they wrote were FIRST put on paper!
- Johnny -
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