As a man in recovery and as a life- long baseball fan , I grieve with Josh Hamilton now. I am a recovering alcoholic, sober by the Grace of My Higher Power, Jesus Christ and The Program of Alcoholics Anonymous.
I grieve that Josh found it necessary, for reasons of his own, to interrupt the sobriety that he has publicly sated is very dear to him. As I thought about this matter last night, AA does ask those who subscribe to its' program to be involved in not taking a drink TODAY and to be willing and eager to be of service, primarily to the still suffering alcoholics but to others who are in need of support and service.
I find it interesting that Pro Basketball who are not playing well on the court and who are struggling to manage their personal lives, often talk about spending the off-season with a fellow athlete who they consider to be a mentor. Their purpose to improve their game and to get their focus back. It is also, at times, a chance to decide how to do better, live better and become better in the larger context of their lives. Kobe Bryant is one who has gained from " an off-season" of dedication at various points in his career.
This idea might work well for Mr, Hamilton as well. I am one person and this is simply and solely my insight and opinion. I speak on behalf of NO organization or group. I do not claim to speak on behalf of any other alcoholic and addict. I do know that addiction is cunning, baffling and powerful.
I'm also being a Tad selfish. I understand that it is now unlikely that The Texas Rangers will offer Josh Hamilton a new long- term contract. So, Josh, If you ever decide to play your home games in The Bronx......LOL!
- Johnny-
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