Freedom of Speech is worthless without words. That seems painfully obvious and yet, we do not act as if we know that to be true. How many of our words seem to fit into the realm of being questionable, vain or just not worth listening to.
The best way to show that we value and cherish our Freedom Of Speech is to mull over and consider our words very carefully and to think before we speak. I am a Toastmaster, have been one for 20 years and a week. The words that we use, we are taught, are intended to be used to help people hunger and thirst to join Toastmasters in order to become better communicators and leaders.We, in turn, are continually urged and inspired to seek to become continually better leaders and communicators.
Lives are made fuller by words that enhance our desires to wonder and explore! People smile more readily when they are told of how valuable they are. People will make sacrifices if they are fully convinced that it will lead to a better future. People will work with each other and be more willing to care for each other if they hear , in great and elaborate detail, why we are bonded together and why we need to truly cherish the concept of " one for all AND all for one"!
Our Freedom of Speech is an amazing blessing that we, as Americans, have available to us. Being trained to speak well and to speak yo change minds and move hearts helps us to maximize our God-Given Freedom of Speech!
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