Today, I saw a middle school girl talk about why she enjoys being able to speak well. Sandy, not her name,accompanied her mom to an training session at a TLI! This stands for - The Toastmaster Learning Institute. This was conducted by the District 27 Toastmasters. This is intended to help people gain new insights as to how to grow as a leader and a communicator. Toastmasters was once thought of as a Public Speaking Improvement organization. Most people do not give Public Speeches in the old- time and traditional sense. We all to communicate, in many ways continually and Toastmasters make its mission to help us seek to continually improve in the myriad ways we all seek to communicate publicly - both verbally and non verbally.
Later that day, I attended a 20TH Anniversary meeting for a Toastmaster Club- The Galloping Governors Club. There were photos and many discussion of the proud history of this well-regarded club! The VPE- The Vice-President Education of this club was overcome by emotions as he gave a speech today. He spoke on the topic of " Together We Will get there". He urged us to ask more of ourselves, to have a vision to invite others to gain what we have obtained and to trust that others will be our partners as we attain our dreams.
Some say that strong and SILENT men are great! I maintain that men who can speak in a way to prompt others to act are even better!
- Johnny -
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