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Saturday, June 11, 2011

THE 400TH Post- A Tribute to a Nasal Doyen!!!!!

   He had a law degree, He was a historical scholar and a social critic and commentator. He was passionate about defending and expanding upon the civil liberties of all Americans, He often made himself disliked and scorned due to his support of unpopular causes and controversial action by social icons.

  He loved opera and spoke a number of languages fluently! He was a MAJOR Media Figure and for a Number of years was a vital star on one of the Top Rated TV programs of all times!

 Who was this man ??? I write of  The Late Howard Cosell -A journalist and a sports commentator all at once. He was a man who could be both engaging and withering! He could be haughty and compellingly caring. He could quote effete European philosophers that few had ever heard of and the Beatles.He was as much beloved as he was hated. His whiny and nasal voice could come across as loathsome and off-putting. Yet, He was also quoted, used to motivate others and revered.

 Howard tended to be petty and a bit jealous. He found it easy to believe that he was being plotted against. This, sadly, caused him to be rather isolated and abandoned towards the end of his life. This was tragic for him, of course, but for our society as well!

  I think I'm like the Great Mr. Cosell. I tend to be too strident and overly opinionated. I can be very sensitive and thin-skinned! I hope I will profit from what I've learned of hoe he damaged himself and isolated himself. There are times when we all do well to ignore our fears, say no to our anxieties and run to longingly and passionately embrace our hopes, dreams, ideals and visions of what can yet be.

Howard, It is sad that you are not often thought of in this still very young 21ST Century. You set my teeth on edge often but you also showed there is invincible value in daring, fighting for what you KNOW to be right and trusting that advocating for THE BEST will always keep us striving to attain the best! I remember you and miss you!

                 Howard Cosell-  Rest in Peace. You are a true and towering American Original!!!!

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