Do you view this as a positive or a negative? Who do you trust in? Who do you believe is best able to respond to the genuine needs, wants, desires and hopes of the citizens of our communities, of our state or commonwealth or our nation?
If it is up to those who are parts of agencies and who government employees, Then whatever the Government does decides how many of our fellow citizens can live and we agree that there decisions MUST be THE RIGHT way to proceed ? Is it a matter of simply "Use our tax money as you see best- we will pay what you tell us to pay and you will decide who is worthy and how much they will get?" So, Does this mean that just paying our taxes is the only act of caring that anyone has any right to expect from anyone else in the spring of 2011?
Just short of 2,000 years ago, A great leader and teacher was asked, " And who is my neighbor". Was this leader's response " Whoever Rome or Jerusalem decides to assist using the tax money that you pay! ? Maybe we today need to ask today, " Who is my neighbor?" ," How willing am I to be available to them?" and " How willing am I to make available my time talents and resources to them?"
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