From 1765 and The First Stamp Act Congress- initiated by the 13 British Atlantic Coast of North America Colonies in order to object to British Taxation and Representational Policies through the rising discontent in the 1770's, AS New Way of organizing and governing was being established. The old ways, The ways of serving His Majesty, King George The Third and His Majesty's Government began to change.
At first, The British Colonists were determined , by protest to have England change their policies and their interactions towards them. After April of 1775 and The Battle of Lexington and Concord, That protest intensified and become more severe as it became armed and combative resistance towards the Crown.
14 months later, July of 1776, The no longer colonists declared their independence from England and now fought to establish and enforce that independence.7 Years later, England and The US signed a Peace Treaty and the independence of the United States was an established reality.
From 1783 until 1787, The United States was governed under The Articles of Confederation. It set up The 13 States as Co-Equal and having to agree with each other in order to get ANYTHING done. There was onev notable governmental success during this period - The 1785 Passage of The Northwest Ordinance which established how territories would be organized and how new states would be established.
Overall, It did little to help the country be governed well and it actually brought us to the brink of Civil War near the end of the 1780's. Congress voted to meet to amend The Articles of Confederation, They quickly decided that this task was hopeless and voted to try something else. That something else is Our National Constitution,
The pattern here is to create a more perfect Union, a Government as good as its' people, a government of, by and for the people, Not a government just for the rich and blessed, but also not a government that shields you from cause and effect, not a government that says " No matter what you do, We've got your back!" It was a Government that was never perfect , flawed then and most certainly flawed in April of 2011.
People started off look for new lands to pursue new opportunities. They came to live as they believed Englishmen should. From 1607 until 1763, They wanted to serve the King and Crown with very little hesitation. After the war, Things were asked of them that they found unreasonable and burdensome and they refused to cooperate and submit any longer. They fought as Free English subjects and then to become Free Americans!
There were 2 separate governments established in 7 years.The Constitution has been amended 27 times.Right now, We are a critical period. Due to Financial limitations and growing questions is what we are doing wise and well thought out, People are asking can we justify continuing what we are doing now indefinitely into the future? People are asking questions and are demanding direct and full answers. These question include but by no means are limited to - Does the money we spend actually and truly provide significant and empowering help the people who we allocate it to or does it simply maintain them where they are currently more or less? What accountability do we demand of those we support? Can we speak of " ways of escape" and significant progress for our most trouble-plagued citizens?
People are also wondering- What will it take to convince people to care about each other? How do we get beyond thinking that benefit checks are the only dependable help that America's neediest people are provided? Can we honor, promote and encourage more social volunteerism in Our US?
Good things have been done throughout our history! We need to understand that the good and prudent answers of 1800 may not be the best way to operate in 1870. The Brilliant legislation passed in 1970 may be an albatross around the necks of the Americans of 2011! We are a Nation of laws and not men. It is ok to consider Franklin Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton as heroes.It does not need mean that there might not be great wisdom in setting aside some of the things they fought due to their not being acceptable to maintain at present!
" And whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, It is the right of the people to alter and abolish it." What do we, as a nation need to do now? What do we need to do to provide for a healthy and vigorous America that is still worthy of being proud of 30, 50, 80 or125 years from now?
Truly, We live in interesting times and we need to learn to more effectively role up our sleeves, express what we believe, listen intelligently and respectfully to what others believe and then decide to get done what must be done to promote the general welfare and well being as all of our Citizens as soverign individuals in these early years of the 21ST Century.
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