There is an old Washington Post Commericial where a parrot starts saying the following words, " Not another day. Not another day!" Then ,after a pause, the parrot goes on to state , " I can't take it anymore!" A short time later a man , looking defeated and disraught walks through the door saying the very same things.
Today, I feel beaten and unmotivated. The cleaning tasks in front of me are ones that I wish I could blink away. I dread more time riding on public transportation later today. I am repelled that almost every friend I have is activity or organizationally connected. If any of those groups or organizations ceased, The friendships would vanish with them. I'd love some pleasant and fun surprise and spontanaeity in my life- but alas- it just does not PRESENTLY exist!
I do not KNOW what I will be thinking or feeling on May12th! Howerver, I can say boldly today, Wednesday, February 23rd, 2011, that being an unattached bachelor sans of any serious significant other prospects or possibilities seems to overwhemingly stink today!
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