I'd been feeling very melancholy - is that actually a hybrid between a fruit and a canine- about the approaching of the 14th of this month. I decided that I need a bit of a treat- so I decided to rent a Red Box Movie.I chose " The Time Traveller's Wife".
I realize I may take heat because I'm guessing that this might be considered a "chick flick" , but I enjoyed the movie and found iy very touching and moving. I actually shed some tears as I watched it. Eric Bana and Rachel Mc Adams were well-cast as was the girl who played their daughter.
Then, I found out defunitively that I will be moving soon, perhaps as soon as late March or Early April. The 2 story Apartment building I live in is going to be fully renovated in June. It is unlikely that I then would be allowed to move back in due to a rent increase that will likely be imposed. I heard my good friend who is also my associate pastor tell me of what he was planning to orgamize to support me. I often feel disconnected but I saw today that this is LARGELY just a feeling- I saw today that I am valued and supported.
What touched me most is that I was invited this upcoming Sunday to go to a Birthday party for a boy turning 6- by the Birthday boy himself! I was touched and immediately said "Yes!" . This occurred before Church last Sunday. During the second service, This boy actually asked his mom if he could sit next to me. Again, Wow!, I guess I am more appreciated than I believe I am.
I have been looking at this approach of Valentine's Day this year with dread because there is no significant other in my life presently. It is clear to me tonight that I have been looking at my life, however, a bit TOO narrowly!
- Johnny -
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