People are being arrested because they do not agree with the elected leader of the country. Large segments of the population are being told that they are responsible for all of the woes of the nation and must be treated as the mortak enemies of all the citizens of the nation. Churches are told that they will be shut down if they do not support the leader of the nation and preach messages in support of his policies.
You believe that all of this is likely to continue on and in fact will get much worse as time goes on. So, How do YOU respond to ALL of this! What will YOU choose to do?
Theologian and Pastor Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer decided to preach from the Scriptures. He told his congregation and students that you cannot give to Adolf Hitler the loyalty that Christians can only properly provide to Jesus Christ! He also spoke out against the persecution of the Jews and reminded everyone of the JEWISHNESS of Jesus.
This lead Dietrich Bonhoeffer to act to help Jewish people to leave The Reich.It lead him to travel outside Germany to ask people to work with the German resistance. It leads him to become involved with efforts to assassinate Adolf Hitler. It led to his death by hanging on April 9th, 1945.
He did what he BELIEVED he had to do. So, If faced with a similar reality , What would You do?
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