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Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Lord, Help me to not continue to be a slave...
to the horrors of the past. Let them not dictate my today to me!
I'm taking a Risk but I know I do have a winning speech!
My Contest Speech finished 3rd on Saturday! However, I've been asked to represent another club, that I am a member of in an Area Contest on March 21ST.
This speech needs a lot of work- I will do what needs to be done over the next 21dayus. I know that speech can touch people and make a difference!
This speech needs a lot of work- I will do what needs to be done over the next 21dayus. I know that speech can touch people and make a difference!
Being a Peace Maker
It is tough and I'm still very wounded. I'd rather challenge not kind people. However, He blesses those who will obey!
Leap Day 2012
I''m glad that I tutored well today. I kept my head, was flexible and did well TODAY because of it. A sign of improvement on a most rare day!
Monday, February 27, 2012
Is this supposed to be acceptable?
Congressman Darrell Issa R- California has been looking into 750 Million Dollars of fraud in the Food Stamp Program. This comes from retailers overbilling the government.
This program is overseen by Kevin Corcoran who is The Undersecretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services for The US Department of Agriculture.
Why is this a problem? 137 merchants have been declared disqualified from the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program ( SNAP)- yet they are still being allowed to continue participating in the program anyway!
This program is overseen by Kevin Corcoran who is The Undersecretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services for The US Department of Agriculture.
Why is this a problem? 137 merchants have been declared disqualified from the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program ( SNAP)- yet they are still being allowed to continue participating in the program anyway!
Over The Top First Wars
It almost seems that the Movies like to set Superheroes up to fail. In The Comic Books, The Original Issues, Superman did not first battle Lex Luthor. Batman did not take on the Joker and Spiderman did not wage war on The Green Goblin.
Issue 2 might have shown their funerals if they had. Peter Parker, Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent had to start small, discover their capacities and wade in fairly shallow waters at first!
I guess learning curves and early stumbles don't work in big-budget movies!
- Johnny-
Issue 2 might have shown their funerals if they had. Peter Parker, Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent had to start small, discover their capacities and wade in fairly shallow waters at first!
I guess learning curves and early stumbles don't work in big-budget movies!
- Johnny-
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Sportscaster phrases that do elicit great chuckles and giggles
Such as - " Larry Bird is now on the right wing of the defense"
A Clash between the History and Sports Lover within me
I am a fanatical baseball fan and a lifelong fan of the New York Yankees. I am als0 sigh- immature and childish enough to ADMIT that I greatly enjoy playing Electronic Games ESPECIALLY Sports Games,
I enjoy fully and heartily the MLB - The Show and 2K Baseball games and Madden is amazing as well. Yet, The Sport that seems the most of its' best players of the last half- century is the NBA, When I play the 2K Basketball Series Games- I'm able to play using team containing- West, Chamberlain , Russell, Maravich, Dr. J, Bird and so on.
The Pro Football and Baseball times provide their greats in a watered down or cloaked way or not at all and really do not provide all of the Galaxy Level Superstars that you'd delight to see play as clearly themselves with the best of their abilities on display. A Baseball Game containing within it clearly identifiable icons such as Mickey, The Say Hey Kid and The Hammer would have me running to eagerly purchase it !!!!!
Is it the due to The National Basket Ball Players Association seemingly having less power than their Baseball and Football Counterparts ? Did The Game Makers negotiate better with the NBA? It seems to me that Basketball has more of a fan attractive game than do either Baseball or Football !
I'd ask Bill Simmons- The Sports Guy and The Author of The Game of Basketball this- but sadly I can't seem to reach him! So, Are there any Video Game Doyens or Sports Insiders who both get and explain how this all falls out as it does?
Those who think I'm a dweeb for wondering about this at all. Thank you, You DO have my permission to pass this by without responding!
- Johnny -
I enjoy fully and heartily the MLB - The Show and 2K Baseball games and Madden is amazing as well. Yet, The Sport that seems the most of its' best players of the last half- century is the NBA, When I play the 2K Basketball Series Games- I'm able to play using team containing- West, Chamberlain , Russell, Maravich, Dr. J, Bird and so on.
The Pro Football and Baseball times provide their greats in a watered down or cloaked way or not at all and really do not provide all of the Galaxy Level Superstars that you'd delight to see play as clearly themselves with the best of their abilities on display. A Baseball Game containing within it clearly identifiable icons such as Mickey, The Say Hey Kid and The Hammer would have me running to eagerly purchase it !!!!!
Is it the due to The National Basket Ball Players Association seemingly having less power than their Baseball and Football Counterparts ? Did The Game Makers negotiate better with the NBA? It seems to me that Basketball has more of a fan attractive game than do either Baseball or Football !
I'd ask Bill Simmons- The Sports Guy and The Author of The Game of Basketball this- but sadly I can't seem to reach him! So, Are there any Video Game Doyens or Sports Insiders who both get and explain how this all falls out as it does?
Those who think I'm a dweeb for wondering about this at all. Thank you, You DO have my permission to pass this by without responding!
- Johnny -
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Max Schmeling -- The Fuller Story
Max is stereotyped as a boxer who took advantage of Hitler's Aryan Superman Policy. Schmeling had a Jewish Manager. During the Anti - Jewish Riot in Berlin that occurred in the Fall of 1938- aka Kristalnacht - Schmeling hid Jewish people in his apartment,
He never joined the Nazi Party. Hitler despised him for this and drafted him- sending him on many risky mission as a paratrooper.
He survived the war. He became quite wealthy as a German spokesman for Coca- Cola. Schmeling was very generous with his money.
He and Joe Lewis fought 2 matches- Schmeling won the 1936 fight and Louis the 1938 fight. After the war, The two men became fast friends. Schmeling often gave Joe Lewui money and paid for his 1981 funeral.
He never joined the Nazi Party. Hitler despised him for this and drafted him- sending him on many risky mission as a paratrooper.
He survived the war. He became quite wealthy as a German spokesman for Coca- Cola. Schmeling was very generous with his money.
He and Joe Lewis fought 2 matches- Schmeling won the 1936 fight and Louis the 1938 fight. After the war, The two men became fast friends. Schmeling often gave Joe Lewui money and paid for his 1981 funeral.
Monday, February 20, 2012
A Potiential 2012 Campaign October Surprise
Iran continues to make more provocative and incendiary threats against Israel. Israel steady sees troop moments and missile repositioning that spark an " UH-OH" from them.
Binjamin Netanyahu, The PM of Israel, tells our President, " This needs to be dealt with now. Are you going to act now, If you don't, We will !!!!"
If you are the President , What do you do at THAT crossroad juncture?
Binjamin Netanyahu, The PM of Israel, tells our President, " This needs to be dealt with now. Are you going to act now, If you don't, We will !!!!"
If you are the President , What do you do at THAT crossroad juncture?
" Stupid is not Illegal!" - Is this what causes most of the struggle and discontentment in our lives?
Dave Ramsey thinks that societal discontent is not really traceable to how much some people make and how little others make, It is made by short term, desperation and impulse driven thinking. People do not think in terms of. " What will my 2017 be like based on what I decide to do or not do today?"
By the Old question, " What CAN I afford- What can I buy based on what do I truly have available to spend - minus my obligations ! This is predicated upon the idea that how we live must be dictated by our income.
Some believe only the wealthiest people can live this way. That it is nonsense and foolishness to tell anyone else or EXPECT anyone else to live this way!
Others maintain - The Wise, The Intelligent and The Contented know the importance of Delayed Gratification and making do as creatively as you can with what you have.
So, Are the ways people got by with in the 1930's and 1940's still of any value to us today?
By the Old question, " What CAN I afford- What can I buy based on what do I truly have available to spend - minus my obligations ! This is predicated upon the idea that how we live must be dictated by our income.
Some believe only the wealthiest people can live this way. That it is nonsense and foolishness to tell anyone else or EXPECT anyone else to live this way!
Others maintain - The Wise, The Intelligent and The Contented know the importance of Delayed Gratification and making do as creatively as you can with what you have.
So, Are the ways people got by with in the 1930's and 1940's still of any value to us today?
Taking a deep breathe and not losing it when I am inopportuned or ...
dealing with unwanted chaos is practicing the principle of " dealing with life on life's terms." .
Too willing to tolerate and accept !
I've heard this phrase often over my last few years - " I do not have to accept unacceptable behavior!"
We once had a general social compact in the US- As long as you do no harm, Behave anyway you wish in private.
In public, Be circumspect, considerate and remember that people do not want to deal with your excess, thoughtlessness , lack of personal discipline and personal control.
I do believe we had a less tense and combative society then. A domestic detente- an easing of tensions and an understanding to be MORE restrained and constrained- does not seem that it would disadvantage anyone
- Johnny-
We once had a general social compact in the US- As long as you do no harm, Behave anyway you wish in private.
In public, Be circumspect, considerate and remember that people do not want to deal with your excess, thoughtlessness , lack of personal discipline and personal control.
I do believe we had a less tense and combative society then. A domestic detente- an easing of tensions and an understanding to be MORE restrained and constrained- does not seem that it would disadvantage anyone
- Johnny-
Sunday, February 19, 2012
A no negativity and nastiness zone.
I really think our society does need such arenas of refuge and sanctuary. Places where people are told" If you want to be negative - your presence is nor welcome here.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
A President- Willie Mays Connection
One of Willie Mays' High School teachers in Alabama was an Angela Rice. Her daughter is Condoleeza, W's National Security Adviser and Secretary of State!
Thursday, February 16, 2012
According to Dictionary .Com, Entitlement is defined as " The right to a guaranteed benefit under a government program."
I also looked up Entitle on Dictionary.Com, " The right to claim something."
This is clearly a THIRD RAIL word in 2012 Politics- Both sides of the aisle tend to take jaundiced looks at people who get money from programs in what THEY believe to be an unworthy and unjustfiable manner!
They believe , each side, that there would be less waste, less abuse of how the tax payers money is spent and more responsiveness from the government to those they serve if that which THEY BELIEVE to be an entitlement was either abolished or significantly reduced..
So, From your perspective, How do wisely and responsibly decide what is a necessary and thoroughly justifiable social expenditure and what is an entitlement?
I also looked up Entitle on Dictionary.Com, " The right to claim something."
This is clearly a THIRD RAIL word in 2012 Politics- Both sides of the aisle tend to take jaundiced looks at people who get money from programs in what THEY believe to be an unworthy and unjustfiable manner!
They believe , each side, that there would be less waste, less abuse of how the tax payers money is spent and more responsiveness from the government to those they serve if that which THEY BELIEVE to be an entitlement was either abolished or significantly reduced..
So, From your perspective, How do wisely and responsibly decide what is a necessary and thoroughly justifiable social expenditure and what is an entitlement?
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
I am an excellent teach and tutor
I didn't expect a 4 hour tutoring session. I did earn my money tonight.
I stayed to the task
I was tense and a bit out of my element but today went well and I earned a good paycheck tonight!
So, Do I live in " The Bronx" Once again/
Is this part of Fairfax County Va, really not much better than The Bronx?
A Vestige of Damage
I have a tendency to be very apologetic- I don't like to offend people or create what I perceive as a problem.
I was told by someone that I work for a short time ago- that I apologize far too often. I do need to reign that in!
I was told by someone that I work for a short time ago- that I apologize far too often. I do need to reign that in!
Trusting- It means you get hurt and blind-sided at times.
It also means that you are willing to be blessed for trusting that you will be provided for and watched over and after!
Is there a way to turn off being boyish, impulsive and mercurial?
It is an essential part of who I am or so I've discovered but , as it can tend to trip me up, I'd love to find an " off-switch" for it !!!
Is Hip- Hop Culture a negative if you actually try to live it out as your lifestyle?
I'm listening to Jason Whitlock, A Sports Commentator, believes that it clearly is - especially concerning being an effective player in a team sport.
Do you concur with his opinion?
Do you concur with his opinion?
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Do we need to be pleased with what we have achieved and attained?
Do you ever get a sense that more and better seems to be the words that Americans live by? Does it ever seem to anyone that a period of valuing who we are and the progress we have made would benefit us and act as a " calming" and " healthy " chill pill?
Just a thought!
Just a thought!
It is good that some grief has been settled- YES!!!
I need to be more aware---- more savvy and think before I type.
Watched a Bio pic on LBJ -
A Great but venal and flawed man. hedid have the love of an amazing woman.
A hard session with my therapist
I admitted to a great deal of pain, angst and inadequacy! I know I need to be vulnerable and disclosive but I feel rather raw right now.
Wishing on any one day that your life was far different than it is today is rather futile...
Unless, Today becomes the day that you begin a course of action that will make your future more as you wish it to be!
Monday, February 13, 2012
God, You know I need a measure of progress when I'm struggling...
a marker to know that I'm still doing what is good. I've still maintained the 10 blog posts a day pace.
God, Please let ,me be able to not go through tomorrow as an angst- dominated...
mess, Your love is sufficient to get me beyond and above that!
Johnny, Forebaearance really isn't a good quality...
unless you employ it to the person who you gladly would banish to the Center of the Sun!
Going the extra MILE to not hurt the easily hurt and offend the extremely sensitive.
I am blessed in that a couple of families at Church have made this socially disconnected 57 year old a part of, in many and numerous ways, their family.
One family has a 6 year old who is very fond of me. On Valentines Day, He turns Seven. I was sent an e-mail that I was invited to a birthday lunch in his honor, I missed that e-mail, my fault entirely and he was hurt that I did not have his birthday present ready for him.
I felt about 1.3 inches tall. I apologized profusely, Today, I went out and bought an extra present. " Brendan" is a child who is easily hurt and is sensitive as well. As a former abused child, The tears and griefs of children weigh heavily upon me and will cause me to tear up and suffer along with them.
I once went to the Church where one of The Leaders of The Church was a Godly and Quite Dignified woman. She once said, " God moves my spirit to grieve and suffer with people who are in long -term and continuous pain." She did, then , tell us "But because I lived the life of a single mother, those are the people who I am most likely to act first to respond to."
My heart goes out most quickly to struggling and hurting children.As someone who survived severe and comprehensive child abuse, I know how important it is to support and nurture the children who are most likely to hurt and who are slow to recover from hurts.
- Johnny-
One family has a 6 year old who is very fond of me. On Valentines Day, He turns Seven. I was sent an e-mail that I was invited to a birthday lunch in his honor, I missed that e-mail, my fault entirely and he was hurt that I did not have his birthday present ready for him.
I felt about 1.3 inches tall. I apologized profusely, Today, I went out and bought an extra present. " Brendan" is a child who is easily hurt and is sensitive as well. As a former abused child, The tears and griefs of children weigh heavily upon me and will cause me to tear up and suffer along with them.
I once went to the Church where one of The Leaders of The Church was a Godly and Quite Dignified woman. She once said, " God moves my spirit to grieve and suffer with people who are in long -term and continuous pain." She did, then , tell us "But because I lived the life of a single mother, those are the people who I am most likely to act first to respond to."
My heart goes out most quickly to struggling and hurting children.As someone who survived severe and comprehensive child abuse, I know how important it is to support and nurture the children who are most likely to hurt and who are slow to recover from hurts.
- Johnny-
Candid Sports Teams
A Redskin Analysis I heard on Local Radio Today- " Why don't the Redskins admit openly. We all know that we need a Quarterback but we have many other needs as well that we must address. So, We are going to work to best fill the positions that we can draft well in and fill in with quality free agents.
We may likely frustrate you often next year, Please bare with us- You will, if you are patient, get the team that will be great to root for."
Would that candor increase your willingness to forebear with your team in the short term?
We may likely frustrate you often next year, Please bare with us- You will, if you are patient, get the team that will be great to root for."
Would that candor increase your willingness to forebear with your team in the short term?
One Reason I like posting on FB and Blogging
I can dismiss any trouble makers whose goal in life seems to be to annoy, harass and be a disturbed and disturbing influence.
The Church and Disconnected Women
My Church held its' annual meeting last night. My Pastor announced that my Church would be doing more in the way of women's ministry.
One critical need they believe needs to be made is the need for single women, as expressed by some single, women within the Church to be connected to other women and when possible in family situations. The idea is that women feel that are disconnected and do not have good options to connect , that they are likely to fall into self-harming choices.
I do admit, it would be good for disconnected men who feel that they need better options. Yet, No one, I'm guessing really feels any calling to address this need with a desire and intention to resolve it.. The Women's initiative is good and a blessing, Praise God for it indeed!
Yet, I know that wanting to be valued appreciated and special and given personal attention by someone who wants you to know that you are cherished and connected can be a male need as well.
- Johnny-
One critical need they believe needs to be made is the need for single women, as expressed by some single, women within the Church to be connected to other women and when possible in family situations. The idea is that women feel that are disconnected and do not have good options to connect , that they are likely to fall into self-harming choices.
I do admit, it would be good for disconnected men who feel that they need better options. Yet, No one, I'm guessing really feels any calling to address this need with a desire and intention to resolve it.. The Women's initiative is good and a blessing, Praise God for it indeed!
Yet, I know that wanting to be valued appreciated and special and given personal attention by someone who wants you to know that you are cherished and connected can be a male need as well.
- Johnny-
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Is The US truly the Most Powerful nation in the World in 2012 ?
If we indeed are, Is that a good thing for the US and The World?
Valebtine's Eve ---
I MUST keep before me this truth today AND tomorrow Where my treasure is, there ALSO will be my heart.
Healing and Repair may occur
I've tried and I have an offer of help. We shall see if this mess can be repaired!
I must learn from the harm my glibness did yesterday afternoon
I must go and sin no more in that regard.
God, Maybe it is really just yopu and I in my life
All other efforts to live differently and change my status and situation seem to crash and burn painfully.
I really dislike February 14th, It reminds me that all that I really want my life
to be about is actually the absolute opposite of what my 02/14/ 12 will actually be like! YUCKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, February 11, 2012
I need to remember to value those who want the best . . .
for me. I need not to listen to those whose words are naught but well-disguised knives to slice the life and hope out of my mind soul and spirit,
Dear God, Grant me the wisdom to know who is challenging me and upbraiding me because they love me and truly want to see me become the best that I possibly can be.
Let me be on guard against the predators who want to pray upon others who are unreasonably naive and improperly and foolishly trusting.
- Johnny-
Dear God, Grant me the wisdom to know who is challenging me and upbraiding me because they love me and truly want to see me become the best that I possibly can be.
Let me be on guard against the predators who want to pray upon others who are unreasonably naive and improperly and foolishly trusting.
- Johnny-
Wow, Last night I was told by someone in Toastmasters that they see me as a " Hero"
This, I was told, due to my prowess as a Speech Evaluator. Last night, I was in two club contests, I wanted to be in The International Speech Contest. I have an obsession with the Thought of Becoming a World Champion that is about 63.7 % greater than Ahab's obsession with some large white sea creature!
I really just evaluated last night and won that contest. As I noted finished second in my obsession event. This fellow Toastmaster believe that I am clearly without peer as an evluator. I personally think I am fairly good locally- I have no reason to see myself as more than that.
I am truly thankful to Toastmasters for this. I learned from them and did, over the years, what they've encouraged me to do. I also see, more and more, that I delight in continually exploring my technique and my analytical abilities. That is a saw that I truly want to keep as sharp as I can make it.
Toastmasters has been very, very good to me!
I really just evaluated last night and won that contest. As I noted finished second in my obsession event. This fellow Toastmaster believe that I am clearly without peer as an evluator. I personally think I am fairly good locally- I have no reason to see myself as more than that.
I am truly thankful to Toastmasters for this. I learned from them and did, over the years, what they've encouraged me to do. I also see, more and more, that I delight in continually exploring my technique and my analytical abilities. That is a saw that I truly want to keep as sharp as I can make it.
Toastmasters has been very, very good to me!
LINsanity in The NBA
Jeremy Lin's play has the Association taking notice of him and buzzing. He seems to be the NBA's Eli Manning. Self- Effacing, Quiet, Bright and a Student of the game. He plays with a pure, skilled, observant and infectious ardor.
He is also of Asian ancestry - rare, He is a Harvard Graduate- also rare. Other Asian/ Asian Ancestry Players - such as Yao Ming- were large and gifted superstars. Linn seems to be the epitome of study, desire to get better and improve his skills, a love of the game and pure heart.
He is also of Asian ancestry - rare, He is a Harvard Graduate- also rare. Other Asian/ Asian Ancestry Players - such as Yao Ming- were large and gifted superstars. Linn seems to be the epitome of study, desire to get better and improve his skills, a love of the game and pure heart.
A few words can touch a life, inspire and make a person's day...
if they are honest, caring, true and uplifting!
If you could go back in time...
and vote again in the first election that you ever voted in.
Would you STILL vote for the first person that you voted for, Why or why not?
Would you STILL vote for the first person that you voted for, Why or why not?
Friday, February 10, 2012
Thank you ,God,
for restlessness and refusing to settle for today as a template for the rest of my life!
Tomorrow will be a gift---
A Saturday to sleep in and not needing to rally and be at attention. at 5!!!! un The AM!!! I will use it well!
My Valentine's Gift To Myself !!!
Tonight, I will choose to see myself as attractive, fun, desirable and worth cherishing. I don't need to find someone. Choosing someone just because they are available would be an act of self-sabotage. I am being prepared for someone nothing short of amazing and spectacular to devote myself to and to be cherished by!
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
A Date tomorrow night!
Not with someone ideal--- but it will be a first step towards a better life. I'm heading in the right direction! It's been since forever- 2006- since I've been on a date!
I won a Toastmaster Evaluation Speech Contesat Tonight and finished 2nd in Another
Contest. I will be trying the speech that finished second in another contest on Saturday The 25Th, Two weeks from tomorrow!!!!. It is an inspirational speech based on my recovery from a nervous breakdown in 2003. and I can compete in as many club contests that I wish to as long as I'm a member of that club!
A Reasonable Way To Budget Cut
Over the last 3 and a 1/2 years, We've seen a lot of budget cutting at all levels of government. I think that no matter what our political pedigree we can all come to a general agreement on what services are, in a broad sense, more valuable than others.
In Northern Virginia, The cuts have really hit pubic libraries. Hours shortened, libraries closed, libraries being closed on Sundays and one day of the week in edition, magazines no longer subscribed to, new book orders being curtailed. It seems, to me, my opinion, that the libraries take deep cuts and each of the 6 or 7 times the budgets have been cut locally- the libraries seem to be the first to announce cutbacks and reductions of service.
I think that we know that counties seem to cut not inn consensus areas of waste- where it would be quick to agree on cuts but in areas that will quickly elicit painful screams and protests. I think that, it would actually be better to see what services the public values most and least,. The areas seen as least valuable is where the axe needs to be applied first and then work you way up. When people become more fit, They, wisely , decide to eat more sensibly, reduce fat and increase muscle. Budget Cutting should be tied to this same paradigm.
Is the purpose to remove what is least desirable, viewed as least beneficial and what will be missed least when it is gone? To me that MUST be the instructions elected officials are given when it comes to crafting and executing service reduction and the shrinking or even abolishing of agencies.
Any thing else is serving agendas and choosing not to be a true public servant - a man or woman responsive to the will and desire of the individuals that they are elected to both represent and serve!
- Johnny-
In Northern Virginia, The cuts have really hit pubic libraries. Hours shortened, libraries closed, libraries being closed on Sundays and one day of the week in edition, magazines no longer subscribed to, new book orders being curtailed. It seems, to me, my opinion, that the libraries take deep cuts and each of the 6 or 7 times the budgets have been cut locally- the libraries seem to be the first to announce cutbacks and reductions of service.
I think that we know that counties seem to cut not inn consensus areas of waste- where it would be quick to agree on cuts but in areas that will quickly elicit painful screams and protests. I think that, it would actually be better to see what services the public values most and least,. The areas seen as least valuable is where the axe needs to be applied first and then work you way up. When people become more fit, They, wisely , decide to eat more sensibly, reduce fat and increase muscle. Budget Cutting should be tied to this same paradigm.
Is the purpose to remove what is least desirable, viewed as least beneficial and what will be missed least when it is gone? To me that MUST be the instructions elected officials are given when it comes to crafting and executing service reduction and the shrinking or even abolishing of agencies.
Any thing else is serving agendas and choosing not to be a true public servant - a man or woman responsive to the will and desire of the individuals that they are elected to both represent and serve!
- Johnny-
Thursday, February 9, 2012
For those who feel and see themselves as alone, lonely and dsconnected-
The build up to Saint Valentine';s Day can be very rough, rugged, difficult and very trying! Yet, I know that being too desperate and needy and seeking impulsive quick strike remedies is likely to be a very temporary solution that I am, in due time, very likely to regret.
Wanting what other people have is envy no matter what disguise I dress it up in. What about me is likely to earn me reminders of people all over the world who have it MUCH better than I do?
So, I will keep saying it is a blessing to me , right now, exactly in the situations and circumstances that I am living with. I have an all loving God who is all sufficient and who is my sufficiency.I'm not feeling it on this very Early Friday but, yet, it is truth and reality and so I will live with in it and claim it.
- Johnny-
Wanting what other people have is envy no matter what disguise I dress it up in. What about me is likely to earn me reminders of people all over the world who have it MUCH better than I do?
So, I will keep saying it is a blessing to me , right now, exactly in the situations and circumstances that I am living with. I have an all loving God who is all sufficient and who is my sufficiency.I'm not feeling it on this very Early Friday but, yet, it is truth and reality and so I will live with in it and claim it.
- Johnny-
It seems some people didn't get the Memo...
Karl Lagerfeld, a German fashion designer, artist and photographer, referred to Grammy Nominee Adele as " fat"
He's apologized but he's not convincing anyone that he's sincere. This amazes me because it seems to be that we have learned that making insulting remarks about people in the limelight when you are alsoon the limelight is just going to bring a lot of ire upon you.
ABC reported this one on line. Amazing!
He's apologized but he's not convincing anyone that he's sincere. This amazes me because it seems to be that we have learned that making insulting remarks about people in the limelight when you are alsoon the limelight is just going to bring a lot of ire upon you.
ABC reported this one on line. Amazing!
A Coach's Legacy- Giving The Next Coach a team that is...
still in great shape and capable of further improvement.
The Stand Up Meeting.
This idea seems to be catching on. The idea is that sitting encourages- sloth, wasting time and eating up productive working time.
This method of operating a meeting, so I am told, is quite popular with high ranking military officers.
- Johnny-
This method of operating a meeting, so I am told, is quite popular with high ranking military officers.
- Johnny-
There are times when breathing deeply and....
thinking " I'd like things to be otherwise" but I can live with them as they are now ---- is the best way to get through numerous days.
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
A Most Impressive Metro Bus Operator
I have been scolded here for not being satisfied by the service that I am accorded by The DC Metro- Buses and Subways.
I rode on a bus the other day where the operator impressed me thoroughly. He told the passengers continually that " My goal is to stay on schedule.". One passenger got on the bus by sneaking in through the back door. He loudly told that passenger " You are cheating everyone on this bus. How dare you>" He told the passenger to leave- only by begging the driver to say was he allowed to stay on- Don't think he'll pull that trick again anytime soon."
One passenger signaled for the bus to stop and as the driver was breaking to stop , je told the driver " Next Stop". The driver let him know, " Do not waste my time and your fellow passengers' time." Another person took forever to get up and leave the bus- His challenge to her, " You need to be ready to exit the buis at your stop and when the doors open."
He is my nominee for Transit Operator of The Year. He needs to be made a trainer for other bus operators.
I rode on a bus the other day where the operator impressed me thoroughly. He told the passengers continually that " My goal is to stay on schedule.". One passenger got on the bus by sneaking in through the back door. He loudly told that passenger " You are cheating everyone on this bus. How dare you>" He told the passenger to leave- only by begging the driver to say was he allowed to stay on- Don't think he'll pull that trick again anytime soon."
One passenger signaled for the bus to stop and as the driver was breaking to stop , je told the driver " Next Stop". The driver let him know, " Do not waste my time and your fellow passengers' time." Another person took forever to get up and leave the bus- His challenge to her, " You need to be ready to exit the buis at your stop and when the doors open."
He is my nominee for Transit Operator of The Year. He needs to be made a trainer for other bus operators.
It is great to honor those who are serving and who have served.
This is a constant practice that I strive to observe and say current in.
Why do people often come to the conclusion that the weatthy and.prospersous are LIKELY to be ...
manipulators, exploiters, cheaters and even thieves.
Is it really difficult to believe that someone became financially secure by dedication, hard work, self-denial and intense focus and by investing well through brokers stressing financial ethics and integrity?
No, No one can truly become wealthy on their own- we know that certain societal structures and investments advantage all of us. However, Isn't being more diligent and willing to spend every possible hour that you can working without damaging your health or relationships an explanation- in large/ significant part - as to how some of our fellow citizens become prosperous?
- Johnny-
Is it really difficult to believe that someone became financially secure by dedication, hard work, self-denial and intense focus and by investing well through brokers stressing financial ethics and integrity?
No, No one can truly become wealthy on their own- we know that certain societal structures and investments advantage all of us. However, Isn't being more diligent and willing to spend every possible hour that you can working without damaging your health or relationships an explanation- in large/ significant part - as to how some of our fellow citizens become prosperous?
- Johnny-
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
For some reason, I can see Eli Manning ...
asking Tom Brady to sign a football for him. How does an elite athlete stay humble in 2012?
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
It is really tough to do everything on your own or not do something...
because of not wanting to do things by yourself!
It is also tiring to never have anyone to share household tasks. It is rough when you either have to do every tedious activity because you either do those activities or- never have clean clothes, starve or be buried in garbage because if YOU do NOT attend to those tasks they don't get done.
Tediousness can become a sentence/ punishment after a while.
- Johnny-
It is also tiring to never have anyone to share household tasks. It is rough when you either have to do every tedious activity because you either do those activities or- never have clean clothes, starve or be buried in garbage because if YOU do NOT attend to those tasks they don't get done.
Tediousness can become a sentence/ punishment after a while.
- Johnny-
Longing for a relationship
I may be selfish- but after being without a relationship for too long, in my opinion. I'm hoping that the next significant other relationship that I enter into will have - fun, spark, sizzle and diversion at the start of it.
I long for someone clever, poised, intelligent and- yes- sexy. Someone who will just make it amazing to be around. I know relationships to work need to develop into far more than that BUT!!!! - I'd like at least a few months of knowing what it is to live like that.
I'm not sure I'm going to find anyone in their 50's however that will be able to spark that. I'm more inclined to look for a mid 30's to very early 40's woman to date for this reason. So, Is this likely? Or, Am I deluding myself?
- Johnny -
I long for someone clever, poised, intelligent and- yes- sexy. Someone who will just make it amazing to be around. I know relationships to work need to develop into far more than that BUT!!!! - I'd like at least a few months of knowing what it is to live like that.
I'm not sure I'm going to find anyone in their 50's however that will be able to spark that. I'm more inclined to look for a mid 30's to very early 40's woman to date for this reason. So, Is this likely? Or, Am I deluding myself?
- Johnny -
Great TLI Training Session.
I was blseed and empowered by attending it! Really worthwhile and empowering!
Monday, February 6, 2012
There are good times to just enjoy the moment and say that what is is...
indeed good. Today has been such a day!
Older Athletes could be attitudinal as well.
This is taken from Page 278 of The Book of Basketball by Bill Simmons-----
" The Dipper ( A nickname for Wilt Chamberlain) once shook hands with Walt Bellamy, A Star on The New York Knicks ,before an opening tip and promised him that he would be demolished, and then went on to destroy Bellamy for an entire half, and then told him before the second half tip, " Okay, Now you can score."
" The Dipper ( A nickname for Wilt Chamberlain) once shook hands with Walt Bellamy, A Star on The New York Knicks ,before an opening tip and promised him that he would be demolished, and then went on to destroy Bellamy for an entire half, and then told him before the second half tip, " Okay, Now you can score."
Reducing societal bitterness and rancor- Do you see any benefit to a man or
a woman having that as a priority that they want to see become a practical and practiced reality?
People who truly want to make a positive difference..
First need to consider the following- What can I do to learn to be and truly become more positive?
Coolness in Extreme Moments
The words that will likely appear on Elijah Manning's Future Hall - of - Fame plaque.
" Nothing about us without us"- This is a theme that is quite popular in the...
Mental Health Empowerment Movement. This slogan is that people who are consumers of mental health service have a RIGHT to be fully informed of all of the details concerning decisions made about them by the Mental Health Provider who is serving them.
Some in the Consumer Mental Health Movement are even more radical concerning this. They claim that they have a right to participate in any discussion of treatment and services concerning them . Some will even say that they have the right to vote on decisions and exercise a veto on such matters. Many believe that provider's goal concerning them should be-to allow me to be restored to the fullest extent possible a mental illness free life and to allow me to live a maximally fulfilling life.
The sometime push back from the mental health provider community is - We only have so much time, so much money and limited resources. We also, especially if we are public provider really cant cater to a few!One state , Virginia, has had its' legislature state that for their Publicly Funded Mental Health System is charged with stabilizing those being treated for mental illness . This means - Not likely to harm him/ herself and not likely to do harm to anyone else! Personally, I think that this is a radically low lowest common denominator standard.
How do you weigh in on this?
- Johnny-
Some in the Consumer Mental Health Movement are even more radical concerning this. They claim that they have a right to participate in any discussion of treatment and services concerning them . Some will even say that they have the right to vote on decisions and exercise a veto on such matters. Many believe that provider's goal concerning them should be-to allow me to be restored to the fullest extent possible a mental illness free life and to allow me to live a maximally fulfilling life.
The sometime push back from the mental health provider community is - We only have so much time, so much money and limited resources. We also, especially if we are public provider really cant cater to a few!One state , Virginia, has had its' legislature state that for their Publicly Funded Mental Health System is charged with stabilizing those being treated for mental illness . This means - Not likely to harm him/ herself and not likely to do harm to anyone else! Personally, I think that this is a radically low lowest common denominator standard.
How do you weigh in on this?
- Johnny-
Sunday, February 5, 2012
It is amazing what the adrenaline rush of a Great Sports Spectale can
I've heard a lot about perseverance today- once at Church in Arlington, Virginia and then in the analysis after the game from Indianapolis.
I've heard a lot about perseverance today- once at Church in Arlington, Virginia and then in the analysis after the game from Indianapolis.
Interesting, With Brady's Last Pass...
It seems that none of the Giants on the bench looked away.. I would think at a moment like that you'd think or fear - for at least for a moment- that , " This ball is going to be caught and we are going to lose this!!!"
Is The Superbowl now a showcase
for the teams doing well at the end rather than a game for those having the overall best seasons record-wise?
Lord, Thank you for boldness and...
knowing that no matter how "The Game" goes at any given moment, You are on THE WINNING Team!
My Computer...
did not work well for the Superbowl. However given the joy of being on the right side makes that a little less annoying.
Great Discussion tonight on some forums.
It seems that I'm encountering a good many people who wish to think and explore tonight.
Some times the best way to become more reasonable....
is to accept that you are being absurd and unreasonable and decide to learn, no matter what it takes to become more reasonable!
" I'll give you a hug for a French Fry."
The inventive mind of a bright and lovable almost 7 year old!
I'm tired but this is the tiredness that comes when
you are productive and making a significant and positive difference.
I actually finally got to watch PART of the Superbowl
My Computer started and stopped the coverage just a little too often to watch the game that way.
A Pastoral Observation
My Pastor, John Slye, dealt with an old canard that often frustrates Church Leaders. He spoke of people saying that " All Religions are the same, They all teach the same thing." He made the point that was simply not a valid observation, He also stated, " That actually it could be true- but only if you think that God has a multiple personality disorder."
John Slye, The Pastor of Arlington ,Virginia's Grace Community Church is a canny communicator. He is insightful and clever. He is also difficult to ignore and dismiss.
John Slye, The Pastor of Arlington ,Virginia's Grace Community Church is a canny communicator. He is insightful and clever. He is also difficult to ignore and dismiss.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
You are learning to trust in yourself and your best instincts.
I do applaud your growing willingness to become more trusting and brave.
Thank you, God, for caring for me and blessing me.
You do value me and are blessed when I act to serve others as You desire me to do so!
The Puppy Bowl
I guess this is an effort to dilute the later fierceness of the day with a dollop of adorableness!
An insight into the Johnnyverse
I've never made any secret of this. I loathe, despise and am appalled by vulgar, obscene and coarse language. If I had the power to ban its use, I'd do so.If this make me a fascist, I'll just need to accept this.
If my parents were not able to use such language while I was growing up, My father would have said 9 words during my childhood and my mother- two! It also seemed to be the only language, too often, spoken in the 2 neighborhoods .
One of my High School teachers, a VERY traditional and soft-spoken man, once became angered by one of my classmate's continual use of vulgarities English teachers. He became brave and cut " " Mark" off mid- sentence. " I guess that I should be impressed that there actually is a language that you are fluent in. I guess that means you have accomplished something." I so much wanted to say " Yesss" but I knew that I'd pay a price for that- so, regrettably, I was cowardly and said nothing.
I am required to tolerate it - I allow myself to admit that I loathe vulgar and course language.
- Johnny -
If my parents were not able to use such language while I was growing up, My father would have said 9 words during my childhood and my mother- two! It also seemed to be the only language, too often, spoken in the 2 neighborhoods .
One of my High School teachers, a VERY traditional and soft-spoken man, once became angered by one of my classmate's continual use of vulgarities English teachers. He became brave and cut " " Mark" off mid- sentence. " I guess that I should be impressed that there actually is a language that you are fluent in. I guess that means you have accomplished something." I so much wanted to say " Yesss" but I knew that I'd pay a price for that- so, regrettably, I was cowardly and said nothing.
I am required to tolerate it - I allow myself to admit that I loathe vulgar and course language.
- Johnny -
Show Us The Future before we show you The Money
A Modest Proposal ----- NFL Teams - Set your Ticket Renewal Dates to fall after The NFL Draft .
When you try your best and it goes awry and flat,
It is a blessing to know that there will be opportunities to try again in the future!
THE US Military and THE US Social Service System
I suspect this is a part of the still on- going Hawks and Doves argument of the 1960's.I know that there are people who want the Military to run leanly - using the model of an athlete. They believe that we will all gain if our military is run more responsibly and much more financially tautly.
I have argued that our public social services system needs to run as leanly as possible and actively and continuously challenge its' client to do as much as they can to become more resourceful and self- motivated to become as successful as possible.
Am I wrong to see as connection between these two issues?
- Johnny-
I have argued that our public social services system needs to run as leanly as possible and actively and continuously challenge its' client to do as much as they can to become more resourceful and self- motivated to become as successful as possible.
Am I wrong to see as connection between these two issues?
- Johnny-
Friday, February 3, 2012
Josh Hamilton
As a man in recovery and as a life- long baseball fan , I grieve with Josh Hamilton now. I am a recovering alcoholic, sober by the Grace of My Higher Power, Jesus Christ and The Program of Alcoholics Anonymous.
I grieve that Josh found it necessary, for reasons of his own, to interrupt the sobriety that he has publicly sated is very dear to him. As I thought about this matter last night, AA does ask those who subscribe to its' program to be involved in not taking a drink TODAY and to be willing and eager to be of service, primarily to the still suffering alcoholics but to others who are in need of support and service.
I find it interesting that Pro Basketball who are not playing well on the court and who are struggling to manage their personal lives, often talk about spending the off-season with a fellow athlete who they consider to be a mentor. Their purpose to improve their game and to get their focus back. It is also, at times, a chance to decide how to do better, live better and become better in the larger context of their lives. Kobe Bryant is one who has gained from " an off-season" of dedication at various points in his career.
This idea might work well for Mr, Hamilton as well. I am one person and this is simply and solely my insight and opinion. I speak on behalf of NO organization or group. I do not claim to speak on behalf of any other alcoholic and addict. I do know that addiction is cunning, baffling and powerful.
I'm also being a Tad selfish. I understand that it is now unlikely that The Texas Rangers will offer Josh Hamilton a new long- term contract. So, Josh, If you ever decide to play your home games in The Bronx......LOL!
- Johnny-
I grieve that Josh found it necessary, for reasons of his own, to interrupt the sobriety that he has publicly sated is very dear to him. As I thought about this matter last night, AA does ask those who subscribe to its' program to be involved in not taking a drink TODAY and to be willing and eager to be of service, primarily to the still suffering alcoholics but to others who are in need of support and service.
I find it interesting that Pro Basketball who are not playing well on the court and who are struggling to manage their personal lives, often talk about spending the off-season with a fellow athlete who they consider to be a mentor. Their purpose to improve their game and to get their focus back. It is also, at times, a chance to decide how to do better, live better and become better in the larger context of their lives. Kobe Bryant is one who has gained from " an off-season" of dedication at various points in his career.
This idea might work well for Mr, Hamilton as well. I am one person and this is simply and solely my insight and opinion. I speak on behalf of NO organization or group. I do not claim to speak on behalf of any other alcoholic and addict. I do know that addiction is cunning, baffling and powerful.
I'm also being a Tad selfish. I understand that it is now unlikely that The Texas Rangers will offer Josh Hamilton a new long- term contract. So, Josh, If you ever decide to play your home games in The Bronx......LOL!
- Johnny-
Personally motivated generosity is more likely to bless more people in our society than Compulsion is.
I know that what I am about to present is a Christian- Which will reduce what I am about to type as a " That's just your opinion" observation in the view of some. However, I am going to proceed with stating it nonetheless- LOL!!!!
I believe that God wants people to CHOOSE to provide for the least of those- including the momentarily overwhelmed and philosophically drowning as well as those who will simply NEVER be able to provide for themselves adequately. He wants us to be willing to part with our access to make life better, as act of mercy and kindness, to benefit the poor and the physically, emotionally and mentally unable to provide for themselves and the families.
Some will say that Taxation is a Government acting Christianly to follow what God expects of us. Yet, No Government, except in the metaphorical sense to serve God and do His work. That is what he calls INDIVIDUALS to willingly do.
People are helped by the government efforts, this is true. But that giving is compulsory and is responded to some by discontent and resistance. They'd rather be provoked by their consciences than have anyone else tell them, " We are going to require that you provide, as we see fit, whoever we choose to assist.". It is clear that A Government's Standards, ANY Government's standards for who TRULY needs and merits assistance and what level of specific and targeted to THAT individual assistance and support is merited according to THAT Individual's unique and truly one of kind situation and circumstance.
I do see the point of those who say- A Thief can demand any amount of many that you have at hand from you coercive manner and then hand all of that money to 6 homeless people sleeping in a gutter on a brutal winter's night. This does not mean that this is a moral or ethical activity. The person who " handed over that money" feels no affection towards the robber or towards the six homeless people who received what was demanded at gunpoint from their assailant.
I do believe that, we as a nation, and MORE IMPORTANTLY, as individuals can promote a system which acts to remedy societal hostility,, resentment and intense rancor. Our laws need to make it a good idea for people to be generous and giving of their own volition. The government must provide more reliable safeguards to ensure that their money is wisely spent to do exactly what needs to be done! People will be resentful as long as they feel - " I work hard to build the best possible life for myself and those who I'm connected. I give of what I diligently labor to EARN to willingly and gladly provide for my family. What, do you do, to demonstrate that you do every thing that you can to labor to provide the very best that you POSSIBLY can to provide for yourself and those who are connected to you that you acknowledge are properly and rightly dependent upon you."
I believe A GREAT SOCIETY will be one where the ethos of that society is - "Our citizens are are kind, very generous and highly motivated to give with sane generosity. We also note that people who are in need our open to being maximumly self-investing and being open and candid as to how they use the assistance that, for the moment, they need to be dependent upon."
Generosity blesses everyone. Compulsion is a fuel for division and embitterment!
I believe that God wants people to CHOOSE to provide for the least of those- including the momentarily overwhelmed and philosophically drowning as well as those who will simply NEVER be able to provide for themselves adequately. He wants us to be willing to part with our access to make life better, as act of mercy and kindness, to benefit the poor and the physically, emotionally and mentally unable to provide for themselves and the families.
Some will say that Taxation is a Government acting Christianly to follow what God expects of us. Yet, No Government, except in the metaphorical sense to serve God and do His work. That is what he calls INDIVIDUALS to willingly do.
People are helped by the government efforts, this is true. But that giving is compulsory and is responded to some by discontent and resistance. They'd rather be provoked by their consciences than have anyone else tell them, " We are going to require that you provide, as we see fit, whoever we choose to assist.". It is clear that A Government's Standards, ANY Government's standards for who TRULY needs and merits assistance and what level of specific and targeted to THAT individual assistance and support is merited according to THAT Individual's unique and truly one of kind situation and circumstance.
I do see the point of those who say- A Thief can demand any amount of many that you have at hand from you coercive manner and then hand all of that money to 6 homeless people sleeping in a gutter on a brutal winter's night. This does not mean that this is a moral or ethical activity. The person who " handed over that money" feels no affection towards the robber or towards the six homeless people who received what was demanded at gunpoint from their assailant.
I do believe that, we as a nation, and MORE IMPORTANTLY, as individuals can promote a system which acts to remedy societal hostility,, resentment and intense rancor. Our laws need to make it a good idea for people to be generous and giving of their own volition. The government must provide more reliable safeguards to ensure that their money is wisely spent to do exactly what needs to be done! People will be resentful as long as they feel - " I work hard to build the best possible life for myself and those who I'm connected. I give of what I diligently labor to EARN to willingly and gladly provide for my family. What, do you do, to demonstrate that you do every thing that you can to labor to provide the very best that you POSSIBLY can to provide for yourself and those who are connected to you that you acknowledge are properly and rightly dependent upon you."
I believe A GREAT SOCIETY will be one where the ethos of that society is - "Our citizens are are kind, very generous and highly motivated to give with sane generosity. We also note that people who are in need our open to being maximumly self-investing and being open and candid as to how they use the assistance that, for the moment, they need to be dependent upon."
Generosity blesses everyone. Compulsion is a fuel for division and embitterment!
I do wonder if Tim Berners- Lee ever is frustrated by the way some people...
use the Internet.
I applaud those who use creative and mind-enhancing tools wisely and beneficially. I grieve that certain people seem to think that grief- production is a worthwhile 24- 7 venture.
I applaud those who use creative and mind-enhancing tools wisely and beneficially. I grieve that certain people seem to think that grief- production is a worthwhile 24- 7 venture.
I am often mystified- Why do people snarkily engage in activities that they
ardently and energetically attack others for DARING to foster and engage in?
Those who are labeled as being Far- Right Conservatives are often seen as being haters when it comes to how the deal with individuals who say that they are - Gay, Lesbian, Bi-Sexual, Transgendered and Queer. We are accused of discriminating against them, mocking them, slandering and defaming them. This is also consider to be clear proof that these Far- Right Conservatives are haters and promoters of hatred.
We are told that people are as they are born. and, as Lad Gaga sings, Gays, Lesbians, Bi- Sexuals. Transgenerders and Queers ARE BORN THAT WAY. It is said that any belief that a person can be indoctrinated, trained, influence, programmed or coerced into their sexual identity. Only the truly ignorant we are told would ever think in those terms or would ever say or write anything that could be used to convince others that this is indeed possible.
I had 40 minutes to waste as I embedded in a check out line that was slow EVEN for a Shopper 's Food Warehouse! I noticed that one of the papers we all verbally dismiss as rags had a picture of Angelina Jolie holding the hand of as young child. The child was her daughter, Shiloh. The picture was accompanied by some commentary on how boyish her hair cut was and how boyish what she was wearing was. The cover also had a picture of a younger Ms. Jolie- Pitt being held by her father, Brad. In that picture, It was noted that she is wearing a dress, has a girlish hair cut and is holding a doll. It is obvious that they were sending a message that this little girl is being steered and directed , by her mother, towards her future sexual identity,
I also note that Shiloh Pitt- Julie is often compared to Suri Holmes-Cruise, The young daughter of Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise. Tom is often negatively depicted as the adherent of a " bizarre religion" - Scientology- and for being a stern and domineering control freak! Yet, Suri is often compared to Shiloh. Suri is often " noted" to be far more feminine than Shiloh!
" So What" You say! I note that Journalism, per se, is not really an occupation that has many Hard Core Right-Wing Conservatives among their ranks. I note that this story or versions of it show up in numerous news papers and magazines. It seems, in fact, I've read subtler versions of this story in MAIN STREAM newspapers and magazines.
If your beliefs and politics and wear you work would seem to indicate that you are a proud liberal/ progressive and if you are convinced that people are simply BORN into their sexual identity, Why promote a story or a series of stories that seem to indicate that a mother is " training her daughter to become a lesbian"? If it is hateful and proving that you are a hater to deny that people are ABSOLUTELY born that way, Then Aren't you a hater to, in effect, argue against that cannon truth?
Those who are labeled as being Far- Right Conservatives are often seen as being haters when it comes to how the deal with individuals who say that they are - Gay, Lesbian, Bi-Sexual, Transgendered and Queer. We are accused of discriminating against them, mocking them, slandering and defaming them. This is also consider to be clear proof that these Far- Right Conservatives are haters and promoters of hatred.
We are told that people are as they are born. and, as Lad Gaga sings, Gays, Lesbians, Bi- Sexuals. Transgenerders and Queers ARE BORN THAT WAY. It is said that any belief that a person can be indoctrinated, trained, influence, programmed or coerced into their sexual identity. Only the truly ignorant we are told would ever think in those terms or would ever say or write anything that could be used to convince others that this is indeed possible.
I had 40 minutes to waste as I embedded in a check out line that was slow EVEN for a Shopper 's Food Warehouse! I noticed that one of the papers we all verbally dismiss as rags had a picture of Angelina Jolie holding the hand of as young child. The child was her daughter, Shiloh. The picture was accompanied by some commentary on how boyish her hair cut was and how boyish what she was wearing was. The cover also had a picture of a younger Ms. Jolie- Pitt being held by her father, Brad. In that picture, It was noted that she is wearing a dress, has a girlish hair cut and is holding a doll. It is obvious that they were sending a message that this little girl is being steered and directed , by her mother, towards her future sexual identity,
I also note that Shiloh Pitt- Julie is often compared to Suri Holmes-Cruise, The young daughter of Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise. Tom is often negatively depicted as the adherent of a " bizarre religion" - Scientology- and for being a stern and domineering control freak! Yet, Suri is often compared to Shiloh. Suri is often " noted" to be far more feminine than Shiloh!
" So What" You say! I note that Journalism, per se, is not really an occupation that has many Hard Core Right-Wing Conservatives among their ranks. I note that this story or versions of it show up in numerous news papers and magazines. It seems, in fact, I've read subtler versions of this story in MAIN STREAM newspapers and magazines.
If your beliefs and politics and wear you work would seem to indicate that you are a proud liberal/ progressive and if you are convinced that people are simply BORN into their sexual identity, Why promote a story or a series of stories that seem to indicate that a mother is " training her daughter to become a lesbian"? If it is hateful and proving that you are a hater to deny that people are ABSOLUTELY born that way, Then Aren't you a hater to, in effect, argue against that cannon truth?
Thursday, February 2, 2012
I really do wish that people who want to use the internet for...
mischief, harassment and frustrating others could be convinced to do something profitable!
John Stossel - A Man who seeks the Central Truth no matter who is offended and
displeased in the process. This is what his fans and supporters will tell you about him
Stossel describes himself as a "take no prisoners" libertarian and consumer advocate. One of His myth and truth couplings involves education - Myth- Public School officials will experiment to help kids. Fact- Public School officials resist any change.
The argument is that the Public Schools will argue that any other form of school exploits, isolates, encourages, separatism and elitism or are not really genuinely and meaningfully concerned with the value of truly making sure that every child is well educated. Stossel says that the Public Schools will argue that - This is what we are able to do with what we have and the results that you get are simply the best that we can do given the money, resources, community support and cultural consideration that we must work within.
So, Are you inclined to grade Public Schools well because they have done , " The very best that they can with what they have available to them!"
- Johnny-
Stossel describes himself as a "take no prisoners" libertarian and consumer advocate. One of His myth and truth couplings involves education - Myth- Public School officials will experiment to help kids. Fact- Public School officials resist any change.
The argument is that the Public Schools will argue that any other form of school exploits, isolates, encourages, separatism and elitism or are not really genuinely and meaningfully concerned with the value of truly making sure that every child is well educated. Stossel says that the Public Schools will argue that - This is what we are able to do with what we have and the results that you get are simply the best that we can do given the money, resources, community support and cultural consideration that we must work within.
So, Are you inclined to grade Public Schools well because they have done , " The very best that they can with what they have available to them!"
- Johnny-
The Warm and Snowless/ Iceless Winter does have me wondering.
The Greater DC Area is within a temperate zone. I am told that in order to have a lush Spring, We need the cold and a period where the ground is snow and ice cover in order for us to have the kind of marvelous Spring that we ALL look forward to. The Earth is not getting a dormancy period to allow it to re-generate as we expect it to do so.
Is it wrong to believe that a so-so Spring may be the price to pay for this continually warm and easy to cope with Winter?
- Johnny-
Is it wrong to believe that a so-so Spring may be the price to pay for this continually warm and easy to cope with Winter?
- Johnny-
There are times when the wise person decides that, " It is best to pause...
take the time to consider why the things in your life that aren't working AREN'T working and decide what would be wiser and better for you to do!"
I'm learning that not having things, at times, go at all the way I wished them to...
proceed does not mean that my life is working badly !
Is " We have work to do here or " This is not what a pay you for"....
a cure all response for a boss or supervisor watching " non-productive and non- work related activities going on as he or she observes what is going on in the work place?
I know that it is considered standard to be a problem-solver, to talk to the people you see as not being meaningfully productive and counsel with him or her treating them as not just a worker or an employee. Yet, There are still bosses who frame work situations as - Are we serving our customers in a way they find pleases? Are we making what we are supposed to make? Are our sales or target? or even " We are all here to work and to do nothing else !"
Is being "Bottom Line" and " Let's just get things done here that make us money" a neanderthal way to run a business in early 2012?
I know that it is considered standard to be a problem-solver, to talk to the people you see as not being meaningfully productive and counsel with him or her treating them as not just a worker or an employee. Yet, There are still bosses who frame work situations as - Are we serving our customers in a way they find pleases? Are we making what we are supposed to make? Are our sales or target? or even " We are all here to work and to do nothing else !"
Is being "Bottom Line" and " Let's just get things done here that make us money" a neanderthal way to run a business in early 2012?
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
There are sometimes when you need to stand for what you believe in.
Not caring how others respond to your deciding that your views cannot be watered down, set aside or compromised.
Tomorrow will be a day of relaxation , ease and being as kind to myself as ...
possible, I'm looking forward to the arrival of This Groundhog's Day - Thursday, February Second, 2012!
I will seek to improve!
Tonight was a matter of not living up to being myself in aspects that I've proven myself to be focused and successful in performing, practicing and living out. I will let go of this in due time. Today, However, I must admit that I tarnished myself and gave myself a self-induced black eye!
I know that I'm a better writer!
I'm really pleased with what I've learned as I've blogged since October the Fourth of 2010!
I'm usually on time and I'm QUITE fantatical in keeping promises!
I'm really disappointed in myself for failing in both of these regards a few hours ago!
Sometimes things just don't happen as planned....
Life does work better when you are able to operate in a Plan B Mode!
Neil Degrasse Tyson- A 21st Century Scholar and Difference Maker
There are not many famous, scholarly, witty, clever and verbally adroit BLACK astronomers and space exploration advocates!
That is what makes, in all of his aspects, Neil Degrasse Tyson, should a treasure. It is he, based on the discovery of a second moon around Pluto. suggested a whole new category of planets, The Dwarf Planet. NASA uses him as a highly involved consult on all of their planetary probes.
My Favorite quality of Dr. Tyson is that he is prone to ask, " What should we have been aware of that we missed ?" and " Was their evidence , at that time, that there was a much better and far more effective way of doing what we we did?"
That kind of thinking excites me. If we can learn to treat all areas of life as Dr. Tyson does how much better might all of our lives be?
- Johnny-
That is what makes, in all of his aspects, Neil Degrasse Tyson, should a treasure. It is he, based on the discovery of a second moon around Pluto. suggested a whole new category of planets, The Dwarf Planet. NASA uses him as a highly involved consult on all of their planetary probes.
My Favorite quality of Dr. Tyson is that he is prone to ask, " What should we have been aware of that we missed ?" and " Was their evidence , at that time, that there was a much better and far more effective way of doing what we we did?"
That kind of thinking excites me. If we can learn to treat all areas of life as Dr. Tyson does how much better might all of our lives be?
- Johnny-
Starting February off with confidence and conviction.
I think that this is going to be an overall superb month!
When I present my arguments is a clear, fiesty and persistent manner...
That is a sign that I am arguing from a position of wisdom, understanding, intelligence and confidence.
Love- A tool for Improving Life - Mine and all of those who I encounter.
Truly loving people as God wishes us to do so adds quality and abundance to our lives and the lives of all we encounter. I have, far too often and even in recent times, been too far stingy and dim when it comes to loving in a way that will please My Lord. I vow to do better , I will need to be patient with myself as I do this. Yet, I must stop denying clear opportunities to learn more and more how to PRACTICALLY love as He loved!
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
Edwin Hubble- A man and a provoker of Visions.
Edwin Hubble was an astronomer- who helped us to see further out and more clearly and precisely.. He was the man who showed us that the Milky Way was not the Universe - but one Galaxy among many. It is vital to us because it is the one that we reside in. We live on the far edge of our Home Galaxy!
The Hubble Telescope- named in His Honor - has showed us how splendid and amazing the Universe is. We constantly are astounded by what we learn continually through it! The more we learn the more amazed we are by how little we truly knew before.
This, to me, is one of the great frustrations of our present Space Exploration Status. It has long been believed that a MANNED Orbiting Laboratory would really expand what we know about the Universe. Humans seeing it first hand, directly , and being provoked to study in more detail what they are seeing then would greatly expand what we are studying and make our studies more continuous and intense.
I know we are cutting budgets and feeling that we must eliminate frills. Yet, I wonder if the people of 700 years from now will belittle us then - as we now belittle people of the shortsighted and limiting way the people The Dark Age lived- for holding them back and making what is available to them THEN so much LESS than it could be.
I can easily imagine a Professor of Astronomy at Armstrong -Aldrin University on The Surface of The Moon on concluding her lecture om May 16Th, 2754 by grieving how much further along we could be in terms of what we know and what we've been able to explore if only the people of the 20Th and 21ST had been braver, bolder, less-selfish and willing to consider that their would be people living hundreds of years after their lives came to an end.
Both The Bible and The Declaration mention people not yet born for times long after the words that they wrote were FIRST put on paper!
- Johnny -
The Hubble Telescope- named in His Honor - has showed us how splendid and amazing the Universe is. We constantly are astounded by what we learn continually through it! The more we learn the more amazed we are by how little we truly knew before.
This, to me, is one of the great frustrations of our present Space Exploration Status. It has long been believed that a MANNED Orbiting Laboratory would really expand what we know about the Universe. Humans seeing it first hand, directly , and being provoked to study in more detail what they are seeing then would greatly expand what we are studying and make our studies more continuous and intense.
I know we are cutting budgets and feeling that we must eliminate frills. Yet, I wonder if the people of 700 years from now will belittle us then - as we now belittle people of the shortsighted and limiting way the people The Dark Age lived- for holding them back and making what is available to them THEN so much LESS than it could be.
I can easily imagine a Professor of Astronomy at Armstrong -Aldrin University on The Surface of The Moon on concluding her lecture om May 16Th, 2754 by grieving how much further along we could be in terms of what we know and what we've been able to explore if only the people of the 20Th and 21ST had been braver, bolder, less-selfish and willing to consider that their would be people living hundreds of years after their lives came to an end.
Both The Bible and The Declaration mention people not yet born for times long after the words that they wrote were FIRST put on paper!
- Johnny -
Valentine's Day is not limited to a time to be celebrated IF you are
married to someone, in a committed reationship to someone or sleeping with someone.
You cheat yourself severely if you define the 14th of February as such!
You cheat yourself severely if you define the 14th of February as such!
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